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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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what can stop for those who understand how this will end, of course, i can give examples of saudi arabia, and israel, the united arab emirates, by the way, the death penalty is in belarus, in 27 states of the united states of america it is, it’s just the most cunning system, it’s not possible here, they transported it there, but there it’s possible, but with people, if you just ask. big country, the country that has seen how people fall and die, how their throats are cut for no reason, for no reason, to innocent people who came to the concert, hold a referendum, because the conversation is not about cruelty, but about justice, which has always been fundamental for russia, justice, sacrifice and compassion,
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he is not understood by the majority of the inhabitants of our country. and the law of god determines the death penalty for a number of categories of people. if a person is stolen, another person is found, stolen, found by the one who stole, he must be put to death, for example, that is , kidnapping - visiting people for the purpose of sexual exploitation for the purpose of disposing of organs, for the purpose of whatever you want, selling it for black market, this mortal article on the bible, and so many things that. we have peace now, no matter how permissible they are, god does not play around with scoundrels, and for the record, i want to remind you that russia introduced a moratorium on the death penalty in 1996, only for the sake of joining the council of europe, this was a condition, so we we know that as of march 16, 2022 , russia is no longer a member of...
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took its loved ones in this bloody, unjust tragedy, in conclusion, i think it’s fitting for us to listen to a song that, of course, everyone has already heard, which is called live.
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how can you take a life, how can you turn off the light, how... you can take a mother away from a child who is five years old, no, no, no, no, no, no, no one knows. it is given
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how long he will live, but it is given. choose one thing, how to be during this time, live, live, live, live, live, live, live. live, live, live, live, live, live, how to learn to live in the world, be able to love, be able
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to forgive, and give yourself to the end, and to the end. to give up on yourself, to live, to live, to live, how to learn to simply live, to be close to family people, to dream together. how can you forgive your enemies, how not to cross
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the line, how to hold back the tears in your chest, here the dawn is ahead, hope and believe, the last day cannot be returned, live in this future, pass it on, preserve it, forgive us, our children are here... we can still live here , live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live,
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live, live, live, i'm with you! just to live, it happens that the present, if it is real, finds its place
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many years later, and today this song sounds like never before on time, well... and although lent is underway, i don’t want to break our tradition, i just want to add that, understanding this glass, i suggest you all remember those who died in this tragedy, anyway as a result... drink to the victory, to our victory,
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again the crooked swordman was late for our glass, but... he said, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we’re right, geologists, i’m looking forward to seeing you on ours, god willing. next meeting, all the best, every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own. the desire to stand out, the desire
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now let's move on to the situation in orsk, where the flood dam broke through. according to the latest information, the number of evacuees almost tripled and amounted to about 2,000 people. the second group of rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations took off from moscow to orsk on a special plane. a criminal case was opened under two articles of negligence and violation of safety rules. our correspondent maria valieva is in direct contact with us. maria, greetings, what is the situation in ursk at this moment? yes, vera, greetings, now we have managed to get close to the dam, this is a structure, an embankment several kilometers long, and as was reported today during briefing at the city administration, this... the dam is designed for a level of the urals of 5.5 m, now
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the level is 9.6 m, as we see, water continues to remain here, and as experts have now told us, there is a risk that there may be a third a breakthrough, it is already clear that there are seven washouts, we will definitely try to get close to that place, we will definitely show you all this, now the residents of another microdistrict urgently evacuate, take the necessary things, documents to leave either to their relatives, to friends, or to points temporary accommodation, even. text messages are coming, so are we, our film crew too, and we received an es notification, now i’ll read it out, residents of the city of orsk, living in the villages of lesotorgovy, nikel, construction workers on boris glebsky street, urgently need to evacuate to temporary accommodation centers, buses are already ready everything is ready to receive citizens, now
