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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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let's return to the situation in orsk, where the dam to the flood zone broke. more than 4,000 houses and almost 11 thousand people are affected there, such footage from the flooded city is now appearing online, it shows that the water is rising, the streets are already under it, fortunately there are no casualties, residents of two districts of the city are being urgently evacuated, at the moment in there are 12 temporary accommodation centers in readiness, the ministry of emergency situations reported this, about 40 people have already been accommodated in them, 17 of them are children, the majority are going to relatives and friends. by in the words of the head. partial damage to the main
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part of the dam occurred in two places. crews and equipment are working to restore the site. rescuers, meanwhile, are struggling with the consequences of a dam break; they are strengthening it with the help of thirty-three heavy trucks. maria valieva has all the details from the scene. we work in the old city, i note that there are traffic police posts here, and no one is allowed close to those streets where water has already spilled. now. quickly evacuates all residents and walks along the streets of the old city police officers and emergency services officers warn that it is necessary to evacuate urgently. in orsk, evacuation is carried out by specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations and the local administration. the evacuation is being carried out due to the fact that there was a burst of an earthen embankment dam, which is located within the city and protected it from sticks and metal. in total, 33 heavy trucks and all the equipment are working.
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the population is being evacuated, you need to take documents and necessary things with you, a dam broke in orsk today, and now trucks are also carrying crushed stone so that somehow minimize the consequences of flooding, the equipment is working, and people are working, the water tank is being started in order to carry out restoration work there, restore the flow, this is the first task, water can flow at any time in a larger volume and...
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to relatives or friends or to temporary accommodation centers , more than 300 households and 750 plots have already been flooded. i would also like to note that his deputy, ilya denisov, is now in orsk on behalf of the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and under his leadership, coordinated work on liquidation of the consequences of the flood and assistance to people. two il-76 aircraft arrived here, more than 100 specialists from...
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many thanks to everyone for the thousands of good wishes. governor of the murmansk region andrei chibes wrote these words on his telegram channel after undergoing surgery. now the head of the region is in the murmon clinical regional hospital. where he was transported from the city of apatity. let me remind you that it was there that an attempt was made on andrei chibets the day before. all the details of the attack are in the report by oleg posobin. andrey chibis has arrived within a few hours after the operation , return to work. he promises as soon as his health allows. i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved me and did everything quickly, clearly and correctly. and of course, to all of you for ... worrying and supporting me, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue into battle only forward, everything will be fine. after the operation, andrei chibis was transported to intensive care. the condition is serious, stable, medical care
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was provided to the required extent, laparatomy and revision were performed, hemostasis, suturing wounds of damaged organs. now the patient is in the intensive care unit for the immediate postoperative period. under control. by evening, doctors decided to transfer andrei chibbis to murmansk by helicopter. the head of the region was saved by a miracle of a few more centimeters; the blow of the knife could have been fatal. he was a little lucky that his aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. immediately after the assassination attempt, the governor and the attacker were taken to the same medical institution, a forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov, who rushed at the politician with a knife, was wounded during his arrest. a police car is waiting for him at the reception ward of the apatitsky-kirov hospital while doctors are providing assistance to the detainee. investigators are trying to establish his motive. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation, the suspect explained that
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he felt displeased with the governor, despite the fact that he had not previously known him. it was established that the suspect had previously been prosecuted for committing the crime provided for. article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, interrogating witnesses, and ordering the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations. by order of the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bostrykin, materials on this high-profile case were transferred to the central office of the agency, a team of capital investigators was sent to the murmon region, who will understand the reasons on the spot. and the circumstances of the assassination attempts on andrei chibbis , the identity of the attacking neighbor alexander bydanov will be studied in detail; they say that they often noticed some oddities in his behavior. i only saw him alone, i didn’t see anyone else, no bag, no wife, no one, only he walked by like that, quietly, not like that,
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he opened the door and walked by, that is, unsociable. according to media reports, immediately after the arrest , alexander bydanov tried to feign insanity, but later admitted that some time ago. planned to kill the governor due to personal trouble. the attacker caught the official in apatity, right here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center. andrei chibes met with local residents, he was received very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. the russian guard soldier who wounded and then detained the attacker will be presented with a reward. state duma deputy alexander khenshtein reported this. the amonovite literally threw him away from the lapwing, but it resisted. tser had to use a weapon after firing a warning shot at air, he wounded the criminal in the leg, and then twisted him and handed him over to the police who arrived. at the cultural center, andrei chibes talked with residents; judging by the filming, he was in a great mood; the day before he himself announced this meeting on social networks. good afternoon everyone, on
