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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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china's russian federation, in the absence of global means, purely military influence in remote peripheral theaters, iran is forced to rely on the structures of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, that's all that was created by the talents of general qassem soleimani in syria, lebanon, yemen, a paramilitary proxy. formation, well technically equipped, ideologically very strongly motivated, which at the same time allow tehran not to be drawn into a direct military confrontation with its sometimes stronger neighbors, which consequence than he is, this is a risk that the tehran government is unwilling to take itself without the most extreme mortal necessity, that's when... iran fought, it
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fought on a regular basis using a field army, as much as its limited resources allowed, the outcome the fight was not decided on the battlefields, but in the current situation, when it is necessary to act outside the perimeter.
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iran began about two years after the start of the campaign, the delay was intended to show everyone who is the aggressor and who is violating international law, or the conflict that we have with the united states, the united states, for example, confiscated iranian tankers, iran began to respond only after a long pause, then the retaliation was decisive. on february 11, 1829, a crowd of persian islamist fanatics broke into the russian embassy in tehran. the personnel of the department of mission, despite the numerical superiority of the attackers, took up the fight. 37 employees were killed, including the russian ambassador, poet and playwright, alexander griboyedov. he arrived in persia to oversee the implementation peace treaty and payment to russia. the tribute
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was able to identify griboyedov only by the scar on his little finger received in a duel. in the summer of 1900 in beijing, as a result of the boxer rebellion of ihituania, a movement against foreign interference in the economy, politics and religious life of china, several diplomatic missions came under attack at once. the siege of the embassy quarter lasted 55 days until it was broken through by the armed forces of the eight nations alliance. and in december. 1927 , after a communist uprising in the city of guangzhou, chiang kai-shek ordered the arrest employees of the soviet consulate general, accusing them of inciting the people to revolt. on december 14, five consulate employees and six chinese workers were shot. these events were preceded by the military alarm of the twenty-seventh year and the revolutionary events in china, as well as their support from the ussr. the possibility of losing
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the chinese colonies caused a harsh reaction from the british authorities, including severing diplomatic relations with moscow and threatening to start a war. in february 1953, an explosion occurred at the soviet embassy in tel aviv. the attackers planted a thirty-kilogram bomb under a marble bench, and fragments of stone scattered in all directions. several members of the diplomatic mission were injured. later, militants from an israeli terrorist group. kud israel were captured, but the authorities could not prove their involvement in the explosion at the soviet embassy. in october 73, during the yom kippur war, the soviet cultural center in damascus was completely destroyed by a missile attack. soviet syrian citizens who were in denmark were killed. in march in 1992, a suicide bomber drove a car with explosives into the façade of the israeli embassy in buenos aires. as a result of an explosion.
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at the same time, two explosions occurred at the us embassies in kenya and tanzania. 224 people died. parked trucks filled with explosives exploded near the embassies. al-qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack. in november 2016 , a group of three suicide bombers drove a truck bomb into the wall of the german consulate in mazar-e-sharif, afghanistan. six people died. 120 were injured, the surviving terrorist was captured by afghan security forces, and the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, saying the explosion was a response to an airstrike in kunduz that killed 30 civilians. the consulate in
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damascus was bombed on the day of the forty-fifth anniversary of the proclamation of the islamic republic in iran. from the very beginning, this unusual state relied heavily on tactics that many years later were called hybrid, the use of indirect and network methods of confrontation. israel is also geographically remote; it is impossible to play with israel on its field using conventional weapons too far away. and again, the risk is too great, so strategic ones are easier. it is less risky to solve the foreign policy tasks of the iranian state in a proxy mode, having paramilitary and militia formations in lebanon, syria and now on the territory of the collapsed yemeni state. the situation
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in the middle east is teetering on the brink of a big war, but there are no people interested in it, but there are more and more signs of a deadlock, and political and military. israel ignores outside opinion. he is the first, he is not the last. the problem, however, is the inability to achieve the set goals. the longer everything drags on, the more material the international disengagement becomes, and any productive outcome becomes less and less realistic for anyone. there is a political shake-up in turkey. the opposition republican people's party achieved success in the municipal elections. she. not only retained power in all major cities of the country, but overall overtook the party justice and development, for the first time in more than 20 years of her rule. the republican people's party, or chp, was created
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by the founder of the turkish republic, kemal ataturk. for the first quarter of a century after the collapse of the ottoman empire, it was the ruling party of turkey. the six arrows on the emblem symbolize. six principles of kemalism: nationalism, republicanism, nationalism, secular power, ethnism, state control in the economy and reformism. all of them are enshrined in the constitution of 1937, and are still considered the official ideology of the turkish republic. after the death of atatürk in 1938, ismet and nünü became the leader of the chp, but after losing the elections in 1950. and nyunu lost the post of president of the people's party of people's republic and went into opposition. after the coup on may 27 , 1960 and the overthrow of the boyar menderes, the chp returned to power, and its leader, ismet i̇nünü, headed the coalition cabinets of turkey in 61-65. at the same time
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, the left democratic wing, led by bulent ecevit, gained great influence in the party. removed inunya as party chairman. after the coup 1980 and the ban on all political parties, the chp was dissolved. and it was recreated only in ninety-two by deniz baikal, as a party of a centrist orientation. the chp participated in several coalition governments, and after the 2002 elections and ricep erdogan’s justice and development party came to power, it became the only political force. preserving the ideology of kemalism. in 2010 , new leader kemal kalicdar ağlu returned the chp to center-left politics and proclaimed it modern social democratic party. over the past 14 years, it has consistently received a quarter of parliamentary
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mandates and has been the main competitor of erdogan’s party. recep tayyip erdogan a year ago.
