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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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positions, artillery, tanks, which were mixed up, yes, a concentration of equipment, we worked on them several times, we can see in the deep rear what the enemy is doing, they work on you, as i work, but we leave with anti-aircraft weapons, they work, they don’t like you very much , and because we find them and inflict fire , we punish them.
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i graduated from the smolensk academy of military air defense, a very good academy, and i won’t even say, there is also an airborne squad there, yes, yes, i graduated from an airborne platoon, i was assigned by assignment - 106th airborne division, so i wore a vest, i wore it, i wear it, and that is , well done, since a paratrooper is always a paratrooper, but... there is no academy yet, no academy,
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well, that is, they grew up in the war, yes, but one academy -you definitely need to finish it in time, otherwise the general staff may not be accepted into the academy straight away, but in the army, in my opinion, there is a strict order in this regard, yes, yes, of course, although, of course, i think it’s really hard for you now from combat work get distracted well, the intensity is, of course, very serious, the enemy is still very strong, cunning, and people a lot, a lot of people, he’s also capable of conducting analysis, studying us, on the enemy, the losses on our part are terrible, yes, yes, serious losses, let’s say, we observe, we see, well, when we enter positions... they are
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our own do they at least take it away or leave it? no, now it’s not, now it’s not, at the beginning of the war, but it was visible in the wear, now it’s no longer, now the exception, now the exception is mercenaries, they take out mercenaries at any cost, they surrender, surrender, the cases are completely different, so ... when immediately before contact after fire preparation, someone is already surrendering, when the enemy raises a white flag, he is waving , he is ready to surrender, but there is no such opportunity, that’s it, the enemy has already seen that the serviceman is trying to surrender, he is already starting to throw them, there is no option, he himself spoke with the prisoners, but they first expect that they will... beat, torture and no, or they already
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know that ours treats us well, they know, absolutely know, and you talk about why you didn’t come earlier, so he says: i have my family under control, that’s it that is, i ’m sitting here in a position, i have no way out, nor here, not here, i won’t go back, here i am sitting here in a position dying, what age, but most likely already somewhere... over 50, that is, older, here is my workplace, here is my workplace, here i am working, and whoever plays with dumbbells is the main problem with the mouse. no, in the winter
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there were a lot of people everywhere, they were closed, now there are already cats, there are not enough of them, there is quite a lack of food. everything is fine with the food, there are no problems at all, we get a week once, we bring it, we cook ourselves, here is our cook, poilas, it’s okay what you cook, this is borscht, today we have borscht, we identified it, i cooked it once or twice, it cooks deliciously, i say, why are you going to be a driver, let’s be a cook, so the cooks figured it out, so what? what is your favorite dish, what do you cook best? solyanka, borscht, potato pilaf, it turns out well, but what
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drew you to the army? listen, blue dream, from childhood, how are we? you know, my mother was very against it at the military school, well, my father, my father, like any father, of course, wanted to, but how to fight in conditions when you see everything, but the enemy sees everything, when
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it’s so easy not to concentrate, not to turn around, not to drag what was previously called into battle formations. equipment, do n’t get a bull, don’t carry out a rotation, everything is under, everything is under supervision, uh, persistently, uh, i demand from every commander, so i say, evening comes, a mug of sweet tea, strong, and think, think, and completely carry out analysis for the day, somewhere to change the time, change the time, ae daily preparation, assault, that is, somewhere to prevent the enemy from getting used to it. yes, that is, the only way the enemy adapts very well, adapts quickly, otherwise there is an immediate adaptation, let’s say, you can’t go through the same tube twice, the enemy has changed since the beginning of the war, the enemy
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has changed, yes, but not really, you know, the only characteristic that can be said to be put in the enemy’s piggy bank is active development, develops uav, developing rap, so, but we are not lagging behind at all, i repeat, we cooperate very well with the voronezh branch, well done representatives come here, and not directly to the line of combat contact, that is, they work in real conditions. is conducting an analysis of who is standing opposite, now the fifty -seventh mechanized brigade, you know, there is everything, the fourteenth brigade , the fifty-seventh mechanized, here is part of the ninety-fifth attack aircraft, the air assault, the tenth
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mountain, there is a little bit of everything, you are waiting for the french, you know, how are cast iron blanks in general? well, you get a very short task with him, well, my task is to cover my main number, so he sort of solves a tactical issue, well, that is, this well, realistically it’s 200 plus, well , the maximum sighting range is 400, the really effective range is 100-200 m, yes, yes, but it suits you more than just here, valya
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was upset that there is no stopping power, that is, he’s piercing you, but that is i have to go straight ahead, i want to go ahead and shoot the cartridge.
