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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. political earthquake in turkey. erdogan lost the municipal elections. what to expect from turkish politics? 75 years of the north atlantic alliance. how did nato get to this point? materials of our program. hold.
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secretary of the north atlantic alliance, he could not even receive the ambassador in our staff apartment any country central or eastern when i took office as general of europe. our states were opponents, although the peoples did not share the feeling of desire. 3 and a half years later, we are all here at one table solemnly holding the founding meeting. not only symbolic, but also of extremely practical significance: europe will never be the same after our meeting today. nato secretary general, german manfred werner, at a meeting on december 20 , 1991, the ussr formally remained in existence for 5 days. werner died 30 years ago. he probably would have shuddered
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if he had known what that unique moment would lead to. the north atlantic treaty organization is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary with discussions about the possibility of direct participation in intensive military operations against a nuclear superpower. mostly, however, they deny it, but not everyone, and most importantly, the topic has been launched, the creation of a special mission in ukraine for monitoring has been announced. and coordination, but trouble began. ukraine in nato has always been a fiery red rag for moscow. and western the interlocutors reassured us for a long time, well, what are you talking about, but from what is now available to researchers, the first mention of the possibility of joining dates back to the ninety-second year. then washington tried to persuade kiev not to be stubborn about the withdrawal of soviet nuclear weapons from ukrainian territory and promised the prospect of close relations. the
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us national security council, which clearly states that nato's doors should be open to ukraine, the baltic countries, romania and bulgaria. as we see, except for ukraine, all these countries joined nato in the next 10 years. president clinton supported the document, remarkably. that he left it without any special notes, the only thing he highlighted was the paragraph about the need to keep the door open. the first leader of independent ukraine who announced his desire to join nato was its first president, leonid koravchuk. already in july 1992, he visited the headquarters of the alliance, and 2 years later ukraine was the first post-soviet country to enter into a framework agreement on participation in nato.
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partnership for peace program. another 3 years later during the presidency of leonid kuchma a charter on a special partnership between nato and ukraine was signed. under him, in 2004, ukraine approved a strategy that included abandoning its neutral non-align status. provisions on euro-atlantic integration and accession to nato were introduced into the military doctrine. this line was continued by the third president of ukraine, viktor yushchin. under him, ukraine requested to join the action plan to prepare for nato membership. but at the summit in bucharest that same year, this issue was postponed. germany and france. in july 2010, power changed in ukraine. the verkhovna rada, at the suggestion of the new president, viktor yanukovych, adopts a law on non-bloc status. from all government documents, as well as from the fundamentals act, the internal externally. politicians
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removed words about striving for nato membership. all that remains is the annual cooperation program with the alliance, the participation of ukrainian aviation in the transportation of goods in kosovo and afghanistan. and iraq, after the coup in 2014, ukraine is returning to the course of rapprochement with nato. in september 2015 a new edition of the military doctrine was published, in which the russian federation is named as a military adversary. in february 2019 , the verkhovna rada approved amendments to the constitution, which established the irreversibility of the euro-atlantic course. he is confirmed by the elected in april.
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in fact, nato’s historical achievement was considered to be that the bloc gained the upper hand in the cold war without entering into a clash, simply by the fact of its existence. countries that were so eager to join, since the nineties, without discussion, accepted a simple formula: nato equals security, joined and the problems are over. and the nato giants suspected some risks when they accepted.
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us secretary of state james becker twice said that nato would not go east. in fact, this was a condition for the withdrawal of soviet troops from germany. true, the agreements were oral and becker said that he had only germany in mind, although the final kammenik spoke about eastern europe as a whole. against the backdrop of the end of the cold war, no one betrayed. this is the meaning. more important then seemed to be the agreement on conventional armed forces in europe - tanks, artillery, combat airplanes. the countries participating in this complex document were deprived of the opportunity to conduct large-scale military operations in europe. many experts began to call it the cornerstone of european security.
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but in 1994, after the collapse of the ussr, when the clinton administration gave the go-ahead for nato expansion, its tasks were not completed.
