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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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large-scale evacuation is currently underway in orsk, orenburg region, where the dam broke the previous evening due to flooding. streams of water poured into the street, in the coming hours the entire residential sector of the old city could be flooded, this is over 400 houses of almost 11 thousand residents, people are being urgently taken out by buses, our correspondent, maria valieva, is monitoring the situation on the spot, she is in direct contact, maria, greetings , are there people who refuse to leave their homes? yes, roman, hello, surprisingly, there are such people, they arrange sleeping places for themselves... and
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they say that they won’t leave their homes, but the emergencies ministry employees are still trying to work with them, persuading them to leave their homes, one emergencies ministry employee tried to persuade a woman for a long time, in the end the current here carried him away very strongly, and he fell straight into the water, now he was taken away from here by car, we are working right at the entrance to the old city, look, well, almost everything here is flooded, this is a street. the current is very strong, indeed, just a few hours ago we were driving our car calmly through the streets, but now it’s it’s simply impossible to do, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations travel here, either in ural vehicles or on tracked transporters, evacuating people, we used to have water,
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the whole city, everywhere in orsk, they could have had them the day before, yesterday these announcements were heard in shopping centers , at the stations, here the police drove around the old city, they also went around houses and told people that they needed to collect everything they needed as quickly as possible, documents, things to go either to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers. valuables, everything is still yesterday
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prepared, a temporary accommodation center, at the moment in orski they are ready to receive 6,500 people, now all emergency services are working here in the city, the situation is very tense, the situation is extraordinary, very difficult, due to the sharp increase... the level of water entering the superwater could not stand it load, it means that what happened was, well, not a dam failure, but a violation of the dam body in the area of ​​the construction workers’ village. according to the latest data, due to a dam failure due to the destruction of the dam by the flow over the course of...
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regions fall into the flood zone, almost 150 personal plots and 250 adjacent properties were flooded in the nizhny novgorod region, a high alert regime was introduced in the vladimir region, suzdal authorities closed traffic on pedestrian bridges, the kamenka river overflowed its banks, roads and dozens of personal plots were flooded in the region. this is the third
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district in the chelyabinsk region that has introduced a state of emergency. in the south of the region there is an active phase of snowmelt. in one of the villages, meltwater washed away a bridge. transport connections to five villages have been disrupted . roads and houses are disappearing, residents the kurgan village of red october was evacuated from flooded houses, that night the water in the uy river rose to critical levels, people were being taken out of the town of kurtomysh, a high alert regime was introduced there, four settlements found themselves in the spring flood zone in the omsk region, in the wedge of the earth park near moscow the prides evacuated lviv, the territory was flooded, and the water rose to half-metre. and if the tigers took it calmly and take baths with pleasure, then lviv had to be saved, in total 13 were sunk in the moscow region roads, bridges, almost 700 sections. powerful explosions were heard last night by residents of several regions
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of ukraine. reports from local publications came, for example, from the khmelnitsky region, as well as zaporozhye, which are still under the control of the kiev regime. in addition, several series of attacks in kharkov are known. not said yet. a few hours earlier, the roar of detonation was heard in ochakov, nikolaev region. explosions were heard in the neighboring odessa region, the regional capital. the air raid sirens sounded several once a night. early in the morning this regime spread to the entire territory of ukraine. a few minutes ago, the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft successfully undocked from the iss on board roscosmos cosmonaut oleg novitsky and representative of belarus marina vasilevskaya. and the nasa lower oha astronaut headed towards the ground, it will split into compartments, the vehicle with the crew and cargo will continue its controlled descent, but the rest will burn up in the dense layers of the atmosphere. according to roscosmos, landing is planned in the kazakhstan steppe at 10:18 moscow time
