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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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this is a ready-made museum, i had a complete shock, of course, i was just dumbfounded, all the great artists there are fakes, just a minute, a minute, not a single painting can be said to be original, because these paintings have never undergone any examination.
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this is the senate program, see below. online courses, trainings, tutoring via the internet. is there a guarantee of the quality of the services offered, and who is responsible for the consequences? an important task is to separate the information that...
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vladimir putin presented to the federal assembly. more than 50 billion rubles are allocated for the implementation of the project from the twenty-fifth to the thirtieth year. more than 3,000 cultural heritage sites of federal regional significance have already been irretrievably lost. now in each region they will begin to collect information on the condition of historical monuments. our committee conducted a large-scale survey of the regions and found that 600 out of 66,00 federal objects are in a state of complete physical loss. 83 objects, out of 77,000 regional 2,600, will be developed within a month and methodological recommendations will be sent to the regions exclusion from the register of physically lost cultural heritage objects, it is necessary to carry out an inventory of all cultural heritage objects in each region, this will allow us to understand the scale and build a step-by-step action algorithm for each, this is such a layer of huge work where it is simply necessary
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to provide for special articles, reviewing budgets for subsequent years, too , special funds, we can’t do without it, on our instructions, the economic development committee began to work substantively with the russian property management agency, and here a big role is also assigned to the federal property management agency, so join forces, and of course, fellow senators, please , during the regional week, carefully study the situation in your regions, how are things going? do such lists exist,
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what is the condition of cultural heritage objects, what are the plans for their involvement in life, social, economic circulation, and so on, also keep these issues under control. we do not have the right to lose unique objects of architecture, culture, engineering , and so on. please take note of this attention. the right to introduce a resort fee should be given to each subject of the russian federation. senator. anatoly artamonov spoke about the krasnodar and stavropol territories, as well as the results of the experiment on introducing a resort fee. initially, four regions took part in it: altai, republic of crimea. last year , st. petersburg and the federal territory of sirius joined. practice has shown that the introduction of a resort fee is supported by the population. there are good results from its use, objects are created improvements that increase the comfort of stay for both... breathing people and all citizens,
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many regions want to join this experiment. i propose to return to the issue of fulfilling the instructions of the president of the russian federation.
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population, especially if this content is conditional psychologists, conditional doctors, is aimed at minors, correct and competent consultations can only be individual, given... only by a professional certified doctor, consumers of the content must clearly understand the level of his qualifications, to unfortunately, while the information that is distributed on the internet is not marked in any way, in general, everything depends on advertising, on the presentation,
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information of an educational nature occupies a special place, because it is very common on the internet now, well, the so-called mentoring or.. very short courses teaching history, literature, preparation for the unified state exam, that is , you can declare whatever goal you want, in general, no one will check you, no one will stop you, and schoolchildren, many sign up, what they get there as a result of this communication with bloggers, well, it leaves a lot of questions; in fact, everything that is positioned as educational material must, of course, undergo a certain certification in this regard.
