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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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the orenburg region is experiencing the most powerful flood in history. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region and personally coordinates the work of rescuers. the most difficult
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situation is now in orsk, due to a new dam break, the third in a row, the water has reached new microdistricts, our correspondent maria valieva has all the latest information, she is in direct contact, maria, greetings, how is the situation changing in orsk? yes, hello, colleagues, we are now working next to the city administration, just a minute, the meeting of the government commission will begin here, they will discuss. simple situation that is developing here in orsk, today the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov flew here, together with him on a caterpillar conveyor, we sailed, swam through the flooded streets of the city, and there was a woman on the second floor of one of the houses, she showed up, she said , what she needs urgently and...
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2 days ago it was possible to go up to the house and get something from the tv tower 2 days ago my son and i spent the night in the car, we arrived yesterday we drove up to gagarin and they didn’t let us in. there was already knee-deep water, the volumes of water were very large, but there are certain questions to which we will demand answers. alexander kurenkov talked with all the residents of orsk who are now in temporary accommodation centers; of course, they were forced to leave their homes and are very worried. alexander kurenkov stated that they will be provided with all the necessary assistance, all issues will be resolved. i came so that the state would let you down.
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we will definitely tell you, thank you, our correspondent maria valieva spoke about the situation with the spring flood in orsk. flood control is ongoing in other russian regions. in the kurgan region , protective dams are being quickly erected in areas where the tabol river overflows. the risk of flooding has increased sharply; in neighboring kazakhstan , water discharge from reservoirs has been increased 20 times. as a result , 50 settlements in the region and the capital of the region may fall into the flood zone.
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13 microdistricts, airports and dozens of nearby holiday villages are under threat; the number of flooded houses in omsk has doubled region, there are already more than fifty of them, under dozens of personal plots, the affected areas are bringing in additional equipment for pumping out water, and increasing the number of rescue teams. the area of ​​flooded areas in bashkiria is growing; per day, the number of flooded areas has more than doubled to 2.0. the situation is under special control in several areas at once. at the same time, in a number of regions the situation is returning to normal. the leash began to decline. in the altai territory , about 380 houses and 470 plots were freed from water. in the samara region per day the number flooded residential buildings decreased by a third. rescuers clear yards of debris and pump out water from basements. in the chelyabinsk region, seven settlements remain under the control of the ministry of emergency situations. within 24 hours , 12 houses and 30 plots were freed from water.
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we continue the release. vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of labor. matvienko’s presidential decree was posted on the legal information portal, the chairman of the federation council received a state award for outstanding labor services to the state and people. today at the speaker's. of the federation council , the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin congratulated valentina ivanovna on her birthday, noting her integrity, ability to defend her position and do everything to achieve a specific result, and also thanked her for her responsiveness and concern, wishing you happiness, health, prosperity and new successes. you are the most influential woman in politics, well, maybe just a little bit. she always has her own opinion, and what is very important, she is not shy, not afraid to defend her opinion, i saw my
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future, go to graduate school and teach, and my mother really wanted this, tselnavanna became the first woman to be a member of the board of the ministry of foreign affairs, vladimir vladimirovich invites me, i come to his office and he says: stop resisting, we need to go to the polls. valentina ivan failed. to return st. petersburg close to the imperial capital, of course, the federation council changed radically after her arrival, for me it is not impossible, if it is impossible, then it will simply take more time. on other topics, powerful explosions occurred the night before in ukraine, messages came from several regions of the country at once. it is known about a series of attacks in kharkov. a little earlier, the sounds of detonation were heard in odessa. the armed forces of ukraine reported that
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a fire broke out in the city, damaged administrative and technical building of the port infrastructure. the authorities of the dnepropetrovsk region, in turn , announced a disruption in the operation of the power line. explosions occurred in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. the air raid alert in ukraine was announced several times at night and the siren was heard in six regions. the nato secretary general believes that the alliance should. support for ukraine for many years to come, even after the end of the conflict, but the current military assistance does not suit the kiev regime. zelensky complain that ukraine has become hostage to the internal political struggle in the united states. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you how this affects the balance of power on the battlefield. due to decreased supplies of weapons from the west, vysu is forced to look for ammunition in swamps and minefields. as the ukrainian military admitted to the wall street journal, they are on a dangerous journey from...
