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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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aurora. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's see. let's take a look, in the app or on the website. hello, kirill vyshinsky is here, and this is a typical program on voros. our name says it all; we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the originality of its present day, to find. and
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typical features, recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. foreigners in donbass, the fate of new migrants. why does novorosiya attract people from europe today? conversation with a program expert. a hero with a steely character, alexander parkhomenko. we talked a lot about people of different nationalities who came to novoros in the 17th-11th centuries. they developed these lands, received benefits, became russian subjects and part of the multinational people. today, foreigners travel not so much in search of a better life, but with a desire to find out the truth, to defend justice, to see what is often not can be found. at home, sincerity in
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views and commitment to universal human values. since 2014, on the territory of the dpr and lpr, according to official data alone , there have been more than one and a half thousand volunteers from western european countries. the most famous was the fifteenth international battalion, which was joined by americans, africans and many others. according to them, these people came to donbass to protect. civilians from the aggression of the ukrainian army, many of them found their second home here. in march on the 22nd, russian defense minister sergei shaigu spoke about numerous requests from foreign volunteers who would like to come to the lpr and dpr to participate in the liberation movement. most of them came from the countries of the middle east, over 16 thousand. in june twenty-two, the authorities
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of the donetsk people's republic allowed foreign citizens to serve in the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic. the corresponding resolution was then signed by the head of the dpr denis pushili. those who want to know more truth about what is happening in the northeast military district zone and tell western readers and viewers about it. journalists from france, canada, great britain and
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many, having been here, decide to stay for a long time, in the story of anna efimova. my girlfriend, my girlfriend, the huge, very affectionate dog “luna” clearly missed me. her owner, french freelance journalist christelle nain, is often absent. she regularly travels to the front line to sites of shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, making reports from the very epicenter of events, that’s why.
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ours and of course, the chickens are preparing a big one for planting a vegetable garden is the basis of the entire economy, the principles of permaculture, a book dedicated to this topic, christel brought with her from france, it sounds scientific, but she did it herself. in fact, familiar to residents of any russian village. tanks for watering crops with rainwater, organic waste for animal feed, for carts for fertilizer, in a word , waste-free and environmentally friendly farming. oh, pasha, now she’s like a tank, damn it, kristel moved to donbass soon after the start of the war and the declaration of independence of the dpr and lpr, abandoning everything she had pressed in france, including prestigious job. a large international company, the family did not understand this step at first, but soon they not only accepted christel’s decision, but fully supported it. oh, at first they thought i was crazy, completely, they thought putin was a dictator, and then they watched my reports, after a few
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months, they realized that what the french media told them was just a lie. kristel says that her task is to continue to expose the flow of fakes in western media and try to reach the audience.
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i don't have a boss, i'm the boss myself your work. it is very important to look at what happened from the other side so that you can assess the situation from a different point of view. and if i don’t do my job, then probably no one will be able to give true
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information to finnish readers. however, among the foreigners there were also those who still managed to find donbass peaceful. doctor tariq hamuda is from. palestine in mid-2000, he studied in krasnodar, then lived a little in kiev and kharkov and finally finally settled here in lugansk. the people here are simple, they don’t look, are you a foreigner? foreigner, you, you, you have a religion, you are muslim, as soon as i entered the city, you already understand, somehow there is already peace in my soul, that’s it, i feel calm, and i realized that... well, here i have will be with here tariq got married, got a job as a traumatologist at a local hospital, after the first shelling in 2014 he saved the wounded and continues to do this to this day, working not only in the hospital, but also traveling to the front-line area. 14, it was the most difficult
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year, we can say that our republic lived through the war, there were a lot of wounded, you enter yours.
