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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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the artillery of the armed forces of ukraine immediately opens fire, so you can see me, during the day the military generally try not to show themselves on the street, everyone is dispersed in the basements, and we go down, more, carefully, carefully duck down, who has a camera so as not to break it, yeah, this is the 103rd regiment 150 divisions, southerners, southern military district, suddenly collapsed and cozy. command centre. guys, great. but i don’t see, this is it, right? here she is. why did it fly away and drop it and there was no explosion? this is georgievka, right? yes yes. we don’t have this kind of assault. when. let’s do it, i think, specifically in
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our unit, well, our regiment, i ’m talking about it, we didn’t have this or that at all, probably in my memory, at least we always tried to approach tasks more wisely, so that like the so-called meat assaults, we don’t work like that, the main thing is human lives, saving people so that they return home, haz ya wave, haz, you see any movement here. of course, yes, i say, and in the marinka they see movement, up to the marinka, yes, inclusive, yes, baby, listen, well, now they’re mostly fighting like this, yes, we mainly fight with them, here now because of her, as if they also have birds, so we squeeze out the enemy, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, kamikazes, then we secretly bring people into the position, people sit down, occupy, everything is there everyone is holding the defense, and we...
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at the control points, they make no less efforts than the attack aircraft, they do everything so that the attack aircraft enters a house or basement in which there will be no enemy, when there is no escort, you go, roughly speaking, blindly, that is, you were told to go there, there you need to take a position, you go, you you don’t know what’s in front of you, what’s on your right left, when you walk accompanied, the people who accompany you, they see everything that’s happening, the most difficult thing is to...
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it takes to replace the battery, this constantly, but one is enough, why not two, well , because one, when the battery runs out, you come back, during this time movements can occur, their shift can come in, leave, that is, constant surveillance constantly 24x7 around the clock, there are officers nearby and skillfully experienced combat sergeants controlling the fire, the ukrainian armed forces officers don’t go to the first line.
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listen, we almost never take officers prisoner, why? because they are not here, well , look with whom, well, let’s say, even using my own example, i’ll tell you, when i took prisoners, we ask them a question, where is the commander? they say the commander left there, roughly speaking, 3 days ago, commander, it was the sergeant, i think he was even there, he left 3 days ago, he said, i ’ll go there now and make a connection, there’s something else there , batteries, he didn’t come again here we come too...
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that is, people have already reached the point where we people are sent on vacation forcibly, that is , like this, but there are people who have difficulty transitioning to civilian life? no, i think it all depends on the person, if we are talking about me specifically, no, i don’t have any problems with this, i come home on vacation, and i don’t need time to come to my senses for something to happen change, i’m coming, that’s it, i’m the same person who was before the war, it’s harder for someone, it’s all given, it all depends on the person’s nervous system. who perceives everything how, who perceives it all through themselves endures, well, events, sometimes these events are not easy, now they control the fire of an armored vehicle, much lower, even much lower, often the ukrainian reconnaissance drone baba ega flies here, and during the night
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it flies out 10 times, appears in the zone in our front position immediately reports that we are still starting to look for her, just air, well, we found her and what ’s next for her. so it’s hard to hit a ram there, it has six screws, it was directly visible how it becomes, for example, turns around, it has two screws, it turns off, you now the call sign will be pokryshkin, why, well , natoran, but he went to ram the enemy, so to speak, an enemy unmanned aerial vehicle, baba yaga, yes, yes, you read books here, honestly no, there’s no time for books here.
