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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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meanwhile, in orsk, orenburg region in the area of ​​the old city, this evening there was a third dam break on the ural river, as the governor said, almost 4,500 houses have already been flooded, more than 1,100 people have been evacuated, an evacuation has been announced in orenburg itself, which is also in danger of sexual assault. the water in the ural river has risen almost to a critical level from the affected region, reports maria valieva. evacuation continues in the old city, the water is becoming more and more, the current is very... rescuers move along flooded roads on a caterpillar conveyor on ural and kamaz vehicles. these guys are vigilantes from the russian community. while driving through the streets, we saw pensioners in one of the houses; they were immediately put into a boat and helped into the back. tell me, why weren’t you evacuated yesterday? yes, my grandfather went crazy in the evening, his blood pressure rose greatly. as soon as messages about evacuation arrived, most collected all the necessary things and...
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water cut off the old city from the new, the road was flooded, and the soil under the rails was rapidly eroding. situation in the old part orsk is complex, the embankment dam, which partially collapsed, was designed for a level of the ural river of 5.5 m, now it is much higher, all emergency services are working at the site of the breakthrough, the prosecutor's office is conducting an inspection, already...
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residents of another microdistrict are at risk, experts say that the dam can break through near the villages of lesotorgovy, nikel, as well as near the streets of builders and boris glebsky, a group of forces of the ministry of emergency situations of russia is now concentrated there, we are not waiting for it...
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to stabilize, about 380 houses and 470 plots. employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, together with regional rescuers, pumped out about 140,000 cubic meters of water from local areas and erected 17 temporary dumps with a length of 10 km. targeted assistance was provided to 400 residents. aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aircraft continues in the biysk salton region. in the samara region per day, the number of flooded residential buildings near... garbage, water is pumped out from basements, 456 people were evacuated from the flooding zone, including 74 children. currently unavailable transport links with two
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settlements. in the chelyabinsk region, seven settlements remain under the control of the russian ministry of emergency situations, where 28 residential buildings and 67 household plots were sunk, however, within a day. 12 houses and 30 plots were vacated. large-scale floods are now in kazakhstan ; it is reported that more than half of the territory of the republic has already been flooded; an emergency situation is in force in ten regions to combat the elements... kazakhstan is faced with the worst natural disaster in its history; spring floods have turned flooding on a scale the country has never seen before. president takaev stated this in
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his emergency address to the nation due to the worsening situation. at the end of the week, takaev, in order to assess the scale of the disaster, went to the western kazakhstan region that was most affected at that time. already then he called to prepare for the worsening of the situation, the peak of the floods had not yet passed, there would be more water, this is what happened at the moment, a state of emergency was declared in ten regions of the country. a natural disaster occurred that was equal to that which never happened many years. possibly the largest disaster in terms of scale and consequences in over 80 years, a local emergency has been declared due to the floods. in ten regions of the country, a republican headquarters has been created, headed by the prime minister, and the head of government, his deputies and the minister of emergency situations visit the affected regions. all rescue work on the ground is under
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my personal control. akimats of the affected regions are working around the clock. everyone is mobilized to fight the disaster resources, this is not only the ministry of emergency situations, but also the ministry of internal affairs, the national guard. at night , a deterioration of the situation in the west of kazakhstan was recorded, about 12 thousand people were taken out of the city of kulsary, despite the fact that for more than two weeks the residents were preparing for the arrival of water, erecting fortifications, but the elements turned out to be stronger, now flooding threatens the capital of the region , atirau, but the geography of the disaster is very the wide tobol river in the kostonay region of kazakhstan, located near the borders of russia, may overflow its banks along its entire channel, rescuers warned. local officials complain about rude miscalculation by weather forecasters, they predicted that the largest reservoirs, verkhnetobolskoye and karatamarskoye, should have received up to 700 million cubic meters of water over the entire spring period. in fact, in the last 2 days alone, the two reservoirs accounted for more than a billion
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cubic meters. residents of kustanay were urged to prepare documents and essentials in case an emergency evacuation is required. humanitarian aid is being collected all over the country, and neighbors are also helping. takaev called on the nation to unite, promised that they would not leave anyone in trouble, it has already been given an order to the government to unseal the state reserve to compensate for the damage caused, but it will only be possible to evaluate it when the water goes away, for now it continues to remain. robert frantsev, armanbeletov, tatyana safarova, kazakhstan, central asian news bureau. now a short advertisement, then we will continue, stay with us. you have a uniform, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up
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avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from, you’re retired, vtb is retired - the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, together everything will work out. at night, russian troops launched a group attack on the ukrainian military airfields, military-industrial complex enterprises and places of deployment of foreign mercenaries, this was reported, the military department was also told about the situation in the main directions of the northern military district, denis alekseev has the details: this is no longer a high-precision arrival itself, the detonation of a huge number. passes to the launchers, they were the original target of our military. strikes
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are carried out only on strategic infrastructure and military facilities . the ukrainian armed forces' equipment continues to be hidden in residential areas of kharkov, hiding behind civilians, but our missilemen are worked out delicately. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation defeated the personnel and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. in 133 districts. during the night , enterprises where armored vehicles were produced and repaired were also hit in ukrainian regions. the target was airfields where they were preparing to receive western f-16 fighters. tonight, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with long-range, sea-based, air-launched, high-precision weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles at enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, carrying out. production and repair of armored vehicles and uavs, military airfield and temporary
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deployment point for foreign mercenaries. these are attack aircraft, the su-25 attack aircraft pilots the day before disrupted the rotation of militant units in the north donetsk direction. unguided aircraft missiles were used. the crew protected themselves as much as possible, while leaving no choice to the enemy. the armed forces of ukraine suffered serious losses in personnel during time of transfer of units. these are shots of the last seconds afloat of the ukrainian boat, which was used to cross the dnieper. the river landing force of the ukrainian armed forces tried to gain a foothold on the left bank of the river, but again failed. ours. attack drones have worked on targets, drone operators are keeping control of the dnieper waters and are just about to kill. at night , the movement of watercraft along the dnieper river was monitored. five enemy boats were hit by artillery strike unmanned aerial vehicles in loading areas landing and when trying to approach the left bank. throughout the kherson direction
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, ukrainian units lost about fifty people in one day, just like that out of the blue.
