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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the level of the ural river in the orenburg region rose by 4 m in a few hours, the most difficult situation is in orsk, the dam broke there, dozens of dump trucks with crushed sand are sent to the emergency site, the dam is being strengthened, a large-scale massacre has begun in the city...
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i’m being carried away by the current, but still, somehow you can still walk here at the beginning of this street, but it’s impossible to go further there, so rescuers move on a caterpillar conveyor, on kamaz trucks, in cars, the urals evacuate people, but i note that not all people are now ready to leave their homes, some have arranged sleeping places for themselves in the attics, on the second floors. and they don’t want to evacuate, although, as the mayor of the city previously stated, the water will leave here in a week and a half to two weeks, but this does not bother people, today we drove with the combatants in a kamaz through the flooded vorsk microdistrict, through the old city, and then we saw an elderly woman, she was taken along with her pet and cat and was also evacuated.
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his blood pressure rose a lot and he freaked out, saying: no, i’ll sleep at home , but in the morning the water’s already gone, come on rather, run, that’s it, but we don’t call at all, in a split second the water had already begun to cover the floor, the water had already started coming into the house from the corridor, and the water was already at home by the fountain. it is known that the dam was damaged in two places, in one area the flow was eliminated, work is now underway to stop the flow of water, water would leak onto the upper dam of the highway connecting the old and new city, that is, there is a risk from well isolation. the old
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city, from the new city, that is, in general even isolation, going somewhere even to novoochsk or somewhere, so we have watercraft, we have all- terrain vehicles, which we will use to take people out, evacuate them, provide assistance to them, how the situation will develop further predict? it’s difficult, the head of the city announced this today, it is also reported that orsk’s water supply has decreased by 30%, there was a drop in pressure, this was all done to preserve the equipment, everything is flooded, it is impossible to start it remotely. roman, maria, thank you, the situation in orsk, where residents are being evacuated due to a dam break, was told by our special correspondent, maria valieva. and in the samara region. the flood has subsided, the water
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is receding, and the number of flooded residential buildings per day has decreased by a third. rescuers are providing assistance to the population in areas affected by the disaster, clearing courtyards of debris brought in by the flood, and pumping water out of basements. artem mori the situation in the samara region. car roofs are barely visible from under the water due to sudden warming and rising levels water in the rivers flooded two municipal districts of the region in just a few days, and a warning was declared in them. an emergency situation, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are evacuating citizens with limited mobility on rubber boats, almost half a thousand people were rescued, among them 76 children, parents are accompanying five-year-old nikita to the city to see his grandmother, the road to the kindergarten is flooded, everyone has left, no one is there, one is left. there are 13 temporary accommodation centers with 3,000 beds in the region. rescuers not only evacuate citizens, but also deliver them to flooded houses, check households and pets. now i will be housed in a temporary temporary accommodation facility and... 84 residential buildings
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and 1,582 garden plots. the water is gradually leaving, but people are not going back to their old life any time soon. farms suffered catastrophic damage. many people lost their pets, and their household appliances became unusable. the nutritious soil in the gardens will be washed away, it will be replaced, and houses will be repaired. however, not everyone is afraid of flooding. some remain in areas flooded with water and refuse to evacuate. everyone calls: how are you, how will you survive, and what about you? yes, okay, so what? here such, that it has become more suitable for us, we are already rejoicing. the remaining residents already have experience in dealing with floods, prepared for it in advance, and the administration provides essential goods. they communicate with administration staff and provide the necessary supply of water and food. as soon as
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the water subsides, an assessment of the damage caused by the disaster will be carried out, and financial assistance will be provided to all those affected by the flood. artyom morin, daniil ekimov, anton aparin, vesti samara region. credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, interest-free a period of 120 days begins every month, service and notifications are free forever, this is why the credit card is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want, what are men silent about, illness?
