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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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strike, as i said, last monday on the iranian consulate in damascus, high-ranking officers of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, among the seven killed, including brigadier general ksir mahamed zahidi. it is possible to judge his personality, and the significance of his personality for the islamic republic, if only because today the jawaza prayer, that is, the funeral prayer at the farewell ceremony, was personally read by the supreme leader of iran ayatollah khameni and... now, of course, attention has also been drawn to israel, where today increased security measures were undertaken in jerusalem, on the temple mount, everything is going calmly there, it is clear that the israeli authorities are afraid of attacks, including terrorist ones, and the israelis are also afraid of iran’s response, which, as has been stated more than once in tehran, will certainly follow, in particular in cities of the jewish state are now setting up bomb shelters in case of attacks, which will be...
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the khazbals are in service, the group has technical and military capabilities for this, and barrel and rocket artillery, shock rszz drones, as well as missiles and... now in recent days after israel’s attack on damascus, hazbala has significantly increased the intensity of its attacks on the northern regions of israel, well, the second option is directly from the territory of iran using, possibly, the aerospace forces of the irg with their with ballistic missiles, what they are capable of to the whole world, the ksir demonstrated in january of this year, when they launched strikes on the capital of iraqi kurdistan, erbil, on the positions of militants in syria. this was
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the longest-range xeer strike in history. their existence, that is, missiles, if desired , can easily reach israeli territory. israel, in turn, continues the operation in the gas sector, despite the fact that its escalation of this operation is already opposed by the main , perhaps the most powerful ally of israel, washington, of course, did not leave washington without an answer and... what happened this week, i i mean the israeli air force strike on the colony of the humanitarian organization central world kitchen, which resulted in the death of several foreign volunteers, including citizens of poland, canada, australia, israel have already stated that the strike was not intentional, erroneous, the officers who led this attack were punished, they were dismissed from the armed forces, but tel aviv’s admonitions could not calm them down. in particular, the day before
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, us president joe biden had a conversation with israeli leader benjamin netanyahu, in which the american president, in a rather harsh form, told netanyahu about the need to reconsider his policy regarding the gas sector, how this conversation went, today at a special briefing for journalists, in particular , said pentagon spokesman john kirby. our president had the opportunity to speak with prime minister netanyahu. the humanitarian situation in the gas sector is unacceptable. he made clear to israel that a number of concrete steps must be taken to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering and the safety of aid workers. he stressed that an immediate ceasefire is necessary to stabilize and improve the humanitarian situation. but really the situation that is currently developing in the middle east. threatens to escalate into
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a global war in the region, which has not happened, well, probably over the past decades, in comparison with which the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict will seem like just a small mess, with which, however , it all began, now israel is hatching plans to attack the southernmost city ​​of the gas sector rafah, washington has already repeatedly spoken out against these plans, however, benjamin netanyahu’s cabinet has already approved plans for this offensive, the only unknown date is when it, when... all this will happen, most likely it will happen after the end of the holy month of ramadan for muslims, but the expectation of a big war in the middle east will certainly affect politics and the situation in the entire region and even in the world it is already affecting, according to tradition, as always , the markets were the first to react to news from the middle east, so the price of brand oil has already gone up sharply, but the increase in the cost of energy prices has negative consequences and for the election campaign of joe biden, the american... american
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presidential elections, let me remind you, are already in november, and the ratings of the owner of the white house are getting worse day by day, and israel, with its unintentional and ill-considered attacks , is putting the current administration in harm's way. american administration, a very difficult situation, colleagues, sasha, thank you, we hope that the situation will stabilize in the near future, we will watch how the united states gets out of this story. the head of the vgtrk bureau in the middle east and north africa, alexander, was in touch belibov. increasing the effectiveness of efforts to combat organized crime. vladimir putin discussed this issue today with permanent members of the russian security council.