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they are trying to hold us back by means, well , that is, we cannot afford this, as if in any case, any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, and they also say here: watch the weather , even if everything is quiet , everyone is in a serene mood, watch the sky, maybe there’s a star above you, or maybe an enemy drone, comedians, but guys, it’s flying, is it a star? star, yes, movement at night, there seemed to be fog, now the stars are visible again, no, no, everything is fine, woe to our enemies, we are accustomed
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to war, we have entered the regime in which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived, for the fat one, but aggressive europe and... the united states, which has met worthy opponents, this does not add to the calm, although we came for what is ours, we do not need someone else’s. the pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin, we can do without pain. at bikfest , you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank, it ’s delicious, period. you confirm the transfer, we will warn you about unwanted or blocked calls. activate call protection in
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flying from moscow to novy orengui in early april is like taking a contrast shower here -20°, and the temperature in winter drops to -50. new urengoy supplies gas not only to our entire large country, but also to the whole world. the imolnensky autonomous okrug accounts for about 75 percent of proven natural gas reserves, and 22 percent of the world's reserves. it’s hard to imagine that just 100 years ago there was bare tundra here, and today there are social infrastructure facilities kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, the sports complex where we are now are being built up at an incredible speed. young, dynamic, rapidly developing - all this is about the new urengoy. here they not only cherish traditions and...
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for the first time, about 300 participants from 78 regions of russia came to novy urengoy. kostya tsarev shared with us that for several days of the olympics, relatives. always in touch, well, yes, my parents support me, they wrote me this morning, good morning, have a good day, success, good luck in the third round. kostya, a native northerner, born and studying in the city of nadym in the yamolny autonomous okrug, for him this is the first olympiad of this scale, still in the ninth grade, he says that in the future he sees himself as a historian. the first two
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rounds were probably a little more difficult for me than the last, the first was a project, an essay too. i did it according to ancient russia, and i worked it out at home, where to go, where to go, but i think that it was also in moscow, but at the studies, most likely, they told me there that he was very good. we talked with kostya even before the announcement of the results, he and i didn’t think that i would become a prize-winner. yamal can rightly be called a deposit of talent. therefore, new urengoy was chosen as a site for history and there was even a special nomination. for better knowledge of the history of yamal, if you just go for a walk, they will take away your siharte, what kind of sikhis are they? for example, after watching this cartoon, it was necessary to answer the questions of what the germans look like and where they live; few answered the question. in 2025, the gas capital will turn 50 years old,
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the president of russia ordered to celebrate the anniversary, and governor dmitry artyukhov at the meeting of the winners. in the competition russian leaders personally invited vladimir putin to the city's anniversary. i also take this opportunity to sincerely invite you to visit us next year on our anniversary year. we are now carrying out a major development program with your support, and indeed the city, the city is changing, the district is changing. the governor shared with us that if at first the organizers had doubts about the logistics issue, then after viewing the site and the conditions for the participants it became clear. olympics.
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to an answer, and for some the intellectual struggle completely knocked them off their feet. this is how three passed stage of the olympiad in one of the best schools in yamal, the arctic lyceum. there are all conditions for relaxation after completing tasks, for example, you can go to the pool, or take a yoga class. in recent years, yamal has made a real breakthrough in the olympiad movement; in 5 years, the gas-producing region has risen from sixtieth place to... in the ranking of subjects it took second place in the ranking of regions in terms of performance in participation in the final stage of the all-russian olympiad for schoolchildren. boryakina, kira, new urengoy! in total, 24 winners and 112 winners, including three from yamal. now i’m
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already standing with the prize-winners, kostya, kira, guys, tell me what emotions he’s shaking. i'm just shocked. i'm very glad, how are you? did you expect? i didn’t expect this at all, in general, i didn’t think at all that for hira from new urengoy this olympiad was decisive, now an eighteen-year-old graduate can get into any university in russia on a budget, in the future she shared with us, she wants to become a lawyer, i would like to ideally at st. petersburg state university. why st. petersburg, it’s so cold here, st. petersburg is also cold. well, because st. petersburg attracts me with its beauty, its amazing history, its historical atmosphere. participants from all over russia admit that they prepared for the history olympiad as if they were for real olympic games; they attended training camps with the best teachers throughout the year. the guys showed, in general, a fairly high level