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a new terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region. the ministry of defense reported that 10 missiles were shot down in the skies over the region . nato vampire system, experts are assessing the damage from falling debris, our special correspondent igor pikhanov is now in direct communication. igor, greetings, what is known about the victims, what are the overall consequences? hello, roman, the most important information at the moment is that during the morning shelling, none of the local residents were injured, the shelling of belgorod and suburban villages, ukrainian militants began at about 6:00 in the morning, hitting a residential area with a multiple launch rocket system , the most densely populated areas came under fire, one of the vampire shells exploded right under the windows of this high-rise building, and the blast wave pierced the walls with fragments. fortunately at this moment no one none of the local residents were injured,
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there was no one in this room either, and the neighboring microdistrict also came under fire, one of the shells fell directly on the roof of a high-rise building, pierced the technical floor, now this area is also cordoned off by police officers, according to regional authorities , as a result of the morning shelling , seven apartment buildings were damaged. houses, the façade and roofs were damaged, one of the shells also exploded near the children's clinic, one of the medical buildings was damaged institutions, a shell also hit the swimming pool building, pierced the roof, in the suburban village of dubovoy, the shell hit directly into a residential building, at that moment there was a man there, and he miraculously survived, was not injured, the house, unfortunately, was destroyed. the fire that started after the shelling, let's give the floor to the local residents, well
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, yes, the roof just caught fire , the first roof caught fire, well, i jumped out, managed to drive the car out, opened the gate so that the firefighters could put out everything, at about 6 a.m. , the arrivals began, well, these claps, everything is like usually, i don’t know, we hid. in the village of dobovoe, windows in four apartment buildings were damaged, there was also damage in the villages of maiski, nikolskaya, and tavrova. the day before , border territories also came under fire from ukrainian militants, these were the shibekinsky and krasnoyaruzhsky districts, as well as the border ivoronsky urban district. fortunately, during the shelling, none of the local residents were injured. let's give the floor to the head of the region, vyacheslav golotkov. we will conduct a door-to-door walkthrough of five cars, surely this number will increase when
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the owners go out into the street and see the damage, unfortunately, the scattering of fragments is always a big damage to cars, we are doing a lot of assessments and will help all residents with restoration after the operational services finish their work on the spot... to employees of public utility organizations will begin work, contractors are working in an off-duty mode for restoration work, the necessary specialists, equipment and construction materials are available. roman, igor, thank you, our correspondent, igor pikhanov, was in direct communication from belgorod. powerful explosions occurred the night before in several regions of ukraine. messages came from the khmelnitsky region, as well as areas of zaporozhye that are under control. the kiev regime, in addition, is aware of several series of attacks in kharkov, but
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has not yet spoken about the consequences. a few hours earlier, the roar of detonation was heard in ochakov, nikolaev region, and explosions were heard in the neighboring odessa region. siren the air raid alarm was sounded several times during the night; early in the morning this regime spread to the entire territory of ukraine. dwindling ammunition stocks pose a serious threat to ukraine, western military experts say. european nato representatives insist on new arms supplies; the us congress is preparing to discuss the transfer of $60 billion in aid to kiev. victoria koroleva will tell you what statements are being made in the west. there will be no peace without the russian federation, with such a statement as a counterbalance to belligerent rhetoric french president macron was addressed by austrian chancellor karl nehamer in an interview with the le figaro newspaper. according to him, the start of the negotiation process is necessary, moreover. without militaristic provocations. we agree on the goal of achieving lasting peace. where our positions differ is in the choice of path
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to achieve the goal. i advocate the precautionary principle. the french president is a supporter of the principle of containment. i believe the precautionary principle must be followed to avoid uncontrolled escalation. in midia slovakia they also expressed doubts about the desire of some politicians to continue the armed confrontation. the ministry stated that the republic will not support any initiatives. it is premature to talk about details, but our position is that we will not support the supply of weapons from the warehouses of the slovak army or from the budget of the republic. strategy apparently prevails; if there is no talk of sending troops to ukraine, then new tranches are one of the main topics of conversation. the situation on the battlefield cannot be changed by one system; it is not the silver bullet that will change the entire war, but the f-16 is important and will further strengthen ukraine's ability to repel russian aggression, so i applaud that the allies
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are now working hard on these supplies, as well as training pilots and maintenance personnel for the f-16. despite all the efforts of the allies, zelensky’s army is suffering from a so-called shell famine. ukrainian soldiers themselves complain to journalists about the rapid disappearance of ammunition. according to western analysts, russia produces at least five times more artillery shells than ukraine. supplies are dwindling amid endless delays in the us congress. for several months now, american legislators have been unable to decide on a new funding package for kiev. the situation may move forward next week. assistant. joe biden is trying to convince speaker johnson to transfer aid to ukraine. meanwhile, analysts note that the balance of power on the battlefield has long shifted in favor of russia and the west will not help ukraine solve its problems with weapons, much less manpower. i i have already said more than once that we must do what should be done, encourage ukrainians to neutralize and sever all ties with nato.
