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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the head of the ministry of emergency situations arrived in orsk, the city most affected by the flood in the orenburg region. alexander kurenkov will coordinate the work of rescuers on site. the region is experiencing the most powerful flood in its history, over 6.00 houses have been drowned, and household plots of 153 settlements have been cut off. large land, almost 4,500 residents were evacuated, people were being taken out, including from the capital of the region, orenburg, and suburban villages, high water also came there. in the affected areas, transport connections were limited and electricity was cut off. the day before the mayor of the city called on people to leave the disaster zone and warned those who do not want to leave their homes will be taken away by the police. on the streets where rescuers are on duty, specialists monitor the river level. the urals are within the city
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until the water reaches critical levels. the situation in orsk is becoming more complicated every hour; an emergency evacuation has been announced for residents of the new part of the city. the big water came close to the houses, the day before the old city was flooded, and now you can only get there by boat. the water continues to rise due to a new dam break, already the third in a row, more than 700 rescuers are helping around the clock.
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near boris glebsky street, from there they tried to evacuate people all day yesterday, sirens sounded in the city, everyone was warned that they urgently needed to leave their homes, of course, there were those people who refused to leave their homes, but they had to be evacuated by force together with police officers, now the sixth microdistrict of orsk, where the private sector is located. completely flooded and the water continues approach, also now people are receiving an sms message that it is necessary to evacuate from stasova street, from shchorsa street from kramatorskaya street, people are going to leave their homes to visit relatives or to points, to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers, where everything is ready for reception citizens. faith? thank you,
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our special correspondent, maria valeeva, came with the latest information from flood-stricken orsk. a criminal case was opened after a gas explosion in the city of nurlad in tatarstan. in the evening in one of the residential buildings there was a cotton, during the installation of suspended ceilings, a gas gas detonated. according to the latest reports, the fire has been completely extinguished; in tel aviv, a car drove into a crowd of protesters.
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opponent, in the first rounds the initiative was on martazaliev’s side, then the german went forward, but by the eleventh round kulkay was thoroughly tired and the russian managed to take advantage of this, he landed several accurate blows and the opponent fell. the judge defended a technical knockout. murtazaliev remains
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undefeated in the professional ring, with 22 wins. despite the sanctions in russia, there is no cargo transportation volumes fell, and passenger volumes even increased. like now. there are companies related to the transport sector, about this the new release of the program was made in russia, movement is life. now the figures are telling: according to the ministry of transport, if we compare the last year before last, the volume of passenger traffic in russia has increased, businessmen and tourists traveled across russia, the volume of freight traffic has remained almost unchanged, but logistics routes have often changed, so to speak, with an eye to the east. well, how do you feel? companies that one way or another related to the transport sector. now we will tell you. our first story.
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that's it, it would seem. wagon wagon freight, what 's so difficult about production? he bent the tank and placed it forward on its wheelsets. no, at this enterprise in saransk they have mastered innovative and aluminum alloy carts. however, now you will find out everything for yourself. the plant is already 63 years old and at first it produced equipment for khimprom, and then became a car-building plant, now it is completely
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localized. three sites, more than 100 certified cars in the line. these 100 wagons can transport up to. without any sanctions for this year, we are planning even more, well, an ambitious plan to drink 12 thousand cars, as the saying goes , oaks grow stronger in the wind, we have really grown stronger, we have become so strong,
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mobile, and, well, competitors. last year , investments in production development amounted to almost a billion rubles. for this year we already have plans for a year and a half, in terms of equipment. development, for example, a new product, a wagon for transporting nitric acid, such a dangerous cargo requires a special design, it, in principle, has based on new technology, a new aluminum alloy, new equipment, we have placed 32 orders, but by the end of the year, clients will still sign with us for somewhere in the same amount. there is a hopper for transporting aggressive cargo, an aluminum container for liquefied gas, and an innovative trolley is being tested. well, in comparison with such a cart, what is its difference? this is a 23.5 ton cart for 8,
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an ordinary one, and there is 25. behind every new product there is persistent development, testing and , of course, training of people. well, here we are right in the footsteps of the lawsuit. let's go welding, but here are the people, welders, professionals, this is how you deal with people now, how you solve the personnel problem, that is , training personnel, we are probably one of the best in the country. this is confirmed by the fact that we took second place in the mentoring competition in russia, and first place in mordovia. we have opened a factory of knowledge and skills. students are trained in eighteen professions. together with the ogorev moscow state university, we went under the federal professional program, and accordingly , on the basis of the production site , we organized, well, a production building, which helps students get a profession that is in demand. for our company, that is , as much practice as possible and, in fact,
