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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the call sign is passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. in the orenburg region , a dam on the ural river broke due to floods, and residents of the city of orsk, whose houses were in the flood zone, are being evacuated. our correspondent, a special correspondent, is working in the disaster zone. valieva, she is in direct
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contact now. maria, hello, what is the situation in orsk at these moments, how serious is the situation? yes, alexander, hello, in orsk, now, especially in the old city, where the dam broke, cars are running back and forth, the police are announcing the evacuation, people are being taken out, there were already buses prepared in advance, evacuation points were prepared, a temporary accommodation point, but i would like to note that just an hour ago we talked with people, they still doubted whether it was worth leaving their homes, alone they said that they could not leave their animals, but now there is no doubt, we need to evacuate, more than 4,000 houses may be under water, this is the latest data that comes to this evacuation of people who were preparing, this afternoon they were heard here throughout the city announcements: that it is necessary to evacuate
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many houses, today due to a dam break the electricity was lost, the lights were cut off, today i would also note that when we were in the stores, people were buying drinking water, stocking up on food, preparing for this emergency, i would note that the ches regime has currently been announced throughout the orenburg region, i’ll see how look how... we now have here in orsk, cars are evacuating people with limited mobility, people are leaving to stay with their relatives, urgently, before this there were doubts whether it was worth leaving at all their homes, but now no one has any doubts, sirens are sounding in the city, now everyone is being told where the evacuation points are, one of the evacuation points is located at school number 11 in orsk, today we also worked during the day... in
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a village in the village of pervomaisky, there there was also water, the ministry of emergency situations employees also evacuated people, telling them that they still needed to evacuate, because the water was rapidly approaching the village. alexander. thank you, maria, maria told us about the situation in orsk, orenburg region, where the dam broke due to floods valieva. the french authorities, it seems, may still conduct the experiment. with the introduction of troops into ukraine, there are already calls that soldiers from western countries will be a special target for our fighters, but on the other hand, there are already many foreign mercenaries in the zone, and whether the formal entry of nato troops can change the combat situation, we will discuss this with assistant to the head of the chechen republic, special forces commander akhmat, deputy commander of the second army corps of the russian armed forces, major general, hero of russia, abti alaudin. "hello,
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it looks like french soldiers will come to you, are you ready to meet, good evening, well, but this is still a version, so far a version, yes, you know, for 2 years we have been constantly being prepared for some terrible phenomenon, at the beginning of us we were preparing for the fact that jivelins would be on the front line, but we won’t be able to. nothing to do with them, then the m3 version of the seven came, then the version about the khimars came, then the stormshadow, then some leopards appeared, then, if you remember, the abrams appeared, well, in principle, well , friends, you should all understand together, russia, well, it really has such a powerful resource that not a single french one. but he
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really won’t change the weather absolutely in whatever form and quantity he comes to the front line, well, in principle, speaking seriously, i’ll say this - probably the most mentally strong warriors in the world today are our russian army. after our army, i would probably, in spirit, put a real ukrainian army, why? because these are russians just like us, they fight just as selflessly, giving themselves completely this matter, if you look at the fact that fighting selflessly, this powerful ukrainian army is already.
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specifically we tried not to miss a single one of them, in this light i would like, in this light i would like to say huge words of gratitude to dmitry anatolyevich medvedev, in principle we did not intend to take any of them prisoner, well here, in principle, he is also specifically for us, as
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they say , in this format provides support that you don’t need to babysit them too much, which we didn’t intend to do, so you know, well, these are all... components of one very big policy, that is, well, with such words of support there , exclamations that now our one and a half french legionnaires will come and help you there, they are trying to support, well, probably, the owners of ukraine so that they give the opportunity to finalize the ukrainian formations , as they at the beginning... declared until the last ukrainian, that is, i understand that the task is absolutely not to win, now the task is to ensure that more funding is allocated as much as possible, if it is possible to involve everyone in this war, well now it’s the northern military district, and then it
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will be the third world war, although those on the other side have long since wised up, they understand that they can physically defeat us on the battlefield... perhaps that’s the whole point, that’s all a political game, a game of gestures, a game of words, i understand perfectly well that all this will not change anything, absolutely, i can guarantee you that by about the middle of this year, by the summer, ukrainian formations will pour out along the entire line of military contact, no one will be further than us will stop, so if they need to, let them send their 10 frenchmen there, we’ve had them for a long time... we’ve already had them, we’ve already destroyed them with stacks of foreigners, different representatives of different states, i think that this won’t change anything, but so be it, of course, you still have to juggle politically, manipulate words, that’s all. and on what is your confidence
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based, that by the middle of summer, you said that ukraine, the same russians, they fight well, they will stop fighting well? and you know, they just already killed those well-fighting russians who initially began to fight, today they are already throwing disabled people into the front line, barely alive, barely walking, half-dead, well, with this, as they say, quantitative composition, well , of course, with that critical state of shortage of weapons, in total and all positions can withstand them. well, another month or two at most, after which the inevitable, as they say, well, i can probably say, abandonment of positions by the main part of the ukrainian units will begin, because they will no longer be able to hold, and i
