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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode.
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that many are still in hospitals in very serious condition, i will say right away that the scale of this tragedy puts it on a par with the tragedy in budenovsk in 1995, with the tragedy in dubrovka in 2002, with beslan
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in 2004, that is, it is a tragedy in which doesn't exist excuses: children died, women died, died...
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who ordered it, who needed it. just a few hours after what happened, john kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications at the us security council, says this, listen. about the attack in moscow. i know
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you're still gathering information, but do you have any idea if this could even be related to the conflict in ukraine? at this point, there is no indication that ukraine or ukrainians were involved. remember, just recently we talked in our program about navalny, how a few minutes after navalny’s death, people all over the world began to express condolences and blame russia. and putin in the murder of oppositionists, almost the same thing happened here, a few hours later the perpetrators were found, moreover, this happened in a country where they still cannot find those who were guilty
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of blowing up nord stream 2, this is still unknown , not only that, there is still a question mark as to who killed kennedy, there are a lot of questions in country of the unauthorized. this one was decided immediately after john kirby, around midnight, when the criminals had not yet been caught and it was still raining on the agent channel. his screenshot from an account allegedly associated with isis, which is banned in russia, and reports that isis took responsibility for the terrorist attack in moscow. very soon it turns out that this is a fake, and joe's tv channel is forced to admit that this, sorry, was a mistake, this is a fake. after the rain published this fake.
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or in the rain, at this moment there is no evidence that isis did this, besides, those people who know a little about how suicide bombers act, they know that this is a different system, this is a different method, these shots were taken by the terrorists themselves in the stake of the concert hall, after the mass shooting of spectators, a group of four people is heading to the exit towards the parking lot, they want it as...
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a suicide bomber, some world media, including in the usa, drew attention to this.
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american channel host daniel davis, deep dive, recalled two more important nuances: isis religious fanatics never hide their faces in videos during attacks, and not yet they kill for money, for them killing people is an exclusively religious act. not here, it’s just pure murder of unarmed people, nothing at all. innocent people, this does not look like isis, thank god, our president had the courage and patience, not to speak out immediately after this happened, but to wait for time and wait until these four perpetrators are captured, the information that is relevant will appear constitutes a real basis, the main thing now is not... for those who are behind this bloody massacre to commit a new crime. regarding the investigation
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of this crime and the results of the operational-search actions, then at present we can say the following: all four of the direct executors of the terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, were found and detained, they tried to escape and were moving towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data... a window was prepared for them on the ukrainian side to cross the state border. a total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service of russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire accomplice base terrorists, those who provided them with transport, planned escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches with weapons and ammunition. and finally, the next morning, the public has
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the opportunity to find out and see those who committed this crime. these are citizens of tajikistan, muhammad-sabir fayzov, shamsuddin fariduni, said karamir achabalizada and dalerjon mirzoev, the leader was fariduni shamsuddin. two of them, blizoda and fariduni, were recently in turkey and returned to russia on march 2. moreover, on march 7, fariduni even lit up.
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50, and note that 500,000 is not for everyone, but 500,000 rubles. for everyone. yes, then it became known that large sums in cryptocurrency were transferred to them, moreover, from ukraine, which kerbin so excused. as it later became known, all four were under the strong influence of drugs, special military drugs that take away fear and aggravate the reaction. that is, by and large these were killer robots, this can justify their act, no, let's go further, and a day later, on march 24, videos appear on the internet, as if from the first person, on behalf of those who
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killed people, moreover, they appear on resources and gil, pay attention to how already...
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we could create a problem that we are now struggling with, like when the soviet union entered afghanistan, we came up with a brilliant idea, come to pakistan to create a majahideen force, equip them with stinger missiles and everything else to go after the council in afghanistan, we succeeded, the soviet union left afghanistan, and we said, great, in october 2006, the majahids.
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31,525 documents for 1979, where describes how the cia, the foreign policy department of the united states of america, personally participated in the creation of isis. and at the beginning of 2012, another program was created, which was called stimbar sycamore, translated as plane tree. this is a program to finance weapons and train rebel fighters to participate in the civil war in syria against the government forces of bashar al-assad. it was carried out on the personal orders of president barack obama. this is
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what trump meant when he accused barack obama of being an organizer. isis, he is her founder. isis honors president obama. he is the founder of egil. he is the founder of isis. he is the founder, he founded isis. and i would say that the co-founder was the dishonest hillary clinton. why be surprised when... ukraine is mentioned. don’t we know how much and how ukraine is connected with international terrorism? remember our show, watch it. in syria, to overthrow bashar-assad, military assistance worth billions of dollars from the united states was received by the free syrian ss army, from where both the muslim brothers and
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isis, banned in our country, came. and today on the territory of syria and from the same syrian free army, brigades, detachments, terrorists who are fighting in ukraine against us are recruited. moreover, they all underwent training with help.