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guaranteed employment, that is, for these professions that students are now receiving, it takes on average from three to 4 weeks, respectively, that is, based on the results of the training, an exam will be passed, assigned the second rank, and accordingly, that is, at the request of students, someone will want to get a job further, these are the programs to satisfy the personnel shortage throughout the country together. business and government , students don’t feel much difference, in fact they are transferring, they don’t have any stress, there is no such expression: teach what they give you, when you come to the enterprise, you will have to retrain, there is no such thing, this is becoming a thing of the past, this is me for you i’m telling you exactly, i personally visit these educational institutions, why because we invest budget funds there, we are responsible for federal funds and there should be a result there, they should get a job, and on a good salary, that is, they should be hired on good salaries . roads to automobiles, products for them , including for supplies abroad,
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machine tools from the saratov region. would they build a road or some kind of structure, say, in a swamp or in a rockfall zone or in the sand? previously, such an idea would have only wagged a finger at the leader. now there are technologies that allow this to be done, these technologies are from the saratov region. we came here, so to speak, with one building completely destroyed, which had to be restored, and we had to pull communications. start from scratch, what is called, and the company for 20 years, today there are
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500 people, employees, yes, these are 10 production divisions, they started with products for road construction, geomaterials, when a road surface is being built, it is necessary to separate inert materials from each other, that is, sand from crushed stone, so that they do not mix, so that consolidation does not occur and there is no failure on the road, there are now more than 200 types of products and many. replaced foreign analogues, for example, in kaliningrad they equipped the embankment with the help of saratov materials or in agriculture, grain storage sleeves turned out to be no worse than european ones. it's convenient, fast up to 300 tons, fits in one sleeve, you don't have to pay the elevator. it was in 1922 that we were the first in russia to start making it, start offering it, and start selling it. but the biological checkmate is already there. we have spread and grown an ideal lawn, for environmentally improving projects, the geomembrane
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inside is polypropylene and clay. you and i are covering and protecting the bottom of the training ground, suppose, yes, some kind of breakthrough, as soon as water gets in, the bentanite clay swells and heals, resulting in this breakthrough. for global energy development, this is the grid: we strengthen the bottom of the sea, e.g. materials for awnings and fabrics for cables are now being launched into production. it turns out that the production of oil submersible cables is not complete without geotextiles. i think that, probably, in two months this product will already be released. investments are underway in modernization. the industrial development fund helped with subsidies for the purchase of equipment, and participation. we have
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a variety of programs including, for example, programs such as repayment of the first lease payment when purchasing equipment at the expense of the subject, plus all this, preferential loans are provided for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, and here it should be said that based on the results of the twenty-third year, these are all support measures, they helped us increase the number of self-employed people in the field in the saratov region, and allowed us to increase the number of entrepreneurs, individual medium and small businesses. when is the support valid? this and new jobs, and products, and expansion of the geography of supplies. do you have export? yes, there is also export, we have always worked quite successfully in neighboring countries, well, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, azerbaijan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, transnistria even existed. yes, there is now great
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demand in the domestic market, but exports are also growing with support, in particular this. the russian export center invited enterprises to participate in exhibitions abroad for free, and this is one of the many support measures, for example, there is assistance to companies who had to rebuild routes for the delivery of goods, that is, now we have a subsidy to compensate for costs , regardless of the geography of origin of the export cargo, but we see unevenness and efficiency of the transport corridors, so... this unevenness and inefficiency will be balanced by more targeted subsidies, which will be targeted to specific logistics corridors, well, for example, yes , there are woodworking products that need to be carried there from west to east, yes, yes, an example such a subsidy was implemented last year, when a transport subsidy was given to compensate for the costs of exports from
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the north-west, which suffered the most from sanctions due to the closure of the european market. the history of cargo transportation will be picked up by an enterprise from the tyumen region; it has something to offer the market, including foreign ones. forest, pipes, gravel or even a tractor, for example, if all this needs to be moved from point a to point b, then help. equipment for transporting goods, it is developed and produced by a company from tyumen. recently , much more opportunities have opened up for us, that is
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, german manufacturers have left the market, that is, this is a completely flatbed semi-trailer. many russian suppliers, also thanks to thoughtless western sanctions, have now found work. and most importantly the suspension. until recently, the suspension was german. it has a completely russian suspension down to the bolt. axis, this is produced in mias. in general , it produces semi-trailers for transporting all over the world, for example, for equipment weighing up to 60 t and they work in any conditions, well, that is , it turns out that where some foreign delicate technology has long fallen apart, yours continues to work, well, yes, there , in principle, its foreign delicate technology never existed,
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so we continue like this in mainly supply, this is chukotka. magadan region, yakutia. demand exceeds supply. recently, we have doubled our production output , producing 480 units per year, with plans for 1. including new models, in particular, a tractor trailer is several times cheaper german it came with a test from the fields. that is, you have never produced trailers like this before. we didn't produce. this is a potato trailer for the largest.
