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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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never installed. and we return to the flooding in orsk, where due to a dam break , the waters of the ural river poured into the old city. due to the rapid melting of snow, the water level in the river rose sharply. the riklin reservoir is forced to discharge more than 2,000 tons of water per second. the bulk platinum of orsk could not withstand the pressure of the elements. flooding now threatens 400 private homes. the most serious consequences were avoided only because the threat was foreseen in advance. the dam was being strengthened with all its might at the same time a possible evacuation was being prepared. talking about transport temporary accommodation centers for residents, it is reported that six of them were prepared at once. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department of an honest detective. subscribe. and our release is now complete. alexander ostakhov was in the studio. see you.
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in orzhka, orenburg region, a dam broke, the evacuation of people began from the flood zone, and several dozen settlements were under threat . vladimir putin chaired a meeting of the russian security council. the central topic of discussion is the fight against organized crime. the best doctors in the region will monitor the condition of the governor of the murmansk region. earlier , andrei chibes was taken by helicopter to the regional clinical hospital, as he is now... almost 40 orders and medals were awarded today to those who distinguished themselves during the performance of military missions of the northern military district. now the soldiers are recovering in the rehabilitation and educational center of the military hospital. there is also a consultation center where military personnel undergoing treatment are helped to solve their housing problem. how many have they been able to help? new
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details of the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. investigators believe that he was connected with a special military operation, which investigators found in the phones of those arrested. in the orenburg region, a dam on the ural river broke due to floods. the evacuation of residents of the city of orsk, whose houses were in the flood zone, is underway. meanwhile, the ministry of emergency situations and municipal services are trying to strengthen. our special correspondent maria valieva is working at the site of the natural disaster and is now in direct contact. maria, hello, are you able to get the situation under control? yes, dima, greetings, we are currently working in the old city, i would like to note that there are traffic police posts here, no one is allowed close to those streets where the water has already spilled, now there is an emergency, now they are quickly evacuating. all residents
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are walked along the streets of the old city by police officers and employees of the ministry of emergency situations, warning them that they urgently need to evacuate, there are a lot of volunteers here, those people who are ready to transport everyone for free, hello, please tell me how long ago you arrived here, i’ve been here for about half an hour already i'm here, i've already prepared for myself, i myself am a hunter, a fisherman, i have with me, as it were, a boat, and an elka with me, this turns out to be such big boots, as if i am ready to help those who are here and who generally need help, i myself i live in the old city on seventh street, as if it were not indifferent to me, as if i was ready to help anyone at all, at all, thank you very much, here are caring citizens who are ready
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to evacuate from other streets, from neighboring areas your neighbors, take them where they need to go, or to relatives, or to temporary accommodation centers. now we see that police officers continue to walk the streets and warn citizens that they need to quickly evacuate. attention, citizens, the population is being evacuated. take documents and necessary things, in orsk, today there was a dam break, now trucks are also carrying crushed stone in order to somehow minimize the consequences of flooding, we have now talked with the police officers, when the water can approach, this is the place where we are now, according to rough forecasts, this is may... happen in an hour or 2
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hours, also the mayor of orenburg sergei salmin recorded a video message today, emphasizing that the situation is critical and necessary. the situation is critical, in just one day the water level in the urals increased by 91 cm and now stands at 778 cm, this is already above the unfavorable value and the water continues to rise, i urge you to go to your relatives or friends or to temporary accommodation centers, more than 300 households have already been flooded and 750 plots. i would also like to note that i am currently in orsk on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, alexander kurenkov, his deputy ilya denis, ilya denisov, under his leadership, coordinated work to eliminate the consequences of the flood and provide
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assistance to people, two il-76 aircraft arrived here, more than 100 specialists from the center rescue team and the center. leader of the ministry of emergency situations of russia 20 watercraft, five units of equipment, all -terrain, and also has special equipment and wetsuits, life jackets and a rapid deployment diving station. dmitriy! yes, maria, thank you, about the situation in orskaya orenburg region, where broke the dam due to the flood, said maria valieva. well, the situation is now difficult in neighboring kazakhstan, where eight regions are covered by leashes. according to the ministry of emergency situations , more than 600 residential buildings were under water, as well as social facilities and the central stadium.
