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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenko. the urals reached several microdistricts on sunday night and may reach a critical level, the governor’s press service stated. in total, almost 45 residential buildings were sunk in the region, about half of them in orsk. in the peredburg region announced.
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emergency situation at the regional level, the authorities urge residents of the affected areas not to refuse to evacuate, a unified 24-hour service has begun in the region call center, information on all issues related to the emergency situation can be obtained by calling the short number 1 2 2. the authorities call the situation in orsk critical; according to the ministry of emergency situations, the flooding zone is expanding. the dam has already been breached at three points; these are the pictures local residents are posting online. the water is arriving rapidly, with the threat of flooding several villages within the city, there is a danger that in the next few hours the entire residential sector in the old city of orsk will be flooded, residents are being evacuated, work is being done on site regional and municipal services, rescuers. emergency services from the local
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administration and police are visiting houses. the warning siren also works. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 33 temporary accommodation points have been prepared for 23.23,000 people. report from the scene by our special correspondent maria valeeva. in the old city , evacuation continues, and the water is becoming more and more. the current is very strong. rescuers move along flooded roads on a caterpillar conveyor in vehicles. and kamaz. these guys are vigilantes from the russian community. in while driving through the streets, we saw pensioners in one of the houses; they were immediately put into a boat and helped into the back. tell me, why weren’t you evacuated yesterday? yes, my grandfather went crazy in the evening. his blood pressure rose greatly. as soon as the evacuation messages arrived, the majority collected all the necessary things and left. but they didn’t have time to take the animals out. well, yesterday evening we evacuated with children and animals. they left, they arrived already,
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the water came in, the animals remained there, specialists from the leader center came to the rescue, pulled out the sheep and rams. but not everyone is in a hurry leave their homes, here is a man sitting in the attic watching the water flow, with a dog nearby. will you be evacuating? water cut off the old city from the new, the road was flooded, under the rails. the soil is rapidly eroding. the situation in the old part of orsk is a complex embankment dam, which partially collapsed, and was designed for a level of the ural river of 5.5 m. now it is much higher. all emergency services are at the scene of the breakthrough. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. it has already been established that the dam, which was put into operation in 2010, is not was properly maintained. a criminal case
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was opened under two articles on negligence and violation of safety rules during the construction and maintenance of a critical facility. during the preliminary investigation , a legal assessment will be given to the actions of officials responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of this facility. a briefing was held at the city administration building.
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meanwhile, in orsk the situation is increasingly tense, residents of another microdistrict are being urgently evacuated, all residents are asked to urgently take necessary things to leave their houses. on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, another train of rescuers flew into the city on an il-76 plane. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and maya alenova, conduct the orenburg region. in the altai territory, the situation in flooded areas is gradually stabilizing, about 380 houses and 470 plots have been freed from water. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, russia, together with regional rescuers, pumped it out. home territories of about 140,000 cubic meters of water, 17 temporary dams with a length of 10 km were erected. targeted assistance was provided to 400 residents. ongoing aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aircraft in the biysk and solton regions. in the samara region, the number of
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flooded residential buildings decreased by a third per day. rescuers are helping people. they clear the courtyards of debris brought in by the flood, and pump out water from the basements. 450 were evacuated from the flood zone . at night, russian troops carried out a group attack on ukrainian military airfields, military-industrial complex enterprises and places of deployment of foreign fighters. this was reported. the department was also told about the situation on main directions of the northern military district.