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bydanov stabbed the governor at the exit of the kfor, the suspect was detained at the scene of the crime, and the head of the murmansk region was taken to the hospital, successfully operated on, then transferred to intensive care, and the night before he was flown by helicopter to murmansk, where he will undergo further rehabilitation. according to friends, bydanov acted as usual
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life, almost didn’t communicate with your neighbors, you have a family, you don’t, but you have children, you do have children. in his hospital bed, bydanov behaved quietly, which prompted him to attack the governor; this is one of the most important issues for the investigation. oleg posobin, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, lead the murmansk region. today the international crew of the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft returned from orbit. these are russian oleg novitsky, american laurel ohara and the first female cosmonaut of belarus, marina vasilevska. the expedition's first flight to the iss was. and for ohara, the ship's lander the soyuz with the crew on board landed in the steppes in southwestern kazakhstan, the landing was reported to be normal, the crew is feeling well, now there are seven more people left on the iss, three russians, three russians and four americans. the semi-final of the competition has started in yekaterinburg, this is our family
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organizer, the presidential platform russia land of opportunities, more than 170 family teams from all regions of the urals are participating. federal district, among them professional dynasties, teachers, beekeepers, metallurgists, as well as representatives family business. parents and children compete in dexterity, ingenuity, wit, solve problems together and pass tests. the most important condition of the competition is that all three generations must be present, otherwise their exchange of knowledge, exchange of experience, and, most importantly, communication will lead to the fact that families will begin to be more proud of each other, proud... of their family members, in order to continue to develop and become an even more friendly family. well, urgent messages are now coming from the orenburg region at these moments. vorske
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a dam broke in the area of ​​bresaglepskaya street. water is rapidly flowing into the city, mergu stated. he noted that all local residents, as well as residents of three villages , urgently need to evacuate so as not to remain blocked in their homes, as happened in the old city, let me remind you that it is completely flooded and it is now possible to move there only by boats, people are taken to temporary accommodation centers located in safe areas of the city, well, now a short advertisement, right after our broadcast will continue with a documentary film by vladimir solovyov, about the 109th week. new soup, soup, everyone needs this, they need it, again it seems to me that i’m spinning, my head is spinning like alphas in yandex food, get 20% cashback
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this is a video recording of an assault on an enemy position, i know, that is, he is leading him, yes, that’s it, prepare a grenade, along the trench straight, and throw a grenade to the left, where the white bags go straight along the trench, the enemy is in the cover on the left, go straight, that's it, here's a grenade to the left, here's a grenade to the left, no, but the grenade is still good, good, please.
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straight straight straight right right grenade throw a grenade throw throw a grenade working everyone's voices you know all yours all mine oh short let's get closer i'll throw a grenade straight.
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where, matarich colonel? we are in a populated area, it doesn’t matter which one, what matters is the province. kharkov region. war started with the rank of major, commander of an anti-aircraft division. it happened. yes, we entered the kharkov region, received a battalion, and, well, a company, at that time we completed the task with the company. further.
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by decree of the president of the russian federation , they were awarded for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of military duty.
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i was also in the medical, that’s right, then i myself came under fire and ended up in the hospital with a serious injury, but i returned anyway, that’s right, i came back, continued my service, and where did i come from, i’m from the republic of abkhazia, expression of the novgorod region, the city of boraichi, contract soldier, that’s right, the first award or it already was, the awards are the first state award, this is our living legend, but when i call you hare, hare, my dear hare, here you go, a story about a hare, in difficult conditions, i shot down the so-called baba yaga, a drone, here are two baba yagas in one evening, you killed two at once, under fire, that is, under fire from the enemy, the baba yaga was walking directly against him, why did you take it off, machine gun, closures, weapons, that is, nothing from the park, straight from
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kalash, everything that is on not. yes, yes, well done, this is our legend, the russian service, i shot more by the sound, so intuitively, or i saw it well when i was working, well, on the nights when the moon is standing, at night, you can see it’s good, what was the distance, well, not it was very far away, well , that is, it was already completely dangerous, already , well, of course, it could have already been thrown off, that ’s right, where is it from, samara region itself, so what what after that wolf after that the first not the first state award first family no wife there that the wife is not family or what? stop having children while there are no children , there will be children, due to what we win, what are we talking about today? spirit, about the spirit, our fighter, i
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will say, 10 minutes of active broadcast, that is , active combat, makes everything clear, rethink how strong the persistent spirit of our fighter is, at the initial stage i had to work with a machine gun myself, in the psychology of the storm of the coming year, you know, not a damn thing, but now , when was the last time you had to shoot, listen, only at the training ground, only at the training ground, and according to which, that is, now the main weapon of the walkie-talkie, yes, but the soldiers know that the commander is the best, that is, including what they do, so it is necessary...


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