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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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case in the hospital ward, the person involved in the criminal case was brought on a gurney, he cannot move independently, as he was wounded during the arrest, and now remains in the hospital under guard. my colleague oleg pasobin observed the selection of a preventive measure. alexander bydanov, accused of attacking the governor of the morman region, was arrested for 2 months. typically , journalists voice such information against the backdrop of a court, rather than an emergency department. however, the current meeting took place in an unusual manner.
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on thursday evening outside a local house culture immediately after the attack on the governor, according to investigators, bydanov waited until andrei chibes finished his meeting with the population and stabbed him, these shots were taken a few hours after the attack , the construction center was cordoned off. and so the operational-investigative group is working there, in front of us is a car with experts, criminologists from the investigative committee, 30 meters away is the entrance to the builders' recreation center, where the attack on the governor took place. forensic experts took fingerprints from the car.
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days after the attack, the probable perpetrator and his victim was in the same hospital; a convoy car was on duty next to the emergency room, in which the accused were transported. investigative actions were taking place in the medical institution itself; investigative committee employees interviewed people who were near the governor at the time of the assassination attempt. on friday evening, the criminal case was transferred to the central office of the investigative committee of russia. its details have not yet been disclosed. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical care. help.
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investigators are currently establishing all circumstances of the incident, witnesses are questioned, the necessary forensic examinations, including psychiatric examinations, are ordered. according to investigators, bydanov tried to deal with andrei chibis because of personal hostility ; investigators will establish the exact motive for the crime; after bydanov’s recovery, he will be sent to a pre-trial detention center. oleg posobin, galina khungureeva, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, vesti duty unit, murmansk region. this week, new defendants and new details emerged in the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus. detention alleged accomplices of the bandits took place in dagestan, moscow, omsk and yekaterinburg. as employees of the investigative committee and the fsb of russia were able to establish, some detainees were directly involved in recruiting accomplices, others financed the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, transferring money to them to buy weapons and vehicles. many have already given.
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in order to detain these defendants in several districts of makhachkala and kaspiysk at once , the security forces had to introduce a counter-terrorist operation regime. the criminals were armed and kept an impressive arsenal. special forces. took the bandits by storm, like it turned out that after the arrest, the accomplices of the bandits themselves planned to carry out a terrorist attack, conducted reconnaissance of the area, made an improvised explosive device and purchased weapons, immediately after committing the crime they were going to leave russia, the goal was to kill as many defenseless people as possible, who were going to be blown up in berizhfiski , investigators obtained data from the mobile phones of the detained bandits. according to information
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from the investigative committee, photographs and pictures may indicate a connection between the terrorist attack and the conduct of a special military operations, that traces of the terrorist attack in crocus lead to ukrainian and
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and such work should be constant in close cooperation between the security forces and the authorities. the president spoke about this at the annual meeting of the ministry of internal affairs on tuesday.
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a prominent ex-official was led along the corridor, accompanied by a convoy. pavel danilov recently worked as deputy prime minister of chuvashia,
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but now he is accused of receiving a bribe totaling 50 million rubles. danilov appeared in front of the television camera with a dissatisfied face. either he didn’t get enough sleep in the isolation cell, or he wasn’t glad to meet our film crew, the once eloquent official dryly answered questions from journalists, we were curious why the former deputy prime minister needed so much money, judging by the footage of the search, danilov is not a poor man, investigators found a collection of luxury watches, expensive bracelets and golden studlocks. and where they could be painted, for what purposes, i unfortunately didn’t spend any money, because i didn’t take it. detained in moscow, fsb investigative committee officers took him near the stadium, the official was in a hurry to the match his favorite football team, but the security forces are sure that in the capital danilov was going to score his winning goal, hit a big jackpot in a corruption deal, the deputy prime minister was shown a red card, he was put in the dock
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, he didn’t check the box here, and then danilov didn’t imagine that made a mistake in choosing a teammate, a few hours before his arrest, fsb officers caught red-handed the alleged accomplice of the official, head of the chuvash mortgage corporation alexei antonov. found on him a bag full of banknotes, only 18 million rubles. investigators are sure that this was another tranche for danil. it has been established that danilov, a representative of a commercial organization , transferred money for the conclusion of government contracts, while at the moment the necessary investigative actions are being carried out aimed at establishing other facts of danilov’s criminal activities, all contracts in which danilov participated are being verified. the detainee alexey antonov is an interesting person, as local media write, this is his son general of the ministry of internal affairs vadim antonov, who led the dude for 14 years. by an amazing coincidence , antonov, the youngest, headed the mortgage corporation, shortly after pavel