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i understand that now, after all, such a massive abandonment of the position is not observed, unfortunately, well - you know, they are already slowly beginning to give up in all directions, in all sectors, well, here is the most important thing, indeed, we are already noting that they have very big problems with shells in all areas, and of course, they are everywhere already, all the prisoners we live, they take everything, that is, they all complain that they really have very big problems with reserves of forces and means critically lacking and based on this we draw our conclusions, you know, i remember here, in my opinion, one of the poles, either a general, or some correspondent, he arrived at... ukrainian positions, looked at what they soldiers eat, he said, i wouldn’t even give this food to my dog, that was the phrase, well, but
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zelensky eats well, and his owners, yes, that’s for sure, everything is fine with this matter, well, thank you very much, we will monitor the development of events, i understand that there were problems with communication today, you managed to solve them, and it is with great pleasure that we we talked to you, all the best, and hello to all the guys from us. you are great, great, you are heroes, thank you very much, i will remind you that the assistant to the head of the chechen republic, special forces commander akhmat, deputy commander of the second army corps of the russian armed forces, major general, hero of russia, abti alaodinov, was on direct communication. over the course of a week, russian troops carried out 39 group strikes on military and energy facilities in ukraine. this was reported to the ministry of defense, the military department noted that these strikes. became a response to attacks on russian oil and gas and energy facilities. the ministry of defense also
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explained how the situation is developing in various directions in the northern military district zone. denis alekseev has details. the russian ministry of defense today reported on the results of group strikes on strategic targets in ukraine over the past week. from march 31 to april 5, in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage the oil and gas industry and... energy facilities of russia, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 39 group strikes with long-range precision weapons ground-based airborne vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, facilities in the energy industry of ukraine, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex, air defense systems, an arsenal, fuel depots, a temporary deployment point for ukrainian units, and foreign mercenaries. the targets of the strikes have been achieved. all designated targets are hit. in all main directions of the special operation, the tactical situation has been improved,
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our units do not stand still, and regularly take credit for the broken ones formations in the ssu. in the ovdeevsky direction , the village of vodyanyya was liberated. the center group is advancing into the depths of the enemy’s defense. air strikes, artillery fire and heavy flamethrower systems defeated the personnel and equipment of six brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. and repelled 39 enemy counterattacks.
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presented by the command for a high state award, and such stories in the special operation zone, fortunately
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, are only becoming more numerous every day, which is why the results of our groups are continue to please on all fronts. near artyomovsk, in the chasovye area, our paratroopers destroyed another group of ukrainian armed forces infantry to the west of the village of krasnoe, kiev is sending its formations there to at least try to slow down the momentum of the russian military, but ours are serious, keeping the reds means consolidating them. at the turn , continue to squeeze out ukrainian units from neighboring chasofyar. during the fighting, not only the essence of the ukrainian military is revealed, but also their inability and unwillingness to fight. if you dig around, it turns out you can find it. something that the militants did not want to advertise, apparently because they hid it so carefully. here is the infamous azovets armored vehicle, banned in russia by the azov national battalion. an ideal example and confirmation of the corruption of the kiev regime. the car was created as a model of a tank for urban conditions, the development was carried out by representatives of the national battalion, but the money was allocated from the budget, the amount was no less than $5 million. and this is what they were
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spent on. rionovosti footage. an engineering miracle , it is. cameras from a regular intercom, here we can observe in the frontal part there should have been three of them, yes, but two have survived, in the realities of modern combat we can assume what kind of visibility the crew would have had, after a loud scandal the azovets was removed from the production site, kidnapped and now it turned up thanks to our military, after after a thorough examination, they came to the conclusion that this entire multimillion-dollar development was unsuitable for combat conditions. denis. secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev called the statement made earlier by western media about the organization of gas pipeline explosions as misinformation nord stream by ukrainians. according to him
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, only the special forces of the united states and england are capable of carrying out such sabotage. here's a quote. i would like to remind you of the sabotage on the nord stream and nord stream 2 gas pipelines committed in september 2022. western media and officials then intermittently reported that the explosions were allegedly organized by ukrainians, and those who approached on a yacht through a gas pipeline. they spread this misinformation with the incompetent westerners in mind. end of quote. currently investigating this terrorist attack in a western country. and they didn’t complete it, denmark closed it altogether, and germany it’s not going shaky, it’s not going smoothly, the west continues to push the topic of ukrainian sabotage on the nordic streams, but serious experts, both in the west and in russia, consider it a made-up story. it is very difficult to carry out an explosion in such conditions, because this gas pipeline, each thread of the gas pipeline
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is laid, well, firstly, these are very thick pipes, this is a very thick hydra and ... thermal insulation, these are very powerful concrete boxes that cover the pipe, walking along the bottom of the sea, this is a trench dug in the bottom of the sea, where the pipe is laid, concrete ships are placed on top, so in order to carry out such destruction, of course, it was necessary to work hard, a lot of work, which, in fact, the americans did when they carried out this at the same time the day before, that means, the so-called... exercises at precisely the point when their ships were present there in large numbers, at the point where these three powerful explosions occurred, so no ukraine, no these same pseudo-yachts that supposedly could to carry out these sabotages, these are legends that are, well, funny, probably, to anyone who listens to this with the presentation of these same anglo-saxons,
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the cost... of natural gas, just like oil, has a powerful political background, the american authorities are trying in every possible way to regulate prices for energy resources within the country, and of course, in other countries of the world, and the gas issue is closely linked to the problems of domestic politics. let me remind you that the biden administration some time ago introduced a ban on lng exports under new contracts. this led to a drop in prices for the us domestic market to the level of thirty years ago. at the same time.
