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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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local journalists quickly came up with the name of the youth group, the gang of fighting bumblebees. no one, including those detained, can say why such a strange name was chosen. if you look with just one eye to this video.
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with their parents, as well as in educational institutions where these offenders study. not everyone got away with a conversation; the story was carefully studied and the department of the investigative committee opened a criminal case. the suspects identified as interrogated were a seventeen-year-old girl and her sixteen-year-old friend. the investigator’s friend karina was released home on a recognizance not to leave, but the court sent the aggressive brunette home. in the pre-trial detention center, can you explain the video, what happened there, why all this was necessary, because before that they humiliated and insulted i was beaten, corina, whom journalists nicknamed the chieftain of the gang of tambov wolf cubs, faces real imprisonment. and
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juvenile inspectors and others will now regularly walk along fashion stores and the food court in the tambov shopping center. the gathering of young people is now under the close attention of local police, this is footage from ulyanovsk, a bar alley, which is not a step, then a drinking establishment, young people under the bar divided up and went wall to wall. a couple of days later there was another massive fight. police investigators quickly detained everyone drochunov. here is one of them telling the camera how it all began,
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the minor’s face is covered with computer retouching. a fight started, i defended myself with a bat, i didn’t hit anyone on the head, i hit on... i gave two blows somewhere to two people, why did i do it, because it seemed to me that they wanted to fight with me. in connection with two massacres in ulyanovsk, five young people were arrested, and three more people were put on the wanted list. after such clashes, the city started talking about conflicts between youth gangs, but investigators are in no hurry to draw conclusions. the charges have already been brought, the fact that they associate themselves with groups is. is not true, this is simply living in the territory where this group may have previously been located, nothing more, these are mainly people who live in rather poor social conditions, fatherlessness, without control, which
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people remained, this is volgograd, personnel from... the interior of bus number 25, a group of young people attacked with fists a passenger who made a remark with a noisy teenager, the unfortunate man was thrown to the floor they beat and kicked him one by one, and then they dragged him out into the street, they started fighting when he opened the door, they had already dragged this victim out into the street, they knocked him down. they began to attack the one who tried to separate them on the street, the driver of that same bus asked not to show his face, when the aggressive teenagers left the cabin, he closed the doors to protect the rest of the passengers, and meanwhile the hooligans found
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a new victim in the courtyard of a residential building.
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and then they began to divide areas among themselves and organize skirmishes, often not realizing that the retribution for such exploits is very cruel, imprisonment for several years, we will show what awaits such teenagers from street gangs with still limited liability.
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this is murder. well, naturally, robberies and robberies, robberies and robberies, but now there are somehow fewer of them, fewer of them, we walk around the territory of the colony, clean, neat, very similar to the exemplary, exemplary pioneer colony.
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identical padded jackets, hats and boots, some are watching our film crew with undisguised interest, i just want to call them children, at first glance, ordinary boys, but they are hedgehogs, that’s what they were called in the colony, the discipline here is strict, the daily routine is scheduled minute by minute, special attention is paid to education, the lessons are exactly the same as in a regular school, true, in one class there may well be both fourteen and seventeen year olds.
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there are guys who come to you who don’t know how to read, write, or count. yes, there is such a category. there are few of them, there are few of them, but it really exists. uh, some guys just dropped out of school, didn't go, it was just for them, as they say, we don’t need this school, we’re not interested in it. and the parents, the parents are just behind them. didn’t look, good luck guys, sit down, let’s go into the classroom, a regular classroom, blackboard, desks, students, everyone has short hair, the same clothes, let’s see how the lesson is going, so guys, today...
