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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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the ministry of education and rosobrnadzor have published the schedule of the unified state exam. it will be possible to retake one elective subject from the new one until the end of the admissions process. we'll find out soon what else is in the document. floods hit 36 ​​russian regions, almost 2.0 residential buildings, 10.00 household plots and about 200 bridges were flooded. roads in the voronezh region were washed out, and a state of emergency was introduced in the chelyabinsk region. but meanwhile, warmth is returning to the capital region after the arctic invasion. what else do weather forecasters promise? let's find out in forecasts. increasing the effectiveness of efforts to combat organized crime. vladimir putin discussed this issue today with permanent members of the russian security council. the operational meeting was held via video conference.
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our main issue today is to increase the efficiency of work with manifestations of organized crime and crime in general, uh, speaker, minister of internal affairs vladimirovich kolokoltsev, let's start working. the criminal case of the attempt on the life of the governor of the morman region was transferred to the central office of the investigative committee committee of russia. the best investigators and criminologists have been sent to the region. and experts. earlier , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that the assassination attempt would be investigated as soon as possible. at the same time, the intelligence services must draw conclusions regarding the safety of officials. report by oleg posobin. andrei chibis came to his senses a few hours after the operation and returned to work. he promises as soon as his health allows. dear friends, i came to my senses after the operation enormously.
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i want to say thank you to our doctors who they saved us, they did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course, to all of you for worrying and supporting me, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue into battle, just forward, everything will be fine. after the operation, andrei chibes was transferred to intensive care. andrei chibbes is in the apatity kirov central city hospital, under the supervision of doctors, as well as special forces soldiers and people in civilian clothes. in addition, investigative actions are being conducted here, and those who were close to the governor at the time of the crime are being interrogated. the condition is serious, stable, medical assistance was provided to the required extent, laparotomy, revision, hemostasis, and suturing of wounds of damaged organs were performed. now, in the immediate postoperative period, the patient is in the intensive care unit under observation. the governor of the murmansk region was saved by a miracle of a few more centimeters. the knife blow could have been fatal;
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in fact, he was a little lucky that the aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. there is an escort car at the reception department, probably suspected of attack is in the same hospital as the governor, forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during detention, the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action. during the investigation of a criminal case of an attack on the governor of the morman region , the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also treated. proper medical care. during the interrogation, the man explained that he felt dislike for the governor, despite the fact that he had not previously known him. it was established that the man was prosecuted for committing crime under article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident. the attacker caught the official in apatity. right here at the exit from the palace of culture.
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during the work of the investigative team at night , forensic experts take fingerprints from a car that belongs to budanov; in order to open it, they had to break the glass. the operatives worked every inch here, collecting all the evidence. an eyewitness the attack turned out to be the governor's press secretary, liliya sechkina. any other forecasts for restoration, how long it will take very early, you need to understand the speed of action, literally. there
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for the next few hours. in the cultural center, andrei chibes talked with residents, judging by the filming. he was in a great mood. on the eve of the incident, he himself announced this meeting on social networks. good afternoon everyone, on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course, in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come towards the end, the investigation will have to understand the reasons for the attacks, answer the question of whether the attacker has accomplices, or maybe those who ordered the crime. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the mormon region. over the course of a week, russian troops carried out 39 group strikes on military and energy facilities in the territory. ukraine, the ministry of defense reported this. in addition, our military took control of the village of vodyannaya in the yevdeevsky direction. from march 31 to april 5, in response to attempts the kiev regime to cause damage to the oil and gas industry and energy facilities of russia,
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the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 39 group strikes with high-precision , long-range ground- based airborne weapons. aircraft against ukrainian energy industry facilities, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex, air defense systems, an arsenal, fuel depots, a temporary deployment point for ukrainian units of foreign mercenaries, the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated targets are hit. in the kupyassky direction, within a week, a unit of the western group of troops, in cooperation with aviation and artillery, defeated manpower. equipment of four mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and two territorial defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of yampolovka, donetsk people's republic, stelmakhovka, lugansk people's republic and stroevka, kharkov region. in addition, 10 counterattacks of assault groups, the ninety-fifth air assault,
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fifty-seventh motorized infantry and sixtieth mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, in the areas of the settlements of senkovka, kharkov region and terna, donetsk. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to up to 270 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, 22 vehicles and 13 field artillery guns. four field ammunition depots were also destroyed. in the donetsk direction, as a result of the successful actions of units of the southern group of forces, the tactical position along the front line has been improved. inflicted defeat by a formation of four assault, three airmobile and eight mechanized. spornaya, andreevka and chasov yar, donetsk people's republic, also repelled 15 counterattacks of the assault groups of the thirty-first,
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sixty-seventh, seventy-second mechanized, eightieth and ninety -second air assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy in this direction lost more than two in a week.
