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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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and entire rats, but what are the real reasons? you can’t argue that gray rats are very dependent on food; per day, one animal needs to consume at least 20 g of some food; in three or four days on a head ration it can die, however , it is important to emphasize that in cities, the main source of food for omnivorous parasites become garbage dumps, and ideal conditions were created in paris. last spring , a strike among garbage workers began in the french capital, causing up to 10,000 people to gather on the streets. tons of waste, if in the first week of the strike official statistics indicated that for each of the 2 million parisians there were one and a half rats, but by november the ratio had reached three individuals per person, so the connection between the reproduction of rats and unsanitary conditions is very direct, then what we see in the comments and information about rats, this is typical for modern ukraine, that is , people, unfortunately, turn into some kind of zombies, who are told what they... want to see,
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want not to see their problems and want to see them from the enemy, that is, this this is a traditional reaction of the internet audience to some content that irritates the ukrainian audience directly; they are trying to reassure themselves, to say that everything is fine with us, and everything is bad with you, dear russians. as for product diversity, it is apparently still easier for some to believe low-grade propaganda, but there are plenty of people who want to do fact-checking in person, without being afraid to come to moscow. dr. pepper, which is made just a couple of miles from my hometown, i don't know how they sell it for only $2, they somehow imported sauce from australia and every kind of beer you could think of from the eu, they have the best olives from spain and greece and sparkling wine from italy. the american blogger seems sincerely surprised that the notorious sanctions do not work, but at least he saw the truth with his own eyes and henceforth is unlikely to accept false publications of western media at face value, that is, he has developed a reliable immunity from ridiculous fakes, in which we will definitely...
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we will continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia 24 tv channel . look around, now 2.0 1224, 100 years ahead, everything will be different, moscow. moscow, where is the machine, flying type, energetically unjustified, she brought a man, a young man from school, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word, even look at me, when everything will end, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why, we will act here now, we let's change the present... in the name of our common
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past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years ago, tasty, bad, because i made it with love, soon, investment rating, economics , through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money. the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. in general , how can you achieve what you have achieved? you it feels like you're on top of the world. he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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and why you were given the title of hero of the soviet union, i don’t know, vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, ’42, russian, the story is completely romantic, but you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, she molded you into latin americans, yes, she made you a person who has a latin american character and latin american habits. he told me,
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it’s better for you not to know, yeah, but i didn’t ask anymore, because i realized there’s so much in total, not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information he sent here. 98%, probably, it all came true, ukraine was in his forecasts, that’s roughly how it all happened, i always dreamed of remaining a commandant, what does latin america and the mausalee have to do with it, from summer to winter and back, when twenty-degree temperatures return to the center of european russia it's warm, we'll tell you about it soon. 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on. izorsk urgently evacuates people. a state of emergency is in effect throughout the orenburg region. why does the flood develop in the cis-urals? most active. how did the anticyclone protect the center of the country from a catastrophic
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flood? fear and panic in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces; when they hit the fabs, the ukronazis crumble into molecules. how russian engineers managed it. transform old soviet bombs into game-changing precision weapons. and macron still won’t dare to take a dip in the hay, so far he’s only promising whether the dirtiest river in europe has become safe for swimming, why are the french authorities so afraid of the rains of abnormal heat during the games? you are watching the main weather program, i'm vadim zavodchenkov, hello! and on... let's start the issue with the flood situation. the most tense point now is the orenburg region. a state of emergency is in effect throughout the region, but big water came not only in the urals.
