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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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which is approved by government decree. subsidizing air transportation on socially significant routes in the far eastern federal district is provided by a single far eastern airline, created on behalf of the president of russia. the state subsidized the airline in the amount of 6 billion rubles. and with these funds, more than 420 thousand far easterners on 36 routes made flights within the far eastern federal district. so, for example, here i represent the magadan region, and if the winter schedule we have four direct flights a week, then last year in the summer during the high season, as they say, we had nine flights a week for the current year twenty-four , the schedule is planned, the slots have already been drawn up. for twelve flights per week in
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high season in the direction of moscow, magadan, moscow. as part of federal subsidy programs, it is planned to transfer about 4 million russians this year. airplane tickets at discounted rates can be purchased on airline websites, in the app or in the office. check the websites for detailed conditions. carriers. next week, the federation council will discuss a proposal to ensure the balance of regional budgets , taking into account their characteristics, a meeting of the chairmen of the international affairs committees of the parliaments of the brix countries will be held, and a meeting of the council of the eurasian women's forum will be held. see you in a week, see you on the senate program.
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hello, dear friends, friday evening, i’m alexander korievsky, time to sum up some results of the past week. russia sent a note to kiev on the fight against terrorism, however, it does not contain any requirements for the sitiholi crocus attack. what is this connected with, today i asked the official representative of the foreign ministry , maria zakharova, here is a fragment of our conversation: now law enforcement agencies, our investigative agencies, special services are not working to establish the facts, as the president of the russian federation has already stated, this work must be carried out in the most thorough manner, without any politicization, because this data will also... be part of this
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process of providing materials for further work in the international legal field, of course, as they become available, it seems to me that literally every day our law enforcement agencies, investigative agencies acquaint the audience with the materials that they managed to obtain, that they managed to establish, the facts become clear. instantly partly, so to speak, in the public domain, publicity, precisely because it seems to me that the whole world is following the progress of this investigation, an absolutely monstrous crime. this week the international media continued to actively discuss the idea negotiations between russia and ukraine to resolve the conflict. here it is necessary to recall that russia’s position has been voiced many times: we are not against negotiations.
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did not change its essence. in form, the alliance seems to be a defensive organization, as its representatives claim, but in essence it is an instrument for the forceful expansion of us influence not only in europe. the problem is that nato, as a bloc, threatens overall peace and security on the european continent. no specific country, not just a group of countries as a whole, is a direct threat. security in europe, and in eurasia, too, not only that, i saw such very harsh, very hysterical, very emotional assessments that were given by the secretary general of nato, again, literally,
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you know, washing away from a huge number of questions related to the fact that what are the plans to expand nato to other continents, he stated that there are no such plans, but... we already understand perfectly well that if this does not happen according to a formal, so to speak, indicator, then nato, this destructive ideology associated with military-political and geostrategic an attempt to dominate, one way or another , gradually in different ways without the nato cap, but through the efforts of washington and britain it begins.
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is now unfolding on the european continent, and this is not only the story of the creation of nato and the aggressive engine that is embedded in this organization and has not gone away, it is not only the inability to keep one’s word, in fact , the reluctance to do this from the beginning, but no, this is a matter for the future, how dangerous this bloc is in principle for the international... in yerevan they were called excellent, in moscow - anti-russian, in baku - provocative. consultations between armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan and western guests on deepening cooperation with the eu and the united states raised many
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questions about their real background. what do they want from armenia? us secretary of state antony blinken and the head of the european commission ursula vonlaen, natalya solovyova found out. nikol pashinyan went to the meeting in brussels in high spirits. armenia has been planning a trilateral format between the eu and the us since last fall. the trip was long-awaited, officially counting on financial assistance. but generosity is partnered. clearly overestimated. the united states is investing in the prime minister's efforts to govern the country and implement economic reforms. we plan to provide more than $65 million from the government budget. the european union is ready to provide another 270 million euros, and this for 4 years. but the point is no longer how much the west will spend on armenia, but what it will gain in return. and in this sense, ms. fondern is extremely honest. mr. minister, i welcome your efforts to carry out democratic reforms, despite the challenges that you face, i also
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i welcome the measures that armenia is taking to prevent circumvention of our sanctions against russia, in particular to ensure that lethal equipment and technology does not fall into the hands of the russian military, this shows that the values ​​and interests of the eu and armenia are becoming increasingly closer. these interests do not lie in the plane of economics. what remained behind the closed doors of the trilateral meeting in brussels is already an open secret. yerevan.