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hospital, his press secretary said. chibis' condition remains serious. let me remind you that the night before, after a meeting with local residents, one of them stabbed the governor in the stomach. oleg posobin has details. andrei chibes came to his senses a few hours after the operation and returned to work. he promises as soon as his health allows. huge i want to say thank you to our doctors who saved me and did everything quickly and clearly. and rightly so, and, of course, to all of you, for worrying and supporting me, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue into battle, just forward, everything will be fine. after the operation, andrei chibbes was transferred to intensive care. andrei chibes is in the apatitsky-kirov central city
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hospital, under the supervision of doctors, as well as special forces soldiers, people in civilian clothes. in addition, investigative actions are being conducted here, those who were next to the governor at the time of the crime. the condition is serious, stable, medical care was provided to the required extent, performed by a laboratory technician, revision, hemostasis, suturing of wounds of damaged organs, now for the immediate postoperative period the patient is in the intensive care unit under observation. the governor of the morman region was saved by a miracle, a few more centimeters, the blow of the knife could have been fatal. in fact, he was a little lucky that the aorta was not affected, so move on. treatment will take place in intensive care. at the reception department the convoy vehicle, probably suspected of the attack, is in the same hospital as the governor. forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during the arrest. the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action.
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the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation, the suspect explained that he felt displeased with the governor, despite the fact that he had not previously known him. installed. that the suspect was previously prosecuted for committing a crime, provided for in article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently , investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, interrogating witnesses, and ordering the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations. neighbors who lived with bydanov for many years noted slight oddities in his behavior. i only saw him alone, i wouldn’t see anyone else. the attacker found the official in apatity, here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with locals residents, received him very warmly, and
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the armed attack took everyone by surprise, judging by the filming, he was in an excellent mood on the eve of the incident, he himself announced this meeting on social networks. good afternoon everyone, on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come and meet me. this is footage of the investigative team working at night. experts and criminologists are taking fingerprints from the car that belongs to budanov; in order to open it, they had to break the glass. the operatives worked here every centimeter, collecting all the evidence. an eyewitness to the attack was the governor's press secretary, liliya sechkina. forecasts for restoration, how long it will take very early, you need to understand the efficiency of actions, literally the next few hours there, the investigation will have to understand the reasons for the assassination attempts, answer the question of whether the attacker has accomplices, or maybe those who ordered
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the crime. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct morman region. alpha investments are for money, we give shares every day, open an investment account for purchase. grandfather, is it better for you to fish in the post bank, of course, because there are benefits there, or you like tinkering, receive a pension in the post bank, transfer your pension to the post bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you, get a profitable pension, post bank, one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no... connection, where can i go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lyusya,
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this is russia-24, we continue, in a week, russian troops carried out 39 group strikes on military and energy facilities on the territory of ukraine. this was reported to the ministry of defense. russian troops also took control of the village of vodyanye in the avdeevsky direction. read more about the progress our colleague denis alekseev will tell you about the special military operation. denis, we welcome you, how is the situation on the fronts? and denis, what do the ministry of defense say about the results of these strikes with precision weapons in a week? yes, welcome, here in kharkov another series of flights on critical infrastructure was recorded; objects in the city itself and the kharkov region became only part of the targets of our high-precision weapons. the russian ministry of defense today reported on the results of group strikes on strategic targets in ukraine during the outgoing week. attention. from march 31 to april 5, in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause
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damage to the oil and gas industry and energy facilities of russia, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 39 group strikes with high-precision long-range ground-based airborne weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles, against the facilities of the energy industry of ukraine, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex, air defense systems. arsenalo, fuel depots, temporary deployment point for ukrainian units, foreign mercenaries. the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated objects were hit. in all main directions of the special operation , the tactical situation has been improved, our units do not stand still, and they regularly take credit for the defeated formations of the ukrainian armed forces. in the ovdeevsky direction, the village of vodyanaya has been liberated, the center group is moving into the depths of the enemy’s defense. aviation fire strikes and artillery strikes from heavy flamethrower systems