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we’ll tell you which other regions are drowning in meltwater and what to expect next from the weather immediately after reviewing the main cataclysms of the week. in orsk , residents of the old town area are being evacuated. police are helping the rescuers. here is an employee of the ministry of internal affairs who carried a disabled person out of a flooded house. law enforcement officers also rescued his mother is a cat. the russian ministry of emergency situations is transporting people from the area of ​​possible flooding. rescuers go around all the houses, checking whether there are any elderly people left in them who cannot get out on their own. someone comes for relatives and takes them to safe areas. in fact, i came from the city to pick up relatives. first of all , they took the documents, everything they needed, everything they needed. i took them with me, this is the second time i’ve come, i’m leaving, i’m taking them home, in orsk an evacuation is being carried out by specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations and local administration, the evacuation is being carried out due to the fact that there was a burst of an earthen embankment dam, which is located within the city and
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protected it from sticks and stones. a small gust is now being eliminated by heavy-duty front loaders, which are bringing in earth to fill the gust. in these shots. the very moment when the dam could not withstand the pressure of water and began to leak, melt water poured through the place of the gust, heavy trucks and front loaders were sent to strengthen the dam, in total, 240 specialists eliminated the consequences of the gust in orski more than 100 units of equipment. the threat to the dam in orsk loomed after an almost twofold increase in water discharge from the ireklinsky reservoir. the measure was forced, since due to the active influx of melt water, it remained until it was completely filled. only half a meter. as of friday , more than 1,600 houses and more than 5,000 household plots were flooded in the orenburg region. many rivers in the region have already exceeded critical levels. there is a bridge at this place. you can see from the signs how much the water level has risen. in
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additional rescue forces are being deployed to the orenburg region. two il-76 planes with specialists from the ministry of emergency situations took off from moscow, vorsk, from the perm territory. an aerobic group arrived, equipped, among other things, with watercraft. the flood situation is becoming more complicated in other regions of the country; flooding is now observed in 36 regions of russia. a state of emergency was maintained in two districts of the chelyabinsk region. both, everything, broke. nightmare, nightmare. in the kurgan region , kurtomysh is also evacuating residents from flooded houses in the district center. a regime has been introduced in the city emergency. the water in the tabol river in kurgan rose by... 67 cm in one day. in the samara region, water entered half a thousand residential buildings. there are more than 200 people in temporary accommodation centers. the first wave of the spring flood also affected the central regions of the russian plain. five low-level bridges and sections of roads were sunk in the moscow region. currently, the most acute
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flood situation is developing in the east of european russia and the southern slopes of the urals. the thing is, it's still the same here. significant reserves of snow, for example, in some places in the volga region there are snowdrifts 20-40 cm high, in the mountains of the southern urals their height is about half a meter. but it is from here that the rivers that feed the main water arteries of the region originate and the destruction of this anomalous snow cover is the main factor of the current flood. for example, the most active snowmelt in the mountains of the southern urals began in early april, and the ural river immediately responded to this. in the first days of the month, its level immediately doubled, but this is only the beginning. there is still a lot of snow in the foothills, so meltwater will continue
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feed the region's rivers. at the same time, spring processes in the west of the russian plain proceed in a calmer mode. first, a little theory: due to brownian motion, molecules with significant energy potential can escape from their environment. in the case of liquid, this process is called evaporation, and for... their bodies the term sublimation is used, and it was sublimation that made it possible in some areas to reduce the degree of flood on the territory of the russian plain. we remember that by the beginning of calendar spring, the height of snowdrifts in the region was one and a half to two times higher than the norm, but a significant portion of their moisture did not end up in water bodies, but in the atmosphere. the fact is that most of march in the center of european russia was sunny. cyclonic weather, it has been experimentally established that almost
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one and a half mm of snow sublimate under the rays of the sun every 2 hours, it is easy to calculate that in 180 hours of partly cloudy spring days , only about half of the 57 cm of snow cover that lay on the streets of the capital melted, everything else turned into steam. in the coming days the weather will force spring. in russia. the arctic invasion that gripped the northern half of the russian plain at the end of the working week will gradually give way to another atlantic heat wave, so that snowmelt in the volga region and southern urals will intensify, bringing new risks to flood-affected areas. at the same time , rain will be an additional negative factor in orenburg. in the orsk area, it will fall by the middle of next week. half of the april moisture volume, and the temperature regime will be noticeably warmer than the climate.
