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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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large-scale evacuation in orsk, the level of the ural river in the city area rose by a critical 4 m in a couple of hours. the dam, which held back the onslaught of water , was severely damaged, almost 2,500 houses were flooded, in some places the water reached ... up to the windows of the first floors. you can only move safely on the street using special vehicles or boats. our special correspondent, maria valieva, is now in direct contact. maria, greetings again, what is the situation at this moment? yes, vera, hello, we have just headed to microdistrict old town, which was flooded tonight, but they couldn’t get through, the old town is cut off, literally from... novo
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is washing out the road here, there are traffic police checkpoints, traffic is limited, look, there is a strong current, eroding the soil, now only special equipment can pass here , only she is allowed to travel here, you can only get to the old city by taking a detour, passing by the orsk airport, it is no longer possible to drive here in ordinary cars, i’ll show you now. what is the water level here, well, almost somewhere here it’s probably 30 centimeters, and there it’s even deeper, the water just washes away everything in its path, the railway tracks have been washed away very badly, i’ll show you live how the soil is washed away, stones are falling, today the city administration held an emergency meeting with the participation of the mayor cities. orsk and
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the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler. initially, when designing the construction, according to what volume of flood height, ae, let’s say, the dam data was planned. today's situation it’s turning out, well, let’s say, tragically, and the result is that the excess is now four. meters from that lady, the evacuation of residents from the old town microdistrict is currently ongoing, i note that yesterday everyone was notified, sirens were sounding, the police approached people, talking about the need to urgently evacuate, many quickly packed their things, took their pets’ documents, and left , but there were... those people who decided
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to stay in their homes until the last moment, right now they are being evacuated from there by a rescuer, here we are now we will soon continue to work in the old town microdistrict, we hope that we will still get there, it is known that some people are leaving to visit their relatives, will stay with them, and for others temporary accommodation centers are ready, today during a meeting in.. the city administration also discussed the issue of creating long-term accommodation centers for those people whose houses in the old city are flooded, yesterday we deployed six temporary accommodation centers in the sovetsky district, by the time the temporary accommodation center was deployed did not fully meet the requirements that were imposed on them, at this hour we are... building up
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the material and technical base for temporary accommodation centers, but we also understand that we need to work today to equip long-term accommodation centers , we buy beds , hygiene supplies, we need warm clothes and blankets. and now an urgent message that appears on the news agency’s feeds, the water level on the ural river near orenburg is approaching a dangerous level, it was 828 cm, now in orsk, we also have a critical situation, there is a risk that another microdistrict could be flooded tomorrow, vera, thank you, the situation is in...
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high alert mode, night frosts have held back the rise in water levels, a sharp warming is expected at the beginning of next week, this could lead approach to increasing thaw. the authorities of suzdyl closed traffic on pedestrian bridges, the kamenko river overflowed its banks in the vladimir region, overflows
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across roads and bridges in the lowlands were recorded, almost 150 personal plots and 250 adjacent houses properties were flooded in the nizhny novgorod region, residents of the kurgan village of krasny oktyabr. the water in the uy river has risen to critical levels, people are being evacuated from the city of kurtomysh, they have been evacuated from flooded houses, this night a high alert regime has been introduced in the moscow region due to the flood , the penultimate orange level of weather danger has been declared. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. catching a firebird pyro is not easy, and getting a firebird
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russian tank crews, when air reconnaissance spotted the enemy preparing for attack, the crews of the modernized t-72 moved to repel it. our war correspondent, alexander katsuba, will tell you how events developed. a strike with a closed firing position is the most effective method of operation for our tank crews. the 125 caliber gun destroys any fortified ukrainian neo-nazis. shot, shot! rapid fire at the enemy from the t-72 tank of the group of troops
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in the center, the crew acts as covertly as possible, in some cases the artillery is even more accurate, that is, we can aim much faster, we can aim well from the first shell, the main thing for us is to warm up this gun so that it is warm, the accuracy generally increases specifically, a series of accurate salvoes and the tank rolls back, changes position, the operator of the reconnaissance drone has discovered a new target, militants. the gsu is gathering fresh forces and preparing to attack our defensive line from the flank. the tank slowly moves to the firing line; everything is provided here for the most accurate and quick strike on the enemy. we walk with extreme caution, an experienced driver with the call sign sheregesh, as if playing controls a multi-ton combat vehicle. well, you have to make a u-turn somewhere on time, somehow go around something, somewhere you drive blind, as if you have to be able to. our t-72. at the firing line they were camouflaged so that not a single enemy drone would notice. a camouflage network in
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the color of the landscape of the weather conditions completely covers our tank, making it completely invisible to enemy kamikaze drones, here is one feature: on this side it is completely painted green, and here with the addition of black color elements. the impression of some kind of refraction is created, due to which the tank completely merges with the landscape of the area. intensity. we were, one might say, in an open area, almost that two or three shots were enough for, roughly speaking, there was nothing left of this enemy platoon, uh-huh, the entire enemy offensive ended there, the advanced units of the center group of troops continued to develop the offensive by moving.