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passenger trains are used to evacuate people. the fight against organized crime and how to increase the effectiveness of this work were discussed today at a meeting of the russian security council. his condition after the attack remains serious; the criminal case of attempted murder has been taken up the central office of the investigative committee, the best investigators, criminologists and experts have been sent to the region. earlier , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that the assassination attempt would be investigated as soon as possible, and the special services
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should draw conclusions on the safety of officials. report by oleg posobin. this evening the governor of the murmansk region was transported from... to apatity to murmonsk, and this morning andrei chibes recorded an appeal from intensive care shortly after the operation. i want to say a huge thank you to our to the doctors who saved me, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting me, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue to fight, only forward. the governor of the murmansk region was saved by a miracle, a few more centimeters. the knife blow could have been fatal, in fact, he was a little lucky that the aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. there are many more competent authorities' employees in the reception area than there are doctors and nurses. after the assassination attempt on the governor, the hospital was taken over security ring from outside to inside. andrei tibes
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is in the apatitsky-kirov central city hospital under the supervision of doctors, as well as special forces soldiers and people in civilian clothes. in addition, investigative actions are ongoing here. those who were near the governor at the time of the crime are asked. at the reception department there is a convoy car under the same roof with the governor and a suspect in an attempted murder, according to investigators, was stabbed by a forty-two-year-old resident of apatit, alexander bydanov. when the attacker is detained injured my leg. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation, the suspect explained that he felt hostility towards the governor, despite the fact that... who had not previously known him. it was established that the suspect had previously been prosecuted for committing a crime under article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident.
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witnesses are questioned, the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations, are ordered. and these shots were taken several hours after the attack, the construction workers’ recreation center was cordoned off. and so an operational investigative group is working on the spot, in front of us is a car with experts, criminologists from the investigative committee, 30 m away is the entrance to the builders' recreation center, where the attack on the governor took place. forensic scientists. takes fingerprints from a car that is parked opposite the leisure center, it belongs to budanov, in order to open the door for the operatives i had to break the glass, here they look through every centimeter, collect evidence, investigators study the video of the visit second by second. obviously, the attacker saw andrei chibis’ announcement, in which the leader invited everyone to a meeting at the palace of sculpture, and accurately calculated the location of the attack. budanov's neighbors describe him as an extremely private person.
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over the course of a week, russian troops carried out 39 group strikes on military and energy facilities in ukraine. the ministry of defense reported this. in the military department noted that these strikes were a response to attacks on russian oil and gas and energy facilities. from march 31 to april 5, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities. the forces of the russian federation carried out 39 group strikes with high-precision long-range
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ground-based airborne weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles against ukrainian energy industry facilities, as well as military-industrial complex enterprises, air defense systems, an arsenal, fuel depots, a temporary deployment point for ukrainian units of foreign mercenaries. the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated objects were hit. new details have emerged about how the russian military took an important bridgehead in the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye direction. at the forefront of the attack was the assault group of lieutenant alexander toropov. the fighters were not at a loss even when communication was lost; attack drones were specified for armored vehicles. our military correspondent, anton stepanenko, will tell you how the unit operated. they are watching this is the first time this video has been watched several times. his father immediately recognizes them in the video.
