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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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russia introduced it in 1996 only for the sake of joining the council of europe. this was the condition . as we know, from march 16, 2022, russia is no longer a member of the council of europe. what's holding us back? we want to continue to live according to the laws that are offered to us, to be humane, as they offer us, but they impose sanctions on us. they arm neo-nazis and
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send terrorists to us, and of course, after all that has been said, i think you understand perfectly well that i express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their loved ones in this bloody, unjust tragedy. and in conclusion, i think it’s fitting for us to listen to a song that , of course, everyone has already heard, which is called live.
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how can you take a life, how can you turn off the light, how can you take a mother away from a child who is five years old? no, no, no, no, no, no, it is not given to a person to know how long he will live, but... but
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to choose one thing, how to deal with this time, live, live, live, live, live, live, live. live, live, live, live, live, live, how to learn to live in the world, be able to love, be able to forgive, and give yourself, your father, to the end
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give, live, live, live, how to learn to simply live, to be close to family people, to dream together. honor and love, cherish every moment, how to forgive an enemy, how not to cross the line, how to hold back tears in your chest. see the dawn ahead,
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hope and believe, the last day cannot be returned. in this future they will live, pass on, preserve, forgive us, our children still have to live here, live, live, live, live. live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, you and
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i, so learn to just live, you and i, not to fight, not to kill, but a person. the present, if it is real, finds its place many years later, and today this song sounds like never before, on time, and although
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lent is underway, i don’t want to break our tradition, i just want to add that... raising this glass, i invite you all to remember those who died in this tragedy, but still, as a result, drink to the victory, to our victory. oh, again the crooked midshipman was late for our drink, but he said, we’re leaving one by one, if
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card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. the situation in the orenburg region affected by the flood was discussed today in moscow. a special meeting was convened by deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko. today , almost 4,300 houses and about 9,500 household plots remain flooded in the region. the federal water resources agency has been tasked with restoring a destroyed dam on the ural river in orsk. rostechnadzor will analyze all protective structures and take measures to strengthening them if necessary. the ministry of natural resources must make a forecast about the increase in water levels in the rivers of the region. and the ministry of emergency situations , on the basis of this information, will ensure the safety of the population and enterprises. rospotrebnadzor. instructed to analyze the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the flooded areas. in the second
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largest city of the orenburg region, orski dam broke the night before; by that hour , almost 2,500 houses and more than 300 adjacent areas were already flooded, about half of the total number of flooded objects in the region. the entire old part of the city went under water, the electricity there was turned off, and the water level rose so much that it became simply impossible to move independently. on behalf of the governor of the orenburg region, denis pasler announced today that he had decided to double payments to people
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affected by the disease. let's start paying on monday, because there are packages that have been formed, people need to be paid. and look back, what numbers do you have there? what about the numbers? payment figures? we have 10,000 one-time, one-time payments, those who were in the emergency zone, property payments. 25-500, that is, these are for property, the resolution, and let's double them all. representatives of united russia are also providing assistance to those evacuated from the flood zone in orsk, party volunteers and young guard activists helped evacuate residents, and now they are delivering them water, food and things, paying special attention to pensioners and children, responding to all requests... all points of temporary
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stay of people in the city of orsk, each deputy is assigned this point, each the deputy is responsible for how people are in these points, what their needs and requests are. peak flood. has not yet been completed in the region. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is steadily growing and is already approaching the dangerous mark of 930 cm. the volume of water discharge from the oktyubinsk reservoir has tripled. all this threatens the administrative center of the region with serious flooding. orenburg authorities announced the evacuation of local residents. in the altai territory, the situation in flooded areas is gradually stabilizing; about 380 houses and 470 plots. employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations, together with regional rescuers , pumped out about
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140,000 cubic meters of water from local areas and erected 17 temporary dumps with a length of 10 km. it turns out. residents. aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aircraft continues in the biysk salton region. in the samara region. over the course of the day , the number of flooded residential buildings also decreased by a third. rescuers are helping people, clearing yards of debris carried over by the flood, and pumping water out of basements. from the flood zone there were 456 people were evacuated, including 74 children. at the moment there is no transport connection with the two settlements. in the chelyabinsk region , seven settlements remain under the control of the russian ministry of emergency situations, where 28 residential buildings and 67 private plots are flooded. at the same time, 12 houses and 30 plots were freed from water within 24 hours. large-scale floods are now in kazakhstan, a state of emergency is in effect in 10 regions, the situation in the city
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of kulsary remains especially difficult, more than 2 houses and administrative buildings were flooded there. strengthen the banks to increase the passage of water and minimize the consequences of a spill. the president of kazakhstan thanked everyone who is taking part in the fight against the disaster. a natural disaster occurred, the likes of which had not been seen for many years. perhaps this is the largest disaster in terms of scale and consequences in the last eight years. years, due to floods , a local emergency situation was declared in ten regions of the country, a republican headquarters was created headed by the prime minister and the head of government, his deputies, and the minister of emergency situations, visits the affected regions, all rescue work on the ground is under
