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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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alena skachkova, alexey gorshkov, lead the duty department. now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, do not switch gears. at bikfest , you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfa bank. delicious, period. let's do this again, what about now? cool, there are other ideas, of course, let's count the payment, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with ttbon, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, we also got 10% cashback with free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, look, this is lucha from monaco, when it’s bright. you’re on my
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we continue the release. the end of the gang of black lumberjacks. in the ivanovo region , 29 members of the forest plunderers group heard the verdict. the prosecution was able to prove that there was a clear organization and distribution of roles within the upg, and the loggers themselves operated in the region for almost 10 months. about the details of this story andrey romanov. for this trial, the ivanovo district court chose the largest courtroom in the distance behind a partition and a wall of lawyers in a glass chamber. close formation the defendants are members of a gang of black lumberjacks that operated in the region’s lands for 10 months. these are black lumberjacks in the field. in the last few months of the gang’s activity , they were monitored by police officers and employees of the regional federal security service. operational activities showed that the thieves of natural resources came to the forest before dawn and started chainsaws. poachers. rays of the sun.
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the police, together with fsb officers, carried out a special operation to detain illegal miners quickly. part poachers were caught in flagrante delicto in the forest, and a total of 29 people were detained. the police believed that over 10 months the criminals stole forests worth 34 million rubles. the criminal case turned out to be several dozen volumes long. they were sewn together in a separate room using a drill. in the process of investigating the activities of the gang, foresters counted 35 illegal loggings, in which natural resource thieves were involved, all the plots where the poachers operated are located deep in the forest, we visited one of them together with employees of the ivanovo police,
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they had to get to the place by snowmobile. we arrived at the site of illegal logging from here from a snowmobile, of course, when you get off you immediately find yourself frozen in the snow, please tell us. here you detained illegal poachers, yes, that’s right, here we detained illegal poachers, just a little way from here, about thirty meters away, a number of illegal fellings were carried out, yeah, that is, which trees they chose, well, it’s clear that they didn’t everything was cut down, somehow just in parts there, there are no trees there, the clearing remained absolutely true, they chose commercial trees, which are approximately 80 by 80 in diameter, this is the kind of prey that black foresters always choose, their methods of work... our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program have studied well. over the course of two decades, a series of documentaries was created about the trade of natural resource plunderers. they talked about the smuggling of timber from the leningrad region and karelia to finland, roaming forest poachers in the far east, in
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krasnoyarsk territory, irkutsk and omsk regions, in illegal logging in the regions of the central federal district. according to the documents there are 16 cubic meters, but in reality you can see by eye that there are more. severe punishment awaits, gang members from the ivanovo region have already suffered it, the organizer of the criminal business was sentenced to 14 years in prison, the rest received sentences from 12 to two years in prison. andrey romanov, mikhail shirin, conductor, duty department. defense of the so-called. eastern bloody king oleg kan insists on his innocence case of the contract murder of businessman valery phidenok. the fugitive oligarch’s lawyers announced this at the next court hearing, which took place in the primorsky territory. it is interesting that at this hearing, kahn’s lawyers did not at least insist that their client was dead, although
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this had been the main version at other hearings before. well, at the moment we know about the missing king crab. alexander mostovaya will tell you. the latter was never heard in the primorsky regional court. the word of the disappeared sakhalin tycoon oleg kan, or alive, or maybe the dead crab king is waiting out the storm amid yet another rumors about his death, although these rumors in court seem to have been dispelled by the lawyers, declaring the innocence of the client. dear court, we can only refer to kan’s position of innocence, which he has not changed to date, which he stated at the beginning of the trial. kahn's lawyers are behaving strangely, to put it mildly, judging by them. with a statement in court, they maintain contact with the crab king, although recently they tried to convince themis that oleg kan is dead. in the prosecutor general's office did not believe the latter, believing that the fish owner had faked his death. identical certificates were received from the zaks of the sakhalin region and from the zaks of st. petersburg, indicating that the acts