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vehicles, 23 vehicles and 19 field artillery guns, in the yuzhdonets direction , units of the vostok group of forces, improved the tactical position along the front line and inflicted defeat with the formation of seven brigades of the armed forces of the national guard of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of urozhaynaya, ugledard of the donetsk people's republic and malinovka, zaporozhye region. enemy losses in this direction during the week amounted to more than 760 military personnel, eight tanks, two armored combat vehicles, 24 vehicles and 11 field artillery guns on kherson. direction , coordinated actions of the dnepr group of troops caused defeat to manpower and equipment mountain assault units, three mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, a marine brigade, as well as three terrestrial defense brigades in the areas of settlements, rabotino, nisteryanka, novoselovka,
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pyatikhatki, zaporozhye region, novotyaginka and ivanovka, kherson region. the enemy lost more than 240 troops in this direction in a week. vehicles and 14 field artillery pieces, including the m109 paladin self-propelled artillery mount and two us-made m777 artillery systems. rocket. troops, artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles, groupings of troops, within a week three su-25 attack aircraft of the ukrainian air force were destroyed at the home airfield, five launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system, air defense aircraft destroyed two su-27 fighters, one mig-29 air defense forces of ukraine, five aircraft guided bombs hamer and gd, 90. one multiple launch rocket system, a vampire hurricane, as
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well as 1119 unmanned aerial vehicles. in over the course of a week, seven ukrainian military personnel were captured; in total, since the beginning of the special operation, the following were destroyed: 583 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 18,892 unmanned aerial vehicles, 495 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15.69. 8,674 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,627 units of special military vehicles. well, now the news agent has a message on the feeds marked urgently: ukrainian troops launched a strike with several drones on the territory of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
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this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia. this is the mobile phone of one of the arrested terrorists, which they tried to destroy before arrest, but investigators were able to restore the data, among them they found panoramic pictures of kroku city hall, in all the details, how to approach the building, which side to enter from, the attackers sent these screenshots to the curator,
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who gave the death order. at the direction of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the concert hall. crocus city hall was chosen as the location of the attack on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices, on the instructions of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus cityhall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. also in the memory of the seized phone are pictures of ukrainian ones. shots of destroyed houses , close-up with the caption "children". if we assume that these photos were sent to terrorists by curators, then they hit where it hurts most. they played on feelings in order to arrange retribution, the symbol of which in ukraine was an indecent collage with a russian military man by ship. it was even placed on a postage stamp. these data may
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indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. operations. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. investigators are already working with new defendants in the high-profile case. three more fsb officers were detained the day before in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. according to operational data two suspects helped the terrorists with money to buy weapons and a car. and another one was also involved in recruitment. why was he detained? for three, a special operation this week was also carried out in kaspiysk and makhachkala, four more accomplices were detained there, the fraudulent moscow court has already arrested 10 defendants, both the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack and those who helped them prepare for the attack in the moscow region, transferred money, provided car, rented out an apartment. the investigation
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and security forces are establishing all terrorist network, including the customers and organizers of the heinous crime. intelligence services and to ukraine, where the attackers tried to hide after the attack. russian defense minister sergei shaigu informed his french colleague about this during a telephone conversation. sebastian licarniu called himself, trying to convince moscow that ukraine and the west allegedly had nothing to do with it. now emmanuel macron himself is justifying himself to the european press. i asked the heads of services of the relevant ministries to hold technical discussions with their russian colleagues in order to express solidarity. and also because we had it.