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thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course, in the evening i will meet with the residents, so come and meet me. this is footage from an investigative operation. groups at night forensic experts take fingerprints from a car that belongs to budanov; in order to open it, it had to be broken glass, the operatives worked every centimeter here, collecting all the evidence; the governor’s press secretary, liliya sechkina, turned out to be an eyewitness to the attack. any other forecasts for restoration, how long it will take very early, you need to understand the speed of action, that’s literally next. sk, the investigation will have to understand the reasons for the assassination attempts, answer the question of whether the attacker has accomplices, or perhaps those who ordered the crime. oleg
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posobin, andrey romanov, pavel tretyakov, duty officer, murmansk region. the siege was held for 16 days, and new details of the battle became known. look, they pass glasses to each other, he, their sashka, comes second. lieutenant toropov now
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commands a platoon in the seventieth guards regiment of the dnepr group. his assault group was the first to capture and hold a bridgehead for 16 days in the village of rabotina on the zaporozhye front. you get used to it, it becomes like family. when was the new one? a month ago. a month ago, this was before the fighting in rabotino. he... is preparing for an interview so that everything is on the forum, but his group is now on vacation, well they told me: here is the school, there may be an enemy there, here are the points where you need to go, occupy, that is, if there is an enemy, knock him out and sit down and hold on, occupy, well, set up a perimeter defense, come on, dear, come on, come on, come on, speed up, dear, speed up, the assault groups of the seventieth guards regiment on two infantry fighting vehicles are moving towards rabotin, beyond this village, of which only one name remains... the fiercest battles are now going on, smart guys, smart girls,
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an enemy shell is falling between two infantry fighting vehicles, the first car is enveloped in a dense cloud of earth, dust of fragments, it is not visible for a couple of seconds, but the bmp continues to move, come on maga, come on dear, smart, smart, men, at the command post emotions are off the charts, each of the assault groups and bmp crews is known by the face of the magician, the driver, the first, there were claps, well... i don’t see the claps, the side ones, only i see everything in front of me, well, it’s all for adren, i don’t know, well, i got there, most likely i got there, exhaled, it seems that’s it, with the living, so that the landing i drove it back, so i’ll get back anyway, following the advance of the landing force they monitored with the help of a drone and told the driver where it would be safer to turn, at some point the connection with the cars was lost and the crews themselves beat the road, this is the hardest part.
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so that no one would stick out from there, i fired at everything, so that no one with a grenade launcher or
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something similar would come out and hit the car. in the village, the assault groups are each moving towards their own objective, the one in which alexander’s group is heading towards the school. the landing party has arrived, it has arrived. they leave the vehicle while moving in order to make it difficult for targeted fire, dismount and disperse. when we unloaded, we half of the water was broken up with shrapnel, it’s not visible in the video, but for us, well, the gunfire worked, that is. all small arms worked for us then, a machine gun, a machine gun, so everything was broken into shrapnel and it was, well, the first days were difficult, we drank 100 g of water a day and it was fine, but basically nothing, we held on, there was food there, well it turns out there was, we took with us there, well, dry ration, it’s stew, but you don’t really want to eat there when there’s no water, they dropped water from drones along with batteries for walkie-talkies, the main thing is that group...
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i didn’t say that, well, the commander should be like that, fear that he has become more, fear, not just fear, for the child, understanding of the danger that now surrounds all these guys there, lieutenant sasha is 22, became an officer in april on the twenty-third in the northern military district since august, in his platoon he is the youngest, the average age of his fighters is 40 plus, and there are those for whom he is old enough to be their grandchildren, but they call him by his first name and patronymic, he
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stormed with these men, work, parents i called on the eve of the assault, but i’m not telling you anything, usually... i just said, everything is fine, life is healthy, everything is fine, as if why create personal nerves, well, you said that for some time there will be no contact with you, they already know, they are used to me sometimes periodically, well disappeared when he turned on the phone for 70 notifications, they called him, they were worried about him, they were waiting for him, his first assault was in rabotino, all the killers went, all the killers went, everyone come on, jump out, okay, that's it, that's it, sasha has been at the front since august, and a month later
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he was awarded the order of courage, but for what? well, there you go, i was then in an armored group, the commander armored guru. performed tasks there, everything turns out went there, whoever else didn’t go everything, where there, who didn’t go, well, tell me, well, where did they go, it turns out the other crews, it turns out we were the first to go there, well, it was 20 meters straight to the enemy, my parents saw him in january, he came on leave, he didn’t say anything about the service, he just gave him the order, how long ago he undresses, takes off his uniform, he becomes what he was before, a boy, when... now there are two awards on his uniform, this medal has been earned , parents still they didn’t see him, his entire group received medals and orders for that assault, the crew of the bmp received a medal for courage, gunner viktor borzenko received the third one, first the svo received the zhukov medal and the st. george cross. my mother, girlfriend, brothers and sisters are waiting for me at home,
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marriage is planned soon, they promised a vacation, we are waiting. conduct every day, the small zaporozhye village of orobino for the kiev regime has already become the same iconic place, a stronghold, as in their time mariupol, artyomovsk, avdeevka. both infantry fighting vehicles came out of that battle without losses. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, ksenia usoltseva, vesti, zaporozhye front.
