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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague, vera krasova, and i, vladimir nesterov, we will talk about new legislative laws...
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on the instructions of the president , a long-term program is starting this year, the goal of which is to radically change the situation. we must do everything to preserve all monuments of historical and cultural value so that we do not lose them. monitoring prices in the regions, interaction between senators and the federal antimonopoly service, combating unreasonable price increases. somewhere in the regions there are. jumps, bursts, and we constantly
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keep our finger on the pulse. online courses, trainings, tutoring through social networks, is there a guarantee of the quality of the services offered, who is responsible for the consequences? an important task is to separate information that is positioned as original content and information that is positioned as educational, medical, recommendation content. the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, their accomplices and customers in whatever countries and under whatever masks they were hiding.
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the response of russian society to this vile the crime became a unity of compassion, mercy, those qualities that traditionally unite the peoples of russia. our country showed its big heart. currently . investigation, based on its results, our society and the whole world will know who and how organized this bloody attack on peaceful, defenseless, unarmed people, it is too early to draw final conclusions, but the fact that the united states and other western countries are the first to moments of tragedy, when literally, as they say, the shots had not stopped. turned on at full power
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their propaganda apparatus began to actively shield ukraine, in the thief, as they say , the cap is on fire, we well understand the reasons for such a rush, such a fever, but i want to assure everyone that this campaign to cover up ukraine will not in any way affect the objectivity of the investigation, the whole truth will be established. and made public, we will keep sacred the memory of the victims of this terrible tragedy and do everything to ensure that it never happens again. the state and regional authorities continue to do everything possible to provide necessary assistance and support to the victims and families of the victims. russian citizens donated significant funds to the relief fund. the government of the moscow region and moscow has appointed payments to the families of the residents who died in the terrorist attack.
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lost both. such children are provided with monthly payments on an undeclared basis until they reach the age of 18. together, the movement has opened a fundraiser for targeted assistance to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack. citizens of our country and enterprises have already donated more than 1 billion rubles. i want to the senators must thank all regions of the country for their support and help in uniting. as the president said, those who planned this. the terrorist attack was intended to sow panic and discord in our society, but was met with unity and determination to resist this evil. the terrorist attack occurred the day after the official announcement of the presidential election results. the federation council appealed to the un and the parliaments of other states to condemn the actions of western countries to interfere in
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the preparation and conduct of elections of the head of state, as well as to encourage terrorism and extremism to destabilize the situation in russia during the election campaign. the document emphasizes that attempts. the interventions, which in most cases were coordinated with the united states, were carried out in several directions at once: attempts were made to create an illegal digital platform for holding fake alternative elections from abroad. the ban on election campaigning on voting days was violated. so on march 17, a protest action, inspired from abroad, took place. from abroad, including on social networks, there were calls for illegal actions. colleagues, i invite everyone to read ours very carefully.
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this week the president instructed the government to reduce the workload on schoolchildren; in particular, it is proposed to reduce the amount of homework and test work. also, among the approved instructions based on the results of the message to the federal assembly, is the possibility of quickly retaking the unified state exam in one subject before the end of the university admissions process. we will find out from the senator whether graduates will be given a second chance this year.
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retake one elective exam, the second at at the end of april, conciliation procedures with the regions are now underway, schedules are being aligned, the exact schedule for taking the unified state exam has been approved, and 2 days will be allocated to retake one elective exam. you know, a discussion has developed in society, we need to honestly say how and to whom it should be done.
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we would consider this possibility more for those children who, due to objective and subjective reasons, suddenly showed a slightly lower result than they showed during the year in trial exams, and their the stable result was slightly higher, let's say he always studied with a b, a, wrote 80 points, suddenly it turned out, well, a low result, for example, 60, of course, still this should be a chance for those who, unfortunately. for some reason, he was unable to show the results that he consistently achieved throughout the year while studying at school. will universities wait for graduates who retake the unified state exam? yes, of course, because otherwise the chance of retaking loses
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its meaning, which is why all the schedules are aligned with the relevant departments, so that so that after retaking the exam, if suddenly the child has such a desire, we hope. already this year, the entire system from the moment of retake and give the child the opportunity so that he has time to submit his documents to this company. how, in general, are the mechanisms for conducting the unified state exam being improved from year to year? the controversy over the unified state exam continues. however, over the years of its existence, it has gone through a serious stage of formation, improvement, both in terms of content and in terms of its procedure.
