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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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who will also support it and vote for it, so this bill will pass through the house, and after the house it will go to the senate, where mitch mcconnell will send out all his soldiers who will also vote for it, and chuck schumer just can’t wait to pass this package, because the main thing is ukraine, ukraine is everything, the murder of an entire generation of ukrainian men, and this is the most important thing for them. yes, they will pass it, and joe biden will sign it. yes, close more churches. this is already on their agenda, do you think there is a way to do this? stop if the american people, if the american people, tucker, let me tell you something, because this is very important, the american people can stop our government, they can, when they decide that it is important to them, when they realize that within 10 years, in 10 years, the budget office says that our debt will be about 55 trillion dollars, if we continue to spend like this, if everything continues... as it is, then our debt
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will grow to 55 trillion dollars in 10 years , we will simply collapse if the american people decide that they already tired of the illegals who kill us, tired of the illegals who take over our homes, tired of the illegal men who rape children, rape women, yes, if the american people say enough is enough, we are against it, then they can stop it , and tucker, one more thing, if the american people say, stop giving money to foreign wars, aid to other countries, to finance murders in countries that we can’t even find on a map. yes, if the american people say: we've had enough of this. can finally address this issue, instead of spending money on all this entertainment, which only distracts from reality, and does not make it possible to realize the seriousness of what is happening now, then yes, the american people have much more power than i do, and i'm a member of congress, if they hold our government accountable, if they stand up they'll say enough is enough. i think they should
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change all their representatives. i'm not kidding, we all need to be replaced. this government has failed the american people. and this pisses me off, tucker, because i'm a mother myself. my adult children, their entire generation, your children and grandchildren. if the current rate does not change, they will never be able to buy a home. they will not have a financially secure future, and they will have to live and raise their children in a country whose government has failed. us all, and this is tucker the holy truth, so yes, the american people can stop all this if they want, well, i hope our people wake up, congresswoman margery taylar greene from georgia, thank you for everything, good luck, thank you, in addition to the police, the new york subway is now guarded by the national guard, 1,500 armed people are on duty at all central stations and inspect passengers,
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the authorities had to take such harsh measures due to a surge in crime in the subway, passengers are shot at, attacked, pushed under trains , about the causes of the social crisis and methods of combating it, in the america program with valentin bogdanov, immediately after the advertisement. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. this is not a woman's business. but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. this is not necessary. it's clear? i understand. that's how it is at the megamarket.
4:34 pm
what are you waiting for, you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i am changing, i am developing, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, hunting, this is your thirst for the main thing trophy from 20 million, your sha
4:35 pm
special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison indicators with competitors, finding the best location for a retail outlet, open an account with sber, use useful services for free forever, sber-business. cheese, oh, they forgot cheese, it’s good that we have each other, and what will show us on tv, tell me that you caught it, as long as we can remember, we are always together, magnet, 30 years next to you,
4:36 pm
you can’t catch a firebird’s feather it’s simple, but anyone can get a rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on! mom, guess who started a new job today? lots of vacancies at avito work will find not just a job, but its place. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account. and for purchasing any share you get another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day period starts every month, and the service notifications are free forever, that’s why the credit card is the best in the country, get a credit card, everything will be the way you want, this is america, a program about a country
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that is difficult to understand, hello! the metropolitan is a high-risk area in relation to the new york subway, this hackneyed phrase means much more than we are used to. this year alone, in the big apple metro , the number of arrests has increased by 45%, the number of crashes has increased by 17%, and there have already been three murders since january. increasingly, those who go underground in the largest city in the united states remember its dashing eighties. scary. telegraph reports of the latest cases of violence, from petty hooliganism to outright beating, for no reason, no reason, attack a street musician. my performance was very
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in full swing, it was the evening rush hour, suddenly i felt a terrible pain in the back of my head, i didn’t even understand what happened, then the stabbing had already opened. gunshot, two cases in the bronx, one man died, there was a shooting on the platform involving a gang, and this is a subway in brooklyn, a conflict between two passengers led to a fight, one grabbed the other’s gun, the man was killed. the state authorities, represented by governor katie hucul, who represents the democratic party, initially tried to pretend that nothing was wrong... is happening, the liberal media also agreed with them, everyone said that purely statistically the number of crimes in the subway was decreasing, and they say high-profile stories with the same murders were deliberately inflated by pro-republican channels and newspapers, but they
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still had to respond to public indignation, to people’s concerns, you can just go down into the new york subway and talk to people, ask them what they are thinking about, that’s what they will answer you. i feel safe on the subway during the day, but in the evening, well, not a single policeman around, as a result, the same governor of new york, koti hukul, decided to take a step that was not very popular among new york liberals, she gave the order to enter the new york subway.
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may become an accidental victim of some madman who simply represents a public danger, in whom neither the police, nor doctors, nor medicine, nor social services are interested, such a problem has always been in the new york subway, but everything has worsened during the coronavirus, the thing is , which... due to social restrictions, the nyuk metro then turned into one huge shelter for the homeless. the police themselves eliminated themselves, certain orders were given not to touch these people, plus this still coincided with the wave of the blm movement, the police simply did not risk touching many african-americans, they were not detained, but when the authorities got their hands on it, after all, when the problem has acquired the character of a public danger, suddenly everything...