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could all these manipulations lead to higher gas prices for european consumers in the future? any restriction on supplies, any restriction on the free movement of goods leads to a rise in price, because not only are scarcity zones created, but political risks are created, perceived risks, the same thing in europe, for example, that at any moment lng supplies, if necessary for the united states itself, can be blocked. europe counted on the united states to strategic reserves will be used to provide for the entire civilized world.
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further, while this assumption is justified, assumptions are made that prices may rise and now the question is how long this will continue, but most importantly, these are, of course, the main reasons for the increase in the cost of the precious metal. gold prices, in my opinion, are rising mainly for political reasons. reason number one is the aggravation of the political
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situation in the world as a whole in the middle east, geopolitical risks are what always contributes to the withdrawal to defensive assets, this is especially true for countries that were not previously looking for an alternative to the dollar, yes, but if we look at where tensions are now intensifying, this... in relation to gold is almost at a historical minimum, that is, silver has grown much less than gold , usually this gap narrows after
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gold stops its upward movement, as stock traders say, it consolidates, in conditions of a strong gold trend, at first it lags behind gold in terms of growth rate, but then it begins to catch up with it, if you look just on the silver chart. there is a shortage of the metal, and i think that silver may sharply accelerate growth somewhere in the second half of the year and go into the range of
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$35-$50. the un and nato state department criticized the law on foreign agents in georgia. its re-examination was initiated by the ruling party, but in the west they believe that. this will lead the country astray from the european path, and the opposition is against it. details from elizaveta khramtsova. rallies for the law on anti-agents have become something of a tradition for georgia. once a year, tbilisi residents try to prove their commitment to the ideals of freedom. last march, the bill on foreign agents was introduced in parliament, but the ruling georgian dream party is not giving up. deputies are again asked to consider a document on the transparency of foreign influence, which.
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the bill will lead it astray from its european path, and will also damage organizations of a democratic society that improve the lives of georgian citizens. you are not that kind of europeans, if you listen to your bosses from the kremlin,
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you rushed to write. networks of european deputies and officials who recently invited tbilisi to eu. in the name of protecting human rights , the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe proposes to exclude the document from the agenda. the estonian ministry of foreign affairs writes that, in fact, the georgian integration plan did not imply such bills. and the press secretary of the eu foreign policy service simply resorted to blackmail, where to say, if you don’t listen to us, we won’t accept us into the european union. the georgian parliament responded to this by saying that, for example, france, israel and great britain have had a similar document for a long time, and but... georgian society has been observing for a number of years how the country a large amount of money comes from abroad, and this money finances so -called non-governmental organizations and the media that are in the service of political parties. their activities are directed against national interests and traditional values. but some politicians are still afraid
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that... that the law on nagents will leave georgia without a european dream. this bill is a direct refusal to join the european union. other laws adopted by the georgian dream serve this purpose. this is the power of traitors. but people taking to the streets will send them to the dump history, and no one is afraid of them. on friday , through loyal media, georgian dream announced that a non-governmental organization had launched a planned media campaign against the bill on enogenous agents, which should discredit the document and prevent it from being accepted. and, apparently, this year the party in power decided not to give up. deputies are making it clear in every possible way that this time there will be a vote on a controversial topic. elizaveta khramtsova, evgenia zemtsova, irina zaborskaya, news. on this i, alexander karyevsky, am with you i say goodbye, and after the commercial our broadcast will continue with the vesti program, the duty department. why were you
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given the title of hero of the soviet union? don't know. vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, forty-second year, russian, the story is completely romantic. and you didn’t know this mikhail? no no. did she make you look like a latino? yes, she made you a person with a latin-american character and latin-american habits. he told me, it's better for you not to know. yeah, but i didn’t ask anymore, because i realized there was so much there. in general, not all of his forecasts were convenient, but the information he sent here, 98%, it probably came true, he had ukraine in his forecasts, that’s roughly how it all happened, i always dreamed of remaining a commandant, what does latin america and the mausale have to do with it.
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