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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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here there are just gray schemes, counterfeit goods, an attempt to generate income, but at the expense of people’s health, and then, when such a liqueur appears, there are immediately social elements around it, and this is all in front of children, in the entrances of houses. the sale and production of tobacco products are limited. on april 1 , administrative liability was introduced for the production and circulation of tobacco without an appropriate license. a fine of up to 1 million rubles with confiscation of manufactured products, equipment, raw materials, this is a reasonable measure in order to somehow get away from counterfeit goods and low-quality products, smoking itself is harmful to the body, and most people need to end these bad habits, but it can also be counterfeit and no one knows what’s inside these cigarettes that we buy. therefore
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, the measures that are so tough on the one hand are, in my opinion, certainly justified. the law that was awaited in the far north came into force. now these territories will always be provided with vital goods. the basic law on the northern plant introduces three categories of cargo. first the second is, for example, food, medicine , fuel, transported in priority order. all other products were included in the third category. he acted as the single federal coordinator for the northern delivery. 57% is practically cargo for yakutia, 57%, 17% is kamchatka and 10% is chukotka, practically more than 3 million tons of cargo need to be brought in, the first, second, third categories are divided, this is very important, new ones are in effect from april 1 requirements for passing exams and issuing driver's licenses for everyone who did not pass theory or practice from three to... next
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you will be able to take the exam once in at least six months. citizens who have been punished for drunk driving will not be allowed to attend. in addition, foreigners will be required to change their driver's licenses to russian ones. the order of the procedure is specified. the first is a medical examination, because you never know there have been cases, i’m talking about foreign countries, when a medical certificate was obtained in an inappropriate manner. secondly, you need to pass a theoretical exam, and we know what we have. traffic rules are very serious rules, to which we need to prepare very seriously. the fine for air carriers for late delivery of passengers, baggage or cargo has been increased almost fourfold. from april 1 , the air carrier will pay 100 rubles for every hour of delay. but no more than 50% of the ticket price. in addition, the passenger may claim damages in excess of this fine. exceptions include circumstances beyond the control of the carrier. these measures are aimed at ensuring that... the responsibility of carriers for
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delays, in order for them to work efficiently, is asked from their subcontractors, gas stations, airports, preparatory activities to ensure that everything works accurately and on time. the law, which came into force on april 3, is designed to protect neighbors in apartment buildings from unscrupulous landlords and tenants. now it will be possible to rent out residential premises, including for a short period, only on condition. respect for the rights of legitimate interests of neighbors. important condition: daily renting of an apartment is possible only if it has meters. this will avoid a situation where the tenant the rest of the neighbors are forced to pay. on april 17 , the register of monuments to the great patriotic war will be approved, and it will become easier for municipalities on whose territory such memorials are located to care for them. it will be enough to notify local security authorities about current repairs. previously, even simple painting of the monument was preceded. complex
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approval procedure. for many years this has been a problem, especially for municipalities where , as you understand, there is no extra finance, in accordance with the law on the protection of monuments, any work carried out on cultural heritage sites requires preparation, examination, preparation of appropriate documentation and the hiring of mandatory licensed structures that can carry out such work. historical and cultural examination. russia and belarus are allies, partners, friends, this week our countries celebrated the day of unity of two peoples, this is a special holiday, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. russians and belarusians have common traditions and cultural values. the states are following the path of integration and dynamically developing trade.
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are not unshakable, i hope we will pass them on to those who replace us. in the second part of our program, see: the magical baikal resort is planned to open in siberia. inspection of gas equipment should be unhindered, and the term medical
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service will not exist; what will replace it? vladimir putin discussed with the head again. and the governor about the situation with flooding in orenburg, as well as possible flooding in the kurgan and tyumen regions, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov reported. according to his information, alexander kurenkov the report focused on information about the number of evacuated people, as well as those who were transferred to temporary accommodation centers. the president placed special emphasis on the need to forecast and take appropriate measures in the kurgan and tyumen regions, where flooding is also possible. the head of state plans to talk with the leaders of these regions by telephone. the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. the investigative committee began an investigation after
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an appeal from state duma deputies regarding the organization of terrorist attacks in russia by ukraine, usa and other western countries. based on its results, the department will make a procedural decision. after the tragedy,... also sent requests to the prosecutor general's offices of russia, the usa, germany, france and cyprus about the need for an immediate investigation and prevention of financing of acts of international terrorism. in the appendix to it, the deputies provided direct evidence about the initiators, organizers, perpetrators and sponsors of these crimes. one of the authors of the appeal, first deputy, told our program correspondents about this. chairman of the defense committee, andrey krasov. more often we see how terrorist acts are not committed by certain criminal groups, but by states using their intelligence services, which hide behind the interests of individuals or
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certain non-governmental organizations. the appeal speaks of the need to hold accountable all those involved, including at the level of the political leadership of countries. those who organized the terrorist attack, everyone involved in international terrorism, they must be punished to the fullest extent international laws. we expect that the investigative committee, the prosecutor general's office and the ministry of justice of the countries to which we have applied will conduct a proper legal assessment of the terrorist acts in which we are talking about. indicate. this week , amendments were introduced to the state duma regarding liability for participation in the activities of undesirable foreign organizations. institutions that pose a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of russia,
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the country’s defense capability or its security may be recognized as such. the maximum penalty will be up to 6 years of imprisonment. for more information on the laws passed by deputies this week, see our review. municipal authorities will be responsible for preparing for the heating season; there should be no situation where people are left in the cold without heat, vyacheslav volodin emphasized. deputies of the state duma adopted the corresponding amendments in the first reading. the law will also oblige the creation of backup heat supply systems, so that in the event of an emergency , prompt reconnection from one system to another can be ensured. we should have after this - the entry into force of the law is specific. responsible persons, we have established that the ministry of energy of the russian federation will be in charge of this entire issue and will also be responsible for this type of service for the population. the state duma drew attention to fictitious marriages of migrants.
