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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about ' in the main thing for today, vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, to urgently fly to the orenburg region, where thousands of people are being evacuated due to floods and dam breaks in orsk. the minister will have to personally organize all the necessary work in the flood zone on the spot. let me remind you that the dam has already broken in three places. water from the ural river reached several microdistricts on sunday night and may reach critical levels. this was stated in the press service of the governor. in total, almost 4,500 residential buildings, approximately. half of them
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are in orsk. a regional emergency situation has been declared in the perenburg region. authorities urge residents of the affected areas not to refuse to evacuate. a single 24-hour call center began operating in the region. information on all issues related to the emergency. you can get it by calling the short number "1 2 2". the authorities call the situation in orsk critical; according to the ministry of emergency situations, the flood zone is expanding. the dam has already been broken at three points. these are the shots they post online local residents. she went, she went, she went, she went, hurray, the water is rapidly under threat of flooding several villages within the city, there is a danger that in the coming hours it will flood the entire residential sector in the old city of orsk. residents are being evacuated.
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regional and municipal services are working on the spot, rescuers, emergency services of the local administration and police are going around houses, a warning siren is also working, according to the ministry of emergency situations, 33 temporary accommodation points have been prepared for 23 by 23 people. report from the scene our special correspondent maria valeeva. evacuation continues in the old city, the water is becoming more and more, the current is very strong. on flooded roads, lifeguard. they move on a caterpillar conveyor using ural and kamaz vehicles. these guys are vigilantes from the russian community. while driving through the streets, we saw pensioners in one of the houses; they were immediately put into a boat and helped into the back. tell me, why weren’t you evacuated yesterday? yes, my grandfather went crazy in the evening, his blood pressure rose greatly. as soon as evacuation messages were received, most of them collected all the necessary things and left, but they did not have time to remove the animals. in the evening with the children,
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they left the animals, they arrived already, the water came in, the animals remained there, specialists from the leader center came to the rescue, pulled out the sheep and rams, but not everyone is in a hurry to leave their homes, here is a man sitting in the attic watching the water flow, there is a dog nearby, you you will evacuate, the water has cut off. the road between the old town and the new town is flooded, and the soil under the rails is rapidly eroding. the situation in the old part of orsk is difficult, the embankment dam, which partially collapsed, was designed for the level of the ural river 5 sec. to m. now it is much higher. all emergency services are at the scene of the breakthrough. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. it has already been established that the dam that was put into operation
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of the specified facility. a briefing was held at the city administration building. the governor of the orenburg region, denis pasler, discussed the current situation in orsk and ordered that payments to all victims of the flood be doubled. the issue of property damage and subsequent restoration of housing, loss of a certain amount, respectively, of what is in the houses, of course, is significantly more expensive than the amount. so we hope. that, of course
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, with these payments we will be able to partially compensate for the costs. meanwhile, in orsk the situation is becoming increasingly tense; residents of another microdistrict are being urgently evacuated, all of them. residents are asked to urgently take necessary things to leave their homes. on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, another train of rescuers flew to the city on an il-76 plane. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and maya alenova, vesti orenburg region. in the altai territory, the situation in flooded areas is gradually stabilizing, about 380 houses and 470 plots have been freed from water. employees. russia, together with regional rescuers, pumped out about 14,000 cubic meters of water from residential areas, erected 17 temporary dumps with a length of 10 km, provided targeted assistance to 400 residents, and continues aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aircraft in the biysk solton
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region. in the samara region per day the number of flooded residential buildings has decreased by a third, people are being assisted by a rescuer, yards are being cleared of debris brought in by the flood, and they are being pumped out. 456 people, including 74 children, were evacuated from the basements from the flooding zone. at the moment there are no transport links with two settlements. in the chelyabinsk region, seven settlements remain under the control of the russian ministry of emergency situations, where 28 residential buildings and 67 private plots are flooded. at the same time, 12 houses and 30 plots were freed from water within 24 hours. at night, russian troops attacked a group strike on ukrainian military airfields, military-industrial complex enterprises and places of deployment of foreign fighters, the ministry of defense reported. the military department was also
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told about the situation in the main directions of the northern military district. denis alekseev has details. this is no longer a high-precision arrival itself, the detonation of a huge amount of ammunition for launchers, they were the original goal of our military. strikes are carried out only on strategic infrastructure and military facilities . the ukrainian armed forces' equipment continues to be hidden in residential areas of kharkov, under the cover of civilians, but our missilemen work meticulously. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery, groups of armed forces. the forces of the russian federation were defeated in 133 regions by the personnel and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. during the night , enterprises where armored vehicles were produced and repaired were also hit in ukrainian regions. the target was airfields where they were preparing to receive western f-16 fighters.
