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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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75 years of nato, results and prospects, how ukraine was invited to join nato, why it joined, but was not accepted. the attack on the iranian embassy in syria, what to do with the vienna convention and how tehran will respond, about this and more, see the international review immediately after the advertisement. alpha investments mean money. open an investment account; for the purchase of any share , you get another one as a gift, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! i help with liver problems, i fordn essentials are tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market! credit sbirkart is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month. service notifications
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hello, we're on the air internationally review, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. political earthquake in turkey. erdogan lost the municipal elections. 75 years of the north atlantic alliance, how nato came to this point, materials from our program. israeli attack, iranian embassy under attack, what will be the consequences? when i took office as secretary general of the north atlantic alliance. who could not even
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receive at our headquarters the ambassador of any central or eastern country europe. our states were opponents, although the peoples did not share the feeling of hostility. later, we are all here at one table solemnly holding the founding meeting of the north atlantic cooperation council, if history has seen dramatic reversals, this is one of the unique moments, not only of symbolic, but also of extremely practical significance, europe will never be the same after our meeting today. nato secretary general, german manfred werner, at a meeting on december 20 , 1991, the ussr remained formally. exist for 5 days. werner died 30 years ago. he probably would have shuddered if he had known what that unique moment would lead to. the north atlantic treaty organization is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary with discussions about
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the possibility of direct participation in intensive military operations against a nuclear superpower. mostly, however, they deny it, but not everyone, and most importantly, the topic has been started. it was announced that a special mission would be created in ukraine for monitoring and coordination, but trouble began. ukraine in nato has always been for moscow with a fiery red rag. and the western interlocutors reassured us for a long time: “yes, well, what are you talking about? but from what is now available to researchers, the first mention of the possibility of joining dates back to 92. then washington tried to persuade kiev not to be stubborn with the soviet withdrawal.
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a meeting of the us national security council , which clearly states that the doors of nato should be open to ukraine, the baltic countries, romania and bulgaria. as we see, except for ukraine, all these countries joined nato in the next 10 years. president clinton supported the document. it is noteworthy that he left it without any special notes. the only thing that stood out was the paragraph about the need to keep the door open. the first leader of independent ukraine who announced his desire to join nato was its first president, leonid koravchuk. already in july of ninety-two, he visited the headquarters of the alliance, and 2 years later, ukraine was the first of the... post-soviet countries to conclude a framework agreement on participation in the nato program, a partnership for peace. another 3 years later during the presidency of leonid kuchma a charter on a special partnership between nato and ukraine was signed. under him, in 2004, ukraine
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approved a strategy that included abandoning its neutral non-align status. provisions on euro-atlantic integration and accession were introduced into the military doctrine. this line was continued by the third president of ukraine, viktor yushchenko. under him, ukraine requested to join the action plan to prepare for nato membership. but at the summit in bucharest that same year, this issue was postponed. germany and france. in july 2010, power changed in ukraine. the verkhovna rada, at the suggestion of the new president, viktor yanukovych, adopts a law on non-bloc status. from all government documents, as well as from the law on the fundamentals of domestic foreign policy, words about the desire for nato membership were removed. all that remains is the annual cooperation program with the alliance, the participation of ukrainian aviation in the transportation of goods in kosovo, afghanistan and iraq. after
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the coup d'etat in 2014 , ukraine returned to the course of rapprochement with nato. in september 2015, a new edition was published. it is confirmed by president vladimir zelensky, elected in april 2019. after the start of a special military operation, the alliance countries provided ukraine with unprecedented financial and military assistance. in an expedited manner. nato admits that this is impossible while ukraine is in a state of military conflict.
