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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. the urals reached several microdistricts on sunday night and may reach a critical level, the governor’s press service stated. in total, almost 4,500 residential buildings were flooded in the region, about half of them in orsk. in the perenburg region a state of emergency has been declared. situations at the regional level.
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authorities urge residents of the affected areas not to refuse to evacuate. in the region launched a unified 24-hour call center. information on all issues related to the emergency situation can be obtained by calling the short number 1 2 2. the authorities call the situation in orsk critical; according to the ministry of emergency situations, the flood zone is expanding. the dam has already been breached at three points; these are the pictures local residents are posting online. there is a danger that in the coming hours the entire residential sector in the old town of orsk will be flooded, residents are being evacuated, regional and municipal services, rescuers, emergency... local services are working on the spot
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administration and police are going around houses, a warning siren is also working, according to the ministry of emergency situations, 33 temporary accommodation points have been prepared for 23 people at 23.00. report from the scene of the event by our special correspondent maria valeeva. evacuation continues in the old city, the water is becoming more and more, the current is very strong. on flooded roads, rescuers move on a caterpillar conveyor and in ural and.
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the soil is eroded. the situation in the old part of orsk is complex; the embankment dam, which partially collapsed, was designed to the level of the ural river is 5.5 m. now it is much higher. all emergency services are at the scene of the breakthrough. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. it has already been established that the dam, which was commissioned in 2010, was not properly maintained. based on
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the results of the inspection by the regional prosecutor's office , the inspection materials were sent to the investigative body to decide whether to initiate a criminal case. a criminal case was opened under two articles on negligence and violation of safety rules during the construction and maintenance of a critical object. during the preliminary investigation , a legal assessment will be given to the actions of the officials responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of this facility. there was a briefing at the city administration building, governor. orenburg region denis pasler discussed the current situation in orsk and ordered to double payments to all victims of the flood. the issue of property damage and subsequent loss of housing restoration is determined according to what is in the houses, of course, it is significantly more expensive than the amount it was, so we hope that , of course, with these payments we will be able to partially. of course, cover the costs.
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meanwhile, in orsk the situation is increasingly tense, residents of another microdistrict are being urgently evacuated, all residents are asked to urgently take necessary things to leave their homes. on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, another train of rescuers flew to the city on an ill-76 plane. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and maya alenova, conduct the orenburg region. in the altai region the situation in flooded areas is gradually stabilizing; about 380 houses and 470 plots have been freed from water. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, russia, together with regional rescuers, pumped out the brownies. water, 17 temporary dams with a length of 10 km were erected, and targeted assistance was provided to 400 residents. aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aircraft continues in the biysk salton region. in the samara region , the number of flooded residential buildings
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decreased by a third per day. rescuers are helping people. they clear the yards from what they brought. floods of garbage, pumping water out of basements. 456 people were evacuated from the flood zone. including 74 children. at the moment there are no transport links with two settlements. in the chelyabinsk region , seven settlements remain under the control of the russian ministry of emergency situations, where 28 residential buildings and 67 private plots are flooded. at the same time, 12 houses and 30 plots were freed from water within 24 hours. at night, russian troops launched a group strike on ukrainian military airfields, military-industrial complex enterprises and locations foreign mercenaries. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the military department also spoke about the situation in the main
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directions of the northern military district. denis alekseev has details. this is no longer a high-precision arrival itself, but the detonation of a huge amount. ammunition for launchers, they were the original target of our military. strikes are carried out only on strategic infrastructure and military facilities . the ukrainian armed forces' equipment continues to be hidden in residential areas of kharkov, hiding behind civilians, but our missilemen are working on it in a meticulous manner. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation defeated manpower and military equipment. during the night , enterprises where armored vehicles were produced and repaired were also hit in ukrainian regions. the target was airfields where they were preparing to receive western f-16 fighters. tonight, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with
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long-range, sea-launched, high- precision weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft to enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. foreign mercenaries. this is attack aircraft. the day before, pilots of su-25 attack aircraft disrupted the rotation of militant units in the north donetsk direction. unguided aircraft missiles were used. the crew protected themselves as much as possible, while leaving no choice to the enemy. the ukrainian armed forces suffered serious losses in personnel during the transfer of units. and this is footage of the last seconds afloat of the ukrainian boat, which was used to force the dnieper. the river landing force of the ukrainian armed forces tried to gain a foothold on the left bank of the river, but again failed. our attack drones have worked on their targets, the drone operators are keeping control of the
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dnieper waters and are just about to hit them. at night , the movement of floating craft along the dnieper river was monitored. five enemy boats were hit by artillery strike drones. devices in places where troops are loaded and when trying to approach the left bank. in the entire kherson direction, ukrainian units lost about fifty people per day, like this on level place. what can we say about those areas where our military is rapidly moving deep into the enemy’s defenses. west of avdiivka, the center group, for example, again improved its tactical position, repelling 12 counterattacks. three ukrainian tanks were scrapped, with losses in the ssu of about 300 people. lead. meanwhile, new evidence has emerged that foreign mercenaries are fighting on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. when examining the militants who took part in recent attacks by ukrainian saboteurs on the belgorod region and were destroyed in battle, they found fragments of equipment and personal belongings,
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including recordings from helmet-mounted video cameras, which confirm that we are talking about hired military personnel from the united states. these are the details our war correspondent yevgeny podubny learned. this is footage. on helmet cameras of americans who participated in terrorist attacks on the belgorod border area. the cameras were discovered by our soldiers while searching the bodies of liquidated militants. this is more important.