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tonight, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision long-range, sea- based airborne weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. for enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce and repair armored vehicles and vehicles, uavs, a military airfield and a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. these are attack aircraft, su-25 attack aircraft pilots the day before disrupted the rotation of militant units in the north donetsk direction. unguided aircraft missiles were used, the crew protected themselves as much as possible, while leaving no choice to the enemy. the ukrainian armed forces suffered serious losses in personnel during the transfer of units. and these are shots of the last seconds afloat of the ukrainian boat, which was used to cross the dnieper. the river landing force of the ukrainian armed forces tried to gain a foothold on the left bank of the river, but again failed. our attack drones worked on targets.
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drone operators keep control of the dnieper waters and are just about to kill. at night , the movement of watercraft along the dnieper river was monitored. five enemy boats were hit by artillery strike unmanned aerial vehicles in places where troops were loading and when trying to approach the left bank. throughout the kherson direction , ukrainian units lost about fifty people in one day, just like that out of the blue. what can we say about those areas where our military is rapidly moving deep into the enemy’s defenses. west of avdievka , the center group, for example, again improved its tactical position, repelling 12 counterattacks. three ukrainian ones were sent to scrap. tank, losses in ssu for 300 people. denis alekseev, lead. meanwhile, new evidence has emerged that foreign mercenaries are fighting on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. when examining the militants who took part in recent attacks by ukrainian saboteurs on the belgorod region and were
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destroyed in battle, they found fragments, equipment and personal belongings, including recordings from helmet-mounted video cameras, which confirm that we are talking about hired military personnel from the united states. here are the details ours found out.
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arrested for 2 months, for some time he will remain under guard in the clinic where he is now undergoing treatment. let us remind you that during his arrest he
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himself received a gunshot wound; a court hearing was held right in the hospital today. report by oleg posobin. a rare case in judicial practice, the accused of an attempt on the life of the governor lies on a mobile bed in the ward of the apatitsky-kirov central city hospital under the supervision of the police and bailiff doctors. and they are easily not immediately noticeable handcuffs. the mobile court chooses a preventive measure.
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later they were taken by helicopter to murmansk; immediately after the assassination attempt, the hospital was flooded law enforcement officials interrogated witnesses from bydanov himself. and what made you, some voices say, right? no it is not true. coincidence of circumstances. i bought the murder weapon at a hardware store and brought my own to the scene of the assassination attempt.
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comes from the emergency department, bydanov, after recovery from traumatology, will be transported to a cell in the pre-trial detention center. oleg posobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the morman region. terrorists of the kiev regime take credit for everyday incidents on our territory, and, moreover , they deny real sabotage to which they are directly related. read more about the new schemes. we will tell you about disinformation right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, the main intelligence department of ukraine succeeded in a grandiose, extremely daring sabotage operation, as a result of which sevastopol was left without electricity for a long time. joyful headlines flash on the pages of yellow-bladed publications or from foreign agents like radio liberty. they say budanov's gang sent a group of its agents to the russian city
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federal significance in order to de-energize it. but in the end, they achieved a little bit of destruction of the electric one. substation, you read this and your imagination paints a frightening picture, well, like traces of a powerful explosion, but in the regional tv reports the supposed events are replaced, for some reason no damage is visible at all, the tower transformers are in their places, as if nothing had happened, russian strikes on energy facilities, energy infrastructure, of course, are reflected in the information agenda, they began to mirror their problems, they they began to say that we also have successes, in this case,
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and goals for the return of crimea, that they are not in vain, that in general at least someone is waiting for ukraine there, and there are even some heroic partisans who can, i i don’t know, throwing toilet paper into the toilet, overturning trash cans, damaging something even there, not washing dishes after yourself, and even blowing up
