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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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more than 700 rescuers are helping residents of orsk leave their homes. the old city was practically isolated, the water reached the new microdistricts, and evacuation was announced for their residents. the rise in water occurred due to a new breach of the dam, the third in a row. now advertising. next, we will talk about the detention of members of youth groups in different regions of russia. the teenagers beat their victims and posted the videos themselves. in the network, see what lies behind the surge of aggression in a new investigation by eduard petrov. the real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to reach it touch, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a superkick. rubles
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app to the city. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without percent. and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw your availability for free. not child's play: in different parts of russia the rise of youth gangs began to rise, but the security forces quickly removed troubled teenagers from the streets of our cities. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio.
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look today, why are they doing this? this is a kind of trend among young people, which everyone records their actions. look.
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they carried out brutal beatings; moreover, they filmed everything that happened and then posted it on the internet. it's their business now investigators are looking into it. the situation is similar in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions. our film crew went to the indicated regions, and also visited a correctional colony for minors in the bryansk region. how operatives contact participants in youth organized crime groups, what goals do the thugs pursue. will they be able to avoid criminal punishment? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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no, no, okay, oh! videos of brutal beatings appeared on belgorod social networks in january 2024 . here are the shots: several young guys they furiously beat their opponents,
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the young man in a black jacket with a hood is especially cruel. people around him call him emil. emil! this beast seems unstoppable, emil runs to the bus stop with a swing, kicks another guy, throws snow at him, here’s another blow to the head, the unfortunate man cries and tries to cover himself with his hands, but emil got really angry. there are several teenagers nearby, one of them is filming what is happening on a mobile phone camera, amid wild hooting, young gopniks are chasing the poor man, he is a goner, he
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it was over, the next day a new video appeared in local telegram channels, but this time with the beating of a young man of arab appearance. residents of belgorod immediately understood where the events were unfolding. food court of a large shopping center. by the way, the previous battle happened a few meters from this large complex. based on the results of media monitoring , a report was registered on the discovery of signs of a crime. at that time, the persons recorded in the video recordings were not identified; a complex of verification procedures was organized activities, operational investigative measures to identify these persons. find the troublemakers.
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very quickly the identities of both the persons who caused bodily harm and the victims were established, at the same time, while working on further analysis and monitoring of the media , a number of other video blocks were identified, similar facts, but in relation to other persons, the same persons involved, and the same we are involved, who are all in between. communicates with himself, six people were detained one by one, they turned out to be residents of the belgorod region, student of the mechanical engineering college denis strikalov, engineering lyceum student yuri tatarenko, expelled from the pedagogical college denis gubin. deaf dmitry gnetiyev, as well as kickboxer dmitry lazarenko.
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in addition, a minor resident of the moscow region, amil gafurov, fell into the hands of the investigation. the young man's last name has been changed, and his face is covered with a special effect. this is the same fierce young man whom... the criminal code of the russian federation is attempted murder. investigators found that in the episode with the brutal beating of two young men, active gafurov and gubin took part. by the way, the latter had already been convicted of selling drugs. also. two more were seen on the recording: tatarenko and strikalov. employees of the investigative committee did not leave
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gofurov’s statement unnoticed. in the video, one of the participants, addressing the victim, causing him bodily harm, shouted: “come here, you russian bitch.” accordingly, the report was registered, including under article 282 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is incitement to hatred. hostility towards groups of persons based on nationality. all the detainees knew each other well, some lived next door, others went to school together. taking into account the fact that they all communicated with each other, maintained relationships, some closer, some less, but they always acted as a core, worked. just like playing sports united them, so did spending time together. as for another member of the youth group, a person with
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disabilities dmitry gnitiev, he, as the investigation established, struck an iraqi citizen, a medical student at one of the belgorod universities. and here is another episode, the beating of two men in a parking lot.
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it’s so important, the main thing is that the main ringleaders are behind bars, under investigation, and there is significant evidence of the atrocities of the raiders, video recordings of their criminal activities. which they did not themselves put into the public domain. this group recorded their criminal actions on video. subsequently, they distributed these videos on the internet in order to increase the authority of their group. that's what i wanted tell me why they did it? did they add the evidence themselves? well, why did they
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do it? this is a peculiar trend of young people who record their every action, both positive and negative. but this group chose precisely to spread all its negative qualities in order to intimidate the population and give authority to its group. we met with all the participants in the belgorod story, both the accused and the victims. the latter interested us even more. i wanted to understand what actually became the reasons brawls. first we found iraqi citizen abas nasser, he is a medical student.
