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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. the flood in the orenburg region became the heaviest in the entire history of observations in the region. governor denis pasler announced this. the influx of meltwater has decreased slightly, but remains at a record level. the number of flooded residential buildings exceeded 6.00.
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within the city limits, there is a danger that several villages nearby, under threat of flooding , will flood the entire residential sector in the old city of orsk within hours, residents are being evacuated, regional and municipal authorities are working on the spot...
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on ural and kamaz vehicles. these guys are vigilantes from the russian community. while driving through the streets, we saw pensioners in one of the houses; they were immediately put into a boat and helped into the back. tell me, why weren’t you evacuated yesterday? yes, he freaked me out in the evening, his blood pressure rose greatly. as soon as messages about evacuation arrived, most collected all the necessary things and left, but did not have time to remove the animals. they left the animals, when they arrived, the water had already arrived, the animals remained there, specialists from the leader center came to the rescue and pulled them out sheep rams. but not everyone is in a hurry to leave their homes, here is a man sitting in the attic watching the flow of water, with a dog nearby. will you be evacuating? water cut off the old city from the new and was flooded. the road under
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the rails is rapidly eroding the soil. the situation in the old part of orsk is a complex embankment dam, which partially collapsed, and was designed for a level of the ural river of 5.5 m. now it is much higher. all emergency services are at the scene of the breakthrough. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. it has already been established that the dam, which was put into operation in 2010 year.
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well, now a short advertisement, immediately after watch daria gonieva’s special report on the civilian fleet about how private design bureaus are designing drones for the special military. operations, and after it the broadcast will continue with arkady mamontov’s documentary from the series and there was an incident in the war, the heroine of the new issue is twenty-eight-year-old nurse chairs christina kim, she carried 12 wounded soldiers from the battlefield and became a real guardian angel for her colleagues. are you sure you chose? or listened to a fashion blogger at bigfest you definitely choose, chicken hit for 79 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank, delicious, period. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. where can one go
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shells. and there was an urgent need to accurately hit the enemy’s equipment, manpower and dugouts. and they cope with this very well in pivid. while garage developers were reluctant to talk about their activities in the first year of the svo, civilians they are not legally allowed to make military equipment, but now they are coming out of the shadows, their assistance to the army is being noted by the top military leadership. small medium-sized businesses are often faster than departmental enterprises with their regulations in coping with the challenges that ordinary soldiers on the front line face today, such as setting up a continuous conveyor belt for the production of fpv drones or electronic warfare equipment. this is actually very good, since many of the products that are made in garages are quite effective and you need a lot of products. each has its own market, and how artisanal workshops of enthusiasts grow into modern companies that... daily increase their capacity to win.
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the man with the call sign hubert has 10 months in the zone and hundreds of hours of flight time. he was a uav operator and worked in the bakhmut direction. bakhmut, there were a lot of problems with the chinese equipment that was sent to us, the enemy very quickly discovered it, extinguished the signal, problems with this very often arose, directly, well, as an operator, there were also problems with the lack of remote antennas for these products, and well... endangered the operator himself. it was these problems that forced
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enthusiasts to develop their own drone. you know, i just sincerely want to help the guys, so that they return home alive to their families, so that this ends as soon as possible. the algorithm is like this, in general, initially we have guys, yes, here are ours, our daredevils, ah, they, uh, go to... with and there with the units they collect information from them, that is, some wishes, like this all applies, in general, then they experience it all, there in the sfoda zone, in some parts. engineers from this small laboratory have been working on unmanned vehicles for about 3 years, they started for purely civilian purposes, but when the svo began, they threw all their efforts into developing a new model that took into account all the wishes. unlike many products, we have achieved
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that it can be lifted in very windy weather, with gusts of wind, but i personally flew on it up to 25 m/second, it did not turn over, it was stable on positions, did not move it anywhere, a little rain was also carried out... nothing happened to the device, it flew to its destination and returned successfully. the quadcopter is equipped with a digital camera and a thermal imager, it can work at night, it is positioned as an attack and reconnaissance device, there is a mount for ammunition, well, the line includes aircraft- type drones and a water-based drone is being tested in the rap. also , a platform for evacuating the wounded and delivering ammunition has already successfully proven itself in action and...
