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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. the flood in the orenburg region became the heaviest in the entire history of observation in the region, governor denis pasler announced this. the influx of meltwater has decreased slightly, but remains at a record level. the number of flooded residential buildings has exceeded 6. almost 4,500 people have been evacuated. in orenburg , traffic on sections of roads in floodplains is blocked for the next 10 days, regional authorities. states that at night the level of the
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ural river may reach a critical level. a state of emergency has been declared in the region regional level. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, to urgently fly to the region and personally organize all the necessary work in the flood zone. a unified 24-hour call center also began operating in the region. information on all issues related to an emergency situation can be obtained by calling the short number “1 2 2”. and another microdistrict. water is rapidly rising in orsk, eyewitnesses share such footage online, they show that entire streets there are already flooded, people are being urgently evacuated, some are leaving for cars, others leave their homes on foot and carry their pets in their arms. the level of the ural river in the orenburg region has almost reached 11 m, the flood is approaching the new city, the situation in orsk is called critical by the authorities. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the flood zone is expanding. the dam is broken. already
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at three points the water is rapidly under threat of flooding several villages within the city. there is a danger that in the coming hours the entire residential sector in the old city of orsk will be flooded. residents are being evacuated. regional and municipal services are on site rescuer, emergency services of the local administration and police are visiting houses. the warning siren also works. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 33 temporary accommodation points have been prepared for 23,000 people. report from the scene. evacuation continues in the old city, the water is becoming more and more, the current is very strong. rescuers move along flooded roads using a caterpillar conveyor and ural and kamaz vehicles. these guys are vigilantes from the russian community. while driving through the streets we saw pensioners in one of the houses, they were immediately put into a boat they helped me climb into the back. tell me, why weren’t you evacuated yesterday? i
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went crazy in the evening, his blood pressure rose a lot, as soon as the evacuation messages arrived, most of them collected all the necessary things and left, but they didn’t have time to take the animals out, well , yesterday we evacuated in the evening with the children, the animals were left behind, when we arrived the water had already arrived, the animals remained there , specialists from the leader center came to the rescue and pulled out the sheep and rams. but not everyone is in a hurry to leave their homes. here is a man sitting in the attic watching the water flow, next to him is a dog, you will you evacuate? the water has cut off the old city from the new, the road is flooded, and the soil under the rails is rapidly eroding. the situation in the old part of orsk is complex; the embankment dam, which partially collapsed, was designed for the level of the ural river five.
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now it is much higher. all emergency services are at the scene of the breakthrough. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. it has already been established that the dam, which was commissioned in 2010, was not properly maintained. based on the results of the inspection by the regional prosecutor's office, the inspection materials were sent to the investigative authority to decide whether to initiate a criminal case. a criminal case was opened under two articles of negligence and violation of safety rules.
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restoring the loss of housing is definitely, according to what is in the houses, of course, significantly more expensive than the amount, so we hope that... of course, with these payments we will be able to partially, of course, compensate for the costs. meanwhile, the situation in orsk is becoming increasingly tense, residents of another microdistrict are being urgently evacuated, all residents are asked urgently take the necessary things to leave your home. on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, another echelon of rescuers flew to the city on the plane ill 76. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and maya alenova, lead orenburg. region. in the altai territory , the situation in flooded areas is gradually stabilizing; about 380 houses and 470 plots have been freed from water. employees of the ministry of emergency situations from russia, together with local rescuers, pumped out
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about 140,000 cubic meters of water from residential areas and erected 17 temporary dumps with a length of 10 km. provided targeted assistance to 400 residents. aerial reconnaissance continues using. the number of flooded residential buildings has decreased by a third, rescuers are providing assistance to people, clearing yards of debris brought in by the flood, pumping out water from basements, more than 400 people were evacuated from the flood zone, including 74 children. at the moment there are no transport links with two settlements. in the chelyabinsk region , seven settlements remain under the control of the ministry of emergency situations, where 28 residential buildings and several dozens of household plots, at the same time, 12 houses and 30 plots were freed from water within 24 hours. 11 11 people were wounded during the shelling
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of donetsk, two of them are children, all of them are receiving medical assistance, the head of the dpr denis pushilin announced this, he clarified that... a total of 29 shellings were recorded. the ukrainian armed forces fired 77 rounds of ammunition into residential areas. in the meantime , new evidence has emerged that foreign mercenaries are fighting on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. when examining the militants who took part in recent attacks by ukrainian saboteurs on belgorod region and were destroyed in battle, fragments of equipment and personal belongings were found, including recordings from helmet-mounted video cameras, which confirm that... we are talking about hired military personnel from the united states. these are the details our war correspondent, yevgeny poddubny, learned. this is footage from helmet cameras of americans who participated in terrorist attacks on the belgorod border area. the cameras were discovered by our soldiers while searching the bodies
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of liquidated militants. this is the most important evidence of western involvement in attempts destabilize the situation in the russian border area. a group of american militants occupies a building that... actually adjacent to the line of combat contact, this is the village of kazinka. a ukrainian translator is establishing cooperation with a neighboring unit. bros, ours, ours, ours, who's the eldest? krakow, americans. americans act as if they are in afghanistan. specific army humor, self-confidence, arrogance. the plan are we going to keep pushing with them or uh this uh this group like uh prvs of convoy yeah okay so they're just pushing up in front the convoy okay the uh showed the differences like in airsoft and paintball levels of team
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dedication dude happy we're not out here jeries so like hey you're you're where shirts your skins ? our fighters monitor the actions of the enemy and the mercenaries of ordinary militants of the kiev regime from the air, waiting for the majority of the enemy’s forces to be concentrated in one place. in a nearby building, another group of militants are providing medical assistance to each other, they were wounded while moving, they are no longer in the mood for jokes, on the radio a short message is sent.