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upon the death of mr. oleg kymkhakovich kan were not registered. the death of oleg kan is most likely a deliberate hoax, because if the court recognizes the fact that kan is dead, it will be a criminal case. will be terminated against him, this is quite beneficial for the crab king, who has been on the international wanted list for many years, and meanwhile a trail of crimes trails behind him. investigators have no doubt that it was kan who organized the murder of businessman valery phidenok in vladivostok in 2010. kano was then identified as a participant in the crime, dmitry polikov, who had already served his sentence. the son of the deceased, anton , agreed to give an interview only 13 years later, without hiding his face. we look forward to this. process so that it would finally end, and kaan would finally be declared the organizer of the murder, a well-known bandit in sakhalin in the far east, so of course it was, well, not easy for us,
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it was scary, yes, it was scary, oleg kan seemed to have sunk into the water after our colleagues from the dord petrov investigation program drew attention to his criminal business, journalists told in detail. about how a businessman smuggled crab abroad, turning it into an expensive and practically inaccessible delicacy for residents of our country. poaching took place in the sea of ​​okhotsk. the catch was illegally transported to the port. when will you stop robbing the russian federation, when will you finally bear responsibility for organizing the murder? your competitor? can you answer the question? after this meeting, oleg kan fled the country, and then allegedly died. as for the case of valery’s murder, in this case the fugitive could face up to 19 years in prison, publicity.
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the beatings were filmed, in belgorod, ulyanovsk and tambov security forces detained members of youth groups, they didn’t have to look for long for the thugs, they themselves posted videos on social networks. what lies behind the surge of aggression in teenagers? don't miss the big premiere on russia 24 tv channel this weekend. new investigation eduard petrov, street gangs with limited liability. not childish fun , the growth of youth banks began to rise in different parts of russia. the belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory, let's go, we'll figure it out, we'll talk to you there, yes, they were jealous, everything that was happening, they filmed it, posted it on the internet, what are you being accused of, these actions obviously indicate that...
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in ramenskoye, moscow region, operatives paid off a gang of front workers gas service. scammers went to private homes and convinced residents of an urgent replacement of equipment, scaring them with malfunctions and possible leaks. gas boilers and fittings were eventually replaced, but at prices that were several times higher. investigators found that the scammers managed to visit at least six houses. sultan ziganov will tell you how they were identified. loud knock. a stern rebuke from an employee of the assembly opens, perhaps, any doors, so the residents of this apartment in ramenskoye, near moscow,
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did not test the patience of the fighters. and what it happened? the detainees lying on the floor, of course, tried to play innocence, but the results of the search spoke for themselves. interior ministry operatives found blue uniforms, gas service specialists and many fake ids. the attackers, posing as employees of gas companies, visited private homes under the pretext of checking equipment. to appear to the owners of private houses with a serious look to take measurements, first piercing gas pipes with an awl,
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fictitious contracts for equipment maintenance were secured with the same fake seals, we received a salary within the limits, i will say, plus or minus 4,800 a week, who could get up to 100 thousand rubles a week without plus or minus, the principle of operation is simple, the more houses you visit... the more you earn, however such activity attracts the attention of the police. lawyers , in turn, remind you that before letting an inspector or installer in a blue robe enter the door, do not be lazy to check, for example, with the management company about a planned inspection. if you understand that they are submitting no documents, yours, your management company did not warn you that some kind of check would take place, then you can safely call the police. however, warnings are clearly not enough; people continue to believe scammers. they intimidate their own. victims, talking about the negative consequences of inaction, for example, with the installation of gas
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equipment or with its inspection. according to the latest data, ramensky swindlers managed to deceive only six people, but it is possible that after the detention and arrest of the attackers, statements will still be received by the police. sultan zeganov, lead, duty department. between vegetables and fruits in the city of myas, chelyabinsk region, a mother with three children found herself registered in a grocery store. this happened after a woman lost her own home in a fire. while she was wandering around rented apartments looking for help, a store was built on the wasteland. social activists and our film crew drew attention to the situation. reportage. closing the brick row with bright signs is a gray building, which is called a standard grocery store according to all the guests of the russian outback, there are thousands of them around the country, but only this one boasts an original history, local resident svetlana tyamkina claims here, next to refrigerators with sausages and cheeses, trays of baked goods and other simple assortments,