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there is support for the offensive itself, we just work as part of a group on a priority goal depending on the task at hand, but you only have this or something else of course, that is, i have a choice, i have everything, that how long have you been working with her, for six months, six months, before that there was a public railing, well, they were purely amateurs.
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all the time you listen very carefully, you see the enemy has used smoke, that is, today the weather is such that they don’t really want to go forward, they are going that the visibility is coming, they are going anyway, but no matter what they are going. they use smoke, they walk, they crawl, and what is their task, what are they trying to do now, the task, let’s say, to recapture lost positions, uh-huh, that’s stupid, stupid, roughly speaking, that is, butting, that’s trampling it’s unclear and loses personnel, but...
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but in real work, that is, copters are everywhere, these are minefields - this is generally a good thing, and copters are constantly at work, good, around the clock, well, tell me what you have, here’s the commander , tell me? multiple rocket launcher system magpie hail 40 guides, that is, when they say sometimes
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it rains and hail - it’s you, well, that’s right, how long does it hit at a range of up to 22 km, 700 m, usually over areas where manpower and equipment are concentrated, yes, yes - yes, exactly living and lightly armored equipment, how do you work, yes like... you adjust the first sighting and then half a packet, always in different ways, well , basically yes, basically we correct everything, everything is captured, everything is corrected, then quickly, quickly leave, but within a minute we are winding down and leaving, the position is planned before, where do you come, well, yes or what, i’m in the constancy that everything is already up. it’s counted, i just drive out, they give me a corner, i steer the car, that’s it, is it
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a bug you have, or what? yes, yes, yes, where would we be without busulya, life is so hard, here you exhibit and work, yes, yes, yes, i’m putting up a panorama, that’s it, are you with a full package today for our sake, or does it happen to you so often, today it’s like this, how many people do you have in your crew, the thirteenth, five people in total, but he’s the starting gunner, he’s now wounded, uh, with me where did you catch two? at a firing position, has it arrived? yes, the arrivals have begun, fpv or artillery? no, artillery, artillery, fp is chasing you, it happens... yes, the mesh helps, of course, i’ve already tried it, there were moments, that is, the mesh itself helps because it detonates, well, of course, how old is it itself, 21, lieutenant, no way, no, contract soldier, yes, well, i
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signed a contract even before the special military operation, i left for military service and stayed in the army, i liked it, yes, the officers... oh, i don’t even know, you can it would be, but what do you know, here’s what, why the junior tsersky staff can easily be formed from contract soldiers, and artillery is somehow yours, oh well, yes, i immediately got into the artillery, from kolonsky mathematics with well, i just like it this car, did you armor something or something, no, but it’s just anti-drone in general. well i see here flight, then you, well, it happens, she got it, yes, yes, it happens, but this has never really let her down, it hasn’t even let her down at all, there hasn’t been anything like this.
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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author’s program besagon tv, it will be called, does crime have a punishment, but according to tradition, i will report to you our previous program and... on channel russia 1, on channel russia 24, on the ruble, in the telegram channel, on the website, on other platforms, in total i watched...
