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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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alina bizhoeva chose her life path unusually easily. i entered the faculty of decorative and applied arts at the state university in nalchik and once mistakenly looked into someone else’s classroom, where they were working with metal, and it remained that way. the first days i really regretted it, because i simply didn’t have enough strength for this craft, it was physically very difficult, just this hammer or.
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yes, that this is where i was born, because my jewelry is mainly in the national style, i am drawn there, i do not renounce other schools’ techniques, but still it’s mine dear, this is closer to me, i am a very happy person, alim kupshinov did not have the problem of choosing a path, he simply continued.
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having received higher education in another region of the country, he returned to his small homeland and headed a very difficult project to develop a robotic dairy farm, which his family created from scratch. today it is a fairly large, profitable enterprise, producing a thousand tons of cow's milk per year. i have been in this field since i was a baby, since my father has been involved in agriculture almost all his life. shoulder to shoulder, working with my grandfather, my father since childhood. got me used to everything, to fields, to livestock, to agriculture, so doing this is, so to speak, not new for me. scott was brought from the netherlands, a robotic complex was built with an automated system for feeding, distributing feed, heated drinking bowls, and showers for cows. as part of the program for the development of family livestock farms , they received a grant, plus they took out a loan and invested their own capital, but money itself is not a guarantee of success. the thing is
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the fact that this is a very big risk, a big risk will come from a person who is a capable person, an effective person, after the state allocated a grant in the amount of 26 million, we already spent 19.5 million on installing the robot alone, after that all we had to do was build the building , to build bases, dry stands, all this is a lot of money, without perseverance, without desire, i think not everyone will succeed. agriculture is one of the foundations of the economy of today's kabardino-balkaria. fruittrade company is a modern cultivation enterprise, storage and processing of apples. in one hour , 6 tons of fruits are sorted, calibrated, and labeled, from which they produce juice and apple chips. and this is only a small link in an extensive processing system that unites dozens of enterprises in the republic. today we are achieving high results of 385 million. these are the best results in
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russia, they started processing apples, the enterprise was launched, it processes 240 tons of fruits per day, our vegetable production today is about 400,000 tons, of course, we strive to process it all, to increase added value, today we are the leaders in the russian federation in the production of tomato paste, and these enterprises are engaged not only in processing, but also in growing the tomatoes themselves. control, because such a topic is very delicate and important, they control the quality of the product, starting from the field. another example of convincing growth is light industry, which plays a significant role in the socio-economic development of the republic. its share in total production is 5.6%, which is much higher than in throughout the country. this sector of the economy of kabardino-balkaria employs 80 industrial enterprises and more than
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150.850 people, this does not count the new factory that we are about to open. in addition, there are other large enterprises that employ 350 or 250 people, and i don’t count small workshops that employ 150 to 100 people. the uniqueness of sewing enterprises is that their location is possible in areas where there are not always conditions for the development of agriculture, but in this category, in the desire to live and work where... others it is less convenient; representatives of the tourism industry, mastering the slopes of elbrus, are winning. this is the one who rose to the occasion in every sense. lisa pal only recognizes freeride, skiing on virgin snow, outside equipped slopes.
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the road here is narrow and hard. originally from germany, she came to the soviet union decades ago as a student, and studying the russian language grew into learning balkar. having fallen on the spur of elbrus, lisa found a second home and has since lived, as she once dreamed of foot of the mountains it was the nineties, when i really took a little course, then i came back many times, stayed, fell in love with the caucasus, and it is very similar to the alps, but a little smaller, then it was much less developed, and i liked it, that is, i didn’t came from a big city to a small village, i came from a small village to a small village, now this small village is developing according to... romance is romance, but in her work she is invariably strict and adheres to purely german ideas about discipline, even far beyond
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outside of kabardino-balkaria, she is known as an exceptionally experienced professional instructor. here we stand, who are these people who love to roll on the powder like this, your clients, who are they? my personal opinion is that this is what freewriting is. abdul halim almezov is a living legend of kabordino balkaria, president of the mountaineering federation of the republic, an experienced rescuer of the ministry of emergency situations, who conquered everest and many mountain peaks of the altai, caucasus, and himalayas. next year, abu, as
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he is called here, will celebrate the fortieth anniversary of his first ascent of elbrus, where it happens regularly, on a daily basis, because that’s what the job is like. today abdul halim promotes ski mountaineering and climbing. mountains on skis, which are suitable for both ascent and downhill; even rescuers appreciated them. with the advent of ski touring, the effect of search work in the ministry of emergency situations immediately increased. they began to cover larger areas and find people faster. in the crack zone, it is also safe to walk in bundles in the crack zone, so that you just stand and fall through, here the width of the ski does not allow you to just go into the crack. for professionals it's understandable how popular it is with hobbyists, because the overall impression is that it is. overcoming the good, no, well, honestly, i’ll say that for amateurs, this is just right, you just have to go up, you understand, you saw, yes, that you don’t need any special skill to go up, but to slide down you need a little skill in downhill skiing, fashionable, smart, always in excellent
