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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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is a punishment for the crime, but according to tradition, i will report to you our previous program on the russia 1 channel on the russia 24 channel on youtube on the telegram channel on the website on other... forms in total watched about 12 million people, so we, so to speak, are not losing our viewer for now, god willing. of course, our program today will begin with this terrible event that happened on march 22 in the crocus city hall concert hall. you all know what happened. but i
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'll remind you. people in camouflage uniforms with machine guns at point-blank range burst into the building, which accommodates up to 6,500 spectators, shooting people. then a fire started in the building. the hall is on fire, wait for us, come on! this is a terrible terrorist attack that occurred near moscow, in the moscow region, in krasnogorsk, as a result of which, at the time of recording our release, 144 people were killed and more than 55 were injured. i think that this is not the final figure, because many are still in hospitals in very serious condition. i will say right away that the scale of this tragedy has increased.
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and islam khalilov, and liza terekhova and others, this tragedy affected the whole country, and it’s true. you all know that four people who arrived in a white renault broke into the crocus building, stayed there for 18 minutes, managed
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to shoot a huge number of people and set this building on fire. then, apparently, having mixed with the panicking people, having managed... to throw off their ammunition, they got back into this renault, and drove off on it the same way, they drove almost 300 km towards the ukrainian border, where they were stopped and caught, of course the main question, as it was, remains, is who the customer was, who needed it, literally a few hours after what happened.
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instantly, the first thing that is done is to divert suspicion from ukraine, and look at how quickly, remember, just recently we talked in our program about navalny, how a few minutes after navalny’s death the whole world began to express condolences, accusing russia and putin of killing oppositionists, almost the same thing happened here, a few hours later the culprits were found.
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on the criminals and on the agent channel "doge" shows a screenshot from an account allegedly associated with isis, which is banned in russia, and reports that isis has taken responsibility for the terrorist attack in moscow. it soon becomes clear that this is it’s a fake, and the tv channel dozhd is forced to admit that, sorry, it was a mistake, it’s...
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a crime, let me remind you that apart from the fake that was thrown out in the rain, at this moment there is no evidence that isis did it, and besides those people. who know a little how martyrs act, they know that this is a different system, this is a different method, these shots were taken by the terrorists themselves in the stake of the concert hall, after the mass shooting of spectators, a group of four people is heading towards the exit towards the parking lot, they want to leave the scene of the crime as soon as possible, the radicals from isis would hardly do this, this is completely out of character and... behavior, compare with footage from kandahar in afghanistan: an isis
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suicide bomber blows himself up in the passage of a shopping center leading to a crowded square , eight dead and 20 wounded, a typical practice of religious fanatics. islamists and gil have a fundamentally different attitude towards their own lives. popular american blogger jack pasabetz noted: the radicals of the islamic state never leave. places of attack, these are suicide bombers who do not think about whether the special services will catch up with them or not, and even more so they do not shake like a leaf after being detained. i was struck by the fact that usually isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack, they usually want to become martyrs, none of the kropus shooters had a suicide belt, some world media, including in the united states, drew attention to this. host of the american channel danielis deep. reminded me of two more important nuances: isis religious fanatics never hide
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their faces on video during attacks, and they don’t kill for money, for them killing people is an exclusively religious act, here it’s not, here it’s just pure murder of unarmed, innocent people, this doesn’t look like isis, thank god, our president husband... and the patience not to speak out immediately after it happened, but to wait for time and wait until these four perpetrators are captured, information will appear that has a real basis, the main thing now is not to give it to those who stand behind this bloody massacre to commit new crimes, as for the investigation of this crime and... actions, at present we can say the following: all four
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of the direct executors of the terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, were found and detained, they tried to escape and were moving towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the ukrainian side to cross the state border, a total of 11 people were detained, the russian federal security service, other law enforcement agencies, they are working to identify and expose the entire terrorist base, those who provided them with transport, planned escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches of weapons and ammunition. and finally, the next morning the public has the opportunity to find out. see those who committed this crime. these are citizens of tajikistan,
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muhammad sabir faizov, shamsuddin fariduni, said karamir achalizada and dalerjon mirzoev, the leader was fariduni, shamsuddin. two of them, rachibalizada and fariduni, were recently in turkey and returned to russia on march 2. moreover, on march 7, fariduni even appeared in croco city hall, he was accidentally photographed by a photographer who was filming something there, well, probably, as one might assume, he was studying the situation, entrances, exits, movements, safe places , and so on and so forth , as they claim , they received the task in a telegram channel, and they were promised for carrying out this atrocity.
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fear, which aggravate the reaction, that is , by and large these were killer robots, this may... justify their action, no, let's go further, and a day later, on march 24, videos appear on the internet, as if from the first person, on behalf of those who killed people, moreover, they appear on isis resources, pay attention to how people have already been wounded, and
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maybe already killed in the blood lying on the floor is cut with knives, i wonder why isis?