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these four people, exactly these, could have organized what was organized, i’m not an investigator, i’m not a specialist, but i have doubts, it’s hard for me to imagine how four people, the people we saw, could have done this so professionally, absolutely with impunity at that moment, besides how could it be so that... a huge area of ​​the roof ceiling would be engulfed in flames within literally a few minutes, how is this possible, even if there are
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flammable materials? i repeat, i’m an amateur, but i’m asking this question: i have the feeling that if there aren’t any... then already made bookmarks in different places, in the right places, which could catch fire at the same time, engulfing the entire building in flames. because a huge number of people died from carbon monoxide, i get the feeling that these four people, these are the unskilled workers of this tragedy, but there was a mechanism, very professionally organized, and in general there is a lot of strange things here , look, if they wanted to hide, well, so about... what, logically, they would change five or six cars, abandoning their raynaud, here well, they wouldn’t go anywhere, they could just stay somewhere and wait a month or two
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until everything calms down. no, they were released, i think they were led in order to understand where the trail would lead, the trail led to ukraine, supposedly there was a window there that could receive them, but why? are they needed alive? to those who ordered this terrible, nightmarish terrorist attack, it means that we can assume that if they had not been killed here, then they would have been killed there, where they were going, it is quite natural that in addition to these questions, there are others, for example, why not the fire system went off, i repeat, i am not an investigator, i am asking a question as a person, as a citizen. as a layman, why were some exits closed, why didn’t those people appear immediately, or at least after a shorter amount of time?
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should have appeared, there are very, very many questions, immediately after the terrorist attack a lot of warnings arose related to the fact that entire nations should not be blamed. although it is absolutely clear that this was the task of those who committed terrorism, interethnic clashes, unrest in russia, everything is clear, and this has been done for a long time, but still, on the other hand, there is a nationality of terrorism, for example, this could be , or an african american, for example, or it could be an indian, or a european, or an american, in principle, this is the real international diaspora.
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and by the way, if we take the track record of how democracy was implanted by the americans and the western world in general, in the balkans, say, or in asia or in latin america, i think there is no need for more detailed evidence. please note, the president of the united states, joe biden, addresses... the nations regarding the death of the prisoner navalny, who, by the way, was recognized as both a terrorist and an extremist, so for your information, and did not say a word or a word and did not expressed his regret or condolences, when more than 100 people died in a terrorist act, at the same time, those countries that are accused of terrorism are
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the taliban, iran, syria, north... korea, they all expressed condolences to our country, only the western world modestly remained silent, the only thing is, that he said that it was anyone, but not ukraine. now pay attention to the detail, but it cannot be missed, 4 days before the commission of this terrorist monstrous act, the creator of isis. former president of the united states of america barack obama, absolutely incognito, without advertising, arrives in london at 10 downing street to meet british prime minister rishi sonok, why? again, i don’t have any evidence, but we know how such visits are covered, it’s not
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a nephew who came to see his uncle, it’s not. two fellow classmates, this is the current leader of the country and the former leader of the country, the united states and great britain. why, what are they discussing? what could have been the reason for the terrorist attack? it is absolutely clear to me that this is a resounding victory in the elections for vladimir putin, resounding, legendary, the only one, at least in the history of novaya. for russia, the victory of a man from whom the entire civilized world seemed to have turned its back. before march 8 , the american embassy and the british embassy announced to their fellow citizens that they should be careful not to attend mass events. victoria had said earlier, while in kiev, that unpleasant surprises awaited russia. putin will have surprises on the battlefield, and ukraine will achieve great
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sorry for this expression, it’s not entirely rational, but evil forces do not have nationality, have no political convictions, it’s just that a spiritual front was once formed on the surface of the earth, on opposite sides of which a kind of matter and antimatter gather; from a sacred point of view, the coexistence of these two principles is impossible. and the struggle is waged towards mutual destruction. this front is spread over states and territories and does not know space time. sometimes it happens that the contours of a state begin to approximately coincide with the borders of one of the sides of this spiritual front.


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