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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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specific people, specific criminals, this is true, but this absolutely does not remove the issue of migration policy, absolutely not, on the contrary, it aggravates this issue, because our migration policy is a copy of western programs, remember what yuri baranchik wrote, they were involved in migration programs in the russian federation international organizations, world bank,
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central asia, russian federation - 2021. 2014-2015.
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history of the tajik people for fifth to ninth grades for the 2023-2024 academic year, it was developed for russian-tajik secondary schools historian alexander dyukov, researcher at the institute of russian history iran, clarifies about these schools. for those who don’t know, these are russian-language schools operating in tajikistan at the expense of the russian budget; it is assumed that graduates of these schools will be better prepared for integration into russian society. well, great, is it really bad? wonderful. read
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on, here are the topics of this work program: central asia on the eve of the invasion of tsarist russia, the end of the russian occupation of central asia, the state of indigenous peoples in central asia asia during the colonial period. the reason for the anti-colonial struggle in turkestan and so on. here.
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textbook, and then comes to russia to work, how does he treat the country where he came, which carried out invasions, occupation, colonization, and his people fought against this colonization, how will he treat you and me, mistake, ignorance, misunderstanding , what is this, what is this? now listen to the history textbook from kazakhstan, it’s also very interesting. we are talking about a textbook on the history of kazakhstan for the seventh-eighth grade, which states that the russian empire, taking advantage of the kazakh-dzungarian confrontation, began to openly seize the lands of the northern part of the kazakh state. and, by the way, i did not find this textbook in bookstores or libraries. it is only in the hands of our children. so, everything very smoothly, very neatly comes down to the fact that russia deceived, used the kazakhs for its own purposes, and this had a negative impact on history in the future. for some reason many parents
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are silent about all this, i just found a history textbook for seventh-eighth grade, this is a very rare textbook, here is the publishing house. into slavery, in these conditions russia was the only country that could protect us from extermination, i want to return to the perpetrators of this terrorist act, just look at their social portrait, for example, muhammadsabir fayzov, 19 years old,
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single, no children, secondary education , previously worked as a hairdresser in ivanova, registered there. shamsud fariduni, 25 years old, married, has a child, registered in putilkovo near moscow, worked there as a laborer in parquet factories. in 2015, he was sentenced in tajikistan to 5 years, 8 months for attempted rape of a minor. saidakrami, balizuda doctor, 30 years old, married, has a child, unemployed, further. john mirzoev, 32 years old, married with three children, was on the territory of the russian federation with his registration in novosibirsk expired 3 months ago, which is why he was fined 5.00 rubles and was required to leave russia on his own. his
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brother, ravshajon mirzoev, was on the list of terrorists in tajikistan, as he fought for isis in syria. that is, these are young people, 19.32 years old, with secondary or incomplete secondary education, who practically do not speak russian, although i don’t really believe in this, because it is quite difficult to work as a hairdresser without speaking russian in ivanova , but nevertheless, they communicated through translators, which was probably more convenient for them, to pretend that they did not understand the questions, with temporary registrations in different regions of russia in the so -called...
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look, none of them professed radical islam, they weren't fanatics no, they turned into murderers in 3-4 weeks on the territory of russia, that’s what’s amazing, not in tajikistan, but here, because in tajikistan the rules on this matter are stricter than ours, because we are more liberal.
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like this, this one, yes, it’s definitely him, yes, this is the famous commander of the great patriotic war, i’m sure, yes, i’m sure, most migrants don’t know a single word of russian, but at the same time they all have certificates of knowledge of the russian language, exams are all they rent, you go out to the parking lot, migrants stand with the same open certificates, these
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they sell security, the police, pretend that they don’t notice anything, and so it’s always here, but the management, of course, prohibits questions on this topic, asking or raising any questions. this filter, which should separate, so to speak, the wheat from the chaff, these people do not fully fulfill their duties, this is a problem, and look, just using the example of four people, these four terrorists, 50% of them, two of them in general shouldn't have been allowed here, but they ended up here, and now multiply that by this crowd, i know...