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time. reconstruction has been completed. posad of the krasnodar drama theater managed to preserve its original appearance, the calling card of the city, this became possible thanks to the national culture project. the topic will be continued by ekaterina kanovalova. one two three. and the presentation of the updated facade of the krasnodar academic drama theater is declared open. this is a significant event not only for those involved in the life of the theater, but also for all residents of the regional capital. a grandiose 3d show right on the facade of the building is dedicated to how in 150 days it was possible carry out a complete renovation of the facade. new architectural lighting helped to create such a performance. in total , more than 500 linear spotlights were installed here, as well as several projectors that completely follow the curve
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of the facade itself. hundreds of citizens and guests of the city came to see this performance. i passed by and saw something that... well, that’s why we came, we became very, very interested, such a significant role of the drama theater in the life of the city, and this is very valuable for us, thank you very much, the lady’s theater looks gorgeous in my opinion, just wonderful. the renovation of the façade was made possible thanks to the national project culture. the total budget of work amounted to more than 70 million rubles. the façade, with an area of ​​about 1.2 m2 , was decorated with modern, lightweight and durable materials, while being preserved. its original appearance, which is the calling card of the city. in recent years, the theater has been under constant renovation to become a modern destination. today, young people want to go to updated theaters, museums, and cultural centers. just last year we changed and updated the auditorium,
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we changed the chair, strengthened the sound equipment, thanks to our regional program for the development of kuban culture. now you can’t recognize the theater, i’ve been here since 1967. it seems to me
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that, together with the general contractor, we approached the chosen building material and some sense of architectural style in such a balanced way that today the result met all our expectations. and now the updated theater is ready. to meet its audience, there are only a few days left until the first premiere of this year, the new play the seagull based on the play by anton pavlovich chekhov. ekaterina kanovalova, artyom statyukha, lead. in pavdivostok, investigators opened a criminal case after fraudsters tried to build an apartment building in the city center instead of a school. not only will my colleagues talk about this in the vesti dezhnaya program. right after the commercial. the real legend is immediately visible. almost impossible to touch, but not for you, this is your legendary
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the smell of gunpowder or explosives. the meeting itself was held behind closed doors, but video from alleged accomplice of the terrorists was made public by the press service of the moscow courts of general jurisdiction. the footage shows a certain sharipzada muhammad zair. official information about him is still minimal, but it is known that he has already been charged with complicity in the terrorist attack. from school to housing complex one signature. in vladivostok, investigators opened a... a criminal case after swindlers tried to build an apartment building in the city center instead of an educational institution. the scam has been going on since the nineties. similar tricks with land in prestigious areas of the regional capital. this is not the first time they have done this. word to alexandra mostova. almost real devilry is going on in the center of vladivostok. judging by the documents, the builders were doing their best to build a new, cozy school, and what they ended up with was an elite residential complex. more precisely, it almost didn’t work out. work was stopped to understand the situation, investigators cordoned off the area. i ask you to stop preparatory
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construction work on the specified land plots. a criminal case has been opened for land plot fraud. intended for educational institutions, the crime became possible due to officials exceeding their powers by giving appropriate permissions. land plots in prestigious areas of vladivostok are a tasty morsel for corrupt officials, and they seem willing to risk everything for profit. thus, the former deputy head of the city administration, alexey lyafer, has already replaced the vice-mayor’s chair with a pre-trial detention cell. according to investigators, he is one of the ardent participants in land fraud. the person is accused of receiving a large bribe from representative of a legal entity for assistance in concluding a lease agreement for a land plot in the territory of the regional capital. plots on the coast were sold at ridiculous prices, and the difference allegedly covered mr. leifer's personal expenses. according to investigators, the official convinced the head of the municipal property department
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to sell almost a hectare of municipal land for just a million rubles. this is 21 times lower than the cadastral value. they promised to build a garage cooperative on shoshina hill, but instead they built lonely houses made of concrete and plywood. the name of official natalya sokolova, who served as deputy mayor, is also included in the scandals related to municipal lands. even before working in the administration of vladivostok, she headed the department of property relations of the primorsky territory. and then the company of a well-known authoritative businessman in primorye, alexander yasin, allegedly helped him get a piece of sports land.
