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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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emergency care, the maximum number of specialists and means to ensure that the patient does not stay here for more than a day; if the medical council diagnoses complex forms of illness, the patient is sent to where he will receive planned care. and for relatives there is a comfortable waiting room, in order to constantly be aware of what is happening with their relatives, all information is entered electronically on these boards, it is encrypted, so no one outside will know which one. treatment is in progress and examination of this or that patient, information only for relatives. the resource for digitalization in the healthcare sector is huge; a robot pharmacist has been working in the pharmacy of the sixty-seventh city hospital for 2 months already; he may not prescribe medications, but he knows the exact place among the endless shelves where this or that drug is located. he himself accepts the goods according to the invoice, always checks the expiration date, distributes them on the shelves himself...
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we will follow the path of robotization of all processes, that is, the formation tablet drugs and other directions. thus, when people often ask what a smart clinic is, this is when such blocks are formed, smart blocks, which are then formed into a smart clinic. the robot deftly maneuvers in the narrow corridors of an endless warehouse. there are about 80 thousand names of medicines on the shelves alone. the entire list fit into 300 km, before that there was 1.
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naturally, we started with such a fairly simple system that does not require packaging of personal doses and where drugs can be stored simply in boxes, yes this was done for ease of convenience and , above all, of course, optimization of labor costs, yes , so that it would be simply convenient for people, that is, there is a fairly simple system, we select the shelf we need, it comes to us, we select a box, yes, which, for example, we give completely to the department. pharmacist robots today are used not only in government pharmacies at medical institutions, but also on a commercial basis. 55 thousand packages, each in its place, depending on shape and weight. the cashier punches the goods, the robot delivers them immediately. this means that our delivery area is located both on the second floor, we see the corresponding delivery windows, and our delivery area is located on the first floor, where the robot goes.
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layout, storage and dispensing of drugs. large-scale digitalization and robotization does not mean at all that humans will soon become irrelevant. on the contrary, it makes it possible to concentrate on important tasks without being distracted by routine. pharmacists have more time to communicate with the client and, most importantly, no more inventory. the robot keeps everything under control control, the space on the shelves has not yet been filled, there is an incentive to expand the product line, the robot will accurately cope with the increased load. fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky,
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it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. it
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turned out to be me, your brother, there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, we have to go there. “this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither a ration nor a weapon for you, get ready to blow a mosquito, we write down the missing person, it won’t go well, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, very much like him looks like, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that ’s where they went.” reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope yes, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier
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of the aurora battalion. we watch to spend time with children. russian cartoons and children's programs. we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, a hand-held flashlight illuminates the poor... environment: sleeping place - home altar, just like that, especially in rural areas millions of bengalis live here, it gets dark here early, and electricity is only provided for a few hours a day, and they try to save it. the family of nasir ubinbandal,
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wealthy by the standards of their village, has its own eco-hotel, where tourists traveling around the country sometimes stop by. once he himself felt like a tourist, visited russia, he says, he liked everything. in 2017, i was in russia, showed my son st. petersburg and moscow, it was great, i really like russian people, you have always supported us. rainforest, banana plantations and the gango basin, against the backdrop of the endless padma river, the world's most modern nuclear power plant, the most important joint energy project between russia and bangladesh, the scale of construction is impressive. the republic's tall buildings, four cooling towers of a nuclear power plant, each 175 m high. three of them have already acquired their final form, the fourth is being painted. two power units with a capacity of 1,200 mw each will provide the republic with a stable source of clean energy. the life cycle of the aesr
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is 60 years, with the possibility of extension for another 20. the most exciting stage begins, in this this year we move on to physical launch, and then every day, every hour and every minute. we understand how to get from the federal commission to a working bloc, we see a very interested, i would say even mobilized, position of the bugladezh authorities, bladezhsky specialists, in general, we will justify this trust, we will do everything to justify it. the nuclear power plant is being built 160 km from dhaka, the capital of the state. the project is unique; it was developed specifically for this area. the climatic conditions here are difficult: regularly in bangladesh powerful cyclones hit, which... the station will operate on the most modern and efficient nuclear fuel, it was delivered to the horn six months ago, during which time a colossal amount of work has been done to ensure