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in fact, the west did not really express condolences and did not even show simple human compassion. meanwhile , hospitals in the capital continue to provide all necessary assistance to victims of the terrorist attack. moscow medicine received about a hundred. in total , 15 hospitals took part in our reception of patients, 13 of them were adults and
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two children’s hospitals, thanks to such correct distribution, and the evacuation of patients to various hospitals, it was possible to provide each patient with the necessary cares with attention, and allocate time for this, because sometimes, if we mentor a patient. to one hospital, the system begins to experience overload. in this case there were no overloads. our hospitals are highly equipped and well prepared to receive such patients. highly qualified specialists with high experience work here. currently , 37 patients remain under treatment, three in serious condition. people are gradually coming to their senses after a terrible blow, although they forget about the tragedy impossible. there are still fresh candle flowers near the cityhole crocus. boris ivanin, evgenia zemtsova. news. on april 4, nato celebrated its anniversary, 75 years since the creation of
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the north atlantic treaty organization. what have the alliance come to over the years, what conclusions have they drawn and what plans have they outlined for the future? olya, well , first of all, it should be noted that nato’s seventy-fifth anniversary was not very festive; even the western media covered the topic without much fanfare of bravura statements. and the us press writes that nato is celebrating its anniversary in the context of a gradual loss of unity organizations against the backdrop of the conflict in ukraine. by the way, the new york times believes that the organization only wants to demonstrate support for ukraine, but nothing more, and kiev will not receive an official invitation to join nato during the july summit in washington. in fact, regarding the plans of the north atlantic alliance, the participants in the meeting of foreign ministers loudly announced their intention to study the possibilities in more detail. providing aid to ukraine, but for the first time stoltenberg acknowledged the possibility that nato will not be able to collect enough weapons for kyiv. nevertheless, nato continues
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to discuss how to help ukraine. they want to increase the supply of air defense systems, including petrit, as well as missile spare parts for them, nato secretary general jens toltenberg said at a press conference following the meeting in brussels. but it seems that so far everything is not going according to plan. by the way, initiative. stoltenberg’s proposal to create a $100 billion aid fund for ukraine failed. well, here in continuation, hungary immediately stated that it was not ready to contribute to such a fund, and several other nato countries did not take the initiative supported. even kiev doesn’t believe in the idea; foreign minister dmitry kuleby said that ukraine has virtually no chance of receiving $100 billion from nato if the current funding model is maintained. for nato. the problem recently has been to justify the meaning of its existence, to justify the meaning of financial expenses, the commander of nato troops in europe is always
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american generals, so now they want more powers for themselves, here is the idea of ​​the still acting nato secretary general stoltenberg, to create a relief fund ukraine is worth 100 billion euros, this is evidenced by the actual country. the eu will give this money, and the nato leadership will manage it. it is not a structure that earns money that taxes collect. thus, it is quite obvious that nato’s political line aimed at inflicting strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield has reached a dead end. it was not possible to inflict defeat, the sanctions did not work. well, the colossal resources allocated to ukraine in the form of weapons money were spent without any visible evidence. results in additions nato members are now in a state of confusion, but even this does not change the alliance’s hostile attitude towards russia. nato, as a bloc, threatens overall
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peace and security on the european continent. no specific country, not just a group of countries, as a whole is a direct threat to peace and security in europe, and in eurasia too. it is not simple. a point problem per unit of time that is now unfolding on the european continent, and this is not only the history of the creation of nato and the aggressive engine that is embedded in this organization, alpha friday is a super cake for every a week from alfa bank. this friday, april 5 , we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha
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we are returning to the news of the attack on the governor of the murmon region, andrei chibis. now he is being transported by air ambulance to the regional clinical hospital. this is a message from lento-informagentv. but i will give a quote: the press secretary of the head of the region liliya sechkina, she says that at the moment the governor. chibesa on board the air ambulance delivered from kirovsk to murmonsk. according to her information, the governor is transported by helicopter from the regional center for disaster medicine and is accompanied by security. let me remind you that a criminal case has been opened regarding the assassination attempt on the governor of the murmansk region and transferred to the central office of the investigative committee. well, we continue the broadcast. co-founder of the studio block 95 boris schaefer criticized the campaign against.
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chinese language culture in ukraine. he told reporters that he considers the demolition of monuments stupid, also expressing hope that in in the future, russia and ukraine will be able to build good relations, but he was immediately persecuted for his position. anastasia efimova has details. don’t let me down at the monastery, boris shefir asked this question to journalists in pure russian, and although he probably knew the answer without any prompting, he still said it. what i considered necessary, you see, i say:


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