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all the main cities of turkey, where approximately 75% of the turkish population live and where about 75 percent of the turkish economy is concentrated, there will be a lot of work there. yes, uh, they will probably strengthen ties with the people, it won’t be like before the may elections, presidential ties with other parties, small parties, some strange schemes, there is cooperation, alliance and so on, communication with the people, and apparently, there will be a strengthening of the role of the de facto leader of the istanbul opposition... measure, because the leader and the mayor of istanbul imamoglu have already had great success,
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erdogan’s main task was to prevent his victory in istanbul again, but he won and he proved, his plan actually came true, the change of leadership of the republican people's party was the first stage, the second stage was victory in istanbul, the third stage is... victory in the presidential elections, which under normal conditions in 4 years , but apparently now the opposition will put forward a temporary demand for early elections, the economic crisis of turkey plays a very important role here, the authorities are probably the first task of the authorities to correct the situation with the economy, they have been trying to do this in recent years, this year especially, but they have not succeeded until... corrects the situation, it will be very difficult for erdogan, perhaps he will then be forced
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to find a replacement for himself, and if the economy improves, perhaps he will try again and somehow insert his candidacies in the next presidential elections. kennitouche is from nigeria and his drawing called stumbled. results of turkish municipal elections, a view from the african continent. the red flag says "people's republican party." the theme continues with kristo komarnitski from bulgaria. erdogan lost the election. t-shirts with the inscriptions “i love ankara, bursa” and istanbul. below is the inscription. take three, get all. oliver schopf from austria defeats sultan. disappointing result of municipal elections. the kemalists are taking their toll. the bird says: people's republican.
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it doesn't have such templates, as far as i know,
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in domestic policy and foreign policy too, that is, the former leadership of the republicans, and the former leader, and other leaders before him, they had more similar patterns, but to say some words about ataturk, about the unity of the people and the nation, and so on, no more than that, but a little bit like this, the condescension of the kind of people they looked at from above, here is such a leader, firstly, young, very sociable, he can speak... a common language easily with the left, with the right with the religious, he himself religious, but at the same time he says that he is a social democrat, when he goes out into the street, in the markets, he completely communicates with his opponents, they also kiss, hug, this did not happen, the previous leader, for example, generally avoided such communication with
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the people, and he, that is, the mayor of istanbul. doesn’t particularly use such concepts, ideological, political, i’m right, i’m left, apparently, he wants to find his place in the center of the turkish economy, which has been empty for quite a long time, more than 20 years. we are, of course, interested in how political changes within turkey will affect the foreign policy of this countries. it is of particular importance for russia now. the 2024 elections showed that erdogan is losing power, and it will be increasingly difficult for him to receive support from partners and society for his international activities, especially when it comes to a more assertive foreign policy, especially as economic problems become an obvious obstacle. the policy of escalation is losing its footing
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in the current circumstances.
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tehran book garden, a center for book lovers, has an entire department dedicated to russian literature, on the shelves are presented translated into persian, the masterpieces of leo tolstoy, anna karenina and war and peace, many works of art by other remarkable russian writers, including anton chekhov, alexander pushkin and fyodor dostoevsky. i devote most of my time to
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russian classical literature, from pushkin and gogol to maxim gorky, but my favorite authors are dostoevsky.
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ties would be even stronger if iranian readers knew the works of modern russian authors, and the main task here lies with a handful of russians experts are confident that russian-iranian translators are in iran. in iran, bulgakov is read, but in his homeland, kiev, it was banned. the institute of national remembrance of ukraine declared the use of mikhail bulgakov’s name as propaganda of russian imperial policy. according to the conclusion of experts, he
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was ideologically in the position of russian imperialism, white guardism, and approved of the expansion of russian communism. quite a motley worldview, i must say. but most importantly, bulgakov, of all the russian writers of that time, stands closest to to the current ideologists putinism. mikhailach really did not like ukrainian nationalism. in this, the kiev institute is absolutely right. we won't argue with the ratings. bulgakov himself most likely would not have done it either, if only for the reason that, based on the example of his own very tragic life, he knew very well that assessments change very quickly, sometimes diametrically, but manuscripts do not burn. this was an international review, see you later. pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck maybe.
11:54 pm
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when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs, in the army there is no division for a boy and a girl, there are no concessions here, our hospital was in the middle of our unit, at first we were fired upon for about an hour, there was some kind of division standing nearby in the field , there were screams and yells, they also called for help, and i rushed there. maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, there are shootings everywhere and i need to move forward and quickly, there maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, like a mother’s, that you should help, i believe in myself, that i can still do something, hello, mom, everything is fine, we’re working.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website. fedor mikhailovich dostoevsky. it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is my birthday.
12:00 am
let's return to the situation in orsk, where the yes.


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