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a loading platform, also possible from behind its further work, in the middle we attach a cart, if there is a need for additional loading for transportation, respectively, third fighters, here we can... in addition , some kind of weapon can be used as a traveling weapon, that is, we can put it on tour, among the products , electronic warfare laboratories, this installation is capable of jamming the signal of enemy drones within a radius of one and a half kilometers. in fact, our niche of drones in russia is not so well developed, so it’s impossible to say that there are ready-made specialists, yes, who you just take them and they do something. there are guys who are not generally interested in this topic, but they have
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a certain desire and persistence to overcome some difficulties, that’s why the guys in general are engineers, and there are guys from may, and this moscow institute of astronomical engineering, and festeh, and moscow state university, the developer, who introduced himself as nikolai, is a final year student at one of the moscow universities , majoring in engineering. i work on drones and other aircraft on the seventh class, well, it seems to me that it is my civic duty to help my country, homeland and... people who give their lives for us, often have to miss classes because you don’t have time to do everything, very often we work at night, but how when our grandfathers and great-grandfathers accomplished this feat, and this time we will also have to accomplish it. the laboratory can produce no more than 130 units per day, but at the forefront
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, thousands of them are needed; in order to increase production capacity, the garage workshop must become an enterprise, recruit a staff of highly qualified pay specialists... salaries, we are talking about the phenomenon of military startups. fpv drone with the audible name ghoul, destroyed boats with landing forces on the dnieper, dugouts, fortifications and enemy equipment. this copter was developed by enthusiasts from the sverdlovsk region. if we talk about the damaged equipment that was able to catch up with our drone, then we can boast of several leopards, also swedish, swedish copies of leopards-122, and many different lightly armored vehicles. the development team was assembled by the administrator telegram channel "turned in war". the goal was to make, in fact, a one-way consumable as cheap as possible, and at the same time equip the device with an ammunition cocking system
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and a fuse. money for the production of the people's drone was raised through donations. we succeeded for the first 9 million rubles. i was looking for a place where i could become useful to society, because i considered it necessary and necessary, to do something to win this war, one fine day, when i came to basic military training, courses, and comrades raised the topic of drones, i volunteered with the words that i can help his name... i’m figuring it out, take me, i’m ready to work for free, that’s what i expected, that it would already be ready, well, not that a workshop, at least an office, but as it all turned out, in fact, we came to a small nook where, from the very beginning, roughly speaking, they began to build production, a person from the team with the call sign
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of a thin railway engineer by education, worked in russian railways, and also in the production of batteries, there i gained technical experience with electronics. so i quickly mastered the assembly of drones, the team had to learn how to launch a full-cycle production from scratch, they invested their own funds, tried to attract business, at some stage the state began to help the developers, but so far they admit that this help is not enough. there have been many different proposals for cooperation with large companies, our russian giants, but they all risk ending up with what we expected.
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we make changes, that is, we have from planning changes to implementation conditionally one day, that is, we thought that we could do it better, how to do it better, the next day we are already doing this in a series, in large holdings, when all sorts of standards and guest regulations are already in place, unfortunately this cannot be done there, it is this flexibility, mobility, the ability to respond to a request from the front line literally the next day, this is what gives the people’s defense industry an advantage in the situation. when you need to constantly increase technical superiority over the enemy, there is no time for tenders and licensing, everything that works, must immediately go into battle. at the same time as drones, electronic warfare systems against enemy drones are being improved. here we present a portable jamming system from fpv drones - this is
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a portable version and a transport option for armored vehicles. technology, these devices provide protection against fpv drones, the most serious threat today at the front. a seven-kilogram backpack with antennas is a portable triton system that jams the uav signal on approach. unlike, for example, a gun, we work purposefully, seeing a drone or based on the equipment that detects a drone in a certain azimoth, this is our dome protection, since it is to protect the object. people, armored vehicles, that is, we form a dome to protect a certain radius there, and thus a drone that gets into this dome, it loses... useful if you are nearby or
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it emits, that is, this is not initially used in the close zone , but initially this is a system for carrying the installation, that is, it needs to go a certain distance, install it, turn it on, so that it works for provision, it is possible to install for quick installation on... protection cellular blockers, in principle , from cellular blockers and generators came, which we use to block drones, that is, this is such a new
