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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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let's return to the situation in orsk, where the dam broke into the flood zone. more than 4,000 houses and almost 11,000 people are trapped there, such footage from the flooded city is now appearing online, it shows that the water is rising, the streets are already under it, fortunately there are no casualties, residents of two districts of the city are being urgently evacuated at this moment and are in readiness 12 temporary accommodation points, the ministry of emergency situations reported. about 40 people have already been accommodated in them, 17 of them are children. most go to relatives and friends, but according to the head. gorska partially
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damage to the main part of the dam occurred in two places. crews and equipment are working to restore the site. rescuers , meanwhile, are struggling with the consequences of a dam break; they are strengthening it with the help of 33 heavy trucks. maria valieva has all the details from the scene. we work in the old city, i note that there are traffic police posts here, and no one is allowed close to the streets where they already are. water has spilled, now all residents are being quickly evacuated along the streets of the old city, police are walking, emergency workers are warning about what is necessary evacuate urgently. in orsk , evacuation is carried out by specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations and the local administration. the evacuation is being carried out due to the fact that there was a burst of an earthen embankment dam, which is located within the city and protected it from the flood of metal. a total of 33 heavy trucks are operating. all equipment
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works continuously and falls asleep, we recommend that residents do not neglect the advice of specialists, including employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations, and go through temporary accommodation centers. there are a lot of volunteers here, those people who give free ready to transport everyone. police officers continue to walk the streets and warn citizens that they need to quickly evacuate.
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volume and flood almost the entire old city, so i appeal to all residents of the old city to evacuate. the mayor of orenburg sergei salmin recorded a video message today, emphasizing that the situation is critical. in just one day, the water level in the urals increased by 91 cm and now stands at 778 cm, and this is already above the unfavorable value, and the water continues to remain. i call you, go to relatives or friends, or to temporary accommodation centers. more than 300 households and 750 plots have already been flooded. i will also note that in orsk, on behalf of the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, his deputy ilya denisov is now in orsk, under his leadership, coordinated work to eliminate the consequences of the flood and provide assistance to people. two or more ill-76 planes arrived here.
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thousands of good wishes, such words were written by the governor of the mormon region andrei chibis in his telegram channel after the operation. now the head of the region is in the murmansk clinical regional hospital, where he was transported from the city. appatity, let me remind you that it was there that an attempt was made on andrei chibis the previous day. all the details of the attack are in the report by oleg posobin. andrei chibis came to his senses a few hours after the operation to return to work, he promises as soon as his health allows. i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved us, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting me. thank you very much, i'll be right there recover and continue into the battle, just forward, everything will be fine. after the operation , andrei chibes was transferred to intensive care. the condition is serious, stable, medical assistance was provided to the required extent, laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, and
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suturing of wounds of damaged organs were performed. now, in the immediate postoperative period , the patient is in the intensive care unit under observation. towards the evening of the doctor. decided to transport andrei chibbis to murmansk by helicopter. the head of the region was saved by a miracle, a few more centimeters, a knife blow could have been fatal. he was a little lucky that his aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. immediately after the assassination attempt, the governor and the attacker were taken to the same medical institution; forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov, who rushed at the politician with a knife, was wounded during his arrest at the emergency department. and... a police car is waiting for him while doctors are assisting the detainee. investigators are trying to determine his motive. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical help. during the interrogation, the suspect explained that he felt hostility towards the governor, despite
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the fact that he had not previously known him. it was established that the suspect had previously been prosecuted for committing a crime under article 115 of the criminal code. russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, interrogating witnesses, and ordering the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations. by order chairman of the investigative committee alexander bostrykin. the materials on this high-profile case were transferred to the central office of the department. a team of capital investigators has been sent to the murmansk region, who will look into the causes and circumstances of the attempts on andre’s life. chibis will study in detail the identity of the attacking neighbor, alexander bydanov, they say that they often noticed some oddities in his behavior. i only saw him alone, i didn’t see anyone else, no money, no wife, no one, only he passed by like that, quietly, not like that so he opened the door and walked through, that is,
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unsociable. according to media reports, immediately after his arrest, alexander bydanov tried to feign madness, but later admitted that some time ago he had planned to kill the governor. due to personal inconvenience. the attacker caught the official in apatity, right here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center. andrei chibes met with local residents, he was received very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. the russian guard soldier who wounded and then detained the attacker will be presented with a reward. state duma deputy alexander khenshtein reported this. the amonovite literally threw him away from the lapwing, but it resisted. the officer had to use his weapon. after firing a warning shot into the air, he wounded the criminal in the leg, and then tied him up and handed him over to the police who arrived. at the cultural center , andrei chibes talked with residents; judging by the filming, he was in a great mood; the day before he himself announced this meeting on social networks. good afternoon everyone, on thursday
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i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course, in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come forward. this is footage of the work of the investigative task force at night by forensic experts.
