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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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"she is crying about the cut ear of a terrorist, a murderer, and is absolutely indifferent to the dozens of people who were killed by these murderers, so she saw how he cuts the throat of a still living, wounded person and her compatriot, how is that? yes, i absolutely i agree that not..." it may be unfair and incorrect to blame entire nations or diasporas for crimes committed by specific people, specific criminals, this is true, but this absolutely does not eliminate the issue of migration policy, absolutely not, on the contrary, it aggravates this question because our migration policy is a copy of western programs.
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remember what yuri baranchik wrote. migration programs in the russian federation were carried out by international organizations, the world bank, foreign governments and ngos. we go to the website of the international organization migration and see four programs starting in 2007. promoting safe skilled migration in the central asia russian federation corridor. 2021, regional program in the field of migration, 2014-2015, regional program in field of labor migration in central asia and russia, 2010, 2013, project on labor migration in central asia, 2007-2009, despite the fact that among the donors of the program. there are
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foreign organizations banned in russia, such as the united states agency for international development (usid) and others from countries that are currently providing assistance to ukraine. but nothing changes, well, what’s amazing is that this is the work program for a subject called the history of the tajik people for grades five to nine. for the 2023-2024 school year year, it was developed for russian -tajik secondary schools. historian alexander dyukov, researcher at the institute of russian history iran, clarifies about these schools. who doesn’t know, these are schools with instruction in russian, operating in tajikistan, at the expense of the russian budget, it is assumed that graduates. these schools will be better prepared for
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integration into russian society, but what is great, is it bad, is it great, read on, here are the topics of this work program: central asia, on the eve of the invasion of tsarist russia, the end of the russian occupation of central asia asia, the state of the indigenous peoples in central asia in colonies...
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ignorance, misunderstanding, what is this? what is this? now listen to the history textbook from kazakhstan, it’s also very interesting. we are talking about a textbook on the history of kazakhstan for the seventh or eighth grade, which states that the russian empire, taking advantage of the kazakh-dzungarian confrontation, began an open seizure of land in the northern part of the kazakh state. and by the way, i didn’t find this textbook in bookstores or libraries, it’s only available in the hands of our children. everything is very good there
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smoothly, very neatly, it comes down to the fact that russia deceived and used the kazakhs for its own purposes, and this subsequently negatively affected the history of kazakhstan and for some reason many parents. everyone is silent about this, i just found a history textbook for the seventh-eighth grade, this is a very rare textbook, here is the mikteb publishing house from 1978, where in the section on the accession of kazakhstan to russia it is indicated that it was a completely voluntary accession and that the kazakhs were accepted into the russian tribute at their request, where the acceptance of this tribute answered to the fundamental interests of the kazakh people and with the help of russia, the kazakh people freed themselves from the zhungar proslavery. and indeed, separated by our feudal strife, we were unable to provide adequate support to the dzungars. in some areas, the dzungars exterminated the entire population, and the survivors were enslaved; in these conditions, russia was the only country that could protect us from extermination. i want to return
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to the perpetrators of this terrorist act, just look at their social portrait. for example, muhammad sabir. 19 years, single, no children, secondary education, previously worked as a hairdresser in ivanovo, registered there, shamsuddin fariduni, 25 years old, married, has a child, registered in putilkov near moscow, worked there as a laborer at a parquet factory, in 2015 was convicted in tajikistan 5 years, 8 months per attempt. rape of a minor, saidakrami doctor balizov, yes, 30 years old, married, has a child, unemployed, dalerzhon mirzoev, 32 years old, wife, three children, was on the territory of the russian federation with his registration expired 3 months ago
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novosibirsk, because of which his brother, ravshadon, was fined 5,000 rubles and was forced to leave russia on his own. mirzoev was on the list of terrorists in tajikistan because he fought for isis in syria. that is, these are young people, 19, 32 years old, with secondary or incomplete secondary education, practically speaking no russian, although i don’t really believe in this, because working as a hairdresser without speaking russian is quite difficult in ivanovo, but no less, they communicated through translators, what exactly... it was probably more convenient to pretend that they don't understand the question. with temporary registrations in different regions of russia in the so -called rubber apartments, where 10 people live per 1 m2, they worked mostly unofficially, that is, they
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also received money unofficially, so they benefited the state from them, they did not pay any taxes, right? this means that one of them was convicted of... a sexual crime, the other was none of them professed radical islam, who fought for egil, and, look, in close family ties with a terrorist, they were not fanatics, no, they turned into murderers in 3-4 weeks on russian territory, that’s what’s amazing, not in tajikistan, but ... here, maybe, because in tajikistan the rules on this matter are stricter than we have, perhaps, because we are more liberal in relation to all this, and there is no need for hysteria, absolutely, there are no questions for tajiks in general or especially for
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islam, no, there are questions for us, for us, for those who for 15,000... rubles takes an exam on a person’s knowledge of the russian language, who does not know him at all, to those who, for 70 thousand or more rubles, go to fictitious marriages so that a foreign citizen receives citizenship of the russian federation. look at this crowd at the sakha immigration center, look at this number of people, what percentage of them do you think they actually have?
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they sell security, the police pretend they also don’t notice anything and are always here, but the management, of course, prohibits asking or raising any questions on this topic, what percentage of them... respects us, what a percentage of them know our traditions or at least don’t hate them, how many of these people are, and where is this filter that should separate, so to speak, the grain from the chaff, these people do not fully fulfill their duties, this is a problem, and look, only using the example of four people, these four terrorists, 50%.
