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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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began to literally shake off questions regarding the possible involvement of the kiev regime, why this question went to washington, because the whole world, including american journalists, still understands that the kiev regime is completely dependent on washington, they began to literally shout into the microphone that this is not the kiev regime, that this is not ukraine, that this is not zelensky, then the situation changed again, a version was launched:
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which was thrown into the media and through their propaganda capabilities, but was widely disseminated about that this is a banned terrorist organization isis, here is a concrete example of how they manipulate information, data, where is their vaunted legal system, where is the story about the need for an investigation, the need for data, where is the story about the freedom of speech.. should not become a victim of propaganda, it turns out that all this is irrelevant when the political situation is higher from their point of view, yes, maryana, and they already knew that this is not ukraine, although our special services are not even fully completed rescue operations, the americans already knew everything, when they don’t know, when they don’t need to know quickly, also a strike on the iranian embassy in syria, they...
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know nothing, they are investigating, their satellites don’t work there, apparently, nothing at all no, but i want to tell you more, this is very interesting, it is tragic and interesting, because look, you just mentioned the blow that was dealt to the iranian consular mission in syria, because many, again, first of all, we are talking about western countries or those that are under their... direct influence, many managed not to see, not notice and not understand who inflicted these blows, even this is possible, here is another example of information manipulation, yes marya vladimovna, one more point , this expansion of nato, has also been heavily discussed this week, with the foreign office commenting on the possibility that the conflict could extend beyond ukraine's geographic borders. and here is
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your comment, what do you think, how serious is this possibility? you you see, here we need to look, in my opinion, again at this problem more broadly, the problem is that nato, as a bloc, threatens peace and security on the european continent as a whole, not to one specific country, not just to a group of countries as a whole is a direct threat to peace and security. in europe, and in eurasia too, not only that, i saw such very harsh, very hysterical, very emotional assessments that were given by the nato secretary general, again, literally, you know, washing away from a huge number of questions related to what the plans are by expansion to other continents, he stated that there are no such plans,
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with a military-political and geostrategic attempt to dominate, it is one way or another, gradually, in different ways, without the nato cap, but through the efforts of washington and britain it is beginning to hatch and be implemented in various parts of the world, and their attempts, for example, to begin some kind of redrawing from this very geopolitical... military-political point of view, the asia-pacific region, which they now call the indo-pacific, is therefore a clear example, here we need to talk about something, this is not just a point in a unit of time, but a problem that is now unfolding on
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the european continent, and this is not only the history of the creation of nato and the aggressive engine that is embedded in this organization and has not gone away. this is not only an inability to keep one’s word, in fact, a reluctance to do this from the very beginning, no, this is a question for the future, how dangerous this bloc is in principle for international peace and security, here it seems to me that this question is worth starting to answer, this is absolutely not local history, this is a global story, and you know, this week nikolai patrushev... the head of the security council said in an interview that russia de facto and nato is de facto in a state of war, well, that’s what he called it, let’s clarify, and nato is the de facto country of conflict in ukraine. and in this regard
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, i understand that there is no legal justification, but nevertheless, does this mean that all diplomatic methods have been exhausted? this conflict? and here. thank you for, so to speak, specifying, we, strictly speaking, and as a foreign policy agency in in general, as a country, we have repeatedly said that a hybrid war is being waged against russia, hybrid in a number of indicators and characteristics, probably for the first time in modern, in recent history, this is happening on such a scale, such a scope, such... associated with arrogance, rudeness , absolute shamelessness, the destruction of everything connected with peace, cooperation, mutual respect, that this is a hybrid war that is unleashed against our country, hitting,
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including international law in general, everything that has been accumulated by humanity in this area after the end of the second world war, it should have served as just this... safety net for not repeating the mistakes of the past, we talked about this more than once, so here in this context, probably, this is still just such a detailing, clarification, but globally it was clear right away, and most importantly, but again there will be those who will say that it is not necessary to be so specific or not to be so detailed, the fact is that we are not already doing this, it’s nato members do it themselves, listen to their statements, read their program articles or doctrinal documents, everything is said there in plain text, you will not find words there such as friendship, such as peace, such as equal
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cooperation, it simply is not there, as a basis, as unnecessary, as something that equalizes countries and is an antidote against,
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in my opinion this was clearly stated at all levels through all types of channels, and then, when they no longer understood, they could hear it publicly. yes, about what you said, about nato’s plans, they don’t calm down, they want, for example, bringing armenia into its orbit, a meeting of armenia with the eu and the usa, will literally be very soon, but how should we now perceive our relations between moscow and yerevan? in these conditions, you know, we have repeatedly given assessments, assessments, not
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emotional, but very realistic, we have always proceeded from the fact that armenia is a friendly country, it is a people who are connected with us historically, humanitarianally, and i don’t know, family , culturally, differently, it’s even difficult to describe here the quantity and quality of connections that unite us, not only that, this is not only lyrics, but it is also... the prose of today, and it speaks for itself, look at the indicators, look at our economic indicators for the twenty-third year, they, in my opinion, leave no room for speculation that these relations are ineffective or outdated and so on, no, they are of a historical nature and correspond to the realities of the time, they are truly truly mutually beneficial. another thing is that there is also the west, which endlessly... tries to draw countries, peoples, regions, even entire ones, into its orbit, into
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the orbit of your influence, and, probably, there would be nothing wrong with this if this influence were not destructive; unfortunately, there is probably not a single example that you could give me of such a positive, constructive, goal-oriented creation the influence of the collective west on...