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for example, the belief that no third party has a veto over expansion is a classic liberal cosmopolitan approach, as formulated for the united states by president woodrow wilson 100 years ago, he categorically rejected any realpolitik; countries have the legal right to make certain decisions about themselves, no matter what consequences this will lead to. in the case of the former socialist countries and republics of the ussr, there was a belief that the west. they were once betrayed and thrown to the mercy of communism, and now they have the right to full support. perhaps the most important reason is the concept of nato, not as a military alliance whose fate is decided based on strategic considerations benefits for member states, a club of good
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countries, as there is the russian world, there is a liberal world. the liberal world is wonderful, but i remember the unbending titans of that time. set a limit to expansion, unless some very few representatives of the pentagon raised such a question,
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and even then at a very early stage, but in this case one cannot talk about any dispute; almost from the very beginning the idea was taken as a basis that expansion should not be limited geography or some geopolitical obstacles, if there should be no limits, like then russia, maybe there was a point? at the very beginning of the nineties, russia was mentioned as a geopolitical participant in nato, but at that very nsc meeting in october 1994 it was said that the prospects for membership for russia should not be excluded, openly, the key word is open, it was said that the united states needs to offer alternatives to russia’s membership. eventually, this evolved into the russian nato council. the russia-nato founding act was signed in may 1997 in
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paris. then the parties announced that they did not consider each other as opponents. was a joint nato-russia council was established, the task of which was to create a higher level of trust in order to increase the security of each other and all countries in the euro-atlantic region. the act stated that nuclear weapons would not be placed on... security the un has primary responsibility for maintaining. both sides confirmed that it was the council
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, after the shelling of skhinvali and the subsequent forcing of georgia to peace, in 2014 after the coup in ukraine and the annexation of crimea to russia, the council russia-nato has stopped working. the alliance understood that russia would not fit into it, and they were right; what they were not right about
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was that moscow would limit itself only to exhortations; now that it has become clear that there is a smell of war, nato does not want to reconsider its approach. yes, nato is beginning to understand that it may have to participate in a military conflict. after 2022, nato accepted two new members. ukraine, baltic countries or georgia. however, it does not appear that any concerns have arisen due to the crisis. on the contrary, there is a clear desire to expand further. not all allied countries are equally ready to fight for the advancing countries. this is evidenced by the delays in ratifying the admission of new members. but it is wrong to proceed from the premise that in the event of a direct escalation , nato will not fulfill its obligations; at
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a minimum, there will be members, primarily the united states, that will act in accordance with them. ritual phrases are heard, including about ukraine’s inevitable entry into nato, the indestructible will of the alliance to support it, and so on. in fact, no one knows what further. first of all, it is not clear what will happen in the united states. riding the strategic waves. certainty according to the principle “maybe it will work out”, the attraction is interesting, but risky. in europe, almost no one talks about peace. political circles are in a militant mood; anyone who raises the question that it is time to stop the bloodshed becomes, if not the hand of moscow, then a dangerous troublemaker, like, for example, the pope. in the west, of the figures of world significance, he is the only one who consistently calls for an end to the confrontation. faith shcherbakova from rome about the phenomenon of the modern
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vatican. there are no special problems and experiences that often push people to the prayer of the church. she is young, beautiful, quite prosperous, has a caring husband and two beautiful children. and yet she is sincerely devoted to her calling. she is part of the neocatahuminata community, a movement that emerged in 1964 . it is built in the likeness of the first christian communities, but adapted to our time. i grew up listening to the creed. felt a certain dissatisfaction, in the church i found answers to my doubts questions, the study of neokatchominata led me, or rather leads me to a mature faith. many people asked me why i didn’t go to the monastery, but you can be deeply devoted to the church and faith, but also at the same time with your wife, the mother of the family. now she is attracting her children to neokotochominat and dreams that one day they will feel the same providence that she does, because she is convinced that this is a gift from god,
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god’s blessing. many of those who come every wednesday and sunday think so ...