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investigators are working at the site of the dam break, it is known that... a criminal case has been opened. on this fact , a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of crimes provided for in part one article 216 and part one of article 293 of the criminal code of the russian federation. currently, investigators from the regional investigative department are carrying out investigative procedural actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. a legal assessment will definitely be given to the actions of officials responsible for the construction and maintenance, and accordingly the operation of the dam, which was erected here more than 10 years ago, it is also reported that, on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, the orenburg another group
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of rescuers flew out to the region, and today a briefing was held in the city administration building, at which the governor... it is also worth noting that there are no problems with the supply of goods of anything else necessary in orsk, everything is provided,
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colleagues. yes, maria, thank you, maria valeva is monitoring the flood situation in orsk. now the situation is similar in other regions. in the altai territory, the situation in flooded areas is gradually stabilizing; about 380 houses and 470 plots have been freed from water. employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia together with local rescuers pumped out about 140 thousand cubic meters of water from local areas and erected 17 temporary dumps with a total length of 10 km. the number of flooded residential buildings has decreased by a third, rescuers are providing assistance to people, clearing courtyards of debris brought in by the flood, pumping out water from basements, 456 people were evacuated from the flood zone, including 74
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children. there is currently no transport connection. almost 2 billion dollars, but the paintings never really cost have you been examined? watch the special report by anna afanasyeva, immediately after
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leonardo da vince, rubins, rembrandt, titian, velazquez, van dyck, a unique collection, all this museum wealth, hanging on a trellis in one moscow apartment, just turn key in this apartment. and says that this is not an apartment, but a museum. i felt completely overwhelmed, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, because in moscow we have practically never seen western european collections, such large ones. the owner of the collection is art critic nina moleva, widow of the soviet avant-garde artist ellia belyutina. the cost of the work, according to various estimates, ranges from 400 million to 2 billion dollars. which things.
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nina moleva never made any intrigues out of what was written in the will. my husband and i made a will in favor of russia, more precisely, that means russia in the person of its legal representative, the dash of the president of the russian federation. however, many experts question the authenticity of the works. not a single picture. it’s impossible to say that this is an original, because these paintings have never undergone any examination, absolutely, you know, neither x-rays nor infrared. all
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the great artists there are fakes. nina moleva and eli belyutin, who are they? great philanthropists, new russian shchukins and morozovs, charismatic hoaxers who convincingly deliver lines for the originals, or maybe just hostages of a beautiful and mysterious family legend about a unique collection. all the walls in the apartment of molev and bilyutin were hung with paintings 5 ​​m from floor to ceiling, paintings by vandyck, da vinci, tetsian, rubins, but guests have not been invited here so often lately. according to the recollections of those who were lucky enough to visit the apartment and museum, the hostess loved to treat her to coffee brewed
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according to her special secret recipe. while she retired to the kitchen, which was located in the back of the apartment, the guests had the opportunity stay alone with these masterpieces and look at them carefully. then conversations began about lofty things, about art, and of course, asking questions about the authenticity of these masterpieces was somehow completely uncivilized. this is my whole family. according to family legend, the bulk of the collection was collected by bilyutin’s grandfather. there were 11 premieres during the season, the design of each performance was estimated at 10,000 rubles in gold, well, this was left to him from each production,
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say 500.
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on the eve of the revolution, ivan grinev rolls up canvases from his collection and hides them in hiding place: a twelve-room apartment in an apartment building on nikitsky boulevard will be divided into three communal apartments. for many years , completely different people have lived here who have nothing to do with the family. and now, several decades later, this is a fantastic story. an unexpected continuation flies, grinev’s grandson, the young artist ellie belyutin, returns here with his wife nina moleva. they are seeking permission from the moscow city council through an exchange to regain part of the residential area, which historically belonged to the family. naturally, the first thing when they find themselves in that apartment itself, they are looking for the hiding place that the grandfather mentioned. we took it out from one hiding place
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between the floors, the difference in the height of the ceilings, into this gap the paintings were placed on the shafts, the canvases were not damaged, they were in perfect condition. larisa apollonovna kashuk, famous moscow art. restorer, doctor of historical sciences, she is one of the few specialists who has seen the collection live, she was in the apartment on nikitsky boulevard twice, in the eighties and in 2007, she was completely stunned because i before my eyes he shows me, here is rubin, here is titian, here is vandyke, here is leonardo davinci, but since by this time i was already an art critic.


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