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the soyuz spacecraft's descent module with the crew on board landed in the steppes in southwestern kazakhstan less than an hour ago. undocking from the nks happened early in the morning, nowitzke, like vasilevskaya, stayed at the station for about 2 weeks, this is already his fourth flight, khar is another newcomer to space, but her expedition lasted almost 7 months. seven crew members remained on the iss, three russians and four americans. this weekend is the second anniversary of the death of illegal intelligence officer and hero of the soviet union mikhail vasenkov. in the west
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he was known as juan lazar. lasar disclosure only today new details of his biography were revealed only today new film by sergei brilev. he is the only journalist who at one time interviewed him on television, and now he has traveled along mikhailasen’s routes in latin america, through which he... infiltrated the united states. documentary film by sergei brilev. watch after the commercial. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and the service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country.
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sports platform. this have not happened before. russian cold 150 g unprecedented rich taste in one glass, try the real russian cold ice cream - great incredible taste; smile means you recognize it; smile means it’s real; they recognize it; they love it. they remember, they truly appreciate, bsb is a bank for the present, there is always a moment to relax when greenbelt is working at your dacha. ant from greenbelt is effective against garden ants, approved for
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use in garden beds, and is completely ready for use. greenbelt, it works, like this. you don’t need it, you need it like this, like this, like this, i understand , like this at the megamarket there are household chemicals with cashback up to 50%. catching the feather of a firebird is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, with yota you can speed up, with yota you can do everything to the maximum. 50. you have a uniform, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, regularly replenish it, you will save up 16%
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faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet cool. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. thus ends another anniversary in south america. but how do we dance among the latins - it ’s like a relief for children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, but also the son-in-law of the hero of the day, who else is invited to perform, where exactly was all this
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filmed? you see there behind the trees, this is the peruvian shore, lake titicaca, now in that direction. you see snowy peaks, and okay, peaks, even where i’m standing, this is bolivia, and how can a russian person get lost here, but on the other hand, where can a russian person come from here? in peruvian the shore seems to be quite a creole-creole. well, also in a peruvian
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restaurant, but in moscow. let's look through your personal file, signora juana. he's still so young here. yes, lieutenant, he doesn’t look like one of ours. why were you given the title of hero of the soviet union? don't know. moscow is red square, along which latin americans, in turn, walk, and i myself have driven many of them. however, what does latin america and...
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the moscow unboring garden have to do with it? we are the only ones who recorded a television interview with him quite a number of years ago. let's go then step back. so, you were invited to work in intelligence. unfortunately, we cannot show your face, but this is your face. that anyone can be passed off as, well, practically, not a russian type, his personal file is shown to us by someone who is a historian of directorate s in the russian foreign intelligence service, that is,
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illegal intelligence. these are real latina hosts on cuban television who commented.
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when the front headquarters of the svr apartment in yasnev opened a stello depicting the most outstanding intelligence officers of the last century, it was still in life, everyone has already seen him, the one who worked abroad for many decades, brilliantly avoided all counterintelligence, was captured by the americans only in retirement and only because of betrayal, it is no coincidence that this t-shirt hangs here, in fact , trousers.
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what then was the training of now to become an illegal intelligence officer ? naturally, no one will reveal all the secrets of the system to us, but now we can tell something about him, and then the stage when the choice of language, for me it was a happy moment, happiness was that they inherited latin america and, accordingly , the spanish language, a language already completely bottomless, and in latin america it has become doubly, triply, endlessly, multivariate, such in this absolutely
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marvelous part of the world... a mosaic ethnic composition, on which is layered a very motley history, both before and after colonization, again the shame of peru and bolivia. it seems that i myself was born in latin america, studied here, but when they brought me to the church in the city of lakhova in bolivia, i disgraced myself and asked if it was jesuit or franciscan. it looks bewildering, of course, franciscan, how do you not understand such things, where was our hero to learn such a thing, to begin with, what kind of thing did he have? still a foundation, i just scrolled through, out of the corner of my eye i saw knowledge of foreign languages ​​​​german with a dictionary, nothing more, this is at that time, at that time it is so, but we are talking about illegal intelligence, that even his superficial knowledge of the german language was used to construct his legends, well, as the widow told me, he passed himself off as a uruguayan of german origin, well german came in handy, of course i helped my fucked-up son learn german, sort
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of. in his case, his cover was that he was a quote-unquote uruguayan of german descent who grew up in spain and returned to the region via peru, does your service use the same camouflage tactics? because this way you are much more difficult to track. why was vosenkov made into a uruguayan? there are two reasons: firstly, here’s what about this amazing country, uruguay, latin american, but immigrant. where, by the way, people with german and especially swiss blood, this is what else the swiss from cameroon, jules amber dro, wrote about this country to his wife, who ended up here before the war, as for police control, anyone enters, leaves, without presenting papers , calling themselves whatever name they want, there is no control at all inside, this is a real paradise for businessmen of our type, then, look for women, she sculpted you into latin americans, yes, she,
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she sculpted, she...
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from europeanized uruguay to the real one , according to legend, even in childhood, his parents took him to europe to barcelona, ​​but something... then about uruguay, he after all, he had to remember, africa dela seiras, patria, maria pavlovna coached him. she loved uruguay, yes, she loved uruguay, she knew it.


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