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told how the situation is developing regarding attacks on russian oil and gas and energy facilities. the ministry of defense also
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records the defeated formations of the armed forces of ukraine in various directions. in the ovdeevsky direction, the populated area of ​​punktyany was liberated. the center group is moving into the depths of the enemy’s defense. air strikes with fire, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems damaged manpower and equipment, six brigades of the armed forces ukraine. and 39 enemy counterattacks were repelled in the areas of the settlements of semyonovka, novgorodskaya, berdychi, tonenkaya, umanskaya and pervomayskaya of the donetsk people's republic. for a week on...
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there was a person there, it’s just hard to see from us, it’s clearly visible from above, it turns out that there were about
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a dozen or so who came too, well, i had already left this one, i stayed with my boys, as i had few left there then, and well, then they survived there, for heroism and courage maximov was presented by the command with a high state award, and such stories in fortunately, the special operation zone is only getting bigger every day because... the results of our groups on all fronts continue to please. near artyomovsk , around one o'clock, our paratroopers destroyed another group of "afu infantry" to the west of the village of krasnoe, kiev is sending its formations there to at least try to slow down the momentum of the russian military, but ours are serious. and to hold the red means to gain a foothold on the line and continue to squeeze out ukrainian units from neighboring chasofyar. during military operations reveal not only the essence of the ukrainian military, their inability and unwillingness. to fight, if you dig deep, it turns out you can find something that the militants would not like to advertise, apparently because
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they hid it so carefully, here is the notorious azovets armored vehicle, banned in russia by the azov national battalion, an ideal example and confirmation of the corruption of the kiev regime, the car was created as a model of a tank for urban conditions, the development was carried out by representatives of the national battalion, but the money was allocated from the budget, the amount was not less than 5 million dollars, that's what it was spent on, personnel. a miracle of engineering - these are cameras from a regular intercom, so we can see in the front part there should have been three of them, yes, but two have been preserved, in the realities of modern combat we can assume what kind of visibility the crew would have had. after a loud scandal, azovets was removed from the production site, kidnapped, now he showed up thanks to our military, after a thorough inspection they came to the conclusion that this whole multi-million dollar...
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in all the details, how to approach the building, with which direction to go, the attackers sent these screenshots to the curator. who gave the death order. on the instructions of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location for the attack. on the morning of february 24, 2024, that is, on the anniversary of the start of the special military operation, one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots
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of images of entrances to the crocus city hall building and access roads. him, the accused confirmed all this in his testimony, also in the memory of the seized phone are photographs of ukrainian fighters in camouflage with a yellow-bladed flag and a trident, frames of destroyed houses, a close-up photograph with the inscription children. if we assume that these photos were sent to terrorists by curators, then they hit where it hurt most, played on feelings in order to arrange retribution, the symbol of which in ukraine was an indecent collage with a russian warship, it was even placed on a postage stamp. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify involvement in organizing and financing a terrorist attack by representatives of the ukrainian special services. investigators are already working with new defendants in the high-profile case. three more
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fsb officers were detained the day before in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. rented out an apartment. the investigation and the security forces transferred money, provided a car, and established the entire terrorist network, including the customers and organizers of the monstrous crime. traces lead to western intelligence agencies and to ukraine, where the attackers tried to hide after the attack. russian defense minister sergei shaigu spoke about this in during a telephone conversation i told my french colleague. sebastian licarniu
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called himself, trying to convince moscow that the west supposedly had nothing to do with ukraine. now before. emmanuel macron himself is being justified by the european press. i asked the heads of services of the relevant ministries to hold technical discussions with their russian colleagues to express solidarity. and also because we had useful information. i am not going to reveal it here about the organization of this attack and what preceded it. europe's reaction and the us response to the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk is, to put it mildly, strange, the russian foreign ministry noted. western politicians have approached an undeniable tragedy for all.
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events by the same yardstick, they believe that the standards for assessing events in order to form their opinion on what is happening are different. in fact, the west did not really express condolences and did not even show simple human compassion. meanwhile , hospitals in the capital continue to provide all necessary assistance to victims of the terrorist attack. moscow medicine received about hundreds of patients - vice mayor anastasia rakova told our channel. in total, we received patients from 15 hospitals, 13 of them for adults and two children’s hospitals, thanks to such a correct distribution, evacuating patients to different hospitals, we were able to provide each patient with the necessary care and attention and allocate
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time for this, because sometimes, if we send a patient to only one hospital, then the system begins to experience overload, in this case. there were no overloads, now 37 patients remain for treatment, three are in serious condition, people are gradually recovering from the terrible blow, although it is impossible to forget about the tragedy, there are still fresh flowers and candles near the city hall. boris ivanin, evgenia zemtsova, lead. on friday , minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev was in kabardey in balkaria on a working trip. he discussed the prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex and state assistance to farmers. the republic is considered one of the leaders in growing fruits and berries. was collected last year record harvest, more than 500 thousand tons. in addition, wheat production was increased by 40% by the same amount.