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denis alekseev has details. this is no longer a high-precision arrival itself, detonation. ukrainian armed forces equipment in 133 districts. during the night , enterprises where armored vehicles were produced and repaired were also hit in ukrainian regions. the target was airfields where they were preparing to receive western f-16 fighters. tonight, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision
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, long-range, sea- based airborne weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on enterprises military-industrial complex of ukraine. carrying out the production and repair of armored vehicles and uavs, a military airfield and a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. this is attack aircraft. the day before, pilots of su-25 attack aircraft disrupted the rotation of militant units in the north donetsk direction. unguided aircraft missiles were used. the crew protected themselves as much as possible, while leaving no choice to the enemy. the ukrainian armed forces suffered serious losses in personnel during the transfer. and these are the latest shots seconds afloat of the ukrainian boat, which was used to cross the dnieper. the river landing force of the ukrainian armed forces tried to gain a foothold on the left bank of the river, but again failed. our attack drones worked on targets. drone operators keep control of the
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dnieper waters and are just about to kill. at night , the movement of funds along the dnieper river was monitored. five enemy boats were hit by unmanned attack artillery. loading troops and when trying to approach the left bank. in the entire kherson direction, ukrainian prices per day the units lost about fifty people. just like that out of the blue. what can we say about those areas where our military is rapidly entering the depths of the enemy’s defenses. west of avdiivka , the center group, for example, again improved its tactical position, repelling 12 counterattacks. three ukrainian tanks were scrapped, the losses in the ssu were about 300 people. alekseev. news. meanwhile, new evidence has emerged that foreign mercenaries are fighting on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. when examining the militants who took part in recent attacks by ukrainian saboteurs in the belgorod region and were destroyed in battle, they found fragments, equipment and personal belongings, including recordings from helmet-mounted
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video cameras, which confirm that we are talking about hired military personnel from the united states. these are the details our war correspondent yevgeny podubny learned. this. footage from helmet cameras of americans who participated in terrorist attacks on the belgorod border area. the cameras were discovered by our soldiers while searching the bodies of liquidated militants. this. the most important evidence of western involvement in attempts destabilize the situation in the russian border region. a group of american militants occupies a building that is actually adjacent to the line of combat contact. this is the village of kazinka. a ukrainian translator is establishing cooperation with a neighboring unit. bros, ours, ours, ours. who's the eldest? krakow, americans. guys, americans are on the right. americans act as if they are in afghanistan. specific army humor,
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self-confidence, arrogance. what? what's the plan? we're going to keep pushing with them or uh, this uh, this group like uh, prv of convoy, yeah, okay, so they pushing up in front of the convoy, okay, we uh showed the differences like airsoft and paintpall levels of team dedication. our fighters monitor the actions of the enemy and the mercenaries of ordinary militants of the kiev regime from the air, wait until most of the enemy’s forces are concentrated in one place, and in a nearby building another group of militants provide medical assistance to each other. were injured while moving, they are no longer in the mood for jokes, a short message is broadcast on the radio
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the commander is a fucking american, okay too. and this is a first-person view, an enemy group is trying to get out from under fire, this is what our fighters are waiting for, in the area where the formation of the main intelligence directorate of the armed forces of ukraine tried to break through our line of defense in order to organize information provocations during the presidential elections in russia, there are still dozens of bodies of liquidated militants, many of them foreigners; it is already known that americans, french, and romanians took part in the attack on the belgorod border area. as part of the main control units
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intelligence agencies included neo-nazis. the leaders of the kiev regime even tried to form an amusing cossack detachment according to the behests of the fascist criminal general von panwitz. this is the result of an inspection of the personal belongings of liquidated ukrainian militants. death's heads - nazi symbols. attempts by the kiev regime to present the operation in the belgorod direction as an attack by the neovlasovites. where is the treatment currently taking place? let us remind you that during his arrest he himself received a gunshot wound;
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a court hearing was held right in the hospital today. report by oleg posobin. a rare case in judicial practice, the accused of an attempt on the life of the governor lies on a mobile bed in the ward of the apatitsky-kirov central city hospital under the supervision of the police and bailiff doctors. and the handcuffs are not immediately noticeable . the mobile court selects a preventive measure for the patient. i will ask members of the media and members of the public. the accused attacked andrei chibis with a knife and did not become a murderer, apparently only thanks to the efforts of the surgeons of the same hospital; the accused does not hide his motives. while the investigation is ongoing, while i will not make any comments, if the opportunity arises , apologize to the governor, will you do it? no, yes, yes, yes, andrei chibis was seriously wounded at about 9 pm on april 4 at the exit from a recreation center in apatity. operation.