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danilov took the chair of deputy prime minister of the republic, local residents assure that this was the beginning of many construction scandals, all sorts of flowers were not here, what was not here, so that squirrels , there were wild boars, now there is nothing, cheboksary resident lyudmila gerasimova says that not so long ago there was a green zone in this place, but allegedly with the light hand of deputy prime minister danilov. earth they gave it to that same mortgage corporation, the centuries-old oak trees were cut down, and now a housing complex is being built on the slope of the forest. this is the only green place where we can fully relax, since in our region, in the southwest, there is not a single such green place, all parks are concreted. there is another problem, according to experts, it is impossible to build on this place at all; due to the difficult terrain, houses can collapse, there is an entire slope there. riddled with natives, under such conditions it is absolutely impossible to build anything there. looking at the colorful
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picture, we can imagine what this area will look like after some time, but for now preparatory work is going on here, judging by the object’s passport, if you can call it that, but looking at what is happening inside the construction site, we can conclude that there is nothing special there is no work being done here yet. residents of cheboksary talk about another large-scale scandal... a project supervised by danilov, the reorganization of playgrounds, a subsidy of half a billion rubles in the region, complexes for children were built and schoolchildren. we are in one of the cheboksary courtyards, where such a neighborhood children's playground has been operating for almost 2 years. what does it mean? it was built to replace several small ones that are usually installed in courtyards; looking at its scale, you can understand that there are a lot of attractions here, some of them are even taller than human height. looks like it. impressive, but in reality - young mothers complain, the playground is dangerous for children,
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there is dust, dirt, children have eternal conjunctivitis, they have snot, their eyes all hurt, you want to say that this is beauty built, this is a mockery of children, in the yard of former deputy prime minister danilov there are no such shortcomings, according to some sources he rents an apartment in a beautiful housing complex on the embankment overlooking the volga, is registered in moscow, he has personal property here, about this ex - the official said in an interview with a local. the last one dies, the largest amount you held in your hands, well, a couple of millions
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. perhaps then the deputy prime minister did not specify what currency this money was in? it is curious that 3 days after the arrest danilova, the head of chuvashia oleg nikolaev announced a competition for the best coverage of anti -corruption issues. our program does not participate in it, but we could not help but ask the head of the region about the high-profile corruption case. for the government, this is, of course, a psychological and moral blow, a test. because when one of our colleagues suddenly becomes involved in one or another corruption scheme, it is, of course, always like this, i would say, a desire to paint us all the same color, the sun, it shines the same, then it hides in the shadows, and that sunbathing. apparently, danilov burned out before his arrest. a few months before his trip to moscow, the official posted a photo on social networks of him driving a convertible going into the sunset. recently announced a new page. in his career, and after a couple of days it became known about his dismissal, you wrote on vkontakte that new projects are ahead, and
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what you were talking about, you can tell me, excuse me, please, the announcement is quite long for me, it consists of a large number of things in order not to form your own defensive position, i need to protect a large number of documents, i am cooperating with the investigation in every possible way, but...
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the main topic of the issue about flooding in the orenburg region is known that a few hours ago, on behalf of the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , an additional team of rescuers was sent to the region, here is the latest news in orsk in the old town area. maria, you are on the highway that leads to the old city, it is known that it is already partially flooded, what is happening at this place? yes, andrey, hello,
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indeed, we are working on the road that connects two parts of the city. new and old, it is now almost impossible to drive along it in an ordinary car, there is simply a flood here, the water is rapidly rising and eroding the soil, the rails here are already sagging, crushed stone is flying, traffic police officers are on duty here and warn everyone who wants to get a car from the old part of the city to the new , that it is necessary to take a detour through the airport. emergencies ministry employees are currently working in the old town, offering to evacuate people who still don’t want to leave their homes, yesterday in advance of everyone warned that it was better to take all the necessary things and leave home either to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers, some did this right away, others
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still decided that they would wait out the flood on the upper floors of their houses and stay for... today together with the rescuers, we evacuated several of these people, who suddenly decided to stay in their homes until the last, but still they are still in the old city, next to me now is the head of the press service of the ministry of emergency situations for the orenburg region, alexander sitnikov. alexander, please tell us whether you have managed to persuade people to leave their homes to go to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers. how many applications? now it’s coming in, yeah, well, you know, according to the latest data, the flow of applications has stopped, for about half an hour they haven’t been coming in, but we know that not all people, unfortunately, evacuated, not everyone decided to leave the safe zone, although they were offered to do this and the employees of the ministry of emergency situations provided an explanation, and therefore it is necessary to leave the danger zone, but some very stubborn people
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nevertheless, today they decided to stay in their houses that were flooded, and i will say: from the experience of this year, from the experience of this flood, when night falls, these people, as a rule, change their minds, because there is no electricity, no gas, no light and it’s getting cold, after all, well, such uncomfortable conditions are already prompting people to turn to the ministry of emergency situations employees to ask for their evacuation, so at night we expect an influx of applications again and will work to provide assistance to everyone who asks for this help from us, how many in currently a person? from the ministry of emergency situations works in orsk, how many units of equipment? at the moment, the group is represented here, it is over 600 people, over 160 pieces of equipment and 70%.
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maria, through her tears, tells a story that makes your blood run cold. the girl traveled around the world and came to mexico as a volunteer to help the church, which is located in the city of reynosa, on the us border.