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she is registered with two daughters, i should live here, i can be registered. putting a cot under the counter, probably, well , of course, no one will allow me to do this, an everyday collision with very unpleasant consequences began back in the nineties, svetlana lived in an apartment building with her grandmother, in the ninety-four there was a fire that destroyed most of the house, the walls on the first floor survived, right where svetlana’s apartment was located, the new owners of the ruins didn’t bother, they set up a shopping pavilion here, here is the window of my room, that is , there were two apartments here, well, here was just partition. there was an apartment here and there was an apartment, in my opinion, there were some, there are some, nothing has been rebuilt, nothing has been added, even though the walls are the same, but in fact the shopping pavilion has long been assigned a different address, the one indicated in svetlana’s passport , belongs to a private house in the neighborhood, to restore their rights, the tyamkins tried repeatedly, for this you need to provide documents for housing, but they disappeared in a fire,
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there are no records in the unified state register, nor in the archives, the only clue was found in the bti, the bti opened this talmut for me, here ...
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show up and say: thank you for looking at the apartment, we don’t need your services anymore. the tyamkins still do not despair, hoping that they will be put on a waiting list for housing. and the thirty-year history with china will end happily, but at this point, one might say, only the tip of the bureaucratic iceberg has moved. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. lunch or dinner at risk of life. with complaints about the work of a restaurant in the south of moscow. several residents of the capital immediately contacted the program; people sent us footage of food being prepared in appalling conditions in the establishment, rats running around, and food and utensils being stored on the floor. surprisingly, the establishment was checked several times, but for some reason it was not closed. my colleague maria bucato decided to find out what they actually feed visitors in this restaurant, but she managed to get out only with the help of the police.
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these shots were sent to the editorial office of our program by visitors to one of the capital's cities. cafe in the south of moscow. above the heads of cheykhana's customers, a rat sniffs the contents of their plates. the employees of the establishment don’t seem to care at all about such a fat, gray pet. here, in principle, there is a proprietary approach to sanitation issues. podsopka barman point without gloves scoops compote from an open vessel and fills it with it mayonnaise buckets. this is to take the rack and pour into a cocktail pitcher. and now his colleague and dirty manipulations. with borscht, it is not surprising that chiikhana has a bad reputation among the locals; checks from the federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection confirm that dining here has a high chance of ending up in a hospital bed. pots with food, with shurpat, were simply placed on the floor, when rospotrebnadzor found that one cook had some kind of
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illness, then the person was still working in the kitchen. the owner of the establishment named ilyos, by according to former employees, he prefers. wallow in problems instead of solving them, here is the moment of transferring money, supposedly to the next auditor, they sealed the door, photographed all this, opened the door again, the bribe was given on the street, with this temperature, cough, that is, we worked, we served people , after a family dinner in the same teahouse, the child ended up in intensive care, this did not affect the work of the establishment, the doors are still open, as part of a journalistic experiment, trying to get a job in the establishment for... basically everything citizens work hard, but when there are inspections, they just take everyone away. after such revelations, we return with the camera, the employees quickly get rid of their aprons.
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why are you without appendages? here you go, all our employees are without hats, it’s hard to tell what they’re making and cooking from here. the food documents seemed to have evaporated in the smoke of the frying pans. they will now go to the client’s table from a torn plastic bag. what is the shelf life of the product? answer please. but they don’t speak russian, the cutlets are in the refrigerator. dry right on the shelf, greasy grills for baking on the dirty floor, purses, personal belongings of the cooks, everything is here, and in this establishment the products are stored completely open, soups, some meat cuts, chicken, let's move on, here we have preparations for porridges and no markings, suitcases, probably one of the cafe employees, waiters, maybe administrators even spend the night here, clothes, all this is adjacent to a lot of fruit, so please, vegetables, even a full set of soup, in bags, judging by everything chicken, while we were studying the bird skeletons, in cheykhana’s closet, the head of
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the point appeared here, why are the pans, pots, dishes with food in such conditions, i won’t note anything, why click the film crew was locked in a rubbish heap, here you go, employees establishments are so outraged that the truth may come out. outside, they simply closed us, and it is unknown how long they plan to keep us here, several police squads arrived at the scene at once, investigators carefully examined the premises of cheykhana, it turned out that waiters and cooks repeatedly violated migration legislation; during activities aimed at checking compliance with the requirements of migration legislation, a violation was discovered in a cafe on orekhovy boulevard. the investigative committee has already joined the investigation, a number of examinations have been appointed and the institution has prospects.