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in the area where the formation of the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of ukraine tried to break through our line of defense in order to during the presidential elections in russia. organize information provocations, there are still dozens of bodies of liquidated militants, many of them foreigners, it is already known that americans, french, and romanians took part in the attack on the belgorod border area. neo-nazis were also included in the detachments of the main intelligence directorate. the leaders of the kiev regime even tried to form a funny cossack detachment according to the behests of the fascist criminal general von panwitz. this is the result of an inspection of the personal belongings of liquidated ukrainian militants. death's heads are nazi symbols, the attempts of the kiev regime to present the operation in
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the belgorod direction as an attack by the neo-vlasovites failed, and now it is clear from the equipment of the participants in the operation that the western curators of the kiev regime are behind the terrorist actions. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin. news: belgorod borderland. at night, russian troops reported. a blow to ukrainian military airfields, military-industrial complex enterprises and places of deployment of foreign mercenaries, it was the defense that reported this. the military department also spoke about the situation in the main directions of the northern military district. denis alekseev has details. this is no longer a high-precision arrival itself, the detonation of a huge amount of ammunition for launchers, they were the original goal of our military. strikes are only thrown. on strategic infrastructure and military facilities . the ukrainian armed forces' equipment continues to be hidden in
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residential areas of kharkov, under the cover of civilians, but our missilemen work meticulously. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation defeated the personnel and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 133 regions. overnight in ukrainian regions , enterprises where they produced and repaired were also hit. armored vehicles, the target was airfields where they were preparing to receive western f-16 fighters. tonight, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with long-range precision weapons, sea ​​air base, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles at enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce and repair armored vehicles and uavs, military airfields and points. these are attack aircraft, su-25 attack aircraft pilots the day before
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disrupted the rotation of militant units in the severodonetsk direction. unguided aircraft missiles were used. the crew protected themselves as much as possible, while leaving no choice to the enemy. the armed forces of ukraine suffered serious losses in personnel during time of transfer of units. and these are shots of the last seconds afloat of the ukrainian boat, which was used to cross the dnieper. the river landing force of the ukrainian armed forces tried to gain a foothold on the left bank of the river, but again failed. our attack drones have worked on their targets, the drone operators are keeping control of the dnieper waters and are just about to hit them. at night , the movement of floating vessels along the dnieper river was monitored. five enemy boats were hit by artillery strike unmanned aerial vehicles in places loading troops and when trying to approach the left bank. in the entire kherson direction in a day. ukrainian units lost about fifty people, out of the blue,
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let alone those areas where our military is rapidly moving deep into the enemy’s defenses. west of avdiivka , the center group, for example, again improved its tactical position, repelling 12 counterattacks. three ukrainian tanks were scrapped, with losses in the ssu of about 300 people. denis alekseev, lead. a car drove into a crowd in tel aviv protesters who gathered near the government. buildings demanding the resignation of prime minister netanyahu and the release of hostages held captive by hamas. according to police, at least three people were injured. everyone is now receiving medical assistance; the driver who hit the pedestrians tried to escape, despite the fact that his identity was known to the police. there is footage of a man in a white polo with three girls in a car, aggressively demanding that a policeman let him through the cordon. and after refusing, he presses on the gas. eyewitnesses also captured the driver being detained. police.