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again again, to watch, they pass on to each other the moment of the landing of the assault group, they rewind the glasses to each other, he comes second, their sashka. lieutenant toropov now commands a platoon in the seventieth guards regiment of the dnepr group. his assault group was the first to capture and hold a bridgehead for 16 days in the village of rabotino on the zaporozhye front. you get used to it, it becomes like family. and the new one was once a month ago and a month ago this was before the battles in robotino, he is preparing for an interview so that everything is on the forum, but his group is now on vacation. well, they told me: here is the school, there may be an enemy there, here is the point at which you need to go, occupy, that is, if there is an enemy, knock him out, and sit down and hold on, occupy, well, set up a perimeter defense, come on, dear, come on, come on, come on! assault groups of the seventieth guards regiment on two infantry fighting vehicles
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are moving towards rabotin, for this village, of which only one name remains, fierce battles are now taking place. smart girls, smart girls, an enemy shell falls between two infantry fighting vehicles, the first vehicle is enveloped in a dense cloud of earth, dust and fragments, it is not visible for a couple of seconds, but the infantry fighting vehicle continues to move, come on, maga, come on, dear, smart girl, smart girl, men. in the command post, emotions are off the charts, each of the assault groups and bmp crews is known by the face of the magician, the mechanic, the driver, the first, there were pops, well, i don’t see the pops, the side ones, only i see everything in front of me, but it’s all on adrenaline i know, well, most likely i got there, exhaled, it seemed like everything was alive, so that the landing party can be brought back this way, i’ll get back any way, keep an eye on the progress of the landing party...
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shoot at it so that no one with a grenade or something similar comes out and hits the car. in the village, the assault groups are each moving towards their own objective, the one in which alexander’s group is heading towards the school. let's go, landing, let's go. they leave the vehicle while moving to make aimed fire difficult, dismount and disperse. when we unloaded, half of our water was broken up by shrapnel. it’s not visible in the video, but for us, well, the arrow gun worked, that is, all small arms worked for us then. honey, a machine gun, so everything was broken into pieces and it was, well, the first days were difficult, we drank 100 g of water a day and it was fine, but basically nothing, we held on, there was food there, well, it turns out there was, we took it with us there , well, dry food, it’s a stew, but you don’t really want to eat there, when there is no water, they
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were thrown into the water from drones along with batteries for walkie-talkies, the main thing is that the group held the prop, and they did. well, why are we crying, it ’s still good, pull yourself together, everything is fine, you see, what a brah you are, fearless, but the fact that he is fearless, yes, they are discouraged, they are in shock, they don’t immediately choose words after what they saw, he didn’t tell them this. the commander should be like this, fear that he has become more, well, fear, not just fear, for the child, understanding of the danger that now surrounds all these guys there in the northern military district, lieutenant sasha is 22, became an officer in april 23 in the northern military district since august , in his platoon he is the
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youngest, the average age of his fighters is 40 plus, and there are those for whom he... is suitable for a grandson, but they address him by his first name and patronymic, he stormed with these men, work, he called his parents on the eve of the assault, i don’t say anything, usually i just said, everything is fine, life is healthy, everything is fine, as if why create personal nerves, well, you said that for some time there will be no connection for you, they already know, they are used to the fact that sometimes i periodically, well, the connection disappears, when i turned on the phone for 70 notifications, they called him, they were worried about him, they were waiting for him, it was his first time at work shtur. that's it, killers, let's go, let's go, killers, that's it, that's it, men, the best, work, first company, work, i write every day, i see when he answers, when he doesn’t, well, he reads it, then everything, of course, yes,
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it’s hard, well, what should i do, because? what kind of work has sasha been doing at the front since august, and a month later he was awarded the order of courage, but for what? well, there for, i was then on an armored group, the commander of an armored group, i carried out tasks there, everything works out, i went there, whoever else didn’t go everything, where there, who didn’t go , well, tell me, well, where they didn’t go, it turns out other crews work out, we were the first to stop by there, well, straight to the enemy, it was about 20 meters away, his parents saw him in january, he came on vacation. he didn’t say anything about the service, he just gave the order, when he mocks, he takes off his uniform, it becomes the same as he was before, the boy, when they put on the uniform, he’s a completely different person, now he has two awards on his uniform, this medal for work, his parents haven’t seen it yet, his entire group received medals and orders for that assault, the crew of the bmp received a medal for courage, gunner
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viktor borzenko received the third one, first the svo received the zhukov medal and the st. george cross. my mother, girlfriend, brothers, sisters are waiting for me at home , matchmaking is planned soon, they promised a vacation, we are waiting, well, you are an enviable groom with those awards, yes, yes, well, there will be more, in any case, take away, magician, take away, dear, take away, take away, magician, go away, dear, go away, dear, go away, dear, go away, the second one is where, the second one is passing by the school now, more. this video lasts only 10 minutes, and russian troops wage such battles at korobotin’s posts in the village itself every day, a small zaporozhye one. the village of rabotino has already become the same for the kiev regime a symbolic place, a fortress, like mariupol, artyomovsk, avdeevka in their time. both infantry fighting vehicles
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came out of that battle without losses. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, ksenia usoltseva, news. zaporozhye front. the participants in the special operation were presented with state awards today. the fighters are now recovering in a rehabilitation and educational center on the basis of a branch of the vishnevsky military hospital. having distinguished himself from the ministry of defense.
