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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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in the burman region , his wife and daughter have already visited the hospital. andrey chibis himself posted a photo of the meeting on his telegram channel. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti duty unit and honest detective. follow along with us. for now, that's all. alexander ostakhov was in the studio. see you at 21:30. this is russia-24, after a short advertisement our broadcast will continue with the senate program. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5th, we are giving cashback.
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a home, one home-click, i came to work in a tasty place for a good salary, for stability, reliability, i found much more, come for a decent salary, stay for love, get to the point with work. hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our life. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. investigation of terrorist attacks in krasnogorsk. why did western countries, already in the first hours of the tragedies, begin to talk about the non-involvement of the kiev regime? this campaign to cover up
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ukraine will not affect the objectivity of the investigation in any way. the whole truth will be established and made public. facts of undisguised interference in the russian presidential elections, an appeal by the federation council to the un and the parliament of the world. i suggest everyone very please read our appeal carefully, because it contains an analysis of the directions in which the attack was carried out and provides specific facts about how this attack was organized. a number of cultural heritage sites have already been lost, many continue to be destroyed. in a state of complete physical loss, there are 66.
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leaps, surges, and we constantly keep our finger on the pulse. online courses, trainings, tutoring through social networks, is there a guarantee of the quality of the services offered, who is responsible for the consequences. an important task is to separate information that is positioned as original content and information that is positioned as educational, medical, recommendation content. the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in krasnogorsk, their accomplices and customers in whatever countries and under whatever masks they are hiding,
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once again that it is impossible to intimidate us, embitter us, shake our moral foundations, the response of russian society to this vile crime was unity, compassion, mercy , those qualities that traditionally unite the peoples of russia, our the country has shown its big heart, at present... following its results , our society and the whole world will find out who and how organized this bloody attack on peaceful, defenseless, unarmed people, it is too early to draw final conclusions, but
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it says a lot the fact is that the united states and other western countries in the first minutes of the tragedy, when literally, as they say , shots were not silent... they turned on their propaganda apparatus at full power and began to actively shield ukraine, on vora, as they say, and the hat is on fire. we understand the reasons well so spevsky, so feverish, but i want to assure everyone that this campaign to cover up ukraine will not in any way affect the objectivity of the investigation. the whole truth will be revealed. terrible tragedy and do everything to ensure that it never happens again. the state and regional authorities continue to do everything possible, we will keep sacred the memory of the victims of this , to provide the necessary assistance and support to the victims and the families of the victims.
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russian citizens donated significant funds to the relief fund. from the moscow government region and moscow, payments have been made to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack. services help you prepare all the necessary documents in order to receive payments as quickly as possible. it is important, first of all, to support children who lost their parents due to the terrorist attack, some of them lost both. such children are provided with monthly payments on an undeclared basis until they reach the age of 18. the movement we together opened a fundraiser for targeted assistance to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack. citizens of our country, enterprises already... accounted for more than 1 billion rubles. in the person of the senators, i would like to thank all regions of the country for their support and for helping us unite. as the president said, those who planned this terrorist attack hoped to sow panic and discord in our society, but they were met with unity and determination
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to resist this evil. the terrorist attack occurred the day after the official announcement of the presidential election results. the federation council appealed to the un and parliaments of other states to condemn the countries' actions. west on interference in training and holding elections of the head of state, as well as encouraging terrorism and extremism to destabilize the situation in russia during the election campaign. the document emphasizes that attempts to interfere. because it contains an analysis of the directions in which the attack was carried out, and
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provides specific facts about how the attack was organized in order to use this argument in your work with partners abroad, where possible, and we, for our part, will provide translation this appeal in english, into other languages, in order to send it out as quickly as possible and place it in the appropriate media resources available... to non-russian-speaking audiences. this week the president instructed the government to reduce the workload on schoolchildren. in particular, it is proposed to reduce the amount of homework and test work. also, among the approved instructions based on the results of the message to the federal assembly, is the possibility of quickly retaking the unified state exam in one subject before the end of the university admissions campaign. will graduates be given a second chance this year? we'll find out from senator lily.
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pass one elective exam, the second at the end of april, conciliation procedures are now underway with the regions, schedules are being aligned, the exact schedule for passing the unified state exam has been approved, and 2 days will be allocated to retake one elective exam. you know, a discussion has started in society, we need to honestly say how and to whom it should be.