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some substations, well, that’s the main point, but what about real sabotage, for example, arson... cabinets on the railways of russia according to the kiev version liars occurs without the participation of gur and the sbu, it turns out that behind him are some anti-war activists, partisans, opponents of putin, and everything like that. however, the old manual does not take into account the emergence of new evidence from the latest event in ufa, where three friends were detained who were going to organize a so-called action with incendiary liquid according to instructions from an anonymous interlocutor on social networks, where the trail goes is in principle not difficult to guess. this is similar to the work of telephone scammers, when the victim tries to scam on emotions, and it is no coincidence that scammers ’ favorite category, so to speak, is the elderly and children, teenagers, very often lately we see how a gur is trying to recruit children, trying to use them for the dark, trying to blackmail them, that is this is a one-time
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trip somewhere to carry out a terrorist attack, then, unfortunately, the fate of the victim will no longer be for anyone... interestingly, a person turns into a biological drone, a disposable drone, which is simply used, and often the puppeteers do not even think about hiding their belonging to the independent junta, because it was with the discussion of ukrainian topics that the recruitment of kirill gorkov and yevgeny zaechkin, sent to trial for organizing an entire subversive community, began, but here, of course, the reaction of pseudo-media, such as novaya gazeta europe, whose activities are recognized as undesirable, is kept silent, that both defendants were previously convicted and they cite their testimony during interrogations with... it’s as if the russian orcs made it all up, they write it all off as some kind of internal resistance, internal there pugachevism, internal bombers, but they do not
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understand that at one moment it will be profitable to sacrifice them, it will be profitable to make them a sacred victim, somewhere in spain, but it doesn’t matter where, it will be necessary to show that the hand of moscow is dealing with enemies and deal with them, the same gur, the same sbu, supposedly will no longer play a role here. next to the fake successes of the armed forces of ukraine, which are always gained in abundance, say, the current commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky assures that in recent months the invaders returned more territories under their control than they lost, and even professional propagandists, the editor-in-chief of the information dump butusov, who suggested looking at the map, are shocked by such lies. over the past year, of course, the russian side has liberated more territories than ukraine occupied during its counter-offensives there. well, the real situation is that since the beginning of the year, ukraine has lost a village, a large city, in general, russian units are advancing in several directions, at a slow pace, but still
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less so, these advancements are constant, they are noted even by the ukrainian side, that is , it is not even hidden by ukrainian experts there, the media, everyone is talking about it, why exactly doesn’t syrsky notice this, well, it’s hard to say, it looks like he is... just a political order director gur budanov is not far behind tsyrsky; in particular, he is in a hurry to refute the information that russian troops first used an aerial bomb with a one and a half ton warhead at the front, but at the same time, the character is silent about the fact that another weapon with an identical mass was used, this it seems that it is not at all a well-known high-explosive ammunition, but an odap, a volumetric detonating bomb with unique characteristics, two charges are installed inside its body, one of them is filled with a thermal... thermal hydrocarbon substance, the other performs a dispersing function, when it hits a given area , the first one is triggered detonator, which leads to atomization of an easily replenishable aerosol,
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then a second detonation ignites the resulting cloud, as a result of which a hurricane shock strikes the enemy infantry at the same time a wave, a sharp increase in air temperature , a strong pressure drop, finding a reliable shelter is problematic: the explosive mixture penetrates into the slightest gaps, be it windows or... nitsidotes. by the way, even the least powerful of these bombs, oda-500p, provides a continuous impact within a radius of about 300 and , according to data from open sources, is capable of flying 30 km to a target, missing it with an accuracy of 5 m. they were very actively used in afghanistan, because this type of bomb allows you to destroy infantry that is in shelters, sometimes even in shelters like caves, some grottoes. this is in order to more effectively destroy manpower in various dugouts, in trenches, that is, this is the meaning of this bomb, only
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the complex use of various means, a complex massive attack leads to a turning point, to the fact that one side takes top, this is another point of the technical, firepower advantage of the russian army, however it works... our high-precision weapons are not only designed to destroy enemy manpower or equipment, but also to destroy critical infrastructure and thereby arranges a serious test of the logic of local gouleiters, a shining example of the mayor of kharkov igor terikhov, on the one hand, complained about the mythical attacks of russian missiles and drones on some suburban houses, on the other hand, he admitted that there is virtually no light in the city, because the targets of massive attacks were key nodes energy workers, and they are unlikely to be hiding in harmless private households.