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will rise and we will achieve something like this, you know, consensus in society, its necessity, and
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of course further improvement. prices for goods and services are something that worries everyone without any doubt. sanctions, currency exchange rate fluctuations, the withdrawal of a number of brands from the market, and as a result, prices for some types of goods have become unpleasantly surprising. but the rise in price does not always have objective reasons, except when it comes to imports. in general, control over pricing is a competence.
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not particularly controlled, especially controlled - these are, of course, primarily food products, from that list, it means we have bread, milk, eggs, so there are medications that a person needs for treatment, there is also cellular communications, there are internet services, that is, this is the whole complex of our ordinary things that surround us , which we may not notice, but all these prices are controlled by us today.
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eggs, but if you come to the store and look at the price tags, the price tag has not changed much, well , yes, they have fallen a little in price, but have not returned to the previous level, what is the reason, you need stricter, stricter control on the part of the fas, which means that several administrative cases were initiated regarding the increase in prices for eggs. and indeed , overstatements were discovered in this area, overstatements primarily in the wholesale trade segment, but there are fundamental reasons - these are, of course, the sanctions that were imposed on us by unfriendly countries that supplied us with primary material, and which cannot be replaced just today, this takes a long time, and of course here the ministry of agriculture should strengthen... their work in this direction, well , i’ll tell you that they reacted quite
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quickly and identified all the violations, in fact, even people have already been punished, and enterprises have been punished, fines have been issued, let me remind you that they have different there are fines, including those that are calculated based on turnover, that is, so -called turnover fines, and we know in the history of the antimonopoly service quite large fines, there just a couple of years ago. i remember metalga, for example, there’s more billion paid a fine. do senators often have to get involved in order to draw the attention of the federal antimonopoly service to prices, to certain goods, or? services, of course, we, we represent all regions, and this is a heterogeneous matter, somewhere in the regions there are jumps and surges, and we constantly keep our finger on the pulse, literally, and not only food products, and not only medicines , just recently i contacted the antimonopoly service myself about the fact that mobile operators
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they accrued funds for the distribution of the internet, which you had already purchased, and if you distributed it to a neighbor or family member, you owed there... 50 rubles. and i’ll tell you that the antimonopoly service checked and it means that mobile operators have canceled such a service, in principle, citizens are now happy. senators have developed a bill on insuring citizens' funds in individual investment accounts. the main guarantee that the initiative provides is protection against bankruptcy of the broker. according to the document, insurance will extend to individual investment accounts opened since january 1 of this year. more details about how...
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our citizens opened individual investment accounts, this is a huge amount of funding, interest in our stock market is constantly growing, it is clear that the main task is, among other things, to protect the interests of our citizens, to protect them from possible troubles with their brokers, with their financial institutions, with which they constantly work, so the president for the first time is precisely on the form of russia calling, voiced the idea that it is necessary to insure example of our deposits, individual investment accounts of our citizens amount. 1.4 million rubles. subsequently, he repeated this as an instruction to the federal assembly at the address, and accordingly, my colleagues and senators and i introduced a bill at the end of march that would guarantee the safety of our citizens’ funds in the amount of 1.4 million rubles. which are in individual investment accounts. what does this mean, how will
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the mechanism work? in case the broker or investment financial intermediary with whom our citizens work, eh? will fall into a situation of bankruptcy or financial instability, financial inability to fulfill its obligations, in this case , a specially created fund will compensate for the funds of our citizen that were on the date of declaration, in fact , bankruptcy, but you need to understand that these funds will be compensated for a maximum amount of 1, 4 million. in fact, this mechanism repeats the same idea that currently exists in the deposits of our citizens, and its main task is to attract as many individuals as possible... to the activity of our citizens and support , including the financing and development of our stock market, revive activity, support russian business with the help of the orning fund. there's a short commercial now, we'll be back soon, don't switch.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign is a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i
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came for my brother, i have to find him. when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs, in the army there is no division for boys and girls, there are no concessions, our hospital was located in in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour, there was some unit standing nearby in the field, there were screams and yells, they were also calling for help, and i rushed there. maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, shelling is going on everywhere and i need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, a maternal one. that this should help, i believe in myself that i can still do something, hello mom, everything is fine, we are working,
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russia is traditional, modern, technologically advanced, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition russia forum, these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is already ready. and the museum, i felt completely dumbfounded, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, all the great
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artists there are fakes, wait a minute, wait a minute, not a single painting can be said to be original, because these paintings have never undergone any examination, we and my husband made a will, in favor of russia, just like that. welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent.