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well, stay in moscow, in the military registration and enlistment office in a higher position than the one i occupy, i agreed, a representative from housing support came and asked questions about where i was staying, in what area, and so on, offered to look at options for official housing, well, literally within two weeks they found housing. in transnistria, a kamikat drone attacked a military unit in the rybnitsa region. the authorities of the unrecognized republic reported this. the drone's target was a radar station. she received minor injuries. no harm done. investigators went to the scene and
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a criminal case was opened. let me remind you that in in mid-march, a drone attacked one of the military units of terraspol. the mi-8 helicopter was destroyed. now a short advertisement, then we will continue. stay with us. alpha friday - super cashback every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia. only in the alpha travel service. not just profitable, alpha profitable. this is not necessary. it's clear? i understand.
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let's return to the situation in the orenburg region, where this evening a dam on the ural river broke due to high water, the ministry of emergency situations and municipal services began work to strengthen the dam, and the evacuation of residents of the city of orsk, whose houses were in the flood zone, is also underway. the operational services report that about 400 private residential buildings, which is about 10 thousand people, may fall into the disaster zone. previously. when the threat of a dam breakthrough first arose, people were advised to collect documents and move to temporary centers placement. a state of emergency has been declared in the city. rescue teams from moscow have already arrived there, and additional forces are being sent from perm. the ministry of emergency situations told us about the current situation in orsk. in orsk, evacuation is carried out by specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations and the local administration. the evacuation is being carried out due to the fact that an earthen embankment
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dam burst, which... is located within the city and protected it from palojo, in total there are 33 heavy trucks in operation, all the equipment works in continuous mode, the rush falls asleep, we recommend residents should not neglect advice from specialists, including employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations, and go through temporary accommodation centers. russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya called on the security council to take action against israel for failure to comply with the humanitarian resolutions of the security council. and the continuation, according to him, of the ruthless operation in gaza, which resulted in the death of 33 palestinians, 13 of them children. as nebenze emphasized, the main demand for a ceasefire was never met. and without this, as the representative of our it is impossible for the country to help the starving palestinians. and bense called the opening of individual crossings or the airdrop of cargo as humanitarian pr.
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in this case, the council must act in unison; it is unacceptable when individual members of the security council send signals questioning the need to implement the resolutions adopted by the council. vasily nebendi's speech at the security council was interrupted by a warning about an earthquake of magnitude 4.8. tremors were felt in the un meeting room in new york. manhattan residents reported that the buildings were swaying. the consulate general of our country in new york has temporarily evacuated visitors. jfk and newark airports temporarily suspended operations. about 300 flights were delayed. according to seismologists, the epicenter of the earthquake was in the neighboring state of
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new jersey, but tremors. felt in new york. local authorities clarify that the statue of liberty was not damaged. the investigative committee believes that the terrorist attack in crocus was related to the conduct of the svo. investigators came to these conclusions after checking the phones of the detainees. terrorists. in particular, they contained photographs of people in military uniform with the ukrainian flag. boris ivanin will tell you more about the new evidence. this is the mobile phone of one of the arrested terrorists in front. they tried to destroy them by arrest, but investigators were able to restore the data, among them they found panoramic photographs of crocus city hall, in all details, how to approach the building, which side to enter from, the attackers sent these screenshots to the curator, who gave the death order. at the direction the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location for the attack. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that
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is, the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices, on the instructions of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus citychiho building.


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