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it pains me to say this, but if ukraine does not receive the help it needs, this will become a real problem for it, because we are seeing a shortage of weapons and ammunition troops, and these difficulties are very difficult to overcome if you don't have the ability to replenish supplies, i think it will become re'.
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the daily telegraph columnist assesses the west's skeptical combat readiness. according to the analyst, while russia’s military power is growing,
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the old world finds only pennies for defense needs; it is pointless for ukraine to increase military production, because every day it is becoming more and more difficult to find those who can join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. a way out must be sought on the diplomatic plane, says former german chancellor gerhard schröder. he believes that not only germany, but also france should support peace negotiations. moreover, moscow. scored 53% of the votes, his rival, the ex-head of the slovak foreign ministry, ivan korczak, who was in the lead in the first round, scored less than 47% in the second and already admitted defeat. previously, korczyk called for increased military assistance to ukraine; the elected president, on the contrary, does not support arms supplies. after the votes were honored , pellegrini reiterated that he would do everything possible to ensure that his country remained on the side of peace.
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legal topics of the past week and the investigations of our correspondents in the final episode of the program will be on duty with you, i’m andrey ivlev. one of the main news is the flood situation. the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region. on friday evening in the city of orsk, this is the east of the region, a dam broke. thousands of houses were in the flood zone, and the evacuation of residents began. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. questions may arise for officials and builders who supervised the construction and maintenance of the facility. it turned out that the state technical supervision authorities had previously identified violations in the maintenance of the vorski dam, but it seems that no one took any measures. micro. district old town is the historical part of orsk, an area of ​​almost 600 hectares, located in a lowland, with two it is surrounded by two rivers: the or, hence the name orsk, and the ural. here there
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are mainly private low-rise houses with unique architecture of the 16th century. this is where the history of the orenburg region began. a remarkable fact is that initially they tried to found orenburg in this very place, but then, just because of the high water in the spring , the capital of the region was moved to a safer distance. 41 km. later , various structures began to be built here to protect residential buildings from floods. already in recent history, the dam in the old city of orsk was handed over to operation in 2010. local authorities accepted the construction. the height of the dam is approximately 6 m, length - 12 km. in fact, this is a dirt embankment. unlike a dam, one built on a river to retain water. the main function of the dam is protective. investigators have already reported violations during construction. and maintenance of a hydraulic structure, a criminal case was initiated under articles of negligence and violation of safety rules during construction work. currently, investigators of the regional
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investigative department are conducting investigative and procedural actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. during the preliminary investigation , a legal assessment will be given to the actions of the officials responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of the specified facility. previously , state technical supervision bodies. violations were identified during the maintenance of the dam in orsk, this was reported by the prosecutor's office of the orenburg region. now the supervisory agency continues to monitor the situation. the regional prosecutor's office organized supervisory support for ongoing measures aimed at real protection of citizens' rights. in particular, i personally checked overnight temporary accommodation centers where citizens who have lost their housing are kept. forecasters warned about a big one back in winter.
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on saturday, in murmansk , a person accused of attacking the regional governor was placed under arrest; the trial was outside and took place in a hospital ward. the room was converted, as far as possible, into a courtroom. on the wall. they hung the coat of arms of russia, and set up a table covered with oilcloth for the judge. as we see, the function of the defendant’s cabin was performed by the gurney on which
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the defendant was brought. now he cannot move independently, as he was wounded during the arrest, but despite this, he was handcuffed to the bed, and a bailiff was carried nearby. my colleague, oleg posobin, observed the selection of a preventive measure. accused of attacking the governor of the murmansk region, alexander. bedanov was arrested for 2 months. typically , journalists voice such information against the backdrop of a court, rather than an emergency room. however the current meeting was held in an unusual format at the apatitsky-kirov central city hospital. the accused alexander bydanov was brought here on a gurney, he was handcuffed to the bed, covered with a sheet; during his arrest, he was wounded in the leg. obviously, he won’t run away, but the police, as expected, follow all security measures. bydanov answers questions from journalists reluctantly. well, while the investigative action is ongoing, for now i will not give any comments on how the investigative action will go, only then i will communicate.