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in this case, the word - doomed to success, probably fits, given its
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natural resources, geographical location, strong, stable economic ties with our country and the desire to develop them in the future, indeed everything was in order created and ready for this country, this state to have a magnificent future, but the collective west intervened, with its promises, with its endless admonitions and... ambassadors in the form of colossal financial assistance, this is exactly how it has always been formulated, assistance for the development of democracy , assistance for business development, assistance, in
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another western experiment, we understand why washington, paris, london, now needed this, they were literally infuriated by the fact that in recent years, the situation in the region has really begun to stabilize, based on the agreements that were concluded between yerevan and baku through the mediation of moscow, this did not suit them. perspective and this movement towards peace, stability and prosperity, both from our countries and from neighboring countries, and those economic projects that should have been implemented as a result, the logistics, the infrastructure that should have appeared for peaceful purposes, in the interests of the peoples countries
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of the region, so exhortations, promises, promises began, well, everything is as usual, i... regularly gave an example of a large number of other countries that, unfortunately , responded to all this, to all this, well, i don’t want to say, they bought it, yes, they bought it, they bought it, yes, yes, you know, they didn’t even buy it, in the word they bought it, there is some kind of, well , in general, derogatory attitude, many sincerely believed, many believed from the bottom of their hearts that this was also from the bottom of their hearts, you know, and believed that... the fact that americans in general are westernized anglo-saxons will not happen to them did with others, why did it happen, because the speeches were sweet, because there was a massive information attack, because there were also those incorporated, integrated into socio-political circles, who are the bearers of such promises, so
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i’m not sure that they bought it, you know, in particular ukraine, in other regions of the world, but of course, based on the results, having analyzed the relevant statements that will be
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made, a reaction will be given through the russian ministry of foreign affairs. and here i would like to return to the beginning of your last answer and also in turn i disagree with you a little, in the sense that i understand that you should be more optimistic about our relations with our partners nearby, but i don’t like it when a member of the eu refuses to accept our world cards, and how to understand this, and other steps, this kind of two-chair sitting, it’s annoying from the outside, although of course you are right for...
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who cannot make the appropriate payments, pay, apply for loans, and so on and so forth. so you’re talking about how you’re offended there or you think it’s unfair or wrong, you understand that this primarily affects the citizens of armenia itself, you understand what we are talking about, and also the citizens of kyrgyzstan, they also have families here, they work here, it would be convenient for them to pay, and the largest the bank of kyrgyzstan refuses to accept our world cards, that too. a normal person cannot like it, because we seem to be in a single economic space, kyrgyz citizens can easily come and work, no one restricts them here, and kyrgyz citizens for some reason, the authorities make such decisions, but this... is probably a rhetorical question, and another topic is, of course, the international olympic committee, its actions, and you have already commented on this topic, so we constantly
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say that paris would not want to, so even the mayor of paris frankly admitted that she would not like to see our athletes and so on, and yet some of our athletes are trying to get to the olympics, maybe there is no need to try, let’s divide, if possible, these questions into two parts, the first: this is absolutely unacceptable, again, boorish statements by the mayor of paris, who made, i don’t know, based on what, i don’t know who delegated this to her, i don’t know who she spoke to, if she is politically biased towards this, so to speak, western influence, but this is just one conversation, if she speaks on behalf of the parisians, then does she have such an order, or is she trying to do it on behalf of the entire french people?
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thank you very much, i think that the answers that were just given were very complete and interesting, but we are running out of time communication, thank you very much, all the best,
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move to... another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out about it more, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it, well , you can tell me, you’ve been jinxed, no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about it. information picture of the day: this is russia 24 in the studio artemshakov and olga armyakova. and that's what we'll talk about in this issue. strengthen the fight against organized crime. vladimir putin chaired a meeting of the security council. and he set goals to improve
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work efficiency. security forces personnel from the kremlin. in a week, russian troops inflicted 39 group attacks on military and energy facilities on the territory of ukraine. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the tactical situation has been improved in all main areas of the special operation. we will talk about new victories of our heroes on the battlefield on air. results of the anniversary meeting. ukraine after a party in honor of nato's seventy-fifth anniversary. they continue to feed them with promises, but they couldn’t come to an agreement. the bloc countries simply do not have enough weapons for kiev, said general secretary stoldenberg. the united states, meanwhile, is asking to redouble efforts to find resources to continue war. the political line of the north atlantic alliance, aimed at inflicting strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, has clearly reached a dead end. it was not possible to inflict defeat, the sanctions are not in effect, and the colossal resources allocated to ukraine in the form of weapons money were spent without any visible
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result. what's next? the ministry of education and rosobrnadzor have published the schedule for the unified state exam. it will be possible to retake one elective subject from the new one until the end of the admissions process. we'll find out soon what else is in the document. at the mercy of floods, 36 russian regions, almost 2.0 residential buildings, 10 thousand household plots and about 200 bridges were flooded. roads in the voronezh region have been washed out in... increasing the effectiveness of the fight against organized crime, vladimir putin discussed this issue today with permanent members of the russian security council. the operational meeting was held via
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video conference. our main issue today is increasing efficiency.


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