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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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uav actions, including the following. an enthusiast named andrey has been developing such a sitcom for a year in his own shed in the moscow region. in general, i’m kind of a builder, that is, i’m engaged in the construction of wooden houses, and in parallel with this , an episode arose when i saw. i wrote to him that why not use a net launcher for this purpose, he said that, well, there is a question in general, are there these net launchers? andrey was sure that the device for a quadcopter that shoots a net has been in mass production for a long time, but he was surprised discovered that this was not so, then, together with his wife and brother, he began construction. the difficulty
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was primarily in the weight, at the moment it weighs 430 g in the equipped state, this is a good indicator, this is a reusable story, there was no demand for a net launcher for a long time, andrey admits, but this winter everything changed, well, i can assume that this this is the appearance on the part of our opponents of hexocopters, which are controlled there using starlink using a gps beacon. that is, they are not jammed by the rebbe, they basically do not have any control over the radio channel, that is he completes his flight mission and returns. andrey has already sent several dozen of his net launchers to the troops. military guys came to me and i honestly told them that something is not ready yet, something else, well, in fact, this is a raw product, i have no practice in applying any solutions for this product, but apparently it was already so... it was necessary
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to provide it that the guys were ready to take it in the form as it is now, the guys themselves, some of them sent me instructions on how to use it correctly, because that most likely even they will teach me something rather than me telling them how to do it correctly, the latest developments of garage kulibins are monitored by large companies of the russian military-industrial complex, startupers are invited to a meeting and offered support, in 2 years the svo has become clear general, it is much more effective for the country to solve problems together, this will quickly lead to the long-awaited victory. alpha investments are for money, we give shares every day. open an investment account; for the purchase of any share, you get another one as a gift, no it’s just profitable, alpha is profitable. an interest-free
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it’s different, it happens, when something goes wrong on the operating table, we worry, every time, we worry, we even cry, again, we can’t just show this in front of other guys, we cry. and i will say more, even doctors, men too they cry because any fighter who dies here is perceived as us missing something, but
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we could have done it, she was born in tuli, this is a sacred place for the russian, then soviet. again the russian army, this is the forge of russian weapons, and there, in addition, today the 106th legendary guards, airborne, red banner order of kutuzov division is located, all the best people of tula serve in it, i have a whole family in general, it is military, and i always i liked the fact that i always liked the military regime and military uniform, and my dad... i was always in the military, so when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs, so my mother was always in favor of me being a doctor, and my father always wanted me to be a translator, but he never didn’t want me to get involved with the army, but for some reason i wanted
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to combine this in myself, so that i would be both a doctor and a military man, from a military dynasty, my father and military grandfather, childhood about... she always wanted to join the army and liked it play doctor when she grew up and became a nurse. in the army, after school i went to medical college, and i also always liked medicine, i always wanted to be a doctor, since childhood i also collected medical benefits, i always had some magazines there, and every time i had dolls , toys, which i treated all the time, i always really liked it, then, when i graduated from college, i went straight to... well , and somehow combined my dream. the svo was not a surprise to her. she understood that
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sooner or later she would go there. so it happened. i didn’t believe until recently that this was all true. some moments were also shown on social networks. then there was a division into w and e, and i didn’t even know what that meant at all and what kind of division it would be. yes, i'll call, i'll call, okay, yes, okay, uh-huh, okay, mom, i'll call, that's it, mom, that's it, bye, bye, kiss, bye.
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ours came in february, and i arrived in march and ended up right in the same place. peak, when all our people arrived and had already settled down, and i was traveling with a suitcase and i can’t even imagine what there, don’t be afraid, if it whistles, then it’s gone, but if the air rustles, well, like a bag, then my respects, since i almost snatched fives out of habit. and this is grandma, if she were in good health,
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she started packing the sausage, if i weren’t a doctor, why is this, but it’s better to endure your own pain, and you’ll have to deal with someone else’s. in the army there is no division for boys and girls, there are no concessions here, if you are a soldier, then you are the same as everyone else, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re beautiful, you’re tall, who your relatives are, it doesn’t matter that’s all, you a serviceman is a soldier like everyone else, there are no concessions here, of course we are used to the fact that girls have everything there.
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no need, i have a pen.
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“don’t be too fancy, here for 2 days, shower, we ’ve already prepared a room for you, a forest area, and
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they told me right away. i dropped off my suitcase, they immediately told me, your place is a pit, it was very unexpected, because even being in the army with restrictions, but we are used to sleeping in beds anyway, it’s warm, everything is so cool, then they told me where the hole is a meter by a meter. the first months of combat service are the hardest, it was necessary get used to the harshest living conditions. the military field situation, especially for a woman, is always a challenge. it happened that there was nowhere to wash clothes. they bought dozens of socks, wore them, and then burned them, but all this could be overcome, one could get used to it.