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we would consider the opportunity more for those guys who, due to objective and subjective reasons, suddenly showed several a lower result than he showed during the year in trial exams, and his stable result was slightly higher, let’s say he always studied for fours, fives, wrote 80 points, suddenly he got a low result, for example 60, of course, that’s all still, this should be a chance for those who, unfortunately, are in power. for some reason , he was unable to show the results that he consistently achieved throughout the year while
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studying at school. will universities wait for graduates who retake the exam? yes, of course, because otherwise the chance to retake loses its meaning, that is why all the schedules are aligned with the relevant departments so that after retaking the exam, if suddenly the child has such a desire, we hope to improve... having improved his result, he will submit these documents to universities, and the universities, accordingly, will consider them, so thus, we must do everything possible to ensure that this year the entire system from the moment of retake and give the child the opportunity to submit his documents to this company. how, in general , are the mechanisms for conducting the unified state exam being improved from year to year? disputes over a single state exams do not subside. however, over the years of its existence, it has gone through a serious stage of formation
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and improvement, both in terms of content and in terms of the procedure for its implementation, but we, for example, have moved away from the guessing game when many say that now the eg is only tests, it this is absolutely not the case, so it seems to me that we need to work more with society, with parents, to invite them to actually look at the content of the test.
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prices for goods and services are something that worries everyone without any doubt: sanctions, currency exchange rate fluctuations, the withdrawal of a number of brands from the market, and as a result, prices for some types of goods have become unpleasantly surprising, but the rise in price does not always have objective reasons, except when it comes to imports. in general, control over pricing is the responsibility of the federal government. we'll talk more about this with senator ivan abramov. ivan nikolaevich, hello. how are things now? is it possible to talk about stabilization of prices for products of small medium-sized
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businesses? of course, our federal antimonopoly service conducts practically daily. specially controlled - these are, of course , first of all, food products from that list, which means we have bread, milk, eggs, so there are medications that a person needs for treatment, there is also cellular communications, there are internet services, that is, this is all such a complex of our ordinary
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things that surrounds us, which we may not notice, but we control all these prices today.
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their work in this direction, well, i ’ll tell you that they responded quite quickly and identified all the violations, in fact in fact, even people have already been punished, and enterprises have been punished, fines have been issued, let me remind you that they have different fines, including those that are calculated based on turnover, that is, the so -called turnover fines, and we know in the history of the antimonopoly service that fines are quite large , we remember there literally a couple of years ago. how often do senators have to get involved in order to draw the attention of the federal antimonopoly services to the prices of certain goods or services? of course, we represent all regions, and this is a heterogeneous matter, somewhere in the regions there are jumps and surges, and we constantly keep our finger on the pulse, literally, and not
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only food products and not only medicines, just recently i dealt with it myself. the antimonopoly service regarding the fact that cellular operators were charging funds for the distribution of the internet that you had already purchased, and if you distributed them there to a neighbor or family member, you had to pay 50 rubles there. and i’ll tell you that the antimonopoly service checked and it means that cellular operators canceled such a service in in principle, citizens are now happy. senators have developed a bill on insuring citizens' funds in individual investment accounts. the main guarantee that the initiative provides is protection against bankruptcy of the broker. according to the document, insurance will apply to individual investment accounts opened since january 1 of this year. senator alexander shindryukzhitkov, one of the authors of the bill, spoke in more detail about how... the new mechanism will work and how it will help people. you know, last year on the form russia is calling, the president, summing up
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some intermediate stage of this struggle of our sanctions, said that by and large the main source of financing for our enterprises, which replaced foreign financing since the introduction of sanctions, included internal sources and, above all, stock exchange. to date, more than 6 million of our citizens have opened individual investment accounts, this is a huge amount of financing, interest in our stock market is constantly growing, it is clear that the main task is including protecting the interests of our citizens, protecting them from possible troubles with their brokers, with their financial institutions with which they constantly work, so the president for the first time at the forum called russia, voiced the idea that it is necessary to insure individual deposits, following the example of our investment accounts of our citizens amount to one. subsequently, he repeated this as an instruction to the federal assembly for a message, and accordingly, my colleagues and
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senators introduced a bill at the end of march, which guarantees the safe funds of our citizens for 1.4 million rubles, which are in individual investment accounts, what does this mean, how will the mechanism work if the broker or investment financial intermediary with whom our citizens work ... goes into a situation bankruptcy or financial instability, financial inability to fulfill its obligations, in this case a specially created fund will compensate for the funds of our citizen that were on the date of the announcement, in fact speaking of bankruptcy, but you need to understand that these funds will be compensated for a maximum amount of 1.4 million. in fact, this mechanism repeats the same idea that currently exists in the deposits of our citizens, and its main task is to attract as many individuals as possible on...
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property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain subpoena, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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expelled, she wants to go back to the past, i understand, you miss your mother, believe me too, i’m going to get her out, he dreams of the future, attention, the invasion of cosmoden, but he moved away from me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the planet of the milky way and thirteen , thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies in our hands, in a real movie hit. oh, i love the way it sounds, 100 years ago forward, everything will be fine, trust me, soon, these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum.
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i felt completely overwhelmed, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, all the great artists there are fakes, wait a minute, wait a minute, not a single painting can be said to be a fake, because these paintings have never undergone any examination, my husband and i made a will in favor of... russia, that 's the conversation. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.


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