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look around, now it’s 200 124, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, and... where the flying machines are energetically unjustified, but she brought a man from school, a young man, according to what i gave him 117 years, but the main thing will remain
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unchanged, i know what it’s like to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why not, we will act here now, we will change the present in the name of our... there is a clear and clear signal in russia; is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe
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in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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senate program, see below. online courses, trainings, tutoring via the internet. is there a guarantee of the quality of the services offered? who is responsible for the consequences? an important task is to separate information that is positioned as original content and information that is positioned as educational, medical, recommendation content. 1.5 billion packs of cigarettes annually, how does the illegal supply scheme work and what does classifying tobacco products as strategic goods provide? ideally, we should soon see a mass of criminal cases aimed at stopping this criminal act. already this year, a pilot project for a long-term program for the preservation of cultural heritage sites will be launched. i set this task vladimir putin to the federal assembly. more than 50 billion rubles are allocated for the implementation of the project from the twenty-fifth to the thirtieth year. more than 3,000 cultural heritage sites of federal regional significance have already been irretrievably lost. now in each
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region they will begin to collect information. within a month , methodological recommendations will be developed and sent to the regions on the exclusion of physically lost cultural heritage objects from the register. must be carried out in each region. inventory of all cultural heritage sites, this will allow us to understand the scale and build a step-by-step algorithm of action for each, this is such a layer of enormous work where we simply need to put things in order, we must do everything to preserve all the monuments that represent historical, cultural values, so that we do not lose them, so that they do not disappear with maps of our
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cities, of course... and here the federal property management agency also plays a big role, so join forces, and of course, colleagues, senators, please, within the framework of the regional week, carefully study the situation in your regions, how things stand, do such lists exist, in what condition are cultural heritage objects, what are the plans for their involvement in life, in social, economic circulation, and so on, also keep these issues under control, we have no
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right to lose - unique objects of architecture, culture, engineering art and so on. please pay attention to this. the right to introduce a resort fee should be given to each subject of the russian federation. senator anatoly artamonov spoke about the results of an experiment on introducing a resort fee. initially in it four regions participated: altai, krasnodar and stavropol territories, as well as the republic of crimea. last year , st. petersburg and the federal territory of sirius joined. practice. showed that the introduction of a resort fee is supported by the population, there are good results from its use, and improvement facilities are being created that increase the comfort of stay for both vacationers and all citizens. many regions want to join this experiment. i propose returning to the issue of fulfilling the instructions of the president of the russian federation and prepare a proposal to
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vest the regions with the right. establish a resort or tourist tax on their own territories, the experiment ends this year, valentina matvienko instructed the senators to develop a law on the right of regions to introduce a resort tax and ensure its adoption by the end of the year. the head of the upper chamber noted that funds received from tourists could be used for restoration and restoration of cultural monuments. experiments don't have to go on forever. we worked for a year and beyond a decision must be made. was the experiment a success? we extend it to the whole country, it was not successful, we are closing it, it is obvious that the regions support this, and we are talking about giving the regions the right, not obliging them, giving the right to governors, the regional parliament to make such decisions, well, they are not their own enemies, if they think that it will say there,


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