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save us, god, lord, issi, we even turn mourning into a reason for blessing execution in russia. the question is how this terrorist attack will be used in russia. this is a cynical use of a terrorist attack, but even more cynical is its use to legalize the death penalty, to lift the moratorium. i said then, i will repeat now, the death penalty is a reluctance. to beat is the need to draw that red line beyond which a person understands that he will lose
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his life. they tell me, but can you imagine that such a life sentence, where you are in a cell, one and a half by one and a half, where you are bent all the time and so on and so on and so on, i understand everything, but this is life, life, the happiness of life itself. life, as the great one said, but there is hope there all the time, or as they say in the east, the shah will die or the shah will die. tell me, please, what would be done with these four murderers if they were in the hands of relatives of those who know how? is it more wrong for this measure of punishment to exist as a stop? for those, who it can still stop, for those who understand how this will end, of course, i can
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cite saudi arabia, israel, the united arab emirates as examples, by the way, the death penalty is in belarus and in 27 states of the united states of america it is, it’s just the most cunning system, it’s not possible here, they transported it there, but there it’s possible, but with people, if you just ask. in a big country, in a country that has seen how people fall and die, how their throats are cut, for nothing, for nothing, for innocent people who came to the concert, hold a referendum, because the conversation is not about cruelty, but about justice, which has always been fundamental for russia, justice, sacrifice and...
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to the death of a person who has taken sin on his soul. it is imperative to raise the issue of the death penalty, because this humanity in feeding the murder of tens and hundreds of people is not humanity, it is some kind of fellowship, which means that no one understands, you need to love not in word and tongue, but in deed the truth, if do you want to love drug sellers, pedophiles, rapists, all sorts of those, masters of back-stabbing cases and mass murderers, alyachikotila, that means, or these last four, that means tajik, i don’t know, call yourself something, but i mean this... the majority of the inhabitants of our country do not understand him, god’s law determines the death penalty
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for a whole number of categories of a person, if he stole a person, another person, found, stolen, was found by the one who stole, he must be put to death, for example, that is , kidnapping - visiting people for the purpose of sexual exploitation for the purpose of looting organs, there for the purpose of whatever you want, selling it on the black market is the death penalty according to the bible, and such... many things that we are doing now, no matter how completely impermissible they are, god does not play around with scoundrels, and for the record, i want to remind you that russia has introduced a moratorium on... the death penalty in 1996 just for the sake of joining the council of europe. this was the condition . as we know, on march 16, 2022, russia is no longer a member of the council of europe. what's holding us back? we want to continue to live according to the
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laws that are offered to us, to be humane, as they offer us, but they impose sanctions on us. arm neo-nazis and they send a terrorist to us, of course, after all that has been said, i think you understand perfectly well that i express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their loved ones in this bloody, unjust tragedy. and in conclusion, i think it’s fitting for us to listen to a song that, of course, everyone has already heard, which is called live.
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how can you take a life, how can you turn off the light, how can you take a mother away from a child who is five years old. no, no, no, no, no, no, a person cannot know
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how long he will live. but given choose one thing, how to deal with this time, live, live, live, live, live, live, live. live, live, live, live, live, live, how to learn to live in the world, be able to love, be able
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to forgive and give yourself to the end. and i will give myself to the end, live, live, live, how to learn to simply live, all people are happy to be around, together is a dream. it’s an honor to love and cherish every moment, how to forgive an enemy, how not to cross the line, how
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to hold back tears in your chest. see the dawn ahead, hope and believe, the last day cannot be returned, they will be carried into this future life, pass on save, excuse me, the children still have to live here, live, live, live. live, live, live , live, live, live, live, live, live, you and
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i, how to learn to just live, there with you, never mind, not being able to, the present, if it is real, finds its place and many years later, and today this song
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sounds like never before, on time, and although lent is underway, i don’t want to break our tradition, i just want to add: that understanding this glass, i invite you all to remember those who died in this tragedy, anyway as a result drink to the victory for our victory.
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oh, again mishman krivoruchka was late for our sweetheart, but he said, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we’re right, geologists are impatiently, god willing, waiting for you. at our next meeting, all the best, but why you were given the title of hero of the soviet union, i don’t know, vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, 42 years old, russian, the story is completely romantic, but you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no. did she make you look like a latino? yes, she made you a person with a latin american character, latin american habits, he told me, you
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it’s better not to know, yeah, but i didn’t ask anymore, because i realized there was so much there , not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information he sent here was 98%, probably all of it came true, he had ukraine in according to forecasts, this is approximately how it all happened. i always dreamed of remaining a commandant, and what does it have to do with latin america and the mausaleum. finding out that your child has autism, even if not autism, can be frightening. horror, what, what is this? be perplexed, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another
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advice, we haven’t tried a healer, in the end, you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out about it more, learn more about it, learn more about it, if you don't know yourself. and what can i say, find out more about this, well, you can tell me this, they’ve jinxed you, no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home.
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install a fire detector, safety begins with you, the russian ministry of emergency situations. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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let's start with a message from the orenburg region, which has survived. residents were evacuated , including people from the capital of the region, orenburg, and suburban villages; large waters also came there. our correspondent oksana boricheva is monitoring the situation in orenburg, she in touch. hello oksana, how is the evacuation going?


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