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in fact, nato’s historical achievement was considered to be that the bloc gained the upper hand in the cold war without entering into a conflict, simply by the fact of its existence. countries, so those who wanted to join since the nineties accepted a simple formula without discussion: nato equals security, joined and the problems ended. nato giants suspected some risks when they made the decision to expand under the increasingly loud grumblings of russia. the entire policy of nato expansion as a whole, including in relation to ukraine, was carried out not on the basis of some clear political goal-setting that would have translated into a calculated decision on further actions, but when weighing the and on the contrary, on such a basis a certain line is developed. from what is available to researchers, there is no evidence of any deep discussion about options, just that at
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some point such an opinion arises. us secretary of state james baker twice said that nato would not go east. in fact, this was a condition for the withdrawal of soviet troops from germany, however, the agreements were oral and baker said that he had only germany in mind, although she said so in the final communication. about eastern europe in general. against the backdrop of the end of the cold war, no one i didn’t attach any importance to this. the agreement on conventional armed forces in europe, tanks, artillery, and combat aircraft seemed more important then. the countries participating in this complex document were deprived of the opportunity to conduct large-scale military operations in europe. many experts began to call it the cornerstone of european security. but in the ninety-fourth year after the collapse of the ussr, when the clinton administration gave the go-ahead. to expand nato, its objectives were not fulfilled. some members of the alliance did not join the treaty, but
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many did not even ratify it. as a compromise , the russia-nato founding act was signed, but this did not prevent the alliance from expanding in 2004, when it included seven states at once and raising the issue of admitting former soviet republics to its membership. i wonder if the decision on military-political expansion is not based on strategic calculation, what then? we can divide the motives for nato expansion, including with regard to ukraine, into two broad categories: realpolitik and moral and ideological arguments. on my in my opinion, realpolitik arguments regarding ukraine, the baltic countries and georgia do not stand up to criticism. but moralistic ideological motives clearly dominated, for example, the belief that
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no third party has a veto on expansion, this is a classic liberal cosmopolitan approach, as president woodrow wilson formulated it for the united states 100 years ago, he categorically rejected any realpolitik. countries have the legal right to make certain decisions about themselves, no matter what consequences this will lead to.
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at the very beginning of the nineties, russia was mentioned as a geopolitical participant in nato, but at that very meeting of the nsc in october of ninety -four it was said: that the prospects for membership for russia should not be excluded, openly, the key word is open, it was said that the united states needs to offer alternatives to russia’s membership, in the end it is. turned into the russian nato council. the russia-nato founding act was signed in may 1997 in paris. then the parties announced that they did not consider each other as opponents. a joint russia-nato council was established, the task of which was to create
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a higher level of trust in order to increase the security of each other of all countries in the euro-atlantic region. that it is the un security council that bears the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security, which means that any nato actions can only be carried out under the mandate of the security council, where russia has the right of veto. the first crisis in russia's relations with nato occurred in 1999, when the bombing of yugoslavia began, in 2003 without sanctions
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the un security council began the invasion of the united states and its allies in iraq. however, russian. nato consultations continued. in the first decade of 2000, russia and the alliance even conducted joint military exercises and peacekeeping operations, such as patrolling civilian ships in the horn of africa. relations deteriorated sharply again in august 2008 after the shelling of skhinvali and the subsequent forcing of georgia to peace. and in 2014 after the coup in ukraine and the annexation of crimea to russia. the russia-nato council ceased its work. in the alliance they understood that russia would not fit into it, and they were right. but what they were wrong about was that moscow would limit itself only to exhortations. now that it has become clear that there is a smell of war, does nato not want to reconsider its approach? yes, nato
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is beginning to understand that it may have to participate in a military conflict.
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it’s clear what will happen in the united states, gliding through the waves of strategic uncertainty, according to the principle “maybe it’ll work out, it’s an interesting, but risky ride.” in europe, almost no one talks about peace. u political circles are in a militant mood. and whoever raises the question that it is time to stop the bloodshed becomes, if not the hand of moscow, then a dangerous troublemaker, like, for example, the pope in the west, a figure of world significance, only he consistently calls for an end to the confrontation. vera shcherbakova from rome, about the phenomenon of the modern vatican. maria teresa does not have any special problems and experiences that often push people to prayer and church. she is young, beautiful,
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quite prosperous, a caring husband and two beautiful children. and yet, she is sincerely devoted to her calling. she is part of the neocatahuminata community, a movement that arose in 1964, it is built in the likeness of the first christian communities, but adapted to our time. and i grew up listening to religious teachings, when i entered the university, i felt a certain dissatisfaction. in church i found answers to my doubts and questions. the study of neokatchominata led me, or rather leads me to a mature faith. many people asked me why i didn’t go to the monastery, but one can be deeply devoted.