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we made sentences connected by what unions? connecting, coordinating, we call them, not even hedgehogs, ordinary guys, gnawing on the granite of science, but in a conversation familiar to adult zones they are not distinguished by slang, one of the pupils is daniil chernyaev, he is already 18, he is from the moscow region... voskresensk, sentenced to 5 years in prison for
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drug trafficking, in the near future he will be transferred to an adult colony, but for now he is here as a juvenile, chernyaev with regret he remembers the time when he was bookmarking, i received about 10,000 rubles. 10 thousand rubles for taking the bookmark and moving it somewhere else, yes, but the money came to your card, yes it really came, yes it came? i seemed to like it, well , i liked it for a while, but it seemed like you didn’t do anything, it seemed like you didn’t do anything like that, and you kind of got the money, but daniil couldn’t stop engaging in criminal activity, because the money flowed like a river, how much money did you actually earn? on these bookmarks, approximately, if if if like this, about a million million rubles, somewhere? despite the gravity
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of the crime and the lengthy sentence, daniil chernyaev looks at the future with optimism; he runs a cable television studio in the colony, studies computer programs, it seems he he really realized everything and truly repents, not on camera. well , first of all, i want to apologize to my mother, because my mother always wanted the best for me, so i honestly understand her in this and how i would like to help her in this somehow. to help her so that everything is fine, for me, yes, now i am very ashamed of this, the fact that i am in such a place, and about the guys who are now working at the bookmarks, what do i want to say, guys, myself? in fact, going to bookmarks is very stupid, yes, you will work for a month, two, six months, maybe even a year, but then you have the same curators for
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whom you work, they will screw you up, in the end you may not even serve 5 years. from ten to twenty, and there it could be for life, so think about where you are going, do you need it? in the colony , all conditions were created for criminal boys: living rooms for four people, study, five meals a day, many did not have this in the wild, there the father was often an alcoholic or the mother was a drug addict, who did not care about their own children, and was involved in their upbringing.. .street, so what else before the colony, many had mastered the thieves' jargon well and acquired tattoos, well , a lot of work is being done, i say again, especially with the criminal subculture, all the employees are determined only to ensure that it never exists here, well, in any case, the guys come, criminally infected, especially
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those who grew up on the street and communicated with those, you know, who served more than a year or two, boys, boys, yes, the fates of the boys of the bryansk correctional colony are different, sometimes convicts arrive here in stages boys from quite prosperous families, these are my kind, who have been here since the end of january. anastasia danilovskaya, a mother of many children from moscow, she has eight children, one of her sons is sixteen-year-old daniil. ended up behind bars for committing a monstrous crime, we won’t talk about it for poetic reasons, but for his mother the young man still remains the best and most beloved. today anastasia came to the colony on a date. i am very grateful to the leadership of the children’s prison colony in the city of bryansk,
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because they provide such an opportunity, long-term visits for parents with their sons and children. to communicate in private, directly, well, what can i say, because it’s not always possible to do this at home, it’s not always possible, while i was in the season, here in moscow, as if there was no such opportunity, right here, probably, thank you very much, they kissed, they just kissed and hugged, that’s all, i really thank them very much, that’s all. "but let's not forget that we are in a colony, even though it is for minors, but the crimes that the convicts committed are not at all childish and sometimes even creepy. let's talk to another a pupil of the institution, yegor zaitsev, a muscovite, an article for selling drugs on an especially
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large scale, you look at him, an ordinary guy, not a drug lord at all. well, i decided to find an easy way to make money, did it work? no, how did it all happen? i probably found some in telegram? well, yes, i came across an article there and looked at what they offered? well, you can make a little money there quickly, so i’ve decided. the earnings, according to zaitsev, were modest; the term ultimately turned out to be significant. how did your parents react when they found out that you were detained? perhaps they called their parents on business? well, yes , of course mom was shocked, when you saw mom, what did mom say to you? well, at first they didn’t believe it, the fact that this happened, it seems, we need to feel sorry for the young man who found himself in bad company and committed a crime, his parents, serious, respected people, but it doesn’t work out, because
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it’s unknown how many of the same boys were addicted to the deadly dangerous substance. of our society, but is a fight over a neighborhood, over the wrong clothes, or something else really worth five, or even ten.
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court, and after the verdict they can go to prison; perhaps their bad example will warn other teenagers who
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still will not take the wrong path. this is how we saw the problem of youth criminal groups, this was our investigation from different regions of the country, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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news, i invite you to our new release of the author’s program bissagon tv, it will be called: “does crime have punishment?” i hope you will understand why we named our program this way, and i look forward to seeing you.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about most importantly, but today. with the latest news , vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, to urgently fly to the orenburg region. he must organize on the spot all the necessary work to assist people and eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. he also said that governor denis pasler told the president in detail about the state of affairs in the flood zone and the measures being taken.


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