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uh, the terrible situation with coronavirus, the first country that helped us was russia. a few years ago, ricado opened a real italian pizzeria in lugansk, for him it’s more than just a business, it’s... multiculturalism, he doesn’t build a new world on the ruins of the old, he carefully
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collects it bit by bit every time. anna efimova, valery savelelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. about today's foreign migrants to novorossiya, what prompts them to come to this region is not the most favorable time for life, we will talk with our regular expert, historian, political scientist. immigrants or simply people coming from the west, foreigners, from the motives that moved people in the 19th century, in fact, the two leading, i would say there were such moments, in a quantitative sense , of course, immigrants prevailed. well, who realized, i would say, themselves economically, but not only, yes,
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because even if we talk about mass migrants, there, for example, the germans, the minonites, these were people whom was oppressed by the then royal government of prussia for religious reasons, in russia they received what they needed, religious freedom in the first place, yes, then the opportunity to realize themselves economically there, and so on and so forth, to engage in farming, but except for such mass migrants . there were still a large number of people who, well , individually, i would say, integrated into russian society and preferred novorossiya for integration, but you can remember their parents vladimir dahl, yes, who just came as a doctor, so to speak, there, well, you can also say, as a labor migrant, but in order to have the opportunity to make a good career in russia, if from this point of view we compare them with those people who today they come to novorossiya, then...
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how long did they come for and why did they stay? i can call my friend graham philips, a famous british reporter; we generally called him an odessa journalist of english origin. grem came to ukraine at that time during european championship, right? in 1912, many foreign fans, after the matches , went to see odessa, the sea, and so on and so on. graham was one of these, he came. he liked everything so much, it’s a wonderful place, and he bought himself an apartment in odessa, in a residential area,
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in an ordinary panel building, then ukrainian nationalists broke into his place already there in 1914, while they were already here, yes, while in ukraine, he plunged into these events of the fourteenth year and went there to donbass, well, like this, you know, a british reporter came, and there , of course, what he saw, yes, he saw simple, ordinary people who stood up for their rights without any... so to speak influence there. the kremlin, this is so paranoid of all things, so to speak, this spirit of the fourteenth year, of course, captured him, already some kind of revision, well , it seems to me, such a revaluation of ae values, yes - they forced this man to stay here, i for example met there are characters, well, let’s say from france, but i had one comrade, his parents once emigrated back in the eighties, well, in the late eighties from the soviet union, and this is how it was during the era of collapse there. perestroika, poverty, he grew up in france and then he, when the events began, here he, as
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if the russian man in him, so to speak, woke up, he and he went to fight, to fight for injustice, that is, again we found ourselves as at the end of the 18th, beginning of the 20th century, in events when in western europe itself, first of all, many people did not agree with where western society was going, but it turned out that in this democratic society they had lost their leverage, they, that is...
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in the 19th century, during the reign of alexander i , the process was streamlined, a special committee of trustees was created, which was supposed to select professional personnel of interest to russia, well, it is impossible to live in in the global world, and completely isolated from these external flows, so to speak, but these flows can be regulated, not allowed to take their course in this case, these are the tools, and this is the same one the trustee committee,
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and organizationally this process can be guided not just by openness, but by interest, then i think, well, we may be surprised by the number of people in the west who will be ready, and as for novorossiya, yes we say, then of course the current tragic events, yes, they also hit the demographics of the region very hard, because well, people are leaving the combat zone, this is understandable from the front-line areas, when these tragic events of ours end. yes, the question of a new restoration of novorossiya, yes, it will become edge-on, and just like 200 years ago, it is quite possible that in the west there will be people who, that is, there are already pioneers, this is the most difficult thing for pioneers, there are these people, their experience can specifically be used by the state in order to compatriots who wished to become part
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of russian society, yes, but what about their, so to speak, some distant ancestors 200 years ago, and this, i think, would be useful to all of us. thank you very much for the interesting story. there has never been a shortage of strong personalities in novorossiya. harsh life in the wild steppe, hard work in mines and factories formed a special donbass character. there was a high demand for such people during the revolution and wars. alexander parkhumenko, hero. revolution of the seventeenth year and the civil war, was the chief of staff of the red army in lugansk, defended the queen of the current volgograd, coming from a poor family, in the early nineties he got a job at the lugansk locomotive- building plant, and already in 904 he joined the russian social democratic labor party. this