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how the author talks about some of his methods, his experience and information that is positioned as educational, medical, recommendation content. let's talk about proven online services, for example, about the portal of legal information in the law of the russian federation. i know that the rostov
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region was one of the pioneers of this project, but tell us how things are going now, what information can a user get by accessing this portal? let's start with the fact that this pilot project, which was implemented in ten constituent entities of the russian federation, including the rostov region, took part, it began in december of twenty-two, the first stage of this... pilot project is coming to an end and a decision is being made about the need to expand it to all subjects of the russian federation and, accordingly, to launch this portal in such a full-scale form , the task is to create a federal state an information system that would be a single entry point and such a single information center of legal, reliable, verified information, and it is assumed that on this portal you can get not only access to the latest versions. normative legal acts, but get legal advice, which, in general, has now
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been carried out in pilot mode for a year and a half. today, if you go to this portal, you can get a brief consultation online, and you can make an appointment with a lawyer, a lawyer, either this will be a written response to your request, or an employee of the state law bureau or legal entity will come out. we will communicate with you online and answer your questions virtually personally. more than 60,000 consultations were provided in all entities that participate in this project. the operator of this portal is the ministry of justice of the russian federation. we hope that in the near future, at least by the summer of this year, the state information system will be launched and all residents of all regions will be able to use it russia. well, continuing the topic of legal information, now there are people who call themselves digital volunteers, well
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, it’s clear that they provide some kind of help, tell us who they are, what exactly this help consists of, you know, this is a very interesting project that was implemented as times during the presidential elections, when children, students of law universities and faculties underwent appropriate training in those constituent entities of the russian federation. where the electronic voting system was allowed, they acted as observers at electronic voting stations, in addition, they provided assistance and answered questions from the population in hotline mode, well , in those territories where such a voting mode was used. a very interesting experience for future lawyers, of course, this is an instant inclusion in such an online environment. into the digital environment, naturally, immersion in the problems that exist, the opportunity
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to provide assistance, and this project has now been expanded, now it is not called digital volunteers, volunteers in law, because in addition to issues of digital law and digital relations, of course, a fairly large number of questions arise from our fellow citizens, to which lawyers, students, lawyers, graduates can give a qualified answer. how to protect your rights, how to protect personal data, well, there are quite a lot of areas that
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young lawyers, future lawyers can answer very quickly and effectively. it is important to note that the implementation of this project by volunteers in law is carried out by an all-russian organization, a public organization, the russian lawyers association, since there are regional branches in almost all regions, then in the near future we hope that the regions of russia will also join in the implementation of this initiative. senators continue to develop measures to reduce the gray market for nicotine-containing products. counterfeit cigarettes and vaping liquids pose a great health risk as their quality remains questionable. we talked with senator alexei sinitsin about the current situation in this market and the control system for identifying illegal tobacco products. and from the new year at two excise taxes on liquids for veps increased several times. manufacturers were previously wary of this measure and warned that... will be unprofitable, the number of illegal products will accordingly increase, in the end, what
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happened, has the quality of the product decreased into the quality of the product, what are the results? we had the opportunity to discuss with market representatives, with representatives of federal authorities the situation on the market now, and it should be noted that january twenty-four compared to january twenty-third showed a threefold increase in actually collected excise taxes, but it is necessary to say that since it has doubled, then in absolute volume it is a one and a half times increase. in general, this is a good figure, which characterizes that there are more legal products; according to market research, the share of illegal products in this sector is liquid for electronic nicotine delivery systems. is about 90%. and in this sense, this small abundance of the market does not have a decisive role in the actual conditions of turnover of goods. that is, a huge share of the illegal market forces the state look for some measures that will stop this situation. we think it is important to strengthen the control role of the state in this area. we talked about this with
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representatives of rosalkogol-tobacco control and representatives of rospotrebnadzor, who have supervisory functions. unfortunately, i must say that today. additional coordination of their inspections with the prosecutor's office, they cannot conduct sudden inspections to notify those being inspected , even for this purpose they need to receive organizations 24 hours in advance, well, it is clear that they will be seen on the shelves in the inspected organizations, we understand that today’s control system may not be fully effective, representatives of rosalkogol-tobacco control told us exactly the same thing, that there is a need to improve
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legislation regarding their control methods, and we certainly do this let's do it. by march 1, the regulatory framework for tobacco regulation was prepared, were all the by-laws ready, what can be expected after this date? well, in general, most of the by- laws that should have been adopted according to the results of the adoption of federal law 203, this is an industry law that takes a fresh look at the regulation of the industry, almost everything has been prepared, there are several acts that are at the stage of final approval, in fact, during the meeting we looked at these acts, of course one of the recommendations would be to speed up their acceptance. but it must be said that rosalkogol-tobacco control is actively operating, manufacturers are registered, those who will import raw materials are registered, and the legal market is being specially registered, i think that these measures, as well as other measures taken in combination, will make it possible to more intensively whiten the market, because we understand that in the segment of
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legal retail tobacco products directly through the traditional method of consumption, where nicotine is consumed, there is also quite a high the share of the illegal market, according to inpromtorg, according to the methodology they implement, is about 13%, last year more than 13%, this year 12.6%, well, we understand that this is still quite a lot. and cigarettes are included in a list of strategically important goods and resources, and, accordingly, responsibility for smuggling has become stricter. in this regard , is the number of criminal cases expected to increase and has the issue of the so-called interrupted transit been resolved? this is one of the schemes. legal import of tobacco products into the country, well, yes, it must be said that the main scheme for the entry of illegal cigarettes into our market is the so-called interrupted transit - this is the import of tobacco products from the eurasian economic union states neighboring us, the inclusion of tobacco products in the list of strategically significant goods, will allow such actions to be classified as smuggling, the government decree classifying
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tobacco products as strategic goods will come into effect from april 1 of this year, and we ideally should soon... see a lot of criminal cases aimed at stopping this criminal act, which means , we understand that colossal volumes enter the market of the russian federation in this way, the federal customs service is certainly not inactive, it confiscates part of this volume, well, there were 50 million packs in the past year, but according to experts, more than one and a half billion packs enter our market every year, well, accordingly, this is a small drop, we hope that the expansion of powers...