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the russian foreign ministry called the brussels meeting between armenia, the usa, and the eu another attempt by the collective west to drag the south caucasus into a geopolitical confrontation. moscow called. yerevan must not allow the west to deceive itself, drive a wedge between its neighbors and lead the country down the wrong path. natalya solovyova found out what promises armenian prime minister pashinyan, us secretary of state blinken and the head of the european commission vonderleen were trying to attract. nikol pashinyan went to the meeting in brussels in high spirits. the trilateral format of the eu, usa and armenia have been planned since last fall. the trip is long-awaited, officially counting on financial assistance, but the generosity of yerevan partners is obvious. overrated. the united states is investing in the prime minister's efforts to govern the country and implement economic reforms. we plan to provide more than $65 million from the government budget. the european union is ready to provide another 270 million euros, and this for 4 years. but the point is no longer how much the west will spend on armenia, but what
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it will gain in return. and in this sense, ms. fondelayen is extremely honest. minister, i applaud your efforts to pursue democratic reforms despite the challenges you face, and i also applaud the measures armenia is taking to prevent circumvention of our sanctions against russia, in particular to ensure that lethal equipment and technology does not reach hands of the russian military, this shows that the values ​​and interests of the european union and armenia are becoming closer and closer. these interests do not lie in the plane of economics, but what remained behind the closed doors of the trilateral meeting in brussels is already an open secret. yerevan has begun. offered pashinyan, if he had been offered not 260 million, but 260 billion, then you still cannot sell
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the country, you cannot put the country up for a geopolitical auction, and what happened today in brussels is essentially that in 2022 on october 6 occurred in prague regarding nagorno-karabakh, as a result of which the statehood of nagorno-karabakh was emphasized and the normalization of relations with baku. i want pashinyan again stated his readiness for that we remain committed to normalizing relations with azerbaijan on the basis of mutual recognition of each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity in accordance with the 1991 almaty declaration. armenia. is also fully committed to the delimitation of borders based on the almaty declaration and the unblocking of all regional communications based on full respect for the sovereignty and jurisdictions of countries, as well as
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the principles of equality of reciprocity. but official baku called this meeting unfavorable for azerbaijan. according to president of the country ilham aliyev, western attempts to turn armenia into an outpost in the south caucasus may lead to negative consequences. although in recent days , high-ranking officials, both the united states and... armenia, reformatting the armenian army according to nato standards are very annoying for baku. baku thinks that armenia is being prepared for war in
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the south caucasus, and armenia is currently a destabilizing fact for regional security. pashinyan’s western partners need to keep the tension point in the south caucasus; they make it out of armenia temporary, in my opinion, fertilization for its own purposes. bye to the authorities. the eurasian fund for stabilization and development has financed a number of projects in armenia; it was founded by state participants, which , in addition to this caucasian republic, includes russia, belarus, kazakhstan, and kyrgyzstan. and tajikistan. the fund supports the most important and strategic investment areas. we are currently preparing another financial loan for $100 million. in total, the fund’s portfolio in armenia
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includes 10 projects worth $533 million. the construction of the fourth stage of the north-south road corridor has already been financed. another 40 million was spent on modernizing the irrigation system of the entire country. the work is just being completed. we are talking about projects such as regulation, this is an extremely important sector for the economic development of the republic of armenia, more than 10% of gdp is created in agriculture, and about 300 thousand households are involved in the agricultural sector, another very important project that we finance in in armenia, these are several areas. transport corridor gray-south, which is the main transit corridor for the republic, we have a number of projects in the social sector, including
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healthcare and energy efficiency of social facilities.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. to bring russian digital solutions to... new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than that numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what in general with the production of raw materials, exports, what is it, our product, is not child’s play in different parts of russia on...
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raising the head of the growth of youth banks. belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory. let's go figure it out there and talk to you. they filmed everything that happened and posted it on the internet. these actions clearly indicate that there were indifferent consequences. his accused of attempted murder.
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry, they seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have cortia here, they broadcast everything a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, this victim turned out to be me. your brother is there in
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donbass, in the aurora battalion. so is he alive? nobody knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, should we go there? this is war. war. vitaly kishchenko. you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you. get ready to go to moscow, we're listing your brother as a missing person. no, that won’t work, i came for him. i have to find him. nadezhda markina. looks a lot like him. sergey gorobchenko. tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger , becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. to
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spend time with children, we watch russian cartoons and children's programs, watch them in the app or on the website. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this is a typical novorossiya program, our name says it all, we are talking about the territory which has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day. find.


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