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afternoon +15:17, sunday-monday cooler, +11:12 in the daytime, sunny weather will prevail in central russia, for example, in moscow there will be light rain only on sunday and tuesday. in such a situation, the air will warm up well. already on sunday, after saturday the thermometer is +10. on other topics, russian fabs strike terror into the ukronazis, nato military experts are convinced that our planning aerial bombs - quote: will change the face of the conflict in ukraine, or perhaps have already changed it, evgeniy tishkavets will talk about the effectiveness of fabs. evgeniy, in the western press faba
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they are even compared to tactical nuclear weapons. it’s not surprising, vadim, that after using these ammunition the enemy loses all ability to resist. ukrnazis are horrified by russia's new weapons. ex-colonel of the sbu oleg starikov vividly described what happens after the arrival of fab 1500. in the place where the ammunition directly arrives. everything disintegrates into molecules, eardrums burst within a radius of 2-3 km, and the soldier is seized with fear and panic. these shots show the fabs defeating 500 ammunition depots and hangars with vsso equipment. the destructive power of the ammunition is impressive. after the warhead explodes, a crater up to 8 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep remains. one and a half tons of fap causes even more damage. the damage radius is up to 500 m. the ammunition is capable of... destroying bunkers at a depth of up to 20 and penetrating up to 3 m of reinforced concrete. fab
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stands for high explosive aerial bomb. subsequent numbers in the name indicate its mass. for example, fab-500 weighs half a ton. in the soviet union, aerial bombs of this caliber were put into service in 1932 . since then, the ammunition has been repeatedly has undergone changes. in 1962, for example, a low- resistance modification appeared. which made it possible to transport bombs on external hangers, and not in the internal compartment of the bomber. and most importantly, after the collapse of the ussr, a huge amount of this ammunition remained in warehouses. general
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the power of ammunition, this is almost out of the window, as they say, the adoption of a new line of precision bombs by the russian aerospace forces became known in march 2023 . the introduction of ompc turned free-falling fabs into smart gliding ones ammunition. this allows aircraft to drop them from a considerable distance without entering the affected area of ​​enemy air defense systems. and at the beginning of 2024, mass production was resumed in russia. fap-300 bombs. this ammunition, in the m-54 modification, weighs more than 3 tons and contains almost one and a half tons of explosives. for the first time, our aerospace forces used them during an assault, and the call began in mariupol. before this, the uhrnazis, holed up in the dungeons of the plant, were confident of their invulnerability. the production of fab-300 itself
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indicates that our armed forces umpc module for fap-300 is ready. in order to use it there from a bomber to strike at especially protected targets, since the power of the fap-3000 is difficult to even imagine, nothing has been officially said about the use of the fab-3000 with the umpc, but the appearance of a smart three-ton can just be that game-changing weapon. french president emmanuel macron. promised to swim in the seine, and this is not the first time he has done this, but so far he has not fulfilled his intention, probably does not want to take risks, the seine river is heavily polluted, swimming in it was prohibited at the beginning of the last century, and now they are going to send olympic swimmers there, supposedly the river was cleaned up for the olympics, and the quality
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of water in the hay, tatyana belova will tell you, tanya, macron is not the only one , promised to dive into the muddy waters of the sena, the others also did not dare. vadim, all the loud statements by high-ranking european officials have so far remained empty promises. at the end of february, at the opening of the olympic village , french president emmanuel macron announced ready to swim in the hay. thus, the french leader tried to dispel doubts about the level of pollution of the river. the other day macron confirmed his intention. answering questions from journalists, he said that the hay was suitable for swimming. and he is personally ready to swim in it, emphasizing that his promise is no joke, but the politician did not name the exact date of his swim. the executive director of the international olympic committee, christophe dubi, also joined those wishing to swim in the river. note that french politicians make promises swimming in the hay is, one might say, a long-standing tradition. back in the early nineties, when he was mayor of paris, jacques chérac also intended
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to bathe in the hay, but in the end he did not keep his promise. european politicians in general are famous for the fact that they often express concern about problems that, frankly speaking, do not really interest them, that is, this is just, say, demagoguery, yes, verbiage about what they really are not going to do , the last reason is that in the run-up to the olympic games, france and paris are very there are many more serious, very difficult problems, and these are precisely macron. i wouldn’t like to discuss it, so shifting attention to the cleanliness of the hay is an amazing, distracting maneuver. and then, in the nineties, chirac wanted to clear the hay. officially, the ban on swimming in the river has been in effect since 1923, but its pollution began much earlier. back in the 15th century , during the religious wars, the bodies of murdered huguenots were thrown there. in addition,