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the story of the famous marriage swindlers who deceived dozens of women has finally reached its conclusion. in the perovsky court of moscow this week. strange things began from the first days
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of communication, the man in correspondence every now and then i forgot the russian language, and sometimes, on the contrary, i wrote with the meticulousness of an excellent student. from this we can conclude that these messages were written by his daughter diana. i am sure that diana helped her father in selecting women, in seduction, yes, that is, she selected suitable candidates. in order to, in fact, carry out his fraudulent actions, the seducer painted a happy family life for his victims, apparently in grief, otherwise how to explain what he simultaneously took into circulation with a dozen naive women, the only thing about the grief-stricken lover did not lie - his name, that ’s how nadir introduced himself, then a new fairy tale for each princess, so he invited milan to an expensive restaurant, where he admitted that today his dream came true, to find his only one, he seemed very vulnerable to me. serious, generously scattering compliments and recognition, respectable nadir immediately took on part of everyday problems. mila saved up money for an apartment, and he undertook to find housing at a favorable price.
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he took 2 million from me to buy an apartment. some victims were told pitiful the story of how his wife left him and how he raised and educated his children, including diana, who doted on him, and now he is ready to open the way to life with someone else’s offspring, such a kind-hearted person. friend, but what kind of family without a stable one talked, promised him help in everything, to have income, abulov told his women, so it’s simply necessary to start your own business. seekers of family happiness sold their apartments, cars, took out loans, as the victims say, transferred money specifically to the card of diana’s daughter. total for 10 women who believed in true love fell under the spell, and these are only those who decided to file a lawsuit. for some victims, the statute of limitations has expired, and some victims do not want to do so for health reasons. submit applications. in 2021 , abdullov received russian citizenship, but apparently he was not particularly keen to follow the laws of his country. as soon as things started to get hot, the victims learned of
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each other’s existence. or at least convict him in absentia, then justice will have more opportunities to attract probable fraudster to real responsibility. having left his daughter nadya, ralov apparently has no intention of returning to russia, just as he has no intention of returning the millions he earned from his marriage scams. as for his daughter, diana dubson, she faces up to 10 years in prison if found guilty. vladimir bazov, alexander smychik, evgeny makunov, lead the duty unit. and in the usa they are looking for
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a thief who turned out to be a genius. disguise in order to get to other people's packages, he turned himself into a walking garbage bag, like only an eyewitness was nearby, a bag of garbage froze in place when there were no passers-by, crawling behind other people's parcels. the disguise is perfect, despite the recordings of surveillance cameras, you can only look for the sly one by looking at his slippers; there are no other identifying marks. the police have not yet established the identity of the rogue. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe like this. also our investigations and daily releases on the platform watch, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. alexander astakhov was in the studio. don't miss our final episode today at 6:15 p.m. see you.
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in the belgorod region, a new terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces was repelled, the ministry of defense reported that 10 rockets of the nato vampire system were shot down in the skies over the region, local authorities are assessing the scale of the damage. when the debris fell, our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, is now in direct contact. igor, greetings, what are the consequences, are there any casualties? oh, hello, today at 5:00 in the morning, ukrainian militants fired at belgorod and suburban villages were hit with multiple launch rocket systems at residential areas, one of the vampires fell on the roof of a high-rise building, a shell pierced, damaged...


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