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showed the differences like airsoft and paintpal levels of team dedication. behind the actions of the enemy and ordinary mercenaries militants of the kiev regime, our fighters are watching from the air, waiting for most of the enemy’s forces to be concentrated in one place, and in a neighboring building they are giving each other medical treatment.
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and this is a first-person view: an enemy group is trying to get out from under fire, this is what our fighters are waiting for. in the area where the formation of the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of ukraine tried to break through our line of defense in order to organize information provocations during the presidential elections in russia, there are still dozens of bodies of eliminated militants, many of them are foreigners. it is already known that...
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neo-nazis were also included in the detachments of the main intelligence directorate. the leaders of the kiev regime even tried to form an amusing cossack detachment according to the behests of the fascist criminal general von panwitz. this is the result of an inspection of the personal belongings of liquidated ukrainian militants. death's heads - nazi symbols. attempts by the kiev regime to present the operation in the belgorod direction as an attack by neo-vlasovites. failed, and now it is clear from the equipment of the participants in the operation what kind of the western curators of the regime are responsible for terrorist actions. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, news: belgorod borderland. alexander bydanov, who was charged with an armed attack on murmansk governor andrei chibis, was arrested by court order for 2 months. for some time he will remain under guard in the clinic where he is now. is undergoing treatment, let us remind you that during his arrest he himself received a gunshot wound,
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a court hearing was held right in the hospital today, oleg posobin’s report: a rare case in judicial practice, the accused of the attempt on the life of the governor lies on a mobile bed, in the ward of the apatity-kirov central city hospital under the supervision of the police, bailiffs , doctors, because of the simplicity they are not immediately visible , the handcuffs are not immediately visible, the mobile court chooses a preventive measure for the patient. i will ask members of the media and members of the public to leave. the accused attacked andrei chibis with a knife and did not become a murderer, apparently only thanks to the efforts of the surgeons of the same hospital; the accused does not hide his motives. you had an unpleasant relationship with to the governor, while the investigative action is ongoing, while i will not give any comments, if the opportunity arises to change , apologize to the governor, will you do it? no, yes, yes, yes. andrei chibis was seriously wounded at about 9 pm on april 4 at the exit from a recreation center in apatity. the operation lasted longer.
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what could have made him decide to kill remains to be determined by the investigator; the court arrested bydanov for 2 months. the meeting took place as usual, and accordingly a decision was made to select a preventive measure in form of detention and the corresponding decision was made in accordance with the conclusion of the prosecutor. the accused will spend the first days under arrest in a single hospital ward under guard. the news about the choice of preventive measures
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is quite often announced against the backdrop of the trial, but now it is happening at the emergency department. bydanov after recovery. from the traumatology department will be transported to a cell in the pre-trial detention center. oleg posobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the murmansk region. the international crew returned to earth after a two-week expedition to the iss. the first belarusian participant in the space flight, marina vasilevskaya, and roscosmos cosmonaut oleg navitsky have already arrived in the star city. there they will undergo rehabilitation. let me remind you that novitsky and vasilevskaya were delivered to the iss on march 25 by a russian soyuz spacecraft. 25, this was his fourth flight, and she was in orbit for the first time. the president of belarus alexander lukashenko also watched vasilevskaya’s return to earth. i watched live the undocking from the pieced-off device, when your children will be in space, you will understand what a citizen of belarus is in space, so
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of course i’m glad that everything happened okay, i watched it several times. personnel, the launch of the first power unit of the rupur nuclear power plant in the republic of bangladesh, which is being built with the help of russia already at the finish line, the nuclear power plant will begin producing electricity at the end of the year, why this project is so important for ordinary bengalis in a special report by evgeny davidov. a hand-held flashlight illuminates a simple environment, a sleeping place is a home altar, just like that, especially in rural areas, millions of bengalis live, it gets dark early here, and electricity is only provided for several hours a day, and they try to save it. the family of nasir
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ubinbandal, wealthy by the standards of their village , has their own eco-hotel, where travelers around the country sometimes stop. stable source of clean energy, the life
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cycle of arupur is 60 years, with the possibility of extension for another 20. the most exciting stage begins, this year we move on to fiscus, and then every day, every hour of every minute we understand how to physical launch to come to a working unit, we see a very interested, i would say even mobilized position of the londej authorities, specialists, in general, we will justify this trust, we will do everything to justify it. the nuclear power plant is being built 160 km from dhaka, the capital of the state. the project is unique; it was developed specifically for this area. the climatic conditions here are difficult; powerful cyclones regularly hit bangladesh, leading to flooding. the seismic region is also turbulent, so a nuclear power plant with a large safety margin is being created. the station will operate using the most modern and efficient nuclear fuel. it was delivered to the rupur six months ago, during which time
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a tremendous amount of work has been done to ensure safety. also, russian nuclear scientists plan to increase the top. from a year to a year and a half, which means economic efficiency will increase even more. there are thousands of people at the construction site, work on the first and second power units is going on in parallel, hundreds of kilometers of wires are laid, thousands of tons of metal structures are installed. maintain a high pace despite extreme humidity, almost +40 outside. it’s even hotter inside, where the welders and reinforcement workers work. the weather conditions are not very difficult, but in principle everything is fine, this is not the first year in this area, we understand everything, we teach our begal colleges.
