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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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there was a president quite recently, the western elites have a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, the unjust, uh , state of affairs in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money. but they must understand that the vampire ball is ending, it seems to me that they have this fear that the vampire ball is ending, and this is why there is such hysteria, and this is why there is such an open, aggressive acceptance of neo-fascism, if he writes that in 5 months there have been victims israeli attacks in gaza.
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people were burned in the house of trade unions in odessa, fascists walked around with torches with impunity, when you can bring a nazi to the parliament of a big country and stand to applaud him, but this is through the looking glass, in the same way the world watches quite calmly, as right immediately without a pause, after the tragedy in crocos city , in ukrainian cafes a dish appears on the menu called the crocus sea set. and ukrainian gamers have already
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created a computer game where you can kill innocent people in a building at will, and you don’t have to deceive yourself, don’t think that this is only there in ukraine or somewhere else, look, look what our teenagers say, listen, you write, like moscow , condolences, a tragic situation, yes a tragic situation, so what, well, this happens, it’s normal, but for me personally. really killed killed, what are you doing there, why is everyone starting to regret, okay, there the relatives of these dead people will cry, sob, all that, why spread this, since some kind of terrorist attack took place there, i have no idea about that at all, the main thing is that if a terrorist attack occurred, then i’m not going to moscow tomorrow, that means my mom canceled the tickets, which means she ’s not waiting for me at home, which means i’m drinking until monday, thank you very much to the terrorists.
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internet, the internet is developing rapidly, the number of users is increasing, there is a lot of important educational, meaningful content, as they say, but at the same time, there is so much dangerous content, if not every adult can resist the dangers that await us on the internet, then what talk about children who, due to their age and weak psyche, cannot resist this. roskomnadzor for last year closed 500,000 groups from dangerous ones. content from which 25,000 groups are child pornography, 23,000 groups of child suicides, 230,000 groups of involvement in drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling and more, all this is on the internet, also now i am fighting for stories that in computer games we have
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games in which children can not only play, not only there is violence, lgbt propaganda, but there are games where children are encouraged to come to school and shoot their own.
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shoot up a school, and he goes shoot up a school, and a huge number of characters, including and lgbt characters penetrate through computer games, because there is no such filter, not only that, one of these terrorists, doctor boli zada, admitted during interrogation that he learned to shoot through computer games via youtube, you look at the importance they acquire. computer games in the lives of people, and especially children, and no one seems to notice that, for example, today there is even an annual award for the best lgbt character in a computer game, this is the media award,
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and you look at the list of these games and many, many others. no one is proposing to ban games, this is a fascinating story, but the point is to have some kind of filter, not because of some stupid censorship, but simply because of state security, if you want, look, you in china, which we talk about all the time, from which we take an example, already half the world, all games are checked for prohibited content, according to statistics from august 2000... 21 until the spring of 2022, the chinese authorities have not approved a single new game . in china, i don't know, i'm not chinese, i don’t know this, i haven’t seen these games, but
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when a country like china takes this so seriously that it specifically screens out harmful content, especially for children, it means... there is a danger that is tangible, which is natural , which needs to be fought, but there are more serious threats that also come through computer games, listen again to what deputy landratova says about this, the kiev regime has now begun to influence our youth not only through the internet, but also through the network here these stream games. i i talked to teenagers about this topic. who actually confirmed this information to me, when they have an online game going on, communication begins, then during communication in such a friendly dialogue he begins to talk about how bad the russian military is, what a bad regime there is in the country, and so on and the like and begins
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to recruit children emotionally and psychologically like this, that is, the kiev regime has the opportunity through... games to recruit or obtain any information from our schoolchildren, at best it is a collection
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then do it with benefit, that is , think about what mr. fenin is offering, if you have no reason to live, if you are disappointed, if you want to give up your life, come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will give up your life, and you will do a good deed for us, go to the crucus, or try to blow up the railway track. or throw a grenade at the military registration and enlistment office, that is, you will become useful, expendable, and