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armenia is also fully committed to border delimitation based on the almaty declaration and unblocking of all regional communications on the basis of full respect for the sovereignty and jurisdictions of countries, as well as the principles of equality of reciprocity. but official baku called this meeting. are unprofitable for azerbaijan, according to the country's president ilham aliyev, attempts by the west to turn armenia into an outpost in the southern
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caucasus could lead to negative consequences. although in recent days , high-ranking officials of both the united states and the european union, during telephone conversations that took place on their initiative, tried to convince us that this meeting is not directed against azerbaijan, but we know that it is directed against azerbaijan and cooperation in the south caucasus. earlier , turkey also strongly condemned the meeting in brussels, making it clear what it was. mutually contradicts the principles of neutrality adopted to resolve disputes, especially taking into account the escalation on the armenian-azerbaijani border. concluding partnership agreements in terms of arming armenia and reformatting the armenian army according to nato standards is very annoying for baku. baku thinks that armenia is being prepared for war in the south caucasus, and armenia is currently a destabilizing fact for... regional security, pashinyan’s western partners need to hold the point of tension
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in the south caucasus, they are making of armenia a temporary, in my opinion, fruit for your goals. while the armenian authorities are playing out the gambit, pondering what to sacrifice in the protracted game, official yerevan risks ultimately being left without allies, without support within the country. according to recent polls, the approval rating pashinyan fell to a historic low. natalia solovyova, anna pogonina, evgenia. meanwhile, the eurasian fund for stabilization and development has financed a number of projects in armenia, it was founded by state participants, which, in addition to this caucasian republic, includes russia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. the fund supports the most important strategic investment areas, and is currently preparing the next financial loan for $100 million. the total in the fund's portfolio is in armenia.
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gdp is created precisely in agriculture, and about 300,000 households are involved in the agricultural sector. another very important project that we finance. in armenia these are several sections of the gray-south transport corridor, which is the main transit corridor for the republic, we have a number of projects in the social sector, this includes healthcare, energy efficiency
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of social facilities, oil prices have continued to rise for... weeks , now 92 dollars per barrel is almost one of the main factors political tension in the world, in including in the middle east, the situation especially worsened after israel’s airstrike on the iranian consulate in syria, and ukraine’s ongoing attempt to harm our refineries is also not conducive to reducing prices, so players fear an interruption in the supply of energy resources to world markets from different regions of the world, what else ... energy security, konstantin simonov, konstantin vasilievich, hello, thank you for taking the time, firstly, on friday evening, this is not easy to do, as i understand it, but nevertheless, these are the factors that i listed, it’s clear that it seems to me
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, let’s start with oil refineries, russia and so on, in the west this topic is actively being discussed, but as i understand it, this is... more of an exaggeration, for now, at the moment, these ukrainian sabotages , they do not in any way affect the supply of our energy resources to world markets, i am always glad to be a guest of your program, even on friday evening, thank you for inviting me, as for the impact on world prices in the situation with russian refining, i must say that in general on the... world prices are influenced by two blocks of factors, the first block is the so-called physics, that is, the real situation with the demand and supply of oil on the world market, the second part, well, let's call it lyrics, that is , various speculative games, in this regard
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, the most interesting thing is how physics influences the lyrics, why, because we are now, i think, a few words with... about what is actually happening in russian processing, but it is very important that they write about it, you rightly said that about both bloomberg and reuters, and other western media, both business and not quite business, some already more than once, and with reference to some mysterious officers, god knows who, this... was commented on by large traders such as ganvar, for example, absolutely crazy estimates were given, that russia had lost 30, 40% of its power there, in fact , from the very beginning, in these estimates, there was already a certain element of information noise, why? because, well, let’s say, in fact,
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it’s not the capacity that’s correct to evaluate, it’s the output, because not all refineries are there were used at full capacity, a well-known fact in the industry, but nevertheless, most often they followed a simple principle, they looked at which factories were struck by drones, took their power, statistical power, not even output, but power, well, they summed it up, this kind of analysis was circulating in the western press, eh, but after all , market players read this, and accordingly, this also had an influence, especially, of course, the interesting publications were on the topic... that the americans are calling kiev demanding to stop drone attacks, because this affects world prices, this too interesting, because speculators read: yeah, so it turns out that this is the situation in russia, let’s try to drive up prices, and then this news actually overlapped, of course, middle eastern events, i think
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that, of course, this is the main factor now that is driving up prices for oil, news from the middle east, again... environmental expectations of israel's response, since you asked what is actually happening in refining, but we can say that we really had it at the beginning in the first week, that's when these attacks were according to rosstat, again, let’s not trust some mysterious nato officers who comment on how much oil russia processes, it’s already interesting where they got this information, but let’s take rosstat, it publishes statistics on gasoline production and production. it’s also interesting that in the week that ended march, there was such a very slight drop. gasoline production there is about 2.7%, but in the week that ended on march 24, rosstat already recorded such a rather serious
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a drop of 7.4%, and i read this figure in many places, everyone said, look, here is the fall, even the road statistics recorded it, horror, horror, now russian oil refining is all falling apart, i just watch this every week ... statistics when rosstat released the latest figures that in the week from march 25 to march 31, gasoline production had already increased by almost 3%, for some reason no one wrote about this, because when the fall is, everyone is interested, this news when production increases, which means that gradually processing is coming to its senses after these attacks, well, few people are interested in this anymore, this is apparently not such a sellable news on the information...