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time, the beginning of the last century, gave birth to its heroes from the rural poor. did not turn into the working class, and then became ardent fighters for its decent life. the story of alexander parkhomenko was in many ways typical of that time. in 905 he took part in the first workers' strikes in lugansk. in the seventeenth he led the defense of the city from counter-revolutionary forces. in the eighteenth he fought in the donbass against german troops, and then against ukrainian nationalists. people's republic, commander of the fourteenth cavalry division of the red army, he fought with the white poles and nestoro's gangs makhno. during his short life, alexander parkhomenko was twice awarded the order of the red banner. the main one at that time was the soviet state award. of course, there are many contradictory
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facts in the biography of the legendary red night warrior. there are many myths associated with it, but this is an example. to raise the morale of soldiers at the front, a feature film was made by alexander parkhomenko, what kind of person he was, what events and actions made him a national hero of his time, in the story of olga mokhova. let's turn the gun and... figures from the people appeared: chapaev, shchor with
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ideology in the pantheon of heroes of the civil war , kotovsky, then parkhomenko. it was a whole series of paintings about such popular heroes of the civil war, not high-ranking ones, like tukhachevsky, who by that time were already enemies of the people, such heroes who seemed to embody certain popular forces, the people's element and... people's power in fighting with enemies. alexander parkhomenko was from the cossack village of makarov yar, a slavic serbian district of the yekaterinoslav province, known since the second half xvi century. on these lands, rich in clay of various types, pottery has long been practiced. there were five children in the family, his mother died early and alexander, to help his father raise his younger brothers and sisters, went to work in lugansk, 40 km on foot. arriving in lugansk, sasha initially. stays with his grandfather, semyon emelyanovich, helps him deliver water to workshops and shops, then he works as a janitor and as an errand boy in a sausage shop, works a little
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for the manufacturer libren, here is this photo i really didn’t like her, i call her a lackey, since he had to perform the duties of a lackey. lugansk at this time is one of the largest industrial centers of the russian empire, the proletariat here is ideological, united and very active, at the hartmann plant parkhomenko meets klim... rashilov since then he has been in the revolution. in 1906, he even managed to raise peasants in his native village to revolt. at 17, he leads military squads in lugansk. they ensure order on the streets and in the same year they create a workers' and peasants' militia here. when did it happen the most difficult situation on the tsaritsyn front on august 12, 1918, the revolutionary council sent parkhomenko to moscow, where he met with vladimir. he receives everything he needs, such as ammunition, uniforms, food, and sends trains to the front. touching fathoms in
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the shoulders, powerful growth, a real hero, contemporaries left memories of oparhomenok as an uncontrollably brave man, sometimes too hot-tempered. he climbed, as they say, into the thick of things, which is probably why it was he who was entrusted with the liquidation of taman grigoriev’s band in 1919 in what had just become soviet ukraine. his courage and determination, he actually single-handedly neutralized the command of the rebels, for which he received his first order of the red banner of battle, and then he was in
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rostov-nadon, and there, being the commandant of the city, parkhomenko was unable to cope with the drunkenness and robbery of his charges, for which he sentenced to death, budyonny personally asked for him in front of varoshilov, mitigation, punishment, pardon. but varoshilov in this regard, as a man of principle, said: no, this is my friend, so i’m asking for him, i can’t, at the last moment, parkhumenko is saved from execution by no one, but personally by stalin and ardzhennik, and he again shows valor and remarkable strength, already as the commander of the fourteenth division of the first cavalry army, for participation in the soviet-polish war of 1919-21 , alexander parkhomenko is awarded in...
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the count of a red commander with orders and tribunals, with ups and downs, characteristic of the troubled and terrible times of the civil war, typical of that time is the personal tragedy of the parkhomenko family: his younger brother artyom was an anarchist and joined gangs mahnom. in january 1921 , alexander parkhomenko himself died at the hands of the makhnovists in the cherkasy region. the divisional commander was buried in lugansk with great honors. the grave is in the revolution square in the center of the old city, preserved to this day. there's a lot here. a block, an avenue, an engineering plant and, until recently , a secondary school bear or bore his name. in 1951, on the anniversary of the death, makarov yar was renamed the village of
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porkhomin. this is all we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg
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stepanov and we... are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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4:00 am
hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i vladimir nesterov, we will tell you about new ones.


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