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in addition, we must stop providing economic and military assistance to ukraine. for now, the alliance is concerned about building up. weapons , civilian ukrainians have nowhere to go; those who moved to the united states want to return home. i advise those who come to new york to take off their rose-colored glasses. you have to work so hard to pay your bills, to pay your living expenses, to get your driver's license. for single parents with as a child, this is impossible. however, the kiev regime has no time for this now. victoria koroleva, lead. but the imf, meanwhile, is not going to forgive ukraine’s $15 billion debt. the fund expects to receive money. back, details from anna lazareva. the international monetary fund is against writing off debt to ukraine. the imf does not intend to forgive the $15 billion loan, at least not until 2024. an official representative of the fund said this in response to a question from journalists.
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there are no plans to write off the debt. ukraine's debt was recognized sustainable subject to a number of conditions, they relate to fiscal consolidation. and continuation of external financing, taking into account the restructuring of the debt itself. the imf expects that at the spring session with the leadership of the world bank, which will be held in mid- april, the issue of providing budget assistance to ukraine will be raised, including during meetings at the level of finance ministers. currently there is a four-year lending program for ukraine in the amount of $15 billion 600 million. kiev has currently received less than a third of this amount. it is known that ukraine by the end of this year they will owe...
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amounts to 221 billion, and this comes out to somewhere around 5.6 billion dollars, that is, they have a very serious hole in the budget. for the twenty -fourth year, ukraine has a planned budget deficit of almost 44 billion. the authorities expect to cover most of it with western assistance. the head of the country's ministry of finance, sergei marchenko, stated that the budget needs $3 billion in revenues from partners every month, but in january and february kiev received only $1 billion 200 million, with only a quarter of what was received in twenty in the third year, western financial assistance was provided without compensation. the situation with the refusal to write off the ukrainian national debt, part of the ukrainian national debt, is, in principle , quite natural, the fact is that the west and the international monetary fund, as an organization where western countries have a majority, in
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general, it must be said, are already tired of supporting ukraine, moreover, the economic situation in... western countries, in general , also leaves much to be desired; by and large, western countries cannot now allow support for ukraine to the extent that they supported it before, starting in 2020. meanwhile, the ukrainian authorities expect that kiev will be able to receive from the european union from 5 to 8 billion euros in income from russia’s frozen assets, said irina, deputy head of vladimir zelensky’s office. according to her , ukraine should not count on receiving interest this year. the only thing that can be implemented is making a fundamental decision to transfer funds to kiev, he said. wise, the chances of such a development of the situation, we asked the experts to evaluate. now european countries are cautious about such frozen assets, but in
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general, most likely, they will not finance ukraine using these frozen assets, because if we look at the documentation of the european union, it cannot do that, so with a high probability, since it is already the european union ... does not plan to pay off ukraine’s debts, then it will most likely not be able to act at the expense of russia’s money. against the backdrop of a difficult financial situation, rating agencies are lowering ukraine's credit ratings. snpi, for example, noted that the country's medium-term economic prospects are subject to a high degree of uncertainty. they estimate the probability of default on external obligations as very high. experts note this fact. that dependence on western aid is increasing, and if creditor countries refuse to write off ukraine’s debts, the country may face a default.