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dmitry nazarov and dmitry bykov delbeltron. listen. we love death, we are hungry for death. save us, o god, o lord, issi. we even turn traum into a reason for blessing execution in russia. the question is how how will this terrorist attack in russia be used? these are cynical words to use, but even more cynical. using it to legalize the death penalty and to abolish the moratorium. i said then, i will repeat now,
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the death penalty is a reluctance to kill, it is the need to draw that red line beyond which a person understands that he will lose his life. they tell me: can you imagine what life imprisonment is, where you are in a cell one and a half by one and a half, where you are bent over all the time. and so on and so on and so on, all of me i understand, but this is life, life, the happiness of life is in life itself, as the great ones said, but there is hope there all the time, or as they say, in the east one will die or die in the distance. and tell me, please, what would be done with these four murderers if they were in the hands of relatives of those who know how to do it. isn’t it more correct for this measure of punishment to exist as a stop, for those who
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can still stop, for those who understand how it will end. of course, i can cite both saudi arabia and israel, the united arab emirates, by the way, the death penalty exists in belarus and in 27 states of the united states. in america it is there, it ’s just a very cunning system, it’s impossible here, they transported it there, but there it’s possible, but among people, if you ask, it’s simple, in a big country, in a country that has seen how people fall, how people die, how their throats are cut for no reason, for nothing, for the innocent people who came to the concert, hold a referendum, because the conversation is not about cruelty, but about justice. which has always been fundamental for russia:
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justice, sacrifice and compassion. i am convinced of the result. and by the way, i treated the priest’s words with great attention and respect. on this occasion. andrey tkachev. it is necessary to raise the issue of the death penalty, because this humanity in feeding until the death of a person who has taken on the soul the sin of killing tens and hundreds of people is not humanity, it is some kind of fellowship, which means that no one understands, you need to love not with words and in language, but in deeds the truth, if you want to love drug sellers, pedophiles, rapists, all sorts of these masters of the back...
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the majority of the inhabitants of our country do not understand him. god's law determines the death penalty for a number of categories: a person if he stole a person, another person was found stolen was found in the person who stole he must be put to death, for example, that is, kidnapping, visiting people for the purpose of sexual exploitation, with for the purpose of distributing it to organs, there for the purpose of whatever you want, selling it on the black market, this is a mortal article according to the bible, and so many things that we have now... are willed, no matter how they are generally impermissible, god does not messing around with scoundrels, and for the record, i want to fill out that russia introduced a moratorium on the death penalty in 1996, only for the sake of joining the council of europe, this was a condition, for which, as we know, on march 16, 2022
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, russia is no longer a member of the council of europe. what holds us back, we want to continue to live according to the laws that are offered to us, to be humane, as they offer us, but they declare sanctions on us, arm neo-nazis and send a terrorist to us, and of course, after all that has been said, i think you understand it's great that i express deepest condolences to all those who lost their loved ones in this bloody, unjust tragedy, in conclusion, i think it’s appropriate to listen to a song that,
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of course, everyone has already heard, which is called living. how can you take away a life, how can you turn off the light, how can you take away? the mother of a child who is five years old, no, no, no, no, no, no, no one can know.
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how long will he live, but he is given one choice, how to deal with this time, live, live, live. live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live,
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how to learn to live in the world. to be able to love, to be able to forgive, and to give oneself to the end, and to give oneself to the end, to live, to live, to live, how to learn to simply live.
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do not cross the line, how to hold back the tears in your chest, see the dawn ahead, hope and believe, the last day cannot be returned, in this future life. pass it on, save it, forgive me, it’s still here for our children.
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just to live, it happens that the present,
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if it is real, finds its place many years later, and today this song sounds like never before on time, well... although lent is underway, i don’t want to violate our tradition, i just want to add that, understanding this glass, i suggest you all remember those who died in this tragedy and still, as a result, you... for victory, for our victory,
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again the midshipman was crookedly late for our glass, but said. we are leaving one by one, if anything happens, we are right, geologists are looking forward, god willing, i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, all the best. grandfather, do you like fishing or tinkering more, receive your pension from the postal bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer
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your pension to the postal bank and get 2,000 rubles and chance to win a car, receive a profitable pension in the post office, it looks like you have a cold, take paracetamol, citramonprenival, we trust renival, we choose renival. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. the legend is back. the one that was brewed from 100% malt. the same taste that... fell in love with the whole country. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. taste the revived taste. sometimes you go to an island and make a reservation. and
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healthy joints. artneo - one capsule per day to protect the joints of the spine. attention, in honor of the anniversary. magnit returns 30% bonuses for purchases. choose your favorite categories all april in the magnet application. 30 years by your side. all methods are good when you want to be a special bbq bacon. imenta cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for? remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. this is not...
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a family throws out 664 plastic bottles per year, and if you sort the waste, this could result in: 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort your waste, give things a new life. not childish fun
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in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth banks. belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory. let's go figure it out and talk to you there, but they were jealous. they filmed everything that happened and posted it on the internet, how did they offend you? these actions clearly indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived belgodnya, you are a boxer, and you can cope with almost any person, well , i didn’t like him, so, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, that’s all , everything, what goals are the young men pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, the river shines under the ice, we took up this matter and
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carried out ours. investigation.
3:00 pm
increasing the effectiveness of efforts to combat organized crime. vladimir putin discussed this issue today with permanent members of the russian security council
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operational. the broadcast went smoothly.


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