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the accused behaves strangely, either refuses to comment, or begins to speak on his own, gets confused in his testimony, has difficulty understanding some questions, perhaps the effect of the medications is affecting him, or maybe he is simply not ready for such media attention? alexander, if given the opportunity to apologize, to apologize to the governor, will you do it? no, yes, yes, yes, of course, i did, i just didn’t hear the question the first time, a resident of the city of apatite, alexander bedanov, was detained on thursday evening near the local cultural center immediately after. attack against the governor, according to investigators, bydanov waited until andrei chibes finished his meeting with the population and stabbed him, these shots were taken a few hours after the attack, the construction workers' recreation center was uncoupled. and so an operational-investigative group is working on the spot, in front of us is a car with experts, forensics and the investigative committee, thirty meters away is the entrance to the construction workers’ recreation center, where the attack on the governor took place. forensics officers took fingerprints from the car, which was parked opposite
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the leisure centre. it belongs to bedanov, to open the door, the operatives had to break the glass; the attacker brought a crime weapon into the car, a knife, which he bought at a hardware store. before the meeting, before another, well, before this meeting for, no, not before the meeting, he was always lying in the car, well, after the purchase he was lying in the car, the head of the murmon region was quickly hospitalized, successfully operated on, the first day after the attack, the probable criminal and his zher... were in the same hospital, next to the emergency room there was a convoy car on duty in which they were transporting accused. investigative actions were taking place in the medical institution itself; investigative committee employees interviewed people who were near the governor at the time of the assassination attempt. on friday evening, the criminal case was transferred to the central office of the investigative committee of russia. its details have not yet been disclosed. the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. investigators are currently
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identifying. according to investigators, bydanov tried to deal with andrei chibis because of personal hostility; investigators will establish the exact the motive for the crime will be sent to the season after bydanov’s recovery. oleg posobin, galina khungureeva, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, lead the duty department. murmansk region. this week new figures appeared. new details in the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus. suspected accomplices of the bandits were detained in dagestan, moscow, omsk and yekaterinburg. as employees of the investigative committee and the fsb of russia were able to establish, some detainees were directly involved in recruiting accomplices, others financed the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, transferred them money to buy weapons and transport. many have already confessed
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. and weapons. to these guys who attacked the technical buildings in the city of moscow, i brought them weapons from makhachkova in order to detain these defendants in several districts of makhachkala and kaspiysk at once, the security forces had to introduce a counter-terrorist operation regime, the criminals were armed and kept an impressive arsenal, special forces took the bandits by storm , as it turned out, after the arrest, the bandits’ accomplices themselves planned to carry out a terrorist attack and conducted reconnaissance area, made an improvised explosive device and purchased weapons. immediately after the crime was committed, they planned to leave russia. the goal was to kill as many defenseless people as possible. what were they going to blow up? naberizhne kassiski. investigators obtained data from the mobile phones of the detained bandits according to information from the investigative committee of the russian federation,
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photographs and pictures. may indicate a connection between the terrorist attack and the conduct of a special military operation, that the traces of the crocus terrorist attacks lead to the ukrainian and western intelligence services, on this week, said russian security council secretary nikolai patrushev. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder were financed by ukraine, but it is known that the kiev regime is not independent. and is ruled by the anglo-saxons. according to patrushev, immediately after the terrorist attack, russia was overwhelmed by a wave of false reports about the mining of various objects. all calls came from the territory of ukraine, from where the dangerous cargo was sent to moscow. icons stuffed with explosives. they were intercepted by security forces this week. scary to imagine, how many more victims could there have been if not for the prompt response?


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