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this is what they are doing? who said? i’m telling you, friend, all means are through him, so what about you? where should i throw it? just everything through the windows, just through the windows, and run away? these are just my documents, the ministry of ukraine, the ministry of defense of ukraine, the contract, i filled out the documents myself. yes, where did you get the documents, who provided them, friends of a friend, everything. application form for a candidate to join the legion of freedom of russia. well, how can we ignore this? a special military operation turned out to be a powerful engine, an incentive to determine who is who and what and what when... many people understand that it is impossible to sit on two chairs, that
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it's time to decide who you are, who are you with? remember about these mourners for the kazan shooter, how many of them there were, feeling sorry for him, saying what a handsome boy, how sorry he was, and so on and so forth. this trend has continued and today it is directed at these terrorists. she would cut off the ears of everyone who did this, people were killed, yes, but this man who cut off the ear of this terrorist and didn’t even blink, he has the same place in prison, you know, the same, she’s crying about her cut ear terrorist, murderer, and absolutely indifferent, dozens of people who were killed by these killers, this is what she saw, how... he cuts the throat of a still living, wounded person and her compatriot, how is that? yes,
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i absolutely agree that it is impossible, unfair, and wrong to blame entire nations or diasporas for crimes that were committed by specific people, specific criminals, this is true, but this absolutely does not remove... the issue of migration policy, absolutely not, on the contrary, aggravates this issue, because our migration policy is a copy of western programs. remember what yuri baranchik wrote: international organizations, the world bank, foreign governments and ngos were involved in migration programs in the russian federation. we go to the website of the international organization migration and see. four programs since 2007. promoting safe skilled
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migration in the central asia corridor of the russian federation (2021). regional program in the field of migration (2014-2015). regional program in the field of labor migration in central asia and russia (2010-2013). project on labor migration to central asia, 2007-2009, despite the fact that among the donors of the program. foreign organizations banned in russia, such as the united states agency for international development (usid) and others from countries that are currently providing assistance to ukraine. but nothing changes, well, what’s amazing is the working program of the subject, which
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is called the history of the tajik people for fifth to ninth grades. for the 2023-2024 academic year, it was developed for russian-tajik secondary schools. historian alexander dyukov, researcher at the institute of russian history of iran, clarifies about these schools. who doesn’t know, these are schools with instruction in russian, operating in tajikistan at the expense of the russian budget, it is assumed that graduates of these... schools will be better prepared for integration into russian society, well, great, isn’t it bad, great, read on , here are the topics of this work program: central asia on the eve of the invasion of tsarist russia, the end of the russian occupation of central
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asia, the state of indigenous peoples in central asia in colonial times.
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ignorance, misunderstanding, sabotage, what is it? well what is this? now listen to the history textbook from kazakhstan, it’s also very interesting. we are talking about a textbook on the history of kazakhstan for the seventh and eighth grade, which states that the russian empire, taking advantage of the kazakh-dzungar confrontations, began an open seizure of land in the northern part of the kazakh state. and this textbook, by the way, i didn’t find in bookstores or libraries, it’s only available in the hands of our children, so here it is... everything very smoothly, very neatly comes down to the fact that russia deceived, used the kazakhs for her own purposes, and this negatively affected the history of kazakhstan in the future, for some reason many parents remain silent about this, i found a history textbook for the seventh-eighth grade, this is a very rare textbook, here is the publishing house mikteb, 1978,
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where in the section on the accession of kazakhstan to russia indicates that it was a completely voluntary accession. that the kazakhs were accepted into russian citizenship at their request, where the acceptance of this citizenship corresponded to the fundamental interests of the kazakh people and with the help of russia the kazakh people were freed from zhungar proto-generalization. and indeed, separated by our feudal strife, we were unable to provide adequate resistance to the dzungars. in some areas, the dzungars exterminated the entire population, and the survivors were enslaved. and under these conditions, russia was the only country that could protect us from extermination. i want to return to the perpetrators of this terrorist act, just look at their social portrait. for example, muhammad-sabir fayzov, 19 years old, single, no children, secondary education, previously worked as a hairdresser in ivanovo, registered there, shamsuddin fariduni,
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25 years old, married, has a child, registered in putil near moscow. worked there as a laborer in a parquet factory in 2015 , was sentenced in tajikistan to 5 years 8 months for attempting to rape a minor saidakrami doctor balizov and 30 years old married with a child unemployed dalerzhon mirzoev 32 years old married three children was on the territory of the russian federation with expiration 3 months ago. from registration in novosibirsk, which is why he was fined 5.00 rub. and he was obliged to make an independent exit from russia. his brother, ravshad john mirzo. was on the list of terrorists in tajikistan because he fought for isis in syria, that is, these are young people 19-32