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is a problem, and many experts refer to the fact that they support the position of transferring part of the excise taxes allowed in many ways , the regions will decide on part of the powers together with part of the excise taxes, and we even propose this as an experiment and transfer not just a share in the excise taxes that the region collects, precisely in the form of a difference, that is, in the form increasing the volume of collections, but unfortunately... and the ministry is still against it, this is the ministry of finance, the ministry of economic development, they believe that such a method of control as duplicating the functions of federal and regional bodies will not correspond to modern ones.
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one of the most important for ensuring the technological sovereignty of our country. how the oil and gas industry is switching to russian technologies today, why sanctions have become a catalyst for import substitution. all the details in our special report correspondent svetlana temerbulatova. pumping units, all this is used for the extraction and transportation of liquefied natural gas, the names of the equipment are complex, and the design process itself is no less difficult: first, designers develop new parts at their desks, then directly at the production site, craftsmen translate them into the finished product. now we are developing a high-power nitrogen expander unit of 20 megawatts, actually our russian one, that is, there are no analogues - there are no such installations, we have made a prototype, we have successfully tested it, now we are already kitting and assembling it, so at the plant in nefteyugansk they are solving the problem of ensuring
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the sovereignty of the fuel and energy complex, one of the key areas of the company’s activities is import substitution, they produce domestic spare parts for compressor units, top drive gearboxes, hydraulic wrenches , both the intellect and the material are ours, the metal is purchased from metallurgical plants of the russian federation at different points. a huge tank called cryogenic mobile fuel refueling complex. essentially, this is a gas station on wheels. it is used in the field, where you can refuel a car that runs on liquefied
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natural gas. hydrocarbon production, being a significant source of revenue for the russian budget, became one of the main targets that western countries aimed at with their sanctions, but the embargo on the supply of equipment and technologies to russia for oil production and the production of liquefied natural gas only accelerated the process of import substitution. this problem. it didn’t start today, it didn’t yesterday, it all started in 2014 after the crimean spring, when first the european union, then the united states, carried out punts, the start of these sanctions, we then had 100% of almost foreign software equipment, this is a support program, and 70% there was foreign oil and gas equipment, today for a second, we already have almost 70% of russian equipment , almost 100% of russian software, tech is working stably in the russian federation, regardless of any sanctions. in conditions of tough technological restrictions, russian companies have focused their efforts on those areas where a groundwork has already been created to replace critically important samples of imported equipment,
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components and consumables. a workshop for the production of cables for the oil and gas industry has been launched in the moscow region. by implementing this large-scale project, the company plans to reduce dependence on imports and replace foreign products. if we take the evidence from the beginning of 23 , we probably had about 20 imported cables, specifically for oil and gas, the launch of our production will allow us to go even further, well, five percent lower, we have exactly the same lines, we have the same specialists, we have the same materials, i think that by the end of the twenty- fifth year we will easily go to level 2- 3% for imported stones. the new workshop will produce heating cables, communication and control cables, as well as the most high-tech geophysical cables being developed, which are used for the exploration of oil wells. these cables are very specific, the fact is that the equipment that lowers the well. has a certain weight, the depth reaches up to 7 km, and when calculating this cable, it is necessary to take into account that the cable supports itself, its weight, and also the device that hangs on it.