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however, the prospects for kiev are assessed with skepticism, as to why artyom krosulin will tell. this is how a film about a nuclear apocalypse begins. elon musk made a corresponding comment under the message that the american secretary of state assured kiev of the prospects of joining nato. as an illustration, the entrepreneur attached excerpts from a military tape from the year 1983. western media observers, however, the alarm hasn't sounded yet. in the foreseeable future , kiev’s application will not be approved, and in order not to upset the ukrainian leadership, they promise to increase the volume and options of assistance. at the same
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time, the nato secretary general emphasized that the alliance will not send troops to ukraine and will not become a party to the conflict. however, experts have a different opinion. nato is already a party to the conflict, even if it does not admit it. this naivety surprises me: you train soldiers to participate in the war, you provide intelligence. data, help in choosing a target when attacking an enemy, this means that you are already a warring party. analysts at the republic newspaper believe that one of the most discussed on the sidelines of the brussels meeting by nato foreign ministers was the scenario in which kiev must make territorial concessions in exchange for guarantees of joining the alliance. the ministers, of course, are not talking about this officially yet. as for the current supplies of weapons and equipment , american f-16 fighters are still waiting in kiev. at the pentagon. they are in no hurry, while at the same time trying to reassure the ukrainian leadership. although the earliest possible arrival is at 16.00 ukraine would be an ideal option, this still needs to be done properly and we
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believe they will still provide a significant boost to ukraine's air power when they are operational. in another article, the authors of the political publication note that the longer the conflict goes on, the fewer allies kiev will have. observers considered a scenario in which marine le pen would win the elections in france. they write that in this... scenario , paris will stop military assistance to ukraine, and will also block kiev’s applications for membership in the eu and nato. kiev will not be able to resist moscow at the expense of its own resources. journalists from the france 2 tv channel came to this conclusion . the reporters talked with residents of the central regions of ukraine and found out that in some settlements there are no longer men suitable for military service. the shortage of workers forces women to be hired in factories, and a growing sense of injustice among the population. despite this, military commissars continue. issue summonses, and those who cannot fight are sent to dig trenches. artyom krosulin, lead.
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the international monetary fund is against writing off ukraine's debt, the imf does not intend to forgive the loan for... there are no plans to write off the debt, ukraine's debt was recognized as sustainable subject to a number of conditions, they relate to fiscal consolidation and the continuation of external financing, taking into account the restructuring of the debt itself. the imf expects that at the spring session with the leadership of the world bank, which will be held in mid-april, the issue of assistance will be raised. has so
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far received less than a third of that amount. it is known that by the end of this year ukraine will have to pay the imf almost $3 billion for servicing loans, but kiev has great difficulties with this. they found themselves in a very serious financial trap, yes, since today the external public debt amounts to 140.5 billion dollars. actually, if we look at one more important parameter. which can assess the state of the ukrainian economy is the budget deficit, the budget deficit in hryvnia is 221 billion, and this turns out to be somewhere around 5.6 billion dollars, that is, they have a very a serious hole in the budget. for the twenty -fourth year, ukraine has a planned budget deficit of almost 44 billion. the authorities expect to cover most of it with western assistance. the head of the country's ministry of finance, sergei marchenko, stated that the budget
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needs $3 billion in monthly receipts from partners, but in january and february kiev received only $1 billion 200 million, while only a quarter of western financial assistance received in the twenty-third year was provided free of charge. the situation with the refusal to write off the ukrainian government debt, part of the ukrainian national debt, it is, in principle , quite natural, but the fact is that the west and the international monetary fund, as an organization where western countries have a majority. in general, i must say, i am already tired of supporting ukraine, especially since the economic situation in western countries, in general, also leaves much to be desired. by and large , western countries cannot now afford to support ukraine to the extent that they supported before this, starting in the twenty-second year. meanwhile, the authorities ukraine expects that kiev will be able to receive from
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the european union from 5 dossi. euros of income from russia’s frozen assets, said irina mudraya, deputy head of vladimir zelensky’s office. according to her, ukraine should not count on receiving interest this year. the only thing that can be realized is making a fundamental decision to transfer funds to kiev,” said the wise woman. we asked experts to assess the chances of such a development of the situation. now european countries are cautious about such frozen assets, and... in general, in fact, most likely they will not finance ukraine at the expense of these frozen assets, because if we look at the documentation of the european union, it cannot do this, therefore, with a high probability, since the european union no longer plans to pay off ukraine’s debts, then it will act at the expense of russia’s money , most likely she won’t
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succeed. against the backdrop of a difficult financial situation, rating agencies are lowering ukraine's credit ratings. cspi, for example, noted that the country's average term economic prospects are subject to a high degree of uncertainty. they estimate the probability of default on external obligations as very high. experts note the fact that dependence on western assistance is increasing, and if creditor countries refuse to write off ukraine’s debts, the country may face a default. fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the inagent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for
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, they are enemies, but... your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he is alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready for moscow, okay , the missing persons records, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him.


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