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safety. also, russian nuclear scientists plan to increase the fuel cycle from a year to one and a half, which means economic efficiency will increase even more. there are thousands of people on the construction site, work on the first and second power units is going on in parallel, hundreds of kilometers of wires have been laid, 1.0 tons have been installed metal structures maintain a high pace, despite the prohibitive humidity of almost +40 outside, inside, where the fitters and assemblers work, it is even hotter. the weather conditions are not very difficult, but in principle everything is fine, this is not the first year this... the performer of the role of the hero of the bengali epic on
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stage turned out to be a good installer in life. i have been serving in the theater for 6 years, this is an opportunity to experience the culture and customs of different countries. working on the ruhr is also about prestige, tatyina kalik graduated from friendship university peoples in moscow and returned home, here she is a translator, speaking at the nuclear power plant , bengalis and russians quickly find a common language. i have a philosophy that russian people are like coconuts, they are outwardly hard and strict, but inside they are so soft and good. despite the fact that the control of a nuclear power plant is a fully automated process,
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human control over the operation of all components and assemblies in the plant is always safety above all else. well, here is the workplace of the unit shift supervisor, here is the reactor shop staff, this is one might say, the brain of the first power unit, the control panel of the entire huge station, from here all commands come and all technological systems are controlled. here we are checking the emergency cooling system for the operation of the pumping units of the safety systems. the process is being closely followed by a new generation of bengali nuclear scientists. almost all of them were trained in russia at the novovoronezh nuclear power plant. literally, in front of you, we have now carried out a spill of one of the solos hydraulic tanks into an open reactor with the selection of media analyzes - over time fixing the reinforcement for how long it works. the bengal side is taking part in this as much as possible. under the supervision of russian instructors, future nuclear power plant employees study the functionality of hundreds of buttons and
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practice skills that will be useful to them during operation of the nuclear power plant. one of the most densely populated countries in the world, of course, amazes with its color, public life is right on the streets, people wash here. together within borders, for example, in the vologda region. in recent years
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, there has been a construction boom in bangladesh, the country's population is growing, everyone needs somewhere to live. there are more than 7 such brick factories throughout the country . no one knows the exact number, and a significant part of these factories operate illegally. and bricks are made here in the same way as many centuries ago, using coal. and it’s hard to imagine what damage this causes to the environment. with the arrival of the peaceful atom. i'm sure the bangladeshi authorities will come with new technologies. in the meantime, working conditions are far from comfortable and safe. most of the production is manual labor. clay is extracted from the quarry, then mix it with water and you get a building mass. we put all this in this wooden form, then everything dries, it is fired and it turns out to be a brick. it's very hard work. i've been on my feet since 3:00 this morning. both men and women work in brick production, they take care of entire families
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or villages, there are no protective equipment with special clothing, hence frequent injuries and lung problems. textiles from bangladesh can be found in, perhaps, any closet, in any country on the planet. the production and sale of clothing is the main part of state income. on a factory in the city of rajahi, which is located on the border with india, produces good fabrics, but... the conditions are familiar to all factory workers, there is little electricity, the light bulbs are dim, there is not enough light in the evenings, the working day is shortened, with the launch of a nuclear power plant, the bengalis say, everything must change for the better. bangladesh is becoming a favorite place for investment, foreign companies are coming here en masse, mainly the textile country is one of the world leaders in clothing exports, and bangladesh is also famous for its shock, these machines date back to colonial times, and of course they need it. in the update. the idea of ​​electrifying the country with the help of peaceful
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nuclear energy was born in bangladesh more than half a century ago, when the country gained independence. at the same time, the first agreements with the soviet union appeared, but they did not have time to implement the project. there was a revolution in bangladesh. today, the need for affordable, and most importantly, environmentally friendly, reliable energy is only growing. therefore, many bengalis look at russia with hope. the attitude towards foreigners here is positive, but when they find out that we are russians - we are from russia, it is even more positively, they remember the contribution that the soviet union did not make.