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already defend yourself, but if we are talking about what has already been done, in principle, a number of factories are already restoring their production , as i already said, this is reflected in the official figures of rosstat, but also some large plants that are still under repair, for example, in the nizhny novgorod region, well, there is an estimate, accordingly , a month or two is given for this plant to - uh fully, fully operational, why? because in fact, let me remind you, we now have a ban on the export of gasoline in the country, we
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have no problems with diesel at all, but we have an export ban on gasoline, but last year our gasoline exports amounted to 10% of total production, so far we are within these percentages in terms of production, but if anyone has concerns about ... whether we will produce the required volumes of gasoline or not, so we usually have in recent years in the summer, when it starts automotive tourism, the demand for ninety-five gasoline is growing, but we just have april-may to prepare for this season, in principle this is quite realistic, because as i already said, the industry is recovering from these attacks, the factories are already opening for full-fledged production, but there are still a number of...
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really, no, why? because, uh, from the point of view of the volume of supply, given the ban on the export of gasoline, i don’t see any particular difficulties here, uh, from the point of view of the tax component, the damper mechanism, as you know, was returned to its previous volume after autumn experiments. and damper continues to be paid to oil companies, why, because the main factor now that can put pressure on domestic prices, of course, is the increase in external
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prices, the increase in external prices, since the company still has an export alternative, let me remind you that the company is paid by ndp as the main tax, and the special income tax is taken from production, then, in fact, the company has a choice to calculate what is more profitable, but the state has therefore introduced a damper mechanism so that the company... fresh for the current week, but it actually, it’s not over yet, not yet, but there was an increase of 1% over the week, our average, uh, not like the average, if we take from the beginning of the year
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, for example, ninety-five gasoline to the end of march for the first quarter, but growth did not go beyond 1%, so the situation here is absolutely manageable, but diesel has not risen in price at all, and konstantin vasilyevich, well, if accordingly oil prices go above $100, that is, our gasoline will become more expensive, as i understand it , judging by your stories about this mechanism, well if not, well, really, here, too, you understand that this is a question of what we want our... budget to be filled, and gasoline costs 10 rubles per liter, of course, this will not happen, let's honestly look at things soberly, if we still want the state to finance the defense complex, to finance its social obligations, that’s right, so if the price goes over 100 dollars, of course it will put pressure on domestic prices, uh, you know, i won’t deceive tv viewers, we have gasoline
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it won’t get cheaper, let’s be honest too. but at the same time, now, if our overall inflation rate for the first quarter there is close to 2%, a little lower, then for gasoline, as i said, it has not even reached 1% now, so for now, yes, fuel is getting more and more expensive very moderately and significantly below the general level of inflation, and konstantin vasilyevich, well , we still have the opportunity to return to the international market, after all , there is now a lot of talk about the fact that, after all, these are... iran in the current situation, how he will respond to a missile attack israel on its diplomatic facilities in syria, because in fact, you know, when the events in the middle east began on
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october 7th. uh, there was almost 15% growth overall in the first quarter, but in the last uh days, after this situation, we are already seeing even more promising uh growth, so if, after all, the conflict zone really expands, there is actually potential for this , then in general i wouldn’t be surprised if this year we see prices over $100,
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but judging by... the way the current ones operate israeli authorities, as i understand it, the operation has been going on since october 7th, in fact, for six months, this small piece of land is being stormed, however, the terrorists have not been destroyed, uh, the hostages have not been freed, apparently, such missile attacks on neighboring countries are apparently happening diverting attention from a not very successful operation in the gas sector, but this distraction leads to the fact that again the region is... on the brink of a big war, this is a very dangerous story, so we said that the western press is publishing articles that the biden administration is very concerned about rising prices, because they need to somehow win elections, and rising prices on the world market immediately affect american gas stations, and they say that they are calling kiev asking them not to hit russian factories, since these are prices they are dispersing, but now we need to go to tel aviv, probably call and ask them
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not to shoot rockets from right to left, because


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