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lives on a mobile bed in the ward of the apatitsky-kirov central city hospital under the supervision of the police, bailiffs , doctors, because handcuffs are simply not immediately noticeable, a mobile court selects a preventive measure for the patient. i will ask representatives of the media and members of the public to leave the courtroom; the accused attacked andrei chibis with a knife and did not become a murderer, apparently, only thanks to the efforts of the surgeons of the same hospital; the accused does not hide his motives. you had an unpleasant relationship with the governor while the investigation is ongoing, so for now i will not give any comments. if given the opportunity to change, to apologize to the governor, will you
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do it? no, yes, yes, yes. andrei chibbis was seriously wounded at about 9 pm on april 4. at the exit from the recreation center in apatity. the operation lasted more than an hour, then the governor was transferred to the intensive care unit of a local hospital. later they were taken by helicopter to murmansk. immediately after the assassination attempt , law enforcement officers swarmed the hospital and interrogated witnesses from bydanov himself. and what made you, some voices say, right? no it is not true. coincidence. bydanov bought the murder plot at a hardware store to the scene of the assassination attempt and drove his own car, part of it. experts have studied some details of his biography that are already known, the consequence is criminal liability, i was not prosecuted, that is , the case was closed, and neighbors describe bydanov as a closed and silent person, he worked on the railway, he did not know chibis personally, which could to force him to decide to kill, investigators have to find out, the court arrested bydanov for 2 months. the meeting took place
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as usual, and accordingly, a decision was made to select a preventive measure in the form of detention. the accused will spend the first days under arrest in a single hospital ward under guard. the news of the election of suppression measures is often announced against the backdrop of the trial. and now this is happening at the emergency department. after recovering from traumatology, bydanov will be transported to a cell in the pre-trial detention center. oleg posobin, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, news. murmansk region. the international crew returned to earth after two weeks. expedition to the iss, the first belarusian space flight participant marina vasilevskaya and roscosmos cosmonaut oleg novitsky have already arrived in the star city, where they will undergo rehabilitation. let me remind you that novitsky and vasilevskaya were delivered to the iss on march 25 by the russian soyuz ms-25 spacecraft. this was his fourth flight, and she was
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in orbit for the first time. the president of belarus also watched vasilevskaya’s return to earth. alexander lukashenko. i watched the undocking of the descent module live, we were worried that when your children will be in space, you will understand what a citizen of belarus is in space, so of course i’m glad that everything happened okay, i watched this footage several times. in the presidential elections in slovakia, where pro-western and pro-russian candidates clashed , the leader is a supporter of normalizing relations with moscow after processing ninety-six. he was supported by 54.3% of voters. pilligrini consistently opposes deliveries weapons kiev is considered a supporter of slovak prime minister robert fitz. his competitor in the elections, former head of the ministry of foreign affairs ivan
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karchok, is a supporter of military support for ukraine. karchok scored 45.6%. votes. after the first exit polls, korchok was confident of his victory, but now, after the fiasco, he says that he is disappointed with the election results. the organization of american states urgently convenes a council to discuss the storming of the mexican embassy in ecuador. mexico city has already severed diplomatic relations with skito and is preparing an appeal to the un international court. previously ecuadorian police broke into the mexican embassy in the capital and was arrested. colombia, cuba, bolivia and brazil have already
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condemned ecuador's assault on the demission and expressed support for the mexican government and the president of venezuela. nicolas maduro called the attack on the embassy barbaric and a manifestation of fascism, and the country's foreign ministry compared the crime to israel's bombing of the iranian consulate in syria. let me remind you that this is not the first disregard for diplomatic law; in 2019, ecuador deprived wikileaks founder julian asandge of political asylum and in fact, he kicked him out of the territory of his embassy in london, allowing the british authorities to arrest him; well, the day before, an ecuadorian court sentenced asandzh’s ally to a year in prison.