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inflicted 39 hits on manpower and equipment of six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. to thwart three enemy attempts, to recapture their positions, to hold an occupied strong point with machine gun fire, to destroy a group of militants in the armed forces of ukraine consisting of 27 people, it would seem that this is an ordinary situation at the front, but not entirely, this is all a feat of a specific fighter, the name of the hero is radimir maksimov, private grouping of troops vostok, in the novomikhailovka area, his unit
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captured a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine in the mariinsky direction, the armed forces of ukraine resisted to the last, tried... to beat our offensive with superior forces, tanks, armored vehicles, but what kind of display was there? incredible endurance, wounded, private maksimov defended the line until reinforcements arrived, the tank drove up to redley, i don’t know how many people were there, it’s just hard to see from us, it’s clearly visible from above, it turns out there are about ten there, maybe they came too, well, i already then this one got messy, yeah. for courage and heroism, maksimov was presented by the command with a high state award, and such stories in the special operation zone, fortunately, only become more numerous every day, and the results
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of our groups on all fronts continue please and keep it that way. it turns out that you can also find something that the militants would not like to advertise, apparently because they hid it so carefully, but it’s secret, but it’s only secret in order to become obvious, here’s attention, the notorious azovets armored vehicle, banned in russia by the azov national battlefield, an ideal confirmation of the corruption of the kiev regime, the car was created as a model of a tank for urban conditions,
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the development was carried out by representatives of the national battalion, and the money was allocated from the budget. an amount of at least 5 million dollars, that’s what they were worth wasted, footage of ryan news: a miracle of engineering - these are cameras from a regular intercom, so we can see in the front part there should have been three of them, yes, but two were preserved, in the realities of modern combat we can assume what the crew’s visibility would be like after. after a thorough examination, they came to the conclusion that all this multimillion-dollar development is unsuitable for combat conditions, and so the armed forces of ukraine in everything, they might and would like to develop their own equipment, but the money does not reach where it is needed, there is a complete problem with western weapons, it seems yes, supplies
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continue, in inept hands, well, it’s clear that the last one is latvia... to equip the army of the ukrainian armed forces with drones worth a million euros, but if you calculate thoroughly, how long will it last, because every day our military shoot down 100 of them. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank . this friday, april 5th, we are giving 30% cashback. for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alpha travel service it’s not just profitable alpha it’s profitable for you who want to solve all the mysteries of nature, i checked for you, who are especially attentive to details, and for you,
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he told reporters that he considers the demolition of monuments stupid, also expressing hope that in the future russia and ukraine will be able to build good relations, but he was immediately persecuted for his position. anastasia efimova has details. don’t let me down at the monastery, this question is for journalists boris shifir asked in pure russian, and although he probably knew the answer without any prompting, he still said what he thought.
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hand in hand, they stepped onto a slippery political path, here is a photo exactly from those times, but the younger one, until recently he held the position of adviser, the head of the kiev
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regime recently.
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to breed in my dear nenka, it’s hard to believe. it seems that in a country where elections have been canceled and discussions have been banned, there are more and more people wanting change, and publishing an interview like this is a great way to gauge the public mood. to look at the response of society, that is, this is how civil society will react and how it will be perceived in society itself, that is, froze, let’s say, and do it sociologically so that you can already understand for yourself, that is, really, elections. in ukraine no, maybe they will be there someday, maybe there in a year they should understand whether those people are still there , well, that’s the majority, especially the southeast, kiev, that is, central ukraine, which, to whom this is what schaefer said , here it is for their souls, let’s say, for their worldview, these will be the words that will tear at the soul, but while the people are silent, his closest relative reacted to boris shefir’s revelation, the recently retired
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sergei admitted that... he categorically disagrees with what was said, russia is an aggressor country, and he supports president zelensky so that nothing happens between them. apparently, in another ukrainian family , mutual understanding has been lost, however, gogol also wrote about how brother goes against brother, the same one from kiev, who persistently trying to cancel. anastasia efimova, lead. not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth
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banks. belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take the territory under their control, let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, yes, they were jealous, they filmed everything that happened , posted it on the internet, what are they accusing you of, these actions obviously indicate that that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he’s in belgorod i arrived in 3 days, you’re a boxer, you can deal with almost any person, well, i didn’t beat him like that, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, everything, everything, what goals do the thugs pursue, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment under a blaze of brilliance, we took up this matter and carried out our investigation, got used to watching videos, stopped working, install, open,
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