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i think the vatican is important to understand all the religions of the pope, what's here in different cultures, and i'm here to see this amazing man who means so much to so many people. this is my first time in rome to see the pope, he represents our entire community. here, around the vatican, everything is imbued with religious life.
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the students pointed out that this is not in line with ramadan and is in favor of most muslim traditional values ​​and national identity. i consider it a real miracle, i’m not afraid to call it a miracle, how the church manages to in 2024 to remain attractive, especially to young people, the preaching foundations have been laid. thousands of years ago, today they are difficult to adapt to our life and the evolution of society. in modern society it is difficult to accept this lack of skepticism and doubt, to what extent dogmas of two thousand years ago can determine the worldview today, this is the mystery of the popularity of the vatican. its viability is entirely practical in nature, as its great expert, vaticanist and renowned columnist philippa dijakumou explains. church ruled by the vatican provides healthcare and education in places where without it... any state
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must have three elements: territory, population and form of government, the vatican has 45 hectares, 500 citizens, of which 300 do not live, because they are diplomats, and the form of government is metaphysical , but the holy see covers the whole world, when from new york they try to carry out a policy often blocked by the veto, another is made here: despite the fairly recent legal status established after the congress of vienna in 815, the vatican has been conducting its politics and diplomacy since approximately the 6th century. not always, of course, they were a white flag, but they achieved the goal of globality for christianity as such, with the community of shrines, most of them come here to worship. vera sherbakova, specially for international viewing from rome. after advertising about a new round of aggravation in the middle east.
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we trust rennival, we ... we choose renival. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. this is why credit sbircard is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. someone is always in a hurry to help. aim exactly for the pain. knee pain. but the shoulder may fail, let’s call pentalgin, extragen. pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. two events this week have raised the temperature of the confrontation around
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israel. under israeli missiles. a convoy of the humanitarian organization world central kitchen was hit. seven people died, including citizens of great britain, australia and poland. joe reacted especially harshly biden, he is well acquainted with the founder of the mko, josé andrés, a staunch supporter of the democrats. true, the indignation of washington, which no longer hesitates to baptize netanyahu, does not prevent the continued supply of weapons. tuesday in damascus. islamic revolution. the iranian response is promised, but vague. so far, iran has refrained from directly responding to the provocations. the israeli regime has killed a number of iranian military personnel over the past few months, but iran continues to maintain a low profile. a tactic
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of strategic patience, basically. serves iran's axis of resistance well, but now she faces serious challenges. the israeli regime attacked the embassy. i have been there more than once, this is a well -known building on one of the main streets of damascus, it is designed in an easily recognizable iranian style. if this is left unanswered, israel will consider that there are no red lines, they can continue to do whatever they want. they need to be taught a lesson, so the iranian response is sure to follow. but we don’t know what he will turn out to be like, and his character will determine a lot. the main document that defines the statuses and functions of diplomatic missions is the vienna convention, it was adopted in 1961 at a un conference. the document consists of 53 articles, among them there are those that allow you to interrupt diplomatic relations or
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declare. or persona nongrata, that is, an undesirable person. according to article nine, the receiving state can do this at any time without explanation and expel from the country. but the convention also enshrines the privileges and immunities enjoyed by de-representatives and their employees. according to article twenty-two, the premises of representative offices, their property is inviolable and free from search, seizure and executive actions. state. stay undertakes to ensure their protection from any intrusion or damage. and article twenty-nine talks about the inviolability of the personality of a diplomat, who is not subject to arrest or detention in any form, for example, if the diplomat has committed a criminal offense or is suspected of intelligence under diplomatic cover. according to convention, the receiving state must be treated as a diplomat.


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