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my personal control. the akimats of the affected regions are working around the clock... prostate adenoma, they smiled, it means they recognized it, a modern drug for early treatment smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize it. hmm,
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we will be broadcasting live from the duty department to summarize the legal results of the past week. i'm with you andrey ivlev. well, let's start with the main news of the day: due to spring floods, flooding occurred in several places at once. dams on the ural river are gradually sinking thousands of residential buildings under water, and mass evacuation of residents is underway. the investigative committee opened a criminal case immediately on two articles: negligence, violation of safety rules during construction work. it turned out that not only nature is to blame for the emergency, but also... we find out what is happening at the site of the flooding from our correspondent murat zaripov, he works in the village of nikel, within the city limits of orsk, now this area is also starting
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to be flooded with water, the connection is unstable, but nevertheless, murat’s connections, murat, how the situation is at the moment, yes, i don’t know here, thus they find out all the circumstances of the dam break, which led to the flooding of houses, also, employees of the investigative committee are checking the work of officials and builders who were supposed to supervise the construction
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and maintenance of the facility. as it turned out, the state technical supervision authorities had previously identified violations in the maintenance of the vorski dam, but it seems that no one took any measures. the old town microdistrict is... the historical part of orsk, an area of ​​almost 600 hectares, is located in a lowland, surrounded by two rivers on both sides. or, hence the name orsk and ural. here there are mainly private low-rise houses with a unique architecture 18 century. this is where the history of the orenburg region began. a remarkable fact is that initially they tried to found orenburg on this very place, but then, just because of high water in the spring, the capital of the region was moved to a safer distance, 241 km. later , various structures began to be built here to protect residential buildings from floods. already in recent history, the dam in the old town of orsk
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was commissioned in 2010. local authorities accepted the building. the height of the dam is approximately 6 m, length 12 km. in fact, this is a dirt embankment. unlike the dam erected on a river to retain water, the main function of a dam is protective. investigators have already reported violations during the construction of hydraulic structures. a criminal case was initiated under articles of negligence and violation of safety rules during construction work. currently, investigators of the regional investigative department are carrying out investigative and procedural actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. during the preliminary investigation , a legal assessment of the actions of officials will be given responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of the specified facility. previously, state technical supervision authorities identified violations. during the maintenance of a dam in orsk, this was reported by the prosecutor's office of the orenburg region. now the supervisory agency continues to monitor the situation. the regional prosecutor's office organized supervisory support for ongoing
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activities aimed at... aimed at the real protection of citizens' rights, in particular, i personally checked overnight temporary accommodation centers where citizens are being held those who lost their homes. even in winter, weather forecasters warned about high water levels and a lot of snow fell in the region, and the orsky authorities declared that everything was under control. officials also assured that the dam would hold and there would be no problems. now they say that the elements are to blame, as well as irresponsibility. who supposedly don’t want to evacuate, our people have forgotten what a flood is, they probably don’t believe it a little, but still we warn them that they need to put their things in the upper, so to speak, attic, on the second floor, if there is opportunity to bring out everything that is needed. local journalists believe that with such statements, orsk officials are trying to divert the shadow from themselves, supposedly the money allocated for repairs and strengthening of the dam floated away every year
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in an unknown direction. dam. emergency services to evacuate people, there is a serious situation in orsk, most of the rescuers have gone there, we are working in orenburg, transporting cats and dogs whenever possible, today we took out chickens, now our guys have gone to get rabbits, the critical level of water rise for the capital of the orenburg region is 9 m , bye all efforts are being devoted to fighting the flood in orsk, rescuers say, now the main thing is that the locks of the ireklinsky reservoir can cope with the load, it protects
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from... in the village of nikel, this is not an old city, this is another part of the city of orsk, and here they also run serenades civil defense, every now and then rushes past the special police vehicle of the ministry of emergency situations, the fact is that literally, well, probably an hour and a half ago, here in another place a dam broke through on the ural river, it was being washed away for quite a long time, and now there was a breakthrough and water poured into private sector, counting
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literally for minutes. that is , according to the calculations of rescuers, there are a few minutes left before the first houses begin to drown, however, the most difficult situation is precisely in the old city, which almost entirely consists of the private sector, rescuers have been working there since yesterday evening people are being evacuated, according to the latest data , more than a thousand people have been evacuated, while the work does not stop, since the water continues to flow, flooding more and more streets and houses, thank you, we will come to you again we’ll come back and monitor the information coming in, the data coming in. murat zalipov was in direct contact by phone from orsk. well, on to other topics of this day, today in murmansk a person accused of attacking the regional governor was placed under arrest. the trial was a mobile hearing and took place in
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a hospital ward. central city hospital. the accused alexander bydanov was brought here on a gurney, he was handcuffed to the bed and covered with a sheet, and during his arrest he was wounded in the leg. obviously he won't run away, but the policeman, as expected, observe all security measures. bydanov answers questions from journalists reluctantly. while the investigation is ongoing , i will not make any comments. how will the investigation proceed?


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