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a bill was adopted in the first reading that will prevent foreigners from taking advantage of such transactions to obtain migration status in russia. temporary residence permit and residence permit. state-owned enterprises were allowed to take loans from non-credit organizations, including state corporations and industrial development funds. this will save you on interest. now state-owned enterprises, and these are mainly those that produce strategically important military products, cannot receive funds. corrects, i think
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that it will be possible to avoid the fact that these enterprises do not suffer without money, if the state cannot help them, they could borrow funds from some non-credit organizations in order to provide those necessary products or services that necessary for our state today. in russia they want to maintain housing savings deposits. this bill was adopted in the first reading. deposits will appear that will help you save money to buy a home. the term of the housing savings contract cannot be less than one year. the bank that forms such a deposit will be obliged to provide a mortgage loan to the citizen after he has accumulated the amount for the down payment. if a bank offers, well, let’s say, not the most favorable conditions to its depositor, then it will have the opportunity to switch to another bank. if another bank offers more favorable conditions, it will not be possible to dismiss within one year
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from the date of death of the spouse ; it will be impossible to terminate the employment contract with the widow of a deceased military veteran at the initiative of the employer, if during this time the woman has not remarried; other exceptions are provided if , for example, the organization will be liquidated , the individual entrepreneur will cease its activities, or the employee herself will grossly violate labor discipline and law.
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deadline until 2030. the tasks are large-scale,
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the chairman of the committee on ecology, natural resources and environmental protection, dmitry kobylkin, spoke about them. preserving the health of the unique system of lake baikal, banning the discharge of untreated wastewater into lake baikal, establishing requirements providing for the creation of the necessary infrastructure for the processing, neutralization, and disposal of consumer production waste, the creation of which is mandatory. dmitry kobylkin noted that the annual growth of tourists on lake baikal is 15%. last year alone, the lake was visited by more than 2 million people; the capacity of hotels and hotels in this area is designed for only 30,000 guests. this is largely why tent tourism has become the most popular type of recreation on lake baikal. the anthropogenic load on the baikal territory is increasing, the development of tourism... in this zone is not an easy task , said the head of the tourism committee, sangadzhi
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, it is important to approach its solution in a comprehensive manner - tarbaev. this is the possibility of reconstructing the housing and communal services system, this is fire safety and rural safety, that is, this is such a comprehensive a question that is necessary when solving any direction, be it tourism, be it the development of industry, be it the protection of the environmental component, one cannot help but keep this whole complex in mind. residents of apartment buildings must be provided with unhindered entry for gas workers; for refusal to allow specialists into an apartment , they can now be fined... previously, this penalty was much less, from one to two thousand rubles. deputies approved the introduction of these changes to the code of administrative offenses at a plenary meeting. about timeliness of decision-making and details of the adopted law. report by yana dobrovolskaya.
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makhachkala, a gas explosion followed by a fire in a five-story residential building. the area of ​​the fire is 600. 10 people were caught in the fire, and this is tobolsk; after a similar emergency in a house , almost 300 people had to be evacuated, three were injured. the most difficult accident occurred in balashikha near moscow. after a gas explosion , three floors of a nine-story residential building collapsed. 10 apartments were damaged, 170 people were evacuated. later, while clearing the rubble another collapse occurred. as a result of the emergency, seven people died, including. two rescuers. the investigation showed that there was a gas leak in one of the apartments, and the ventilation duct was filled with concrete. and such cases are not isolated. over the past year , about thirty accidents involving the use of gas equipment occurred in apartment buildings throughout russia. hundreds of injured and dead. among the main causes of emergency incidents is the lack of draft in
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the ventilation ducts, violations of the rules operation. to avoid a tragedy due to the condition of the equipment in... a malfunction of the system, even the slightest gas leak, the owner will not always be able to notice, which is why regular inspection of the equipment by a technician with special instruments is necessary, the condition of the fasteners is checked, the condition of the paint of the gas equipment, the availability of free access, so they are checked all joints 100% of joints are checked for gas leaks, that is , a leak detector device checks a completely gas-equipped leak. in nikolai ivanov’s apartment, when checking for deficiencies, there were no discovered, which means the family can be calm; the gas workers’ visit here is never hindered. i believe that the gas equipment in every apartment should always be checked, we admit that we always take time off from work, we allow employees to check the gas equipment, after all, this is not only our safety, but also our neighbors
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’. unfortunately , not everyone demonstrates such awareness; it is a violation.