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despite the fact that the control of a nuclear power plant
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is a fully automated process, human control over the operation of all components and assemblies of the station is constant, safety is paramount, well, here is the workplace of the unit shift supervisor, here is the reactor shop staff, this can be said to be the brain of the first power unit, the console management of everything. a huge station, from here all commands come and all technological systems are controlled. here we are checking the emergency cooling complex and the operation of the pumping units of the safety systems. the process is being closely followed by a new generation of bengali nuclear scientists. almost all of them were trained in russia at the novovoronezh nuclear power plant. literally in front of you, they have just spilled one of the soos hydraulic tanks onto an open reactor with the collection of samples. future nuclear power plant employees study the functionality of hundreds
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buttons, practice skills that will be useful to them during operation of the nuclear power plant. one of the most densely populated countries in the world, of course. it amazes with its color, public life is right on the streets, here people wash, cook, dine, and what immediately catches your eye is, of course, the incredible friendliness of the guests. over a thousand people per square kilometer, more than 170 million inhabitants, for clarity, this is if you take the entire population of russia, add to it the entire population of kazakhstan and settle everyone together within the borders, for example, in the vologda region, in recent years
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there has been a construction boom in bangladesh, the country's population is growing, everyone needs somewhere to live, there are more than 700 such brick factories throughout the country, no one knows the exact number, and a significant part of these factories operate illegally, and bricks are made here like this the same as many centuries ago. with the use of coal and what damage it causes to the environment, it is difficult to imagine with the advent of the peaceful atom, the confident power of bangladesh will come and new technologies will come, and while working conditions are far from comfortable and safe, most of the production is manual labor, clay is extracted from a quarry, then it is mixed with water to form a building mass, we put all this in this wooden mold, then everything dries and fired. both men and women, take care of entire families
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or villages, no protective equipment or special clothing, hence frequent injuries and lung problems. textiles from bangladesh can be found, perhaps, in any closet, in any country on the planet; the production and sale of clothing is the main part. waters of the state, at a factory in the city of rajahi, which is located on the border with india, they produce good fabrics, but in the conditions familiar to all factory workers: there is little electricity, dim light bulbs, there is not enough light in the evenings, the working day is shortened, with the launch of a nuclear power plant, the bengalis say, everything should change for the better. bangladesh is becoming a favorite place for investment, foreign companies are coming here en masse, mainly the textile country is a world leader in clothing exports, and also... famous for your show, these machines are from colonial times, and of course, they need updating.
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the idea of ​​electrifying the country through peaceful. atom was born in bangladesh more than half a century ago, when the country gained independence, at the same time the first agreements with the soviet union appeared, but they did not have time to implement the project, a revolution occurred in bangladesh. today, the need for affordable, and most importantly environmentally friendly, reliable energy is only growing, so many pengals look to russia with hope. the attitude towards foreigners here is positive, but when they find out that we are russians, from russia, it is even more positive. they remember that one here the contribution that the soviet union made to the development of this country. the entire country is waiting for the launch of the first nuclear power plant in bangladesh without involving it, as well as for further joint development of nuclear energy with russia. the republic is interested in the construction of two more power units. the possibility of constructing a high-power multi-purpose research reactor is being discussed. we offer.
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the entire range of our supplies, our competencies, this includes the construction of small nuclear power plants, including floating ones, and bangladesh, as you know, both sea and river power, this is the creation of centers of nuclear science and technology, in the interests of nuclear medicine, in the interests of agriculture, in the interests of scientific research, and these are orders for hundreds of russian enterprises in nuclear related industries and significant revenues. rusatom says it is ready to cooperate with everyone who understands the importance of energy sovereignty, and asian countries have long been the focus of attention of russian nuclear scientists, because the prospects for development in this region are enormous. bengali lyrics accompanied by harmonica in mangrove faces, not far from the construction of a nuclear power plant, russian specialists managed to solve a difficult task: to strengthen beregagan. and
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at the same time not to disturb the unique natural balance, such a careful attitude towards nature was, of course, appreciated here, the launch of the first aesr reactor is getting closer, the plans are for december of this year, it was you who stole the dagger from your grandfather at the age of 7, this is for you, guys from the yard they said, fighter, you were never afraid of a fight, this is with you, her. everywhere is calm, it’s you that friends can always rely on, it’s you who can’t stay in aside, it’s you, and here you are, among your own people, it’s great.
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