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sports shape, abdul halim is an example of a true mountaineer, who has 220 conquests of elbrus, including speed races to its peak, and more than 500 rescue operations, secret. inexhaustible cheerfulness is extremely obvious, i think that a constant healthy lifestyle, without any negativity, without these energy drinks, without these cigarettes, without alcohol, fortunately i can boast that on the last day of his life my father, 104 years old, on the last day of his life went to the garden on your own, this is a healthy lifestyle. but kavardino-balkaria is not only about extreme sports; however, what is considered extreme sports and the ability to overcome oneself? in nalchiki there are sports adaptive schools for children with limited opportunities, where they successfully use the methodology of inclusion, attracting a large number of volunteers from ordinary athletes to classes. seven disciplines,
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including archery, athletics and boccia, which is usually played by children with severe damage to the central nervous system and spinal injuries. alexander kulyushen... in the past, a professional athlete found his true calling in a very difficult and delicate matter, these children are very grateful, they don’t complain that they hurt there, they really... love life, that’s me i sincerely say, i have something to compare with, i worked with healthy people for 30 years, and there is a difference, of course, this is what i want to say about my republic, a lot of work is being done here, and people here are all showing understanding and help, no matter who you turn to as for children with disabilities, you will always find support, help, that is , there is no refusal at all, how sincere spiritual impulse and targeted funding effectively complement each other. recently
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a center for cultural development appeared in nalchik. he was built according to a regional cultural environment project within the framework of a larger national project. a flower-shaped building with an area of ​​more than one and a half thousand square meters, with an auditorium, dressing rooms, a costume room, a control room, a cafe and many specialized classes, where not only children, but their parents in general, people of any kind, study every day. age, people come here to teach rather for the sake of receiving an emotional response, that is, the process is mutual. the center employs very qualified teachers and managers clubs, they often combine their work in the center of cultural development with teaching, many of them are holders of academic degrees, so everything with us is as academic as possible, but at the same time we try to interact with everyone by the most accessible means so that everyone can receive. some interesting information,
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in the meantime we are moving to a factory where diamond tools are produced and where synthetic diamonds are born every day. for more than 60 years, the products of the terssky plant have been used in mechanical engineering and... drilling geological exploration wells of the caucasus and tien shan. a significant part of it is exported to countries both near and far abroad. among the plant's main consumers are the giants of the russian automotive industry, avtovas and kamas, as well as bearing and aircraft engine factories. many of the operations are performed entirely by hand. a robot cannot replace a human in everything. the enterprise is certified in accordance with the requirements of the international standard and is a laureate of the government of the russian federation award in the region. besides, in under the conditions of anti-russian sanctions, the plant resumed its own production
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of synthetic diamonds, this workshop was closed at one time for 10 years, it was mothballed, and we tried to find analogues all over the world, and we tried the european standard, and we tried the chinese standard, and we tried the indian standard, namely postal diamonds, but unfortunately we did not find analogues, then it was decided to resume the production of our synthesis, we resumed it, at the moment we... i can say for sure that there is no analogue to electric diamond, and thanks to ethic diamonds we have achieved a twenty percent improvement in the quality of our tools. their excellent physical and mechanical properties and heat resistance allow these minerals to be used in the manufacture of tools for working in particularly harsh conditions, in the construction and mining industries. the abrasive resistance of diamonds from the terikovsky plant is at least 10 times higher than that of imported analogues. since the beginning of 2023, more than 800 thousand of them have been produced here. carat. scientists from kabardino-balkarian
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state university are creating equally valuable materials. the polymers born in these laboratories have truly unique properties and are therefore in demand in medicine, the space industry, agriculture, and finally, just in everyday life. new generation composite materials are tens of times stronger and lighter than their natural counterparts. many of them are operated at extremely low and high temperatures, and at the same time they are biocompatible with. but of course we will never be able to and still we could not be as perfect as
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nature, so we still have to strive to strive, for example, to the same web that a spider weaves, which is perfect, and if you make a rope from such a web, it can withstand 10 tanks suspended on it, this is a very high-strength fiber , but it is so thin that it is not visible, only visible in sunlight. and this is the chegem glass factory, and an example of how it produces very non-trivial products from a seemingly banal material, because glass production looks linear, where everything happens as if by itself. we are constantly developing new
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technologies, new innovations and the most important achievement of this plant is this. a complex process that we have come to, and there are very few of these factories in russia, we began to produce medical containers, this is a slightly different glass, we began to make amber products using the same glass, these are bank products, bottles and medical glass, it has a slightly different chemical composition different, what is unique, we found that golden mean, in which we produce both ordinary retail products and products for medical purposes, what is a breakthrough...