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the total investment in new production exceeded 530 million rubles. 262 of them were provided by the industrial development fund in the form of a soft loan under the development project program. these funds were used to purchase high-tech equipment. this is equipment for twisting insulated cores into the so-called core. future geophysical cable due to rotation coils, in this case there are five copper conductors, they are automatically twisted into such a single bundle, after which they are already wrapped with fastening tape. the sanctions pressure of western countries and the restriction of cooperation with foreign partners did not stop the implementation of large projects. in recent years, companies, on the contrary, have significantly increased the share of domestic equipment and continue to create new competitive technologies. svetlana temerbulatova, natalya kalysheva, masterpiece and andrey litvin senate program. flights for russians should be more accessible. by 1930, the intensity of air traffic in russia should increase by one and a half times. this
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task was set by vladimir putin. now the upper house plans to adjust the program for subsidizing passenger air transportation. together with the federal air transport agency and the ministry of transport, the senators discussed the current situation and changes in existing subsidy programs for air transport. senator alexander trembitsky told us about the main tasks. in the context of funding cuts, the most important task here is maintain the volume of subsidies, but of course increase this volume if possible. such standard three programs of the federal air transport agency, which are now subsidized , about 25 billion rubles are provided in the current twenty-fourth year, looking in retrospect, there is an annual decline, our main task now is to stop this decline; it is possible to allocate additional funds from the federal budget for the corresponding subsidies for the current year,
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there will be no innovations of any kind for the consumer for airline passengers at the moment. if talking about the number of people who use subsidized tickets, last year their figure was close to 7 million, which tells us that this measure is quite popular, and moreover, the subsidy is completely chosen, there are no flights that would be are underfilled, just in terms of tickets sold under subsidies; thanks to subsidized air transportation, russians can get to loved ones on the other side of the country, go on a trip to the most beautiful places in russia or on business... the city at a favorable price. read more about federal programs in our section. marina pavlova will tell you who can get tickets at a reduced rate and what nuances are important to consider when purchasing them. subsidized air tickets are sold at special discounted fares, usually half the price of standard economy. the cost is reduced by the state, which allocates funds from the budget for discounted tickets every year. this year , transportation subsidies under three federal programs continued. a program
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aimed at... developing regional transportation, a program to ensure the availability of transportation for certain categories of citizens and a program to subsidize transportation on socially important routes of the far eastern federal district. in total, this year there are 397 subsidized destinations on the rosaviation list. airlines that pass a competitive selection are entitled to preferential transportation. now there are 25 of them . any russian can buy some tickets at a reduced price. this year according to the program. 270 destinations are available for subsidizing regional transportation. the only routes of these flights bypass moscow, such tickets are not marked on airline websites, only the price differs. to find out when and where you can go with subsidized tickets, go to the website of the federal air transport agency. it shows the dates and directions of the airline operating flights to each city. some tickets at reduced fares are available only to beneficiaries, these include passengers under 23 years of age, women over 55 years old
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and men over 60 years old. large families, passengers with disabilities, residents of the far east and children under 18 years of age with a trip to the ocean center in vladivostok. you can buy a ticket under this program if certain conditions are met. you can buy a ticket no later than 6 months before departure. the rules also set a quota for the number of air transportations, this is either four one-way flights or two round-trip flights. such a quota applies to each category that is approved by government decree. subsidizing air transportation on socially significant routes of the far eastern federal district is provided by the unified far eastern an airline created on behalf of the president of russia. the state subsidized the airline in the amount of 6 billion rubles. and according to these funds, more than 420 thousand far eastern residents
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carried out transportation along 36 routes. the schedule has been planned, slots have already been drawn up -


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