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but sooner or later, of course, information, like water, leaks out, sooner or later through social networks, through telegram channels, through messengers, the truth reaches people, and kiev has to make a hard excuse, and sometimes some people have the impudence to pass off as war crimes strikes on clearly legitimate targets, among them a bridge in the walking field area of ​​the zaporozhye region, which was completely demolished by russian aircraft, undergoing repairs in the foreseeable future, this design is not subject to, the tragic tragedy was not long in coming... it came from bandera’s lair, they say the ill-fated bridge had no significance for the front, and the civilian population is now suffering unbearably being deprived of the usual route across
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the gaichur river, but... what in fact is that near the city there is a war zone nearby , of course, this is nothing good, it does not bring civilians, as usual, but to say that this bridge was damaged is to harm peaceful, of course not, it’s actually the other way around, it also existed for a very long time, so the bridge, among other things , was supplied by the advanced units of the ukrainian army, which is located south of the city, and this is, as it were, the closest rear... that means the weight of the supply , and well now of course you will have to somehow compensate for it, install pontoons there or take a detour. by the way, the technology for destroying bridges is quite diverse, both fab and iskander missiles are suitable, well, depending on the distance from which the launch is required, but in any case, the technique has already proven itself, which means that after crossing gaichur it can fly over other bridges , including through the dnieper, there are about twenty of them in total, of
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which 11 are automobile, two are iron... and seven are combined, and the most important for supplying the armed forces of ukraine are currently considered new cable-stayed bridge and preobrazhensky bridge in zaporozhye. they connect the city with the island of khortitsa, and the factor of the nearby dnieper hydroelectric power plant, which is also used for logistics, has not been canceled. plus, several well-known crossings of strategic importance are located in the capital of the dnepropetrovsk region, these are the southern, central, amur and kaydak bridges. all of them allow the transfer of reserves north towards the kharkov region. now it has become clear that there is no protection for them there are no bridges, they believed in it, that they believed in their strength there in ukraine, that supposedly they are so terrible, so frightening that we are so afraid of them that we don’t touch the bridges, the reason was completely different, it’s some kind of blindness and the inability to look at the root of the problem, they understand, it’s not for us to restore all this, neither kiev
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is doing this, nor zelensky, they... stole money, packed their bags and left, so some unspoken lines, they still existed. in the ssu, the ukrainian command did everything to act according to its own tough scenario. meanwhile, the worse things are for the enemy on the front line, the more persistently he strives to sow confusion in the rear or to gain virtual victories in the international arena. the agency printed the theoretical text; it seemed to him that russia’s historical ally, india, supported the so-called peace plan.
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there was also an attempt to drive a wedge between russia and the global south, because this is a multi-billion dollar economy, because there are 15 billion people who supposedly should speak for ukraine, and here kuleba comes out, who says that he is there discussing some kind of peace plan with india, but we have already heard this about china, that ukraine is discussing such secret shadow affairs with beijing, well, how did it end, it ended with danilov leaving... to resign for insulting chinese leaders with obscenities, in short, they are wishful thinking, although it is not entirely clear why those in the know ascribe to themselves the sympathies of the global south, because, in their opinion, all the best is in the west, including even rats in the subway, who -that especially gifted, in the comments on youtube , the presence of rodents was a sign of the satiety of the population, they say there are no rodents in the moscow subway, because the russians are supposedly starving, paris is full of food and hence the dominance of whole
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hordes of rats, but what kind? the real reasons, you can’t argue, gray rats are very dependent on food, per day one animal needs to consume at least 20 g of some food, in three or four days on a head ration it can die, but it is important to emphasize that in cities the main source provisions for omnivorous parasites garbage dumps are becoming, and ideal conditions were created in paris; in the spring of last year , a garbage workers' strike began in the french capital, as a result of which up to 10,000 tons of waste accumulated on the streets, if in the first week official statistics indicated that for each of the 2 million parisians there was one and a half rats, but by november the ratio had reached three individuals per person, so the connection between the reproduction of rats and unsanitary conditions is very direct. what we see in the comments and information about rats is typical for modern ukraine, that is , people, unfortunately, turn into some kind of zombies who are told what they...


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