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now is a good time for business to grow due to its supply market for new foreign times with the countries of central asia and our closest neighbors to the south for nine. there is room to grow, we understand our potential very well, i’ll give you an example,
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literally we had an export forum in december, delegations from three countries came, there was the ambassador extraordinary of the state of bangladesh, 170 million population for a minute, we know that you have oil and gas, that you have excellent nuclear technologies more...
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the fact that the demand for russian products in the middle kingdom is not just what it is, but exceeds supply, was shown by the first fair festival , made in russia. now there are new contracts, and therefore such events will continue in china itself, possibly in other countries. moreover, our companies have something to offer in the transport sector, including, here is an example from saransk. modern technology is energy-intensive, for example, passenger carriages, metro, there are a lot of air conditioners,
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chargers, screens, in order for all this to work properly, converters are needed, this one, for example, for an electric train, and this one for a new wide passenger carriage, which is yet to be produced. an electric locomotive pulls wagons with cargo, the network has alternating current, but for stable operation it needs constant current, that’s why a rectifier is needed, the main product of the enterprise, and russian railways are the largest client, in the twenty-third year we produced more there. rectifiers, here it is completely covers the needs of the russian railways, here is the plan for the twenty-fourth year, we also have about 900 9 20 rectifiers, but
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many people need such products, for example , an electric rectifier for metallurgy, thanks to it, electric furnaces cook advanced alloys, and here in this converter, we have manufactured almost everything, starting from the frame, starting from the step-down transformer. well, they end up with our fishing devices, there is still a lot of foreign equipment that will need to be changed, and competitors have been blown away from the market, demand is growing, and therefore the enterprise, which is already 83 years old and has stagnated for the last 10 years, is undergoing modernization, new products are planned, for 2023, let’s say, we have spent more than 400 million on investments, a plan for twenty the fourth there is a little more than 520.
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january of this year, accordingly , our average salary has increased there by about 40, that’s 5% over last year, by the way, the plant is essentially two enterprises that complement each other, the second one makes semiconductors devices, and this is also an export product, at one time there were exports to 42 countries around the world, korea, italy, switzerland, india, and we still have some of the contracts, in particular we... supply our devices to india for the production of metallurgical equipment accordingly. of course, it is difficult to develop supplies only on your own. last year, the russian
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export center supported. over the course of several months to a year , they learned to use them in practice, and so that they came out as ready as possible for practical activities, and we expect that this is an increase in the efficiency of education and the fastest possible adaptation of the graduate to work in his new workplace, including through employment, guaranteed employment through partnership with rsp.
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will increase efficiency will increase the speed at which an employee approaches his most efficient level, and now the next story is from tyumen, the company is also trying to develop exports to replace imports in the transport sector of russia. many trucks. buses, agricultural, special equipment, they won’t go anywhere without the products of this seal factory, clutches, which they produce here on a serious scale, more than 200,000 pieces a year, let’s see how everything works, is this where
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it is used, in particular? this is a basket, this is a basket for a gazelle, for a type of gazelle, the thing is that they are also universal, they are used in many places on gazelles, on passenger vehicles and on trucks, the company has been producing such products for 35 years, some products received a patent back in the nineties, well now in the assortment is about 12... over the past 2 years , naturally, we have been increasing production to a two-year period; our production, well, let’s say, has stagnated, because there are still foreign analogues, in particular in china. the creation of a product relies on its developers and russian components. at
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the end of the twenty-third year, we completely designed, created, tested, a complete analogue of a german-made product for the needs of a large state-owned minsk plant, in fact, it is possible to completely to replace imported products, despite china there, we manage without imported raw materials, we manage, everything is russian, development and not without solving problems, again the personnel issue. we solve this by training young staff. we have different professions, mechanics, turners, craftsmen, now there are practically no such professions, no one teaches them. another new challenge is export to unfriendly countries . well, there are supplies from the cis countries and we have to develop other markets, africa.
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of course, our center provides support to us to support exports, the most effective support measures are, of course, all kinds of preferences, subsidies for exhibitions, and so on and so forth. would support not hurt in your market, where there is strong competition with china? we need, of course, guaranteed sales. any manufacturer , in order to modernize, create something new and most importantly, is needed for any industrialist, for any production, this is long-term and cheap money, this is needed - loans, this is needed subsidies of all kinds and not for a short period, for longer because it will require creating something unique.


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