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specialists of different directions are trained here: mechanics, kip workers, programmers, electricians, a kind of industrial center today in the ilbrud region, this is very important. for us, tournaus is a historical district, large, large, it is the administrative center of the region. we can say not only those industries that are being revived, new
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jobs are already being created today, but these are the people who are drawn to the city infrastructure, that is, who live. its implementation in kabardino-balkaria was considered so effective that the government of the russian federation allocated additional funds to continue the reconstruction of the chigem-2 highway, which leads to the high-mountain nature reserve, the famous chegen waterfalls, the tubya tombs complex and the picturesque kumt plateau; in other words, it promotes the development of internal
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tourism and economic growth, the same case when the road is like an engineering structure... that this is the economy, these people will not leave their native villages, there are already many around the road tourism facilities are being built and developed, a typical example of this is the flychegem active entertainment park, which is known today even in kamchatka, it was created by marad mushkaev in a very deserted place,
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the construction of the road made it possible to think about expanding the site, the volume of investments with... improving the road infrastructure, i i understand that the volume can increase very much, and by improving the road , more interested parties will appear, more companies will appear that want to invest in some chain hotels, because that shel has huge unrealized potential, we have beautiful mountains, glaciers, a river, a protected area, wonderful nature, everything will play a role. the local old-timers we met also recognized the benefits of innovation. over time, if the road is paved, i think there will be almost a tourist base here, a pipe. up there they want to extend the road, they have started building the road and will install gas, there are two pipeworks there, they are already improving and repairing, so the roads
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decide everything, this is life, meanwhile our car is rising higher and higher into the mountains. it is unlikely that paved roads will ever be required in alpine meadows. these places are made for something else. to rise above 3.0 m, we transfer to the good old three-door niva, which in the right hands can work wonders. what does kabardino-balkaria have in common with tibet and nepal? here. one of the most exotic domestic animals is the yak, since it comes from the highlands, in the himalayas it feels comfortable at an altitude of 600 m on a glacier, you will not find it on the plain,
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however, there are only a lot of mountains for pets , in armenia, for example, the yak has not taken root, here in the northern caucasus, near the village of bezengi, he has freedom in this herd alone of more than a thousand heads. tamuev, honored agricultural worker. when there was a time for health reasons i couldn’t climb, from here from the winter pastures along the way, when i saw the snowy peaks, where there is eternal
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snow, where we are in the summer pastures, it’s even inconvenient to say, but tears appeared in my eyes, will i really not be able to climb there anymore? , since 1983 i have been with them non-stop until today. we must love our homeland, our mountains, our lands, pastures, i don’t want to change anything, allah willing, god willing, i can continue like this, every stone, every fist of the earth here is very dear to me. and i often meet people who say: well , i want to change my profession, but i think, how can you change your profession, have you still not found what you will be passionate about? well
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, this is amazing for me, i wish all people to find a similar craft, a similar direction, so that their soul will warm. firstly, i really like doing science, it’s mine, and secondly, i like to involve people in this science people who also want to study. our native balkaria, our native albrus region, we live by this, we work on it and we want the region, the republic and the city of ternaus to develop, the profession that
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you acquire should be to your liking, this is understandable, but i want to add, profession that you acquire, it must be useful to society, what you do, that it would be useful to the people around, i am sure that you will love it accordingly.
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the sea of ​​orenburg demanded the immediate evacuation of residents of part of the regional capital due to worsening flood situation. according to the latest data, the water level in the urals is 855 cm and, as predicted, the water will remain at night and may reach a critical level. those who refuse to leave the danger zone voluntarily will be forcibly evacuated with the participation of police officers. but in orsk, the number of evacuees almost tripled and amounted to about 2.0 people. report by maria valieva. we are on the very dam that separates the city from the river.
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look, it’s almost invisible here there are no boundaries, here is the ural river, it smoothly flows here, and the water goes down, now i will show you that there are several problem areas here, look how the water erodes the soil, the current is very strong and indeed there is a microdistrict of the city of orsk down there , are asking to evacuate today. an sms message is sent to residents of the city of orsk living in the village of lesotorgovy nikel builders. on boris glebsky street there is an urgent need to evacuate. well, as a rule, people go either to their relatives or to points temporary accommodation, everything is ready for their reception. now, on behalf of the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, another
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echelon of rescuers has been sent to orsk. to eliminate the consequences of the flood, well, in the place where the dam broke last night, specialists are now working, investigators are also working there, it is already known that a criminal case has been opened. a criminal case has been initiated on this fact on the grounds of crimes provided for in part one of article 216 and part one of article 293 of the criminal code russian federation. currently follows. the regional investigative department carries out investigative and procedural actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. during the preliminary investigation, a legal assessment will be given to the actions of the officials who were responsible for the maintenance, construction and operation of this dam. i note that the height of the dam is designed for a water level in the ural river of 5.5 m.


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