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years old, with secondary or incomplete secondary education, who practically do not speak russian, although i don’t really believe in this, because working as a hairdresser without speaking russian is quite difficult in ivanova, but nevertheless they communicated through translators, which they probably... it was more convenient to pretend that they did not understand the questions, with temporary registrations in different regions of russia in so -called rubber apartments, where 10 people live per 1 m2, they worked mostly unofficially, that is, they also received money unofficially, so they were of no use to the state, they did not pay taxes, that’s right, that means one of them was convicted of... a sexual crime, the other was closely related to a terrorist who fought for egil, and, look,
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none of them professed radical islam, they were not fanatics, no, they turned into murderers in 3-4 weeks on russian territory, that’s what’s amazing, not in tajikistan, but here? bley takes an exam on knowledge of the russian language from a person who does not know it at all, to those who, for 70 thousand or more rubles
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, go to fictitious marriages so that a foreign citizen receives citizenship of the russian federation. look at this crowd at the sakha immigration center, look at this number of people, what percentage of them do you think is actually eligible? security and police pretend it's nothing they don’t notice, and this is the case all the time here, but the leadership, of course, prohibits asking or raising any questions on this topic,
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what percentage of them respects us, what percentage of them knows our traditions, or at least do not hate them, how many of these people are there, and where is this filter that is supposed to separate, so to speak, the grains from the chaff, these people are not doing it. until the end of their duties, this is a problem, and look, just using the example of four people, these four terrorists, 50% of them, two of them are not should have been allowed here, but they ended up here, and now multiply it by this crowd, i know that a proposal has been made to the state duma to consider the issue of cancellation... first, i want you to listen to what
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dmitry thinks about this nazarov and dmitry bykov, zelbitron, listen, we love death, we are hungry for death, save us, god, lord, we even turn mourning into an occasion for blessing. the question is how this terrorist attack will be used in russia, these are cynical words, the use of a terrorist attack, but also more cynically, using it to legalize the death penalty, to lift the moratorium. i said then, i will repeat now, the death penalty is a reluctance to kill, it is the need to draw that red line beyond which a person understands that he will lose his life. they tell me, but can you imagine what life imprisonment is, where you are in a cell one and a half by one and a half, where you are bent all the time,
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you then... it is even more wrong for this measure of punishment to exist as a stop, for those who can still stop, for those who understand what it is will end. of course, i can cite saudi arabia, israel, the arab emirates as examples; by the way, the death penalty exists in belarus and in 27 states of the united states
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of america. which has always been fundamental for russia: justice, sacrifice and compassion. i am convinced of the result. and by the way, i treated the priest’s words with great attention and respect. andrey tkachev. raise the issue of
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the death penalty, because this humanity is in feeding and until death a person who has taken on the soul the sin of killing tens and hundreds man, this is not humanity, this is some kind of co-ethnicity, which means that no one understands, you need to love not in word and tongue, but in true deeds, if you want to love drug sellers, pedophiles, rapists, all sorts of, then, these masters of back-of-the-envelope affairs. and mass murderers, ala chekotila, that means, or these last four, that means tajik, i don’t know, call yourself something, but i, i don’t understand this humanism, the majority of the inhabitants of our country don’t understand it, the law god determines the death penalty for a number of people categories of a person, if he stole a person, another person, found, stolen, was found by the one who stole, he must be put to death, for example, that is, kidnapping -
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visiting people for the purpose of... sexual exploitation for the purpose of disposing of organs, there for the purpose there whatever you want, selling it on the black market, this is a mortal article according to the bible, and so many things that are being done in our country now, no matter how permissible they are, the lord does not mess around with scoundrels, and for the record, i want to remind you that the moratorium is a mortal russia introduced execution in 1996 just for the sake of entry. to the council of europe. this was passet's condition. as we know, from march 16, 2022, russia is no longer a member of the council of europe. what's holding us back? we want to continue to live according to the laws that are offered to us, to be humane, as they offer us, but they declare sanctions on us, arm neo-nazis and send a terrorist to us. and of course, after all
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that has been said, i think that you understand perfectly well that i express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their loved ones in this bloody, unjust tragedy, in conclusion, i think, is appropriate. let us listen to a song that you, of course, have all already heard, which is called living, how can you take away a life?


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