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a troubled area, a local family volunteered to take maria there, but they never reached their destination, this is the message the russian woman sent to her husband in moscow a few minutes before the abduction. lyosha, we met guys from the cartel, they are coming for us, i hope that we will survive, but things are bad. maria says that soon. mexican militants surrounded their car, the bandits immediately released their fellow countrymen, and pushed the russian woman at gunpoint into an armored car. that day, the drug cartel took 120 hostages, most of them refugees trying to cross the border. they ducked down periodically so that i wouldn’t see where we were going, the tv was playing quite loudly, and there were two beds on which he slept, you could hear a huge number of women with children sleeping with their legs crossed, including a pregnant woman. like a person is beaten, so sometimes there is a human whine, women were raped, men were beaten, maria, as a foreigner from another continent, was not touched, she was a valuable captive,
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they always give more for white tourists, the bandits demanded a ransom from her husband in russian rubles of almost 230,000 and such a host of strangers who entered the territory where the cartels dominate, now there seems to be a fierce war between two groups, and... the golf cartel is considered the most influential, and presumably it was its members who held a russian woman for two days in the custody of thugs, drug trafficking, hundreds of murder rackets, the bodies of cartel victims are found throughout the city. their vehicles, bulletproof armored cars, weapons, smuggling from the united states. the police are trying, if not to overcome, then at least to get along with the militants, which cannot be said about the mayor of reynosa; he once moved to live in the united states. the golf cartel appeared at the end of de. now he has more than a thousand members professional killers, all former police and military, in fact, this is an independent army with its own strict hierarchy, at the top are the bosses of their confidants,
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then the so-called cobras, militants armed to the teeth, below them are falcons, informants and small dealer friends, often teenagers, and the service staff, doctors, accountants and of course, lawyers. despite such tense situations in some regions, mexico still remains one of the top travel destinations every year. dozens come millions of tourists from all over the world. there are regions more dangerous than others, where there is drug trafficking, therefore more organized crime, so before going to mexico on vacation, i strongly recommend studying the current situation in the region, but i will say right away, classic tourist places are absolutely safe for foreigners, do not build opinion about the country based on bad news, mexico always welcomes guests. recently, cartel members have been mining. illegal immigrants, those who are not stopped on their way to the country of skyscrapers, nor prickly wire, not a bullet. an interesting detail:
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the pastor of the very church where the abducted maria rigovich was going is helping to transfer migrants to the united states. from the inside, the religious community is more like a tent camp; people can live here for months. after the disappearance of the russian woman, the police checked all objects in the area. we contacted the prosecutor general's office of the local state of temoulipos and other services with a request to take all necessary steps in the search. fortunately, local authorities informed us that the girl was found and released. details of the special operation mary's release from captivity is not revealed. it is known that the husband of the russian woman somehow managed to give the ransom to the bandits. drug dealers left the girl in an abandoned house without a phone, money or documents. from there the police took her to the migration center to have her passport restored. psychologists worked with maria all night. a huge number of my friends, their friends, a huge number of media helped me, so the consul helped me.
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i'm alive, alive, happy. alena skachkova, vasily yurchuk, lead the duty department. in volgograd, this week the court arrested members of a youth gang who brutally beat a bus passenger detained between 15 and 19 years old. they have already confessed . during the election of the event, the probable leader daniil goryunov sat peacefully and did not even wave his fists. and this is how he and his six friends behaved the day before. the teenagers attacked a bus passenger. who reprimanded them: sparing no effort, the thugs struck him on the head with their hands and feet, then pulled the man out of the salon and continued the abuse on the street. now the footage of these cruel adventures is being carefully studied by the investigators of the criminal case; the head of the investigative committee, alexander bostrykin, demanded a report on the progress of
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the investigation. well, here’s what lies behind the surge of aggression among teenagers, what goals are pursued by the thugs, a new investigation by eduard petrov is about this, the film street gangs with limited liability talks about how security forces detained members of youth groups in belgorod, ulyanovsk and tambov, can anyone... then one of them avoids criminal punishments, more on that in a couple of minutes, don’t miss the premiere. well, at the end of the issue , we again... return to the news from the orenburg region, let's try to summarize what is known at the moment. so, more than one thousand 100 people, including 331 children, were evacuated from flooded orsk. after the dam broke, almost 4,500 houses remain in the water; an additional fleet of rescuers on board the il-76 aircraft, specialists from the center spas detachment, cadets, officers of the ural institute of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as all-terrain vehicles and special equipment were sent to the scene of the emergency.
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equipment. meanwhile, as reported by the press service of the city administration, in orsk nine villages are covered in water, and in three more there is a threat of flooding. detailed information about the flood in our telegram channels, led by the duty department and an honest detective, follow the news even on weekends, well, stay on the russia 24 channel . look around, now it’s 2124, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, where are the flying machines, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a hungry man, according to according to my data, he is 17 years old, but the main thing will remain
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unchanged. “i know what it’s like to give your word, at least, look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return in your own sense, why not, we will act here now, we will change the present, in our name a common past, which is the future, as it were, let’s save our parents, a personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years ago, delicious, very, because it was done.”
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the world stood up, dusted himself off, went, is russia ready to change, it happens in any structure evolution?


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