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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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they went around the houses and asked all citizens to evacuate, now temporary accommodation centers are operating in the city, they can accommodate 6,500 people, the situation is extraordinary, very difficult, due to the sharp increase in the water level coming from the upper reaches of the urals, the dam could not withstand the load. and what happened was, well, not a dam break, but a violation of the body of the dam in the area of ​​the construction village, the dam that protected the city, the old city, from the river flood, was destroyed for 10 meters, now all rescue services continue to work here, we hear, now the sirens are ringing. employees of the ministry of emergency situations travel
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in the urals, on tracked transporters, continue to evacuate citizens, they quickly gather, take everything they need, documents, things, leave their homes, some go to relatives, some to temporary accommodation centers. maria, thank you, our correspondent maria valieva told about the situation in orsk, where residents are being evacuated due to a dam break. now advertising. and then we will talk about the detention of participants in youth groups in different regions of russia, the teenagers beat their victims themselves posted a video on the network, what lies behind the surge of aggression, watch the new investigation by eduard petrov. pental extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. sometimes you expect one thing, but get
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gangs began to rise, but the security forces quickly removed troubled teenagers from the streets of our cities. hello, at the studio eduard petrov. look today, why are they doing this? this a kind of trend of young people who record their every action, look, it ’s you, yes, now look at it for yourself , it’s not disgusting, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, we just approached them and immediately a fight started, say that again, in what are you accused of, attempted murder, attempted murder,
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a similar situation is in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions. investigators are now looking into their case. moreover, they filmed everything that happened on camera and then posted it on the internet. our film crew went to the indicated regions, and also visited a correctional colony for minors. bryansk region, how do operatives find participants in youth organized crime groups, what goals do the thugs pursue, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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videos of brutal beatings appeared on belgorod social networks in january 2024
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. here are the shots: several young guys are furiously beating their opponents, a young man in a black jacket with a hood is especially cruel. the unfortunate man is crying, trying to cover himself with his hands, but emil got really angry, there are several teenagers nearby, one of them is filming what is happening on a mobile phone camera, under wild hooting, young gopniks
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are chasing the poor guy, he is dead, the next day in local telegram channels... a new video has appeared, but already with the beating of a young man of arab appearance. residents of belgorod immediately realized where the events were unfolding: the food court of a large shopping center. by the way, the previous battle happened a few meters from this large complex. according to the results media monitoring recorded a report on the discovery of signs of a crime. at that time, the persons recorded in the video recording were not identified.
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expelled from the pedagogical college denis
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gubin, deaf-mute dmitry gnetiyev, as well as kickboxer dmitry lazarenko. in addition, a minor resident of the moscow region, surname, fell into the hands of the investigation.
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accordingly, the report was registered , including under article 282 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is incitement of hatred towards a group of persons by signs of nationality. all the detainees knew each other well, some lived next door, others went to school together. taking into account the fact that they all communicated with each other, maintained relationships, some closer, some less, but they always acted as a core group, working. just like playing sports united them, so
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did spending time together. as for another member of the youth group, a person with disabilities dmitry gnitiev, he, as the investigation established, hit an iraqi citizen, a medical student, for no reason one of the belgorod universities. ou!
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in total, the total number of participants in the youth criminal group of belgorod has not yet been established, and this, in principle, is not so important, the main thing is that the main ringleaders are behind bars... under investigation, and there is significant evidence of the atrocities of the raiders, video recordings of their criminal activities, which are not themselves they were posted in the public domain. this group recorded their criminal actions on video; they subsequently distributed these videos on the internet in order to increase
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the authority of their group. that's what i wanted to say why they did it, they themselves added evidence.