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let us remind you that this is an episode where amil gafurov tried especially hard, he kicked the victims in the head, well , this young man came up to me at work and said, let’s go figure it out, we’ll talk to you about a colleague, i work with her, yes, they i was jealous of her, only there were six of them, well, actually. so you came out here, you would have been with a friend, yes, yes, and what happened next, well, we came here, met them, so i thought it would be normal conversation, as always, here, and there was already such a conversation, yes, there was already, in general, we just approached them and immediately a fight began, that is, timil began to beat you, yes, then
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nikita ruban, even if he was alive, did not go to the police, the young man claims that if he had written a statement, then all his acquaintances could have turned away from him and without nikita’s knowledge, that this is exactly what the attackers were counting on. another victim of the belgorod thugs is igor ampelogov, who works at a construction site as a welder and is a friend of nikita ruban. i followed him to work, as usual, go with him, i did this every evening when i was free after work earlier, that is, we had to meet someone, but you and not me, my friend, but me. so you came up, met, several people were already waiting for you, yes, yes, igor ampilogov is a short, frail guy, not an athlete at all, but he couldn’t leave his friend, he was just brought up that way, amil gafurov is physically well developed, he is
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a kickboxer, and at the same time the only one from the group who has not yet turned 18. that's why we have to cover his face with computer retouching. the conversation with amil took place in building of the regional department of the investigative committee in the presence of his father ilshan. come on, what kind of nonsense is this? where were you, what did you drink , who did you drink with? with friends. a friend called us, well, to some arrow, arrow, well, who appointed it, they had their own situation, we arrived, we came. just like that, just everyday, friends called to the so-called shootout,
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but why not demonstrate your fighting skills, and then endless cruelty, turning into real atrocity, look, it’s alive, yes, quietly, probably you you saw this picture, now look at it for yourself , it’s not disgusting, even your friends are trying to stop you, they are older than you, how can it be, you can stop, you know. what ’s next, listen, that’s what they looked like, come here, then you indicate the nationalities, isn’t it beautiful, i didn’t
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offend any nation, i didn’t want to offend, nevertheless, amil gafurov is fully aware of the fact that committed and what charges were brought against him, part two 105, what is it, attempted murder, what is murder, attempted murder? so and also part second 282, part two, what is this? this is national enmity, i don’t remember exactly, national enmity, the elder gafurov is trying to support his son as best he can, he says that he and amil came to celebrate the new year, stayed in his house near belgrade, then he went to moscow to work, but his son stayed behind finish off the holidays. that’s where it all happened, something happened, he’s accused there, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, no one
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accuses him of treason, i don’t know who’s writing, he’s accused, first of all, of burning ethnic hatred, he is not can his nationality say, secondly, he is accused of attempted murder, he got into a fight with a child, they always do. and here is another raider, denis gubin, lives with his grandmother, works part-time wherever he can,
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outwardly, he looks like a boy, unless he sees those terrible shots. tell me again, so clearly, what you are accused of, what i am accused of, yes, what you are accused of, attempted murder, attempted murder, yes, that i... in case, there was not even such a goal. unfortunately, denis gubin does not know the basic truths, which cannot be done under any circumstances.
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circumstances. moreover, yesterday's schoolboy is swimming in questions that even the weakest c student can do, remember the pythagorean theorem? why, i was so nervous all this time that they started giving me pills, i really repented, i really, really feel bad. all this time he’s been looking at the formula for hydrochloric acid, at least i have nothing now, i’m even thinking about it in my head. you are dmitry, right? deaf-mute fighter dmitry gnetiyev was clearly not
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happy about our meeting, but he did answer a few questions. reply to the guy i had to, we used the help of a sign language interpreter, the young man said that he had been boxing for many years, and lived on a pension paid to him by the state. as for the conflict in the shopping center, he allegedly simply stood up for the girl. the young man you beat is a student from iraq, well, i didn't know he was from iraq.
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or not, well, he’s guilty, well, he feels that he made a mistake, he has this feeling, it was impossible to resolve the conflict peacefully, it just so happened, it got stuck, it got stuck, well, you’re a boxer and you can deal with almost any person, well, i... didn’t beat him like that , let’s say in the market, or you want to apologize to an iraqi citizen, but for what you did, and you literally have to pull an apology out of gnitiev, we have no doubt, he feels no remorse.
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good, good, good, good, let’s move on to other members of the youth group, to those who were waving their fists in the video, now quieter than water, lower than the grass, you feel some kind of guilt, yes, what is your fault? the fact that he beat two people, there is emptiness in his eyes, he, by the way, just like most of the accused , he is an athlete, a kickboxer, so dealing with two tipsy men was a piece of cake for him, goodbye.
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“please forgive me for beating people there and so on, i apologize, i realized everything, i understood everything, that’s it, have a nice day, goodbye,
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the last of the detainees.”
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