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state of iraq, its leader was abu-umar al-baghdadi, who shortly before that, the americans had released from an iraqi prison. in 2016, this is precisely what julian assange wrote about, who published no less than 531,525 documents for 1979, where
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remember our program, watch. in syria, to overthrow bashar-assad, military assistance worth billions of dollars from the united states was received by the free syrian ss army, from where muslim and isis marriages, which are prohibited in our country, originated. and today, on the territory of syria, from the same syrian free army,
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brigades and detachments of terrorists who are fighting in ukraine against us are formed. is fighting in ukraine, and now i want you to look at these people, when, apparently, they recovered from anesthesia, how they behave, what the difference between those...
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it is possible, even if there are flammable materials, i repeat, i am an amateur, but i ask this question: i have a feeling that if there are no already made bookmarks in different
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places, in the right places that could catch fire at the same time, to engulf this entire building in flames, because a huge number of people died from carbon monoxide, i have a feeling that these four people were the laborers of this tragedy, but there was a mechanism, very professionally organized, and in general there is a lot of strange things here, look, if they wanted to hide, well , just logically, they would change five or six cars, abandoning their renna right there, they wouldn’t be going anywhere, they could just...
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accept, but why do they need them alive? who supposedly there was a window there that could have ordered this terrible, nightmarish terrorist attack, which means we can assume that if they had not... been killed here, yours would have been killed there, where they were going, it is quite natural that in addition to these questions there are and others, for example, why the fire alarm didn’t work system, but i repeat, i am not an investigator, i ask the question as a person, as a citizen, as an ordinary person, why were some exits closed, why didn’t they appear immediately, or at least... after a shorter amount of time, those people who should were to appear, there are very, very many questions,
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immediately after the terrorist attack a lot of warnings arose related to the fact that it is impossible to blame entire nations, although it is absolutely clear that this was the task of those who committed the terrorist attack, an interethnic clash with... . muta in russia everything is clear, and this has been for a long time is being done, but still, on the other hand, there is a nationality of terrorism, for example, it could be, or an african american, for example, or it could be an indian, or a european, or an american, in principle, this is a real international diaspora - terrorism, we have every reason, complete, absolutely, blame the united states. that this state is a terrorist, and great britain, that this state is a terrorist, and by the way, if we take the track record of how
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democracy was implanted by the americans and in general the western world, in the balkans, say, or in asia or latin america, i think there is no need for more detailed evidence here, you will note that the president of the united states joe biden addresses the nation regarding the death of prisoner navalny, who, by the way, we were recognized as both a terrorist and an extremist, so for your information , he did not say a word or a word or express his regret or condolences when more than 100 people simply died in a terrorist act, at the same time those countries that blame. this is the taliban, iran, syria, north korea, they all expressed condolences in our country, only the western world modestly remained silent, the only one.
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that he said that it was anyone but ukraine, now pay attention to the detail, but it cannot be missed, 4 days before the commission of this monstrous terrorist act, the creator of isis, the former president of the united states of america, barack obama, was absolutely incognito, not. .. advertising, comes to london at 10 downing street to meet with british prime minister rishi sunak, why? yet again, i don’t have any evidence, well, we know how such visits are covered, it’s not a nephew who came to see his uncle, it’s not two classmates, it’s the current leader of the country and the former leader
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of the country. there, the american embassy and the british embassy announced to their fellow citizens that they should be careful and not go to public events. even earlier, victoria nulland, while in kiev, said that unpleasant surprises await russia. putin will have surprises on the battlefield, and ukraine will achieve very great success. that is, how can understand, this terrorist attack, in theory, should have been
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committed before. election of putin, but there is an assumption that at the leps concert, which was before the election and at the shaman concert, the security was much more serious than on the twenty -second, and this did not happen, you know, any terrorist attack is terrible, it is disgusting, it is vile , this is inhumane, this is a specific case, but generalization is very important here. moreover, a global generalization that has deep roots and very distant plans. it seems to me that to some extent i tried to formulate this idea, one of our fairly frequent guests on our program, alexander khodakovsky, here’s what he wrote: pardon me for this expression, it’s not entirely rational, but evil forces have no nationality, no political ones.
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beliefs, it’s just that a spiritual front was once formed on the surface of the earth, on opposite sides of which a kind of matter and antimatter gathered. from a sacred point of view, the coexistence of these two principles is impossible, and the struggle is waged towards mutual destruction. this front is spread over the state. and doesn’t know the territories space time. sometimes it happens that the contours of a state begin to approximately coincide with the borders of one of the sides of this spiritual front. very, in my opinion, exact words. remember what the president said just recently. in western elites.
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there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, unfair, with the state of things in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire ball is ending. "it seems to me that they have this fear, what a point vampires are ending, and this is why there is such hysteria, and this is why there is such an open, aggressive acceptance of neo-fascism, if he writes that in 5 months at least 13,430 have become victims of israeli attacks in gaza.”


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