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tatyana ilyasova came to the clinic today for a follow-up appointment and is closing the hospital. x-ray room, and then immediately come to me. the doctor has all the information about the patient in electronic form. they conveniently forgot about paper-bound maps in moscow. medical history, doctor’s appointment, appointment with specialists and research results, today all processes are through automated emias system. if we had to before. wait until they bring it to us, or go ourselves, yes, that is, for some test results, research results, x-rays, we had to go and look in the office, or before that
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they brought it to us, yes, that is, we looked at negotoscopes, yes , that is, x-rays, now we can do all this without leaving the workplace, the doctor has more time to interact with the patient himself, and the latter, in turn, will not have to do anything. write down remember, because he also has access to his personal account in a unified system, where he can not only monitor his studies, appointments, but also for family members. oh, it’s very convenient, everything is on the phone, i have a small child, now all the studies, i can look at everything, and easily write it down, i can at any time, we can look at all the vaccinations that we did with the child, it’s very convenient, never i won't forget. i can watch it at any time. the unified information system in the capital has been operating for several years and has long proven its effectiveness efficiency. now
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other regions are adopting this experience. at the end of february , an agreement was signed on the implementation of yemias in institutions in st. petersburg. today's document is one of the stages of this interaction. this is the introduction of information systems that have now been tested in moscow and st. petersburg clinics. in order for the developments that were made in moscow to serve the benefit of the residents of st. petersburg, this information system, the fact that it has been introduced, it is the best in the country, the best, this is not a compliment, this indeed it is, because that’s why we are here, this is a step for the regions to cooperate with each other, to exchange relevant experience, not only experience, but the increasing introduction of modern technologies and solutions makes the moscow healthcare system... less effective, actively developing robotic surgery, this year it is planned to double the number of such stations, as well as the introduction and use of artificial intelligence,
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for example, in radiology diagnostics. in the past, research results were studied full-time radiologists of polyclinics, now, using the platform of a single radiology information service, to which all metropolitan medical institutions are connected, specialists from the diagnostic and telemedicine center decipher the images using artificial intelligence, and the conclusions are loaded into the same yumis. the use of artificial intelligence technology in the interpretation of mammographic examinations has made it possible to increase the processing speed of mammography by eight times, which in turn has reduced the workload of radiologists to speed up diagnosis in the presence of breast cancer. the speed of cancer detection is critical . during the year of the project, artificial intelligence, using computer vision algorithms, analyzed more than 350 thousand images; the pathomorphology laboratory of the loginov center is determining the type of tumor and searching for treatment options. the research process itself is also
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as digital as possible, whereas previously a glass cut of a biopsy 2-3 microns thick was studied exclusively under microscope, now on computer screens. all glass immediately after painting is placed in a scanner and converted into digital format. a sample is placed on the glass. which when viewed through a microscope is visible at several levels, and these scanners scan this glass at all levels, which we manually adjust in the microscope. every day , up to one and a half thousand glasses with samples are prepared here, each of which must be stored after study for up to 25 years. it is difficult to imagine how big this archive could be. in the digital version, storage volumes essential. are reduced when taking into account the weight of an image of 1 gb, per year, one of the five moscow hospitals that conduct such studies will take up only a little more than 100 tb on electronic media. there is
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a resident's room, here doctors are already examining digitized histological preparations, the image is displayed on the screen and the microscope is no longer needed, everything that the doctor saw, he can mark on the screen, give his comments, also the image can be viewed by several people at the same time, what is darker is this is tumor tissue, and to prove - what kind of cells are these? we use immunohistochemical testing, which shows the degree of expression of various proteins. here we see that this tumor expresses cd30, this is , frankly, a rather rare case, this is an onoplastic lymphoma, large cell. here, as the center for diagnostics and telemedicine is preparing to connect artificial intelligence to the study of digital
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images, in the future this will significantly... increase the speed of research. we are testing and developing some tools, so called computer vision, that is, using these digitized images , artificial intelligence can be trained to recognize various parameters. and what seemed like science fiction even earlier will in the near future help in diagnosis. every day, the flagship center of the botkin hospital receives up to 200 patients. they can fit here. four ambulances to quickly transport patients. the flows are distributed as follows: the yellow line means moderate severity and patients are transported there, green, mild severity, they are worked with right here, doctors and red - this is emergency care. upon admission, each patient is given this plastic bracelet with a barcode, it’s like a personal account. it will be used to keep track of your stay in the hospital, starting from the moment
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of hospitalization. information about patients who should be admitted to the botkin hospital is known in advance, the entire medical history is compiled into the tablet by the emergency doctor, it is already sent to this general electronic display, the doctors are already ready admit the patient in advance and provide all the necessary assistance, all medical teams and the operating room, everything is ready, this is especially important for working with seriously ill patients, resuscitators meet those admitted in all arms, know in advance what drugs need to be prepared, it greatly simplifies the life of the resuscitator, gets the job done much faster, and accordingly, seriously ill patients who require emergency transportation to the operating room or other intensive care units, of course, also receive help much faster. for work with mild and moderate patients, spacious diagnostic rooms with the necessary equipment for the initial examination. an electrocardiograph that immediately
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receives information and...
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and for relatives there is a comfortable waiting room to constantly be aware of what is happening with their relatives, all information is electronically entered into these displays, it is encrypted, so no one outside will know, at what stage is the treatment and examination?


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