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in modern society it is difficult to accept this without a grain of skepticism, doubting how much the dogmas of two thousand years ago can determine the worldview today, this is the mystery of the popularity of the vatican. its viability is entirely practical, as its great expert, vaticanist and renowned columnist filippo dejacomu explains. the church, governed by the vatican, provides health care and education in places
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where they simply would not exist without it, and this does not take into account the universality of the vatican. the vatican is a legal concept. any state must have three elements: territory, population and form of government. the vatican has 45 hectares, 500 citizens, of which 300 do not live because they are diplomats. and the form of government is metaphysical, but the holy throne covers the whole world. when new york tries to pursue a policy that is often blocked by the veto, a different, real policy in the humanitarian sense is being made here, this is the power of the holy see. despite its fairly recent legal status, established after the congress of vienna in 815, the vatican has been conducting its politics and diplomacy since approximately the 6th century. not always, of course, they were a white flag, but they achieved the goal of globality for christianity as such, with the community of shrines, most of them come here to worship. vera sherbakova, especially for international
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aggravation from rome. after advertising, it... the humanitarian organization world central kitchen. seven people died, including citizens of great britain, australia and poland. joe biden reacted especially harshly. is well acquainted with the founder of the mko, jase andrés, a staunch supporter of the democrats. true, the indignation of washington, which is no longer he is embarrassed to criticize netanyahu and does not interfere with
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the continued supply of weapons. on tuesday , a missile strike destroyed a building on the premises of the iranian embassy in damascus. thirteen people, syrians and iranians, were killed, including two generals of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. an iranian response has been promised, but... until now, iran has refrained from directly responding to the provocations. the israeli regime has killed a number of iranian military personnel over the past few months, but iran continues to maintain a low profile. the tactic of strategic patience, in principle, serves iran's axis of resistance well, but now she faces serious challenges. the israeli regime attacked the embassy. i have been there more than once; it is a well -known building on one of the main streets of damascus.
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with his own idea of ​​proportionality. iran has existed in this region for the last 2,500 years, unlike its arab
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neighbors, who acquired independent statehood only in the 20th century. iran is there, in the region, i mean, directly adjacent to the southern caucasus, it is located, it is the same age in this sense, not even byzantium, and its predecessor roman. iran. experienced by the weakness of the 20th century, a country that at times simply lost national sovereignty on the merits of the matter, just as over the soviet union, over iran, under the dynasty, the ghost of the forty-first year, when, as a result of the soviet-british intervention , the country was simply occupied, the first step of the pahlavi dynasty, he was ordered by the british to abdicate the throne. in his place they put a twenty-two-year-old young man, who, out of independence in military-strategic foreign political issues achieved only in the seventies,
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becoming in world history what he became, until all this came to its complete collapse in the islamic revolution of the seventy- eighth-seventy-ninth year. from tehran’s point of view, the main task of the opponents, and this is primarily israel and the united states, is to drag the country into a direct conflict, therefore...
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and after the disaster of the iraqi state, the destruction of saddam’s state and the ongoing unrest there, iran has no direct territorial threats, and his struggle for supremacy in the islamic world, the eternal the struggle of the shiites and sunnis, it requires actions in regions that are largely remote from iran’s own territory, and in the absence of global military power, the one that ... the united states has, individual elements that the russian federation and china have, with in the absence of global means, purely military influence in remote peripheral theaters, iran is forced to rely on the structures of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, that's all that was created by the talents of general qassem soleimani, in syria, in lebanon, in yemen
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proxy paramilitary formations, well technically equipped, ideologically very strongly motivated, which at the same time allow tehran not to be drawn into a direct military confrontation with its sometimes stronger neighbors, which , as a consequence, is a risk that the tehran government does not want. accept yourself without the most extreme mortal necessity, that’s when the fight against sadamov’s began in 1980 after the revolution with sadamov’s iraq, when direct territorial threat, iran fought, it fought with on a regular basis using a field army as much as its limited resources allowed, the outcome of the struggle was inadvertently decided on the battlefields, but in the current
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situation, when it is necessary to act beyond the perimeter of the borders, when it is necessary to act with limited forces and, when the decision is made by the military-political leadership, which is very cautious in its actions, and we are seeing the following picture. 1224, 100 years ahead, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, where is the car and buzz, flying deba, energetically unjustified, she brought a man, a young man from school, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return . in
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your own time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which has a future , as it were, we will save your parents, your personal path and 13 galaxies, all 100 years ahead, delicious, very much, because it’s done, soon! west rating, economics, through specific stories we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change in
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any structure? evolution is happening. why were you given the title of hero of the soviet union? union, i don’t know, vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, ’42, russian, the story is completely romantic, but you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, she’s one of you.


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