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wastewater from all over paris entered the river. and from the beginning of the 19th century to the flow of infrequencies up to. level oxygen dropped to a minimum, but the concentration of ammonia, nitrites and fical bacteria increased. this is a matter of several centuries, that is, it was polluted in the 17th century, 19th century, and so on. that is, this is it, and for presidents, we remember that jacques cherak also made quite loud promises. in relation to the cleansing of the hay and so on, yes, that is, this is a kind of long-term construction that each president passes on to the next without intending to really... reflect on this money, effort, and so on. let me remind you that the olympic games will be held in paris from from july 26 to august 11, they are supposed to mark the resumption of swimming in the seine. it is within the boundaries of the french capital that
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triathlon open water swimming competitions will be held, although the athletes are clearly not happy about this. this is a concern. there were no test events last year because of this water contamination, but organizers are insisting that the olympic competition be held there. you need a backup plan for that. france has already spent billions of euros on hay cleaning. built on the outskirts of paris new open-air facilities. it seems that we even managed to improve the water quality a little, but in august last year there really was an embarrassment. retesting triathlon competitions, samples showed excess concentrations of fecal bacteria. the water part of the competition had to be cancelled. the pollution was caused by rains, which caused the sewerage system to overflow and water and excrement to flow out. into the river, in order to prevent such overflows under the public garden, an underground structure is being built in the vicinity of the austerlitz train station reservoir, worth almost 1.5 billion euros, in
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the event of heavy rains it must accumulate excess rainwater, but what if the precipitation is extreme, whether the underground storage will cope with it is not a fact, so the organizers very much count on the fact that during the games there will be no rain in paris, but dry and clear weather can also lead to serious problems, weather forecasters... are frightening about the return in august of the record heat of 2003, then in france 15.00 people died due to heat strokes caused by them, just imagine if in this time the garbage collectors will go on another strike, and we can forget about outdoor competitions. in general, the weather alone can turn a sports festival in paris into a real hell, and we didn’t even remember about rats, bedbugs and safety problems. and now our traditional column is the space weather forecast, which we are compiling together with our colleagues from the institute
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of space research. the sun has exhausted its energy, activity has dropped to its minimum. after a series of outbreaks of the highest class x in the second half of march, since april 2, there has been a lull in the sun. the star is accumulating energy for... strikes, in fact, the entire past week, starting from tuesday, was calm, during this time there were only five or six flares, all of them were weak, and since the situation on earth is a derivative of the situation on the sun , geomagnetic activity has completely stabilized, i would like to emphasize that the activity of the sun did not go to zero, it turned out so interestingly, it moved to the opposite side of the sun, that is, judging by what we see here...
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next week the calm trend of the sun will continue, minor disturbances of the magnetosphere are possible on wednesday, an active region will pass in front of the earth, but it is quite weak, has almost no energy reserves, but nevertheless creates... the period of calm in the foreseeable future will end, those gone into reverse the sun's side of the active region should soon return, around the end of the coming week on saturday into sunday, we expect these centers to begin to appear in view of the earth. apparently, solar flare activity will resume with at a moderate pace in mid-april. that's all, enjoy... and whatever it is, goodbye?
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i propose to change the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, i’m a passenger, we look to explore the world.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin instructed the head. it’s time for alexander kurenkov to urgently fly to the orenburg region, where thousands of people are being evacuated due to floods and a dam break in orsk. the minister will personally place to organize all necessary work in the flood zone. let me remind you that the dam has already broken in three places; water from the ural river has reached several microdistricts and may reach a critical level on sunday night. this was stated in the press service of the governor. in total, approximately 4,500 residential buildings were flooded in the region.


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