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our hospital was in the middle of our unit, it was as if surrounded, but they were always aiming at us, and we had our first shelling - after 4 days, so i was there, after 4 days, i, to be honest, well, i didn’t even understand , what is it, that is, these are sensations that - i will not convey to you so that you they understood that when i arrived home, after all this, i was on vacation, i was afraid of thunder, because thunder is very strong, here is the story of thunder, the most powerful, it very much
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resembles a shell, when i washed things once, hung them up and there was story: thunder i even sat down, of course my mother started asking me, what are you doing there, what’s wrong with you, but i can’t, my tears keep flowing, because it reminds me very much of shells, the shells were different, the shells were forbidden , there were shells , there were no machine guns, they were all rockets, this there were mines, everything was always flying from above, we were fired at first for about an hour, and... after that i even forgot my mother’s phone number, i completely forgot everything, i have a feeling that i have words in my head, i ca n’t reproduce them , that’s when i realized that this is all true, you can’t get used to the fact that one day a truck will bring a load of 200, and you have to pull yourself together, not cry, not be horrified, but fill out forms with the nature of the injuries
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and describe everything. figure it out, point out that the injury, in an hour, documents to me, said that it would be useful. a person, when faced with this, either breaks down or is going to start working, serving, and understand that he is in the army and at war,
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wounded there. at that time it wasn’t, there were two hundredths, and so they throw bodies into our hands, and they don’t have a head, but i understood that you need to work, and if you set yourself in the mood that this will happen every day, well, here i am it helped that i think very often, analyze this whole situation, i understand perfectly well that i am a military man, i am a doctor, and this is my task, to work in such conditions, there is such a thing in war as... a terrible thing, it’s akin to sudden death, since you’re not there. christina found herself in such a bind. there was some kind of unit standing nearby in the field, nothing foreshadowed trouble, it
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was an ordinary day, there were screams and yells, they also called for help, and i rushed there.
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a picture of horror, fear, guys screaming, blood, someone’s limbs are torn off, well, i can’t convey it all, because well... it’s actually very, very scary, every time i remember it, i start to worry about it , because it seems to me that i could have done more than what happened, but maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me. are you injured? no, these are guys, you know the length of the front lines, kim, did you think
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you were going to run around like a superhero to save everyone? so exactly, i took the hippocratic oath, hippocrates did not serve here, that i had to leave them? they have their own doctors and their own commander, who is responsible for them, just as i am for you. the fact that you were saved is a miracle, and that you saved them too. that's another time. this may and not to be, so think with your head! for the guys, thank you, when you see the picture, that this is all for real, it all explodes, blood, fear, horror, and despite the fact that even men are scared, and... they cry the same thing, and well, maybe there , you know, some kind of instinct plays, that’s what mothers, motherly, that you have
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to help with this, no one can do it except you, one day she accompanied the wounded for evacuation, we were driving in a car, winding through a field under fire, suddenly i saw his baby near a broken burning car. stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, are you sick, i’ll take the skin off right away, stopped, you, stop, stop, you’re all crazy, come on, come on, come on, come on, we couldn’t stop. because there is shelling everywhere, and a car is not a car that can somehow save you in the event of some kind of shelling, and you need to move forward
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and quickly, that is, back and forth, that’s how we worked, and stopping is a waste of time , accordingly, anything can happen during this time, and if before that i was running there, helping the guys, now i i make the same mistake, this is also a punishable mistake. all this also came to me, they said that you will pick everyone up, i say, yes, yes, if this happened, yes, ah... well, maybe fortunately that this did not happen anymore, there are already such moments on the way there wasn’t, but even if we were walking in columns, and if it were, i would still help, because well,
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it’s different. well, no way, especially when children, they are not to blame for anything, no matter how much russia fights, the wounded in the field always call either their mother or sister for help, sister, sister, they shout, this is the guardian angel of wounded soldiers, that’s how she is, christina kim, a nurse in the russian army. “i believe in myself, right now at the moment, i believe in myself, in my strength, in the fact that i can still do something, and i think while i’m here, these may not be our last moments, which "we're where we can help. hi, mom, everything's great, everything's fine,
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we're working."
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large-scale evacuation in orsk, the level of the ural river in the city area rose by a critical 4 m in a couple of hours. the dam that held back the onslaught of water, it was severely damaged, almost 2,500 houses were flooded, in some places the water reached the windows of the first floors. you can only move safely on the street using special vehicles or boats. now our special correspondent maria valieva is in direct contact. maria, greetings again, what is the situation at this moment? yes, vera, hello, we just headed to the old town microdistrict, which was flooded last night, but we couldn’t get through, the old town is literally cut off from...


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