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which closed the tenants, interfered with the activities of the tenants. what kind of groups of athletes are they? just those people who strictly followed orders. probably the leader of the trifonovskys, alexander yasin, is now in pre-trial detention, as is the official anatalya sookolova. the trial of former deputy mayor alexei lyafer has already started. the official himself denies all accusations. meanwhile, investigators continue to establish more and more areas where... illegal construction projects have begun and it is possible that stories about fraud with municipal lands will soon acquire new details. alexandra and vadim chetvertkov, lead the duty department. high-profile appointments in the system of the russian ministry of internal affairs. vladimir kolokoltsev presented the personnel of three new heads of regional police departments. by presidential decree,
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a colonel was appointed head of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the khantemansi autonomous okrug. ministry of internal affairs for kabardina.
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associated with the name of the ex-official, it broke down there, it broke down there, it’s a disgrace, just a disgrace, why immediately after his dismissal he hastily left his hometown and what he tried to find in the capital, the sun, it shines the same way, sometimes it hides in the shadows, sometimes it sunbathes, unknown previously corrupt details of the high-profile case from maxim shevchanko. mexican passions. russian captive, a true story about how a muscovite was captured by a latin american drug cartel, they took me into some empty building, there were paved walls, which gave me reason to hope that i wouldn’t be shot here, only we had the first television interview of a freed woman the girl, what horrors she told about and how she managed to be free, if not for them,
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and i would not be alive, how much the bandits valued the life of the russian woman and what kind of wild customs reign in the most influential and brutal cartel in mexico, reporting by alina skachkova, daughter from a premium car to jail in the volgograd region. a famous race car driver was accused of fraud, was she really building a financial pyramid with the money of gullible men, i had nothing left, roughly speaking, it was a competent project that she developed, while the deceived clients of the glamorous diva sought to initiate a criminal case, the alleged swindler was posing in expensive fur coats and exchanged five thousand dollar bills on a napkin, where did this come from? permissiveness? what the arrested beauty and the people who suffered from her cunning plan told us.
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maxim akhmetov's story of love, money and deception. in the united states, police have declassified footage of a failed operation to rescue a teenage girl from kidnapping. a terrible story happened almost 2 years ago, but only now law enforcement officers admitted that they themselves were behind... how did it happen that the girl was shot instead of being saved, galina hungureeva has all the details. the california state police are publishing footage of the chase for the first time: in the focus of a video camera, it’s like a scene from an action movie: on the ground from the air, a patrol records the pursuit of a driver in a white pickup truck, at high speed he rushes along the freeway , trying to throw him off the tail into a line of police cars, from conversations on the radio, a stolen vehicle is found in the cabin. suddenly, the ethereal static, hissing and commands are suddenly interrupted by a deafening series of shots. the white nissan was blocked,
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a small figure appears from the passenger compartment, runs towards the police, meanwhile the shooting does not stop. after the next shot, the outline of a man masked with retouching, which means one thing - dead. what started out as a movie cost the real life of a fifteen-year-old girl, savannah graziano; as foreign media report, she was imperfect.