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from this terrible event that happened march 22 at the crocus city hall concert hall. you all know what happened, but i’ll remind you that people in camouflage with machine guns burst into the building, which accommodates up to ... spectators , shooting people at point-blank range. then a fire started in the building. the hall is on fire. this is a terrible terrorist attack that occurred near moscow, in the moscow region, in krasnogorsk, as a result of which, at the time of recording our release, 144 people were killed and more than 550 were injured. i think this is not the final figure.
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shoot a huge number of people and set them on fire this building, then, apparently, mingling with the panicking people, having managed to throw off their ammunition, they again boarded this renaо, the same thing they left on it, they drove almost 300 km towards the ukrainian border, where they were stopped and caught, of course , the main question, as it was, remains so, is... who is the customer, who needed it. just a few hours after what happened, john kirby, coordinator of strategic
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communications at the us security council, says the following. about the attack in moscow. i know you're still gathering information, but do you have any idea whether this could even be related to the conflict in ukraine. at the moment there are no signs that ukraine or ukrainians. are involved in this shooting, but again, this just happened, we are still studying, but i would at this early hour dissuade you from any connection with ukraine, that is , instantly right away, the first thing that is done is to divert suspicion from ukraine , and look at the speed, remember, just recently we talked about navalny in our program, how a few minutes after death of navalny all over the world began to express condolences, accuse... russia and putin of killing oppositionists, almost the same thing happened here, a few hours later the perpetrators were found, moreover, this
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happened in a country where they still cannot find those who was guilty of blowing up nord stream 2 is still unknown, moreover, it is still in question who killed kennedy, a lot of questions in the country are not... that this is a fake and the rain tv channel is forced to admit that this, sorry, is a mistake came out this is a fake, after the rain
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published... this is a fake message, it was instantly picked up by radio liberty, and instantly it spreads like a fan throughout all western media, including reuters, and france-24, and the wall street journal, and spiegel, and so on, and kutru, almost all the media in the western world accuse isis of committing a crime. let me remind you that except for fake. who were thrown out in the rain, at this moment there is no evidence that isis did this, besides, those people who know a little about how martyrs act, they know that this is another system, this is a different method, these images were taken by the terrorists themselves in the stake of the concert hall, after the mass shooting of spectators, a group of four people is heading towards the exit
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towards the parking lot, they want to leave the crime scene as soon as possible, radicalists from isis would hardly do this, this behavior completely unusual for them, compare with footage from afghan kandahar, a suicide bomber from the isis group blows himself up in the passage of a shopping center leading to a crowded square, eight dead and 20 wounded, a typical practice of religious fanatics, isis islamists have a fundamentally... different attitude towards their own lives. popular american blogger jack pasabetz noted: the radicals of the islamic state never leave the scene of the attack. these are suicide bombers who do not think about whether the special services will catch up with them or not, and even more so they do not shake like a leaf after being detained. what struck me was that usually egil jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack, they usually want to become martyrs. none of the crocus
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shooters. there was no suicide belt for this drew the attention of some world media, including the usa. the host of the american channel daniel davis deep dive recalled two more important nuances: isis religious fanatics never hide their faces in videos during attacks, and they do not kill for money; for them , killing people is an exclusively religious act. not here, it’s just pure murder of unarmed people. what innocent people, this is not like isis. thank god, our president had the courage and patience not to speak out immediately after it happened, but wait time and wait until these four performers are captured, information that has a real
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basis will appear.
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and finally, the next morning, the public has the opportunity to find out and see those who committed this crime. these are citizens of tajikistan, muhammad sabir fayzov, shamsuddin fariduni, said karamer achaba lizada and dalerjon mirzoev. the leader was fariduni, shamsuddin. two of them. rachibalizada and fariduni were recently in turkey and returned to russia on march 2. moreover, on march 7, fariduni even appeared in a circle city hall, it was accidentally taken by a photographer who was filming something there. well, probably, as one might assume, he was studying the situation, entrances, exits, movements, uh,


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