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his biographies result in criminal liability, that is, the case was closed, neighbors describe budanov as a withdrawn and silent person, he worked on the railway personally with a lapwing... he was not familiar with what could have made him decide to kill, investigators have to find out, the court arrested the defendant for 2 months, the hearing took place as usual, and accordingly, a decision was made to choose a preventive measure in the form of custody and the corresponding decision was made in accordance with the conclusion of the prosecutor. the accused will spend the first days under arrest in a single hospital ward under guard. the news about the choice of preventive measures is quite
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often announced against the backdrop of the trial, but now it is happening at the emergency department. the international crew returned to earth after a two-week expedition to the iss, the first belarusian space flight participant marina vasilevskaya and roscosmos cosmonaut oleg novitskaya have already arrived in the star city, where they will undergo rehabilitation, let me remind you that novitsky and vasilevskaya were delivered to the iss on march 25 by a russian ship. soyuz ms-25, for him it was the fourth flight, and she was in orbit for the first time, the president of belarus alexander lukashenko also monitored vasilevskaya’s return to earth. i watched the undocking live from the pieced-off device. were you worried that when your children are in space, you will understand what a citizen is?
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belarus in space, so of course i’m glad that everything happened okay, i watched a few of them.
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having learned that a child has autism, where not autism, you may be scared, what a horror, what is it to be perplexed, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i’m alone i know the prayer, any other advice? have you tried seeing a healer? in the end, you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about this, i’ll find out more about this, i'll find out more about this. if you don't know how to behave or what to say, learn more about it. well, can you tell me this, have you
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been jinxed? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the besagon tv author’s program, it will be called, does crime have punishment? i hope you will understand why we named our program this way, and i look forward to seeing you. when i was little, i always wanted to combine medicine with military affairs; in the army there is no division for boys and girl, there are no concessions here, our hospital was in the middle of our unit, we were fired at first for about an hour,
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some unit was standing nearby in the field, there were screams and yells, they also called for help, and i rushed there. maybe i did something good, maybe not, because they scolded me, shelling is going on everywhere, and you need to move forward and quickly, maybe, you know, some kind of instinct is at play, like a mother’s, that you should help this, i i believe in myself that i can still do something, hi, mom, everything is fine, we are working. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal. more brutally, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what
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about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product? these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum.
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russia, this is the conversation.
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and who he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of a foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we
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are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, if you have some property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they broadcast everything. i have to find him, nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko,
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tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went to reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then i don’t know, anton schakken, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign. passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's see. let's see. in the application or on the website.
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leonardo da vinci, rubins, rembrandt, titian, velazquez, van dyck, a unique collection, all this museum wealth is hung with a trellis in one moscow apartment, just turn the key in this apartment and it says that this is not apartment, but a museum. i had a feeling, there were some tremors, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, because in moscow we have western european collections, like... i’ve practically never seen such large ones. the owner of the collection is art critic nina moleva, the widow of soviet avant-garde artist ellia belyutina. the cost of the work, according to various estimates, ranges from 400 million to 2 billion dollars. what things, what things? yes, you know, they need to be sold through tsobes. this is the conversation. these are
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all the great artists there are fakes. nina moleva and eli belyutin, who are they, the great ones patrons of the arts, new russian shukins and morozovo, charismatic hoaxers who convincingly pass off replicas as originals, or maybe just hostages of a beautiful and mysterious family legend about a unique collection. all the walls in the apartment of molev and bilyutin were hung with paintings 5 ​​m from floor to ceiling, paintings by vandyck, da vinci, tetsian, rubins, but guests have not been invited here so often lately. according to the recollections of those who were lucky enough to visit the apartment museum, the hostess loved to treat her to coffee brewed according to her a special secret recipe while she
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was leaving. to the kitchen, which was located in the back of the apartment, guests had the opportunity to be alone with these masterpieces and carefully examine them. then conversations began about lofty things, about art, and of course, asking questions about the authenticity of these masterpieces was somehow completely uncivilized. this is my whole family. according to family legend, the bulk of the collection was collected by belyutin’s grandfather, ivan grinev. artist of the moscow office of the imperial theaters. on the imperial stages, this is small theater and big. there were 11 premieres during the season. and the design of each performance was estimated at 10,000 rubles. gold. well, this was left to him from each production, say,
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5,000 with gold. these were gold royal rubles, and it was possible to operate with this money somehow. obsessed with the idea of ​​​​creating his own museum, and dreaming of the glory of a russian philanthropist, grenev regularly traveled to western europe and spent all his gold money on buying paintings. he wanted to create a museum named after him. free and that this museum should have two employees who would they told the kids about art, he spent all the money he received on purchasing all these paintings.


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