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vehicle dressed in tactical gear, the subject begins to run towards the police and during the shootout falls, we believe that savannah may also have been involved in the shootout. the girl's death caused a great stir in the united states. the video was published after an official request from journalists. states are often rocked by scandals related to use of weapons. police officers are more likely than in other countries to use it to kill. according to data provided by the washington post for 2021, at the hands of law enforcement in the united states. more than a thousand people died, this is explained by the fact that buying a gun in some states is no more difficult than buying bread from a supermarket, and the use of weapons for people in uniform is the only
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condition for survival, however, the voices of victims of such tactics in the country of the american dream are becoming louder , investigation into the murder of a fifteen-year-old savannah is still going on. galina hungureeva, lead, duty department. 30 snakes in one apartment. my colleague saw this picture when she came to visit lovers of unusual pets. fans of reptiles, of course, are not afraid of their animals, but for others, the mere thought of meeting them is terrifying. it's spring now and cold-blooded adventurers have already crawled to the surface. what to do if there is a snake on your country property, or worse, in your house? alina skachkova will tell you. snake in the bed, so unusual the call was received by a moscow rescuer, and not only them, but all over the country, the hissing began brazenly. dachas and high-rise buildings, a real invasion, cold-blooded burglars deftly slip through ventilation, climb through pipes into the toilet or even bask in other people’s beds, here it is. housewives can only
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squeal, nothing can be done, in spring snakes wake up from hibernation and crawl towards adventure, but if their appearance outside the city can still be scientifically explained, then where do they come from in the middle of a concrete metropolis? in everything it’s the owners’ fault, so to speak, because firstly, you need to have a terrarium with a strong lock, and many keep snakes in containers and they often escape from them, so to speak, another moment, when you pick up a snake in your arms, it doesn’t... cannot be released for a free walk, since it is not a cat, not a dog, and if you leave the snake unattended, it will simply crawl into a secluded hole or hole and remain there. how to get along with unusual pets in the same apartment and not end up before her neighbors had a heart attack, says muscovite kristina demina, the girl had 30 snakes and no one recorded escape, the cost of such a luxurious collection can reach hundreds of thousands, this is what it is, incomprehensible to many, but sincere love for
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reptiles. this is a lilukha, this is the pride of my collection, this is the first snake, this is an imperial oudaf, i realized, having got it, i realized that i definitely wouldn’t stop with it, it’s like a drug, you get the first one, you get the second one, you get the third one, the fourth one, in recent years snakes have become very popular pets, and so is the trend towards exoticism, but not all new owners are aware a tiny store-bought snake is not a toy at all, sometimes it reaches up to 6-7 m, and all the glamor disappears when it comes to feeding, here we have rats and mice for adults, a guinea pig, this is what our mice look like for small snakes, pebbles, let's say we get the right amount for the number of snakes, we take it out, put it at room temperature, under no circumstances in the microwave, under no circumstances in hot water, why, because cadaveric poison is released, this will have a detrimental effect on health animal up to and including death.
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kristina demina. says that some, in order to tickle their nerves, deliberately keep poisonous snakes, oh, and there will be noise if one runs away, at home the snake requires attention to care, a spacious terrarium, a heated mat, the soil is always clean, this is how we sometimes meet guests, cougars, who are not they expect to see it, they greet it with certain phrases, the fear of snakes is called aphidiophobia, according to the most conservative estimates, almost half suffer from it. globe 40%. fortunately, domestic ones, close to the most dangerous snakes in the world, are far away in our area, from poisonous ones, mainly vipers. their venom is dangerous, but not fatal, and the main rule when meeting face to face is no sudden movements; the snake may consider this a threat and rush into battle without warning, and under no circumstances try to deal with the uninvited guest with a shovel, in some regions, including moscow, vipers are listed in the red book, if
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such a thing sneaks up quietly... there is no need to put too much pressure, because it will press it to the ground so as not to let the turbidity, of course, it’s very painful, then with our thumb we try to catch it near the head, squeeze it near the head and try to take it like that, don’t be afraid, you should always take the snake from below, then we place it in a bag, not a single snake... knows, after catching the fugitives they are taken to zoologists for study, but if it is some kind of red book snake, then we transfer it to the serpentarium, and if it is ordinary snakes or medanki, godyuki, then we just take them further into the forest. in addition, specialists it is advised to be one step ahead by using homemade repellers on the site. snakes, for example, are afraid of strong odors, gasoline, mustard, garlic, so there is still time to draw a ritual circle, the season is just beginning. alena skachkova,
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alexey gorshov, duty officer. part, now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, do not switch, at bigfest you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with a 50% cashback from alphabank in a delicious period, let's do it again, but now, of course, do you have another idea? well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, look, this is lucha from monaco, it catches here when yours is shining bright.


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