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and asian countries have long been the focus of attention of russian nuclear scientists, because the prospects for development in this region are enormous. bengali lyrics accompanied by harmonica. in the mangroves, not far from the construction of a nuclear power plant, russian specialists managed to solve a difficult problem: to strengthen the banks of the ganges
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without disturbing the unique natural balance. such caring attitude towards nature was, of course, appreciated here. the launch of the first reactor in singapore is getting closer in plans in december of this year. finding out that your child has autism, even if not autism, can be frightening. horror, what, what is this? no wonder, it looks normal.
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well, can you tell me this, have you been jinxed? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this.
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not childish fun in different parts of russia began to raise the head of the growth of youth banks. the belgorod youths, having watched enough of films about the dashing nineties, decided to take the territory under their control, let's go and sort it out and talk to you. about the girl, yes, they were jealous, they filmed everything that happened, posted on the internet, why are they explaining you, these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer and you can cope with almost any person , well, i loved him, so, there’s a similar situation in
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the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, that’s it, that’s it, what goals are the young men pursuing? will they be able to? the international monetary fund is against writing off debt to ukraine; the imf does not intend to forgive a $15 billion loan, at least in 2024 year. an official representative of the fund said this, answering a question from journalists. there are no plans to write off the debt. ukraine's debt was recognized as sustainable subject to a number of conditions. they relate to fiscal consolidation and the continuation of external financing, taking into account the restructuring of the debt itself. the imf expects that at the spring session with the leadership of the world bank, which will be held in mid-april, the issue of providing budget assistance to ukraine will be raised, including during meetings at the level of finance ministers. now works
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a four-year lending program for ukraine in the amount of $15 billion 600 million. kiev has currently received less than a third of this amount. it is known that by the end of this year ukraine will have to pay the imf almost $3 billion for servicing loans, but with this. kiev has great difficulties, they find themselves in a very serious financial trap, yes, since today the external public debt is $145 billion, in fact, if we look at another important parameter by which we can evaluate the state of the ukrainian economy - this is the budget deficit, the budget deficit in hryvnia is 221 billion, and this comes out to somewhere around 5.6 billion dollars. that is , they have a very serious hole in the budget. for the twenty-fourth year, ukraine has a planned budget deficit of almost 44 billion. the authorities expect
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to cover most of it with western assistance. the head of the country's ministry of finance, sergei marchenko, stated that the budget needs $3 billion in revenue from partners every month. however, in january and february, kiev received only $1,200 million. moreover, only a quarter of the received in the twenty-third year. as far as western countries are concerned, they cannot now afford to support ukraine to the extent that they supported it before, starting
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in 2020. meanwhile, the ukrainian authorities expect that kiev will be able to receive from the european union from 5 to 8 billion euros in income from russia’s frozen assets, said the deputy head of vladimir zelensky’s office, irina mudraya. according to her, ukraine should not count on receiving interest this year. year. the only thing that can be realized is the adoption of a fundamental decisions to transfer funds to kiev,” said the wise one. we asked experts to assess the chances of such a development of the situation. now european countries are cautious about such frozen assets, but in general, in fact, most likely, they will not finance ukraine at the expense of such frozen assets, because if we look at the documentation of the european union, it cannot do that, so with high probability, since the european union no longer plans to pay off ukraine’s debts, then
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it most likely does not have the ability to act at the expense of russia’s money it will work out. against the backdrop of a difficult financial situation, rating agencies are lowering ukraine's credit ratings. the snp, for example, noted that the country's medium-term economic prospects are subject to a high degree of uncertainty. there they assess the probability of default on external obligations as very high; experts note the fact that dependence on western assistance is increasing, and if the creditor country refuses to write off ukraine’s debts, the country may face a default.
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hello, i am boris sakinov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i had a complete shock, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, all the great artists are there, fakes, wait a minute, wait a minute.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin instructed the head. alexander kurenkov urgently fly to the orenburg region, where thousands of people are being evacuated due to floods and a dam break in orsk. the minister will have to personally organize all the necessary work in the flood zone on the spot. let me remind you that the dam has already broken in three places; water from the ural river has reached several microdistricts and may reach a critical level on sunday night. this was stated in the press service of the governor. in total , approximately 4,500 residential buildings were flooded in the region .


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