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of literacy, and what is pleasing is that such a level of literacy was shown by guys from different regions. different regions are catching up to of a level that was previously typical only for metropolitan schoolchildren, the left hand will be pointing, yeah, and you shoot, and after classes, schoolchildren from all over the country became even more familiar with the culture and history of the indigenous people of yamal, in order to understand and truly feel the soul of yamal, we came in an eco-complex on the territory of new urengoy, which reveals the beauty of the nature of the north, the depth, and, of course, the sacredness of culture. people, what the germans dress in, what spirits they believe in and what they play, they told schoolchildren in a real plague, and of course,
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how can you not try the northern berry, it’s sour, yeah, like you, it reminds you of sea buckthorn, but also raspberries, and raspberries, the taste is very interesting, kirill came to new urengoy from yekaterinburg, says for the final stage: i tried to get in for 3 years. this olympiad provides many benefits, but first of all, it helps to find like-minded people, and people who are also interested in history adore it. and for me, yamal is, first of all , part of my beloved and vast russia. and here roma came from the bryansk region. last year i only reached the regional stage, but this year i succeeded. not only to get to the final one, but also to become one of the prize-winners, i fell in love with history in the seventh grade, and i took exams on this subject in the ninth grade, and i want to connect my life
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too, probably with this science, you have already felt this the atmosphere was great, it was a real russian winter, i really like it here, to truly feel the beauty of the nature of the north, they even included the northern lights at the meeting for the participants. northern radiance and they told us that they turned it on just for us, in general, i’ll tell you a secret so often, in the governor’s office, there is such a ruby, when the good guys come to us, i can so quietly turn it off. from the governor of yamal, the prize-winners and their teachers will receive 150,000 rubles. and for all participants, one of the surprises was a meeting with the presidential assistant with the author of a history textbook for seniors.
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the schoolchildren knew each region, the history of each region, and we were not mistaken, the olympiad was held at a high level. at a high level
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the social infrastructure in yamal is also developing, and the pace and quality of construction are highly appreciated at the federal level. for example, on the day of the olympiad they opened another school - perspective. there is a space laboratory, a swimming pool and a supersonic studio. turns 50 years old, the city is already radically changing for the anniversary, creating a comfortable life for yamal residents and ensuring the stable operation of the russian fuel and energy complex, for example, this will be the case at the end of this year... 11 directions, everything is
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certainly connected with science and technology, this and robotics, this is cybernetics, these are laboratories of physics, chemistry, the meeting has already involved more than seventy workers, the work is in full swing, the way things are going, everything is fine. we are trying, we are working, you see everything for yourself, in 5 years 28 kindergartens and 14 schools have already been built and put into operation in yamal, a children's clinic has also been built, modern slavic rental housing microdistricts for key specialists, by the way, northerners from dilapidated wooden housing are transported here absolutely free , everything you need is within walking distance, the asset is being built surgical and radiology buildings of hospitals, which will become key medical facilities for the entire region, more than ten large-scale
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facilities in total. literally across the street. a most unique building, it’s, well, beyond the urals there’s definitely no such format, 80,000 km of entertainment, sports, education, the so-called prominat, well, you can shoot a separate story based on it, of course, in a nutshell we’ll come, but you can’t tell it in a nutshell, still in road a new concert and exhibition hall with a thousand seats, with a unique auditorium concert, which will finally allow you to invite stars of any level. one of the key goals of the region is to create the best system for working with children in the country, the yamal school of talents. it is part of the yamal childhood territory project, which the governor ordered to be implemented in the year of the family. particular attention is paid to engineering and technical disciplines; the gas producing region has record low unemployment, so there are all conditions for new specialists. i also met with our guys, the participants, and asked
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their future plans. i'm glad we have these guys appear, their number is growing, they will become examples for their peers, this is pushing us to the highest level. the new urengoy is actively preparing for its fiftieth anniversary. today yamal is a place of enormous opportunity, which once again proves that it is not only a leader in natural gas reserves and production. but one of the educational centers.
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let's return to the situation in orsk, where a dam broke into a flood zone, more than 4 thousand houses there. almost 11,000 people, such footage from the flooded city now appear online, they show that the water is rising, the streets are already under it, fortunately, there are no casualties, residents of two districts of the city are urgently evacuated, 12 temporary accommodation centers are currently on standby, the ministry of emergency situations reported. about 40 people have already been accommodated in them, 17 of them are children. most go to relatives and friends, but according to the head.


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