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direction, this kind of alarm indicates that the drone is already in the area of ​​200-300 m from you, or maybe 100 m, i see it, i see the core over there. with the beginning of the svo, not only such massive means of suppressing drones became relevant, but also pocket analyzers of radio purity, in fact, means of individual fighter protection, which warns in advance about the approach of a drone. today we used a device called yurka at night and would like to leave our review. the device is good, it sees copters, it turns out to be a mavika, it even detected a kamekaze, well, yes. one thing, there is one thing, it turns out to be a non-directional antenna. the developers of the device quickly collect feedback from fighters and immediately release modified models. to save as
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many lives of military personnel as possible, businessman from krasnodar alexander barashkov sold part of his own business, to use the proceeds to launch the production of compact drone detectors. from my life experience, from the experience of a leader, well, i realized that this is the key story that. all the developers, all the groups, well , practically, i think i was able to grab 90 percent. the goal was to create a device that was as cheap and effective as possible. the cost of the detector is only 10,000 rubles. but
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it is able to warn about a drone 2 km away. this product operates in passive mode; it does not unmask positions in any way, and does not emit anything into the air. pressed the button hold it for a few seconds, it turns on, it immediately begins to analyze. let's say, the surrounding situation on the air, bluetooth sees, bluetooth sees, wi-fi sees, but we can bypass these signals, well, in general , what is the chronology, usually the fighters also have a wi-fi bridge there somewhere, somewhere there are some friendly signal sources, in general the device turned on, it scanned the environment, let’s say , it detected it. observed ranges of existing signals, then the person switches to one mode, remembering that in this range such a situation went into another, in principle,
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that’s all, then he just needs to select the alarm mode that he needs for the current situation, either it’s without sound, or it’s with vibration, it just starts buzzing like a telephone, or... it will be, well, squeaker, before the new year we already shipped about a thousand products there, now we are completing the shipment of a large batch, we have established serial production, this is roughly what is happening, a new signal has appeared, that is, a person, let’s say, has passed through with bluetooth or turned it on somewhere some kind of equipment, the nimble device was named in honor of yuri gagarin, because drones today are like a new space, in addition to detectors, alexander’s company produces... remotes for drone operators, glasses with the help of which control is carried out and many other devices at the request of fighters, alexander jokes like an army man fix price. unfortunately, they buy
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products at this stage.
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these are the developers, the garage workers, we quickly make decisions, we are ready to take these risks ourselves, we want to help the state, in this. russia is one of recognized world leaders in the production of electronic warfare equipment, but the armed forces of ukraine are daily improving their air attack systems, changing the firmware of drones, switching to other frequencies, so all methods of countering uavs, including these, are relevant. an enthusiast named andrey has been developing such a sitcom for a year now in his own barn in the moscow region. i am generally a builder, that is, i am engaged in the construction of wooden houses. in parallel with this , an episode arose when i saw andrey’s report felatova, this is journalist artie, when he
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was waiting. the quadcopter that was hovering above him, i wrote to him that why not use a net launcher for this purpose? he said that, well, there is a question, do these net launchers even exist? andrey was sure that the device for a quadcopter that shoots a net had been in mass production for a long time, but was surprised to discover that this was not the case. then, together with his wife and brother, he began to design his product. the difficulty was primarily in the weight. here's the current one.
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dozens of their sitcoms, they came to me military guys and i honestly told them that andrei has already sent several to the troops that something is not ready yet, something else, well , essentially this is a raw product, i have no practice in applying any solutions for this product , but apparently it was so necessary to provide it that the guys were ready to take it in the form it is now and... the guys themselves, some of them sent me instructions on how to use it correctly, because most likely even they they will teach me something, than i will tell them how to do it correctly. for the latest the development of garage kulibins is monitored by large companies of the russian military-industrial complex; startupers are invited to a meeting and offered support. over the past 2 years , it has become clear to the nwo that common tasks for the country can be solved much more effectively together; this will quickly lead to the long-awaited victory.
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it’s not easy to catch the pyro of a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on one of my friends decided relax there.


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