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well, they said, i’ll watch with his girlfriend, i ’m wrong, that is, it’s not true, yes, well, they beat you well, yes, okay, they went to the police, yes, of course, they did a good job, they helped me, they were generally very- very good with me. during the investigative actions, a student from iraq identified his offender, the hearing-impaired dmitry gnetiyev, but abas nasser did not understand why he raised his hand against the future doctor. okay, well, good luck again. be jealous of
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girl, they chose such a simple excuse for demonstrative beatings under the video . members of the belgorod group, this was the case with nikita ruban and igor ampilogov. let us remind you that this is an episode where amil gafurov tried especially hard; he kicked the victims in the head. well, this young man came up to me at work and said, let’s go figure it out, then we’ll talk to you about my colleague, so i work with her. they are, yes, they were jealous of me, but in total, there are six of them, well, actually, you should go here, you and your friend would be, yes, yes, and what happened next, well, we came here, met them, so i thought there would be a normal conversation, as always, but there was already such a conversation, yes, there was already, in general , we just
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approached them and a fight immediately started, that is, timil started beating you, right? i did it when i was free after work earlier, that is, you had to meet someone, yes, you, yes, not me, my friend, but i went for backup, so you came up, met, several people were already waiting for you, yes, yes , igor ampelogov - short, frail the guy is not an athlete at all, but
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he couldn’t leave his friend, he was just brought up that way, but amil gafurov is physically well developed. he is a kickboxer, and the only one from the group who has not yet turned eighteen, so we have to cover his face with a computer edit. the conversation with amil took place in the building of the regional department of the investigative committee, in the presence of his father ilshan. what kind of stupidity, come on, what kind of stupidity? well, someone appointed there, they had their own situation there, we came with someone, with denis, with denis, he called yura, no, gubin called yura,
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and yura, yeah, just like that, it’s just everyday, friends called us to the so-called shootout, but why not demonstrate our fighting skills, and then endless cruelty, turning into real atrocity. here, look, it’s you, yes, yes, quietly , you probably saw this picture, now look at it yourself, it’s not disgusting, even your friends are trying to stop you, they are older than you, how is it possible,
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you are fully aware of the fact that committed and what charges were brought against him. part two 105, what is it? assassination attempt, what? for murder? attempted murder? so, what else? part two 282, part two, what is this? this is national enmity, i don’t remember exactly, national enmity, the elder gafurov, as best he can, tries to support his son, says that he and amil came to celebrate the new year. stayed in their house near belgrade, then he went to moscow to work, and his son stayed to finish the holidays, that’s when everything happened, something happened,
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he’s accused there, a bandit, what a bandit, he came to belgorod for 3 days, what kind of a guy is he? bandikism nobody accuses him, but he, kolova writes everything, kolova, i don’t know who writes, he is accused, firstly, of inciting interethnic strife, he cannot be.
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what are you accused of, what am i accused of? yes, what are you accused of? attempted murder, attempted murder? yes, the fact that i beat, yeah, uh, with the harshness of people, that’s plus hooliganism, yes, plus hooliganism, you yourself admit your guilt, of course, of attempted murder, no, but not of attempted murder, i’m not i’m not wanted to kill a person under no circumstances, i do not agree with the qualification. "i i admit that i am guilty, yes, that i committed a crime, but i do not admit that i attempted murder in no case, there was not even such a goal. unfortunately, denis
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gubin does not know the basic truths, which cannot be done under any circumstances. moreover, yesterday's schoolboy is swimming in questions that even the weakest c student can handle, you remember the pythagorean theorem, where it came from." well, i was nervous all this time that they had already started giving me pills, i was very repentant, very, i felt very bad about all this time for now, yes, the form, the formula of hydrochloric acid at least, i’m okay now, right now my head isn’t even thinking about it, the door is open.
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and you are dmitry right? the deaf fighter dmitry gnetiyev was clearly not happy about our meeting, but the guy had to answer a few questions, we used the help of a sign language interpreter, the young man said that he had been boxing for many years, and lived on the pension that the state paid him. as for the conflict in the shopping center, he allegedly simply stood up for the girl. young the person you beat. this is a student from iraq, well, i didn’t know that he was from iraq, well , now you know this, now you know this, he studies in belgorod, he is going to become a doctor, help people, and he studies for money, and this money goes to the budget and the belgorod region and the russian federation, and from this money that this student pays, you receive a pension. everything is clear, i understand,
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now do you understand it? i understand, do you plead guilty to something or not? well, he’s guilty, well, he feels that he was mistaken, he has it i have a feeling that it was impossible to resolve the conflict peacefully, but it just happened, it got stuck. it’s jammed, well, you’re a boxer and you can cope with almost any person, well, i didn’t beat him like, say, in a forceful market, you want to apologize to the citizen of iraq, but for what you did, and you literally have to apologize from gnitiev pull out, we have no doubt, he doesn’t feel any remorse,
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good, good, good, good, let’s move on to other members of the youth group, to those who were waving their fists in the video, now. there is emptiness in his eyes, by the way, like most of the accused, he is an athlete, a kickboxer, so dealing with two tipsy men was as easy as shelling pears for him, goodbye.
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gave a mora with a palm, well, i didn’t hit people there with my fist, but no, with my palm, yes, just so that a person understands everything, please forgive me for beating people there and so on, i apologize, i realized everything, i understand everything, that’s it, have a nice day, goodbye,
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the last of the detainees is yuri tatarenko, show you the video, or do you know all these video, yes, you saw all this, there is no need to explain anything, yes, you know what you did, yes, yes, you are a little ashamed of what you did, i am very ashamed, no one will ask you anything else , you are ashamed of what you are doing, very ashamed, i am very ashamed. next in the program: in what other regions have security forces detained members of youth groups? who were the detainees and what pushed them down a crooked path? these are individuals who live in poor social conditions. what punishment faces troubled teenagers? could they be?


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