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the bill is aimed at strengthening administrative liability for violation of rules for ensuring safe use and the maintenance of in-house gas equipment and the establishment of new administrative structures in this area. deputies emphasize that it is necessary to clearly understand when a person deliberately creates obstacles to inspections, and when not? some are simply afraid of the gas workers' visit. the bitter experience of the nineties, those stories that made noise in the nineties, in the early 2000s, uh, when outright bandits entered houses under the guise of gas workers, robbed, killed the population, carried away property. however, the authors of the initiative we are convinced that increased liability for refusing to let gas workers in is necessary to protect
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people. according to the new law, fines will also be imposed on those who evade concluding a contract for equipment maintenance. or decided to independently replace a gas stove or water heater, if this agreement was concluded, the equipment is in use, but you decided to change it and did not warn the organization about this, then there are also significant fines under the caap - this is 10,000 rubles for a citizen not 500,000 rubles for an organization. the fine is the most harmless, which may entail negligence regarding the condition of gas equipment. such owners endanger their lives and those nearby , deputies believe. the death of people is generally a huge tragedy when they happen because of such seemingly absurd accidents as a gas leak or carbon monoxide, and a huge number of people die, of course. it is necessary to pass laws in this direction that would correct this situation. the deputies supported the initiative, the document was adopted in the second and third readings. legislation in this
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area will be further improved, parliamentarians say. yana dobrovolskaya, maxim koul, sergei vergunov, anna melikyan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. this week the deadline for filing a return has come to an end. on income, expenses, property and property-related obligations for state duma deputies. parliamentarians also had to provide this information in relation to their spouses and minor children. all 448 deputies performed their duties, said the chairman of the relevant parliamentary commission, atari arzhba. information in a summarized form will be posted on the official website of the state duma. the commission will check its accuracy. until may 1 , our colleagues. if inaccuracies or any irregularities are detected, you have the right to submit these changes to the commission, they will be taken into account without
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a decision of the commission, then only after the commission considers this or another case. in accordance with the presidential decree signed in december 2022, participants in the special military operation and persons performing tasks related to it carried out in new regions. had the right not to provide declarations for security reasons, but parliamentarians did not use this right. my colleagues, the overwhelming majority, did not take advantage, because they want to be open to their voters, if they are asked these questions, they have the right to publish their own declarations on their websites. the arab world is getting even closer. a cooperation agreement was signed at okhotsk ryad. between the general confederation of trade unions consisting of ten countries and the international confederation arab professional associations, which are 17 states. the agreement takes the participants to
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a new level of international cooperation outside the cis. this is the first time such an agreement has been signed with the countries of the arab world. it is developing the current vector of cooperation with the states of the global south and east , strengthening interaction in the joint struggle for peace and democratic values. on behalf of the president
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, a bill was introduced to the state duma to abandon the term medical service. the initiative is already being discussed in russia several years, what is the essence and how the changes will affect the work of doctors and the situation of patients in an interview with our film crew , the chairman of the health protection committee podma shantaev told. why did we even talk about this, what is the fundamental difference between help? service, doctors, medical workers help provide the service in other places, maybe sometimes in a restaurant, maybe in a haircut, maybe something in a hotel complex, there it’s a service, it’s an economic component, we still help in medicine , this is besides this the use of the word service, it was laid down economically, because it was convenient to tabulate what the doctor was doing, he examined the patient, one position, he... carried out an additional manipulation, the next service, he asked for a blood test, this is a different thing, that’s each the position was called a service, it was so convenient in a word in the russian language,
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but however, this radically changed law enforcement, for some reason some security officials regarded the word service in this iteration, and in this aspect with the service that is indicated in article 238, which generally talks about the provision of services of inadequate safety quality...
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to count on the protection of one’s rights in case of emergency situations, in the case of real legal protection from the point of view of the doctor, but we are talking about the fact that this law will affect patients , will the decision affect their status, that is, the patient may still not affect the community, because medical criminal articles, administrative articles, they remain in the same volumes, and this bill that we propose will raise it a little, including including legal status and emotional
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status. doctor in the family, in society, but will not affect the rights of our patients in any way, because all medicine is about the patient and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on the air.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future for the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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now there are several urgent messages that just arrived, vladimir putin spoke by phone with the governors of the tyumen and kurgan regions, according to the press secretary of the head of state. peskov with the governor of the tyumen region alexander moor and the governor of the kurgan region vadim shumkov, the president discussed the development of the situation in the context of the expected sharp increase in water levels. well, here’s another urgent message: the president drew attention to the inevitability of flooding due to an abnormal increase in water levels in the kurgan and tyumen regions. in connection with...


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