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polling stations have opened in slovakia, the country is undergoing the second round of presidential elections, and parliamentary speaker petr pellegrini and former foreign minister ivan korczak. according to opinion polls, the candidates have almost equal chances of winning; prime minister robert fitzo expressed support for pilligrini. considered a forsaken of the liberal opposition; their views on foreign policy are directly opposite. the pelligrini oppose arms supplies to ukraine in favor of peace negotiations. he also excludes the possibility of kiev joining nato. in turn , korczyk fully shares the west’s position on the ukrainian issue. at these moments , the space crew is returning to the smk earth, as it goes flight. we'll talk about this after the ad. who is always in a hurry to help, aim for pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, in the neck anyway, the shoulder may fail, we’ll call
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pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% year together everything will work out. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, and climb. at the first symptoms of the prostate. afalaza. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. all methods are good when you want bacon bbq. cheesecake, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for? copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original things famous brands at attractive prices. they are waiting for you in the avita app, 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium.
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at these moments , russian oleg navitsky, the first female cosmonaut of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, and american loral akhara are returning to earth from the iss. the soyuz spacecraft with the crew on board undocked from the iss early in the morning, and just a few minutes ago slowed down the flight to begin deorbiting. landing is expected at 11:00 am moscow time in the steppes in southwestern kazakhstan. navitsky, like vasilevskaya, tried station for about two weeks, this is already his fourth flight to votahara. another newcomer to space, but her expedition lasted almost 7 months. seven crew members remained on the iss, three russians and four americans. tourists are exploring new destinations. this year, russians had the opportunity to visit one of the most closed countries in the world. north korea received the first group from our country in february. fans of snow extreme sports were able to appreciate the ski slopes. what else interesting did yulia egorova learn there? analogue
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the parisian triumphal arch, the phinian version, surpasses the prototype in its size. the attraction was built for kimersen's seventieth birthday in 1982. the symbolism is not only in the date: 25,500 blocks of white granite are equal to the number of days in the life of the leader of the dprk, the wall is decorated with the text of the revolutionary anthem about the struggle for independence. having gone upstairs, we find ourselves on such an amazing observation deck, where a simply gorgeous view of phinyan opens up. right in front of us is the cybersen stadium, where various... sports competition, on the right we see the tv tower, which, well, it reminds me of ostankino. the second tallest building in phinyang is the ideichu monument. we are located on the embankment of the tetom river, this is the fifth largest river in the dprk, its length is 400 km. and the monument on the embankment, the labor intellectual, the worker, the peasant woman, are the personification of the inhabitants of the dprk. on the other side, on the other side, is the largest square in the center of phinyang named after
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kimersen. when they arrange it there. yes, war shows and so on, residents of the korean capital can watch the event from this shore. in bodna, townspeople relax here, newlyweds like to come here, and the observation deck located under the torch tower offers a beautiful view. since the beginning of the year , more than 150 russian tourists have visited the dprk. another tri-tour is planned for the spring. a direct flight from vladivostok to pyongyang takes only an hour and a half. local time is one hour behind primorsky. there is no mobile connection here, and wi-fi in hotels is expensive. but a small digital detox will only be beneficial and will give you more time to get to know each other. the scottish authorities are at the center of a scandal over a new law on inciting hatred. this week it came into force. among other things, the new law actually prohibits criticizing transgender people, there are protests outside the scottish parliament building, the police have been inundated with denunciations, it is unknown how the law will work, but so far everyone, including transgender people and even ministers, is unhappy about where the tolerance in the program has taken the scots
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our own correspondent... in scotland, a huge scandal, the hate crime law that came into force has itself caused hatred towards those who came up with it, protesters are demanding this law be repealed, a coffin was brought to the scottish parliament in edinburgh, saying that local mps buried freedom of speech here.
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on a national basis, but the scots decided to go further, they not only added their own transgender law, but also lowered the threshold for making decisions on ethnic, religious, racial grounds for initiating a criminal case. prosecutors no longer need to be convinced that incitement to hatred was intentional, just the fact that it was likely to happen. it is still difficult to say in practice how everything will work. during the first 24 hours of the new law, the scottish police were inundated with denunciations. now the average flow rate is 60 reports per hour, that is , one denunciation per minute. the police believed that if this continues, more than a million such cases could accumulate in a year. scottish police superintendent association president rob hay warned authorities that his colleagues will drown in this whirlpool. we are concerned that this may lead to even more reporting. some of them.


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