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years ago we filmed this report in the cook county jail, this is the largest prison in the united states in chicago, it is known for the fact that at one time they were waiting for their sentence there alcapones, then it turned into a real disaster zone, what happened there? the fact is that many of the people with mental problems who found themselves on the street specifically tried to go to prison, because there was simply no sick leave for them. there used
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to be a prison kitchen here, but it had to be removed to make way for beds. now we are not only the largest prison, we have become the largest mental hospital in the united states due to the influx of people with such diseases. it's a great shame for this country that this is happening. we then we talked to those who wear prison uniforms, many of them were there. while awaiting verdicts, i’m reading a book, an absolutely true story, a guy was accused of a murder that he didn’t commit, in the end he ended up in prison, like most of us, at first you spend six months a year in such a place, then maybe they’ll send you to the hospital, and then in the end they will establish that it was really not your fault, it was your illness. this problem goes back to the mid-twentieth century; the famous film by milos was made on this topic. foreman, flying on... the cuckoo's nest, the fact is that at a certain point, compulsory psychiatry in america was prohibited,
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these lobotomy operations were prohibited, they were recognized as inhumane, the means to provide psychiatric care to hundreds there weren’t thousands of people who needed it, we wrote this interview in the very hospital where the film one flew over the cuckoo’s nest was filmed, psychiatric... more and more people ended up in the hospital , there were fewer and fewer opportunities to bring them back back into society. in the sixties, it was decided by law to reintegrate patients into society. many hospitals, especially large ones, were closed then. the new york authorities are now acting like outright populists, that is, instead of treating the problem, they are trying to find those who are to blame for the consequences. we are in the midst of a youth mental health crisis we are seeing at an unprecedented rate.
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so to speak, the circle of their regular clients, there are people who are arrested not only there times, dozens of times, hundreds of times, their officers they know, but they are forced to let them go again, of course, a direct consequence of liberal justice in new york, and this is a typical story for many liberal metropolises in the united states, the fact is that the prosecutor here is elected. position, and if liberal prosecutors come to power or are elected, they arrange relaxations. in california, for example, there is a wave of epidemics associated with store robberies, when if you steal less than a thousand dollars, you are released without bail, in new york you are free again there are people who commit crimes, including in the new york
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subway. we arrest the same people over and over again. in 2023. new york city police officers made more than 13,600 subway arrests. last year alone, 124 people were arrested five or more times. these people were arrested a total of 7,500 times during their lives. it’s interesting that the current mayor, eric adams, came to power fighting crime. let me remind you that his main rival was curtis sliwa, a very famous charismatic new york character. it has been known since the eighties, that is, since the time of rampant crime in the largest metropolis of the united states, now liberal authorities often compare that time and the present, compare the figures and say that then crime was much higher, but then they fought against it much stronger, it’s not for nothing that the mayor
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of new york, rudolph giulianni, is so popular, who then defeated crime, including the crime of the new york subway, which... is worth the theory of the broken windows, according to which the fight against petty crimes was prevention in order to reduce more serious crime, now this is how rudolph giuliane is sometimes greeted on the street in new york, and almost 40 years have passed, you have cleaned up the city, i couldn’t go into harlem or take the subway, and you made it possible.
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public safety. i am proud of the technology that will stand guard by presenting a system for detecting weapons, as well as electrical and electromagnetic devices. well, no matter how the technology works, no matter how advanced it is, the main thing is people, that’s the problem, the fact is that the blm wave itself is very strong. hit the police, in general in the united states, not only in new york, the prestige of the police has fallen in society, thanks to the efforts of the liberal media, the image of a racist police officer was created, salaries in the new york police have never been large, in general, in recent years the police have been here they live under powerful psychological stress, it’s not in vain,
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among them, on the one hand, the number of suicides has increased, on the other hand... they themselves they feel less and less protected, even partly abandoned, but in their own power. a rather clear case occurred not so long ago during a routine document check, during a traffic stop, a repeat offender shot patrolman jonathan diller at point-blank range under his bulletproof vest, the young man died. my husband died a hero, but he lived like a hero. how many more families will lose their breadwinners, police officer? this story became very loud , doubly loud because the farewell to the dealer took place on the very day when in new york , three presidential democrats gathered at once to raise money for joe biden's election campaign, these are biden himself, barack obama and bill clinton, but none of them
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made it to long island, although they all spoke on radio cityholi, this is in manhattan, in in total there are 40 minutes. drive or even none of them tried to somehow call the widow, this made a very negative impression on the new york police, she again felt betrayed, it all got to the point that on the day of the funeral, when a motorcade arrived at diller’s house governor katie hucul, she represents, as i already said, the democratic party, she was simply not allowed on the threshold of the house, unlike donald trump, who specially flew in to say goodbye. with a dealer from florida on his plane, spoke at the funeral and naturally gained an additional rating among police officers not only in new york, but throughout america, because...
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protected, statistics already confirm this, in 2023 twice as many were issued licenses to carry weapons than in 2022, despite the fact that new york has very strict gun regulations, and you have to get a ton of permits to buy them, but people do it because they feel like crime is winning, and yes, of course, in an election year, even in a democratic... state like new -york, this topic will be almost the main one, along with the topic of migration, which will be discussed in the context of the elections taking place here in november,
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not only the presidential elections of the united states, but also the congressional elections in local governments, too, but despite this such media attention, despite the fact that almost every day there are reports of violence in... the causes of this crime are not being done and there are no plans to completely eradicate it. this was america, all
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was in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour, nearby in a field there was some unit standing there, there were screams and yells, they were also calling for help, and i rushed there, maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, there was shelling everywhere, and i need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, a maternal one, that you should help. “i believe in myself that i can still do something, hello, mom, everything is fine, we’re working, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it’s as if he foresaw that a layer would appear in the 21st century.”
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in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they everyone is broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me, your marriage is there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion, so alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there , this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have no
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plans for you. no longer, get ready to go to moscow, so we’ll write it down as a missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markina’s hope, you look very much like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell me him that he didn’t have a brother, they killed alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were two of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin. “so there is still hope, there is always hope, the call sign is a passenger, a militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, we watch to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children's programs, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website”
5:00 pm
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