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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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now there are several urgent messages that have just arrived; vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the governors of the tyumen and kurgan regions. and, as press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov said with the governor of the tyumen region alexander moor and the governor of the kurgan region vadim shumkov, the president discussed the development of the situation in the context of the expected sharp increase in water levels. but here is another urgent message, the president drew attention to the inevitability of flooding due to an abnormal increase in water levels in the kurgan and tyumen regions, caused by a forced increase in water discharge at hydraulic structures.
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is gaining strength in russia, can change very quickly, response forces must be in a state of constant readiness, the peak of the flood in the orenburg region is expected by april 10. our correspondent maria valieva will talk about the situation in the region; she is in direct contact. maria, greetings, what is the situation at this moment? yes, roman, greetings, we are now working in orsk, the water continues to remain, the entire gagarin square and a number of streets were flooded here due to a breakthrough. the dam that happened last night, another microdistrict went under water, today the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, arrived in the city, straight from the airport he headed straight here, to gagarin square, a detour was made around the flooded streets on a caterpillar conveyor, and during this detour she was saved a woman, she was on the third floor of a flooded house, she could not go out on her own as a rescuer...
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for a week, here they are sitting, these people, right now in the windows, what will they eat, eat, they will have to bring food to everyone, after inspecting the flooded part of the city, alexander kurenkov today visited temporary accommodation centers and talked to the people who are there now, i came so that the state would support you, and not only the state, well, accordingly, the region too, okay, the situation , well, it’s clear that...
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at the moment the situation is critical, today a meeting of the government commission was held in the city administration building, alexander kurenkov gave a number of orders, namely reconnaissance. additionally i ask you to organize work in the following areas: first: it is necessary to ensure that the population is informed about existing support measures, including the possibility of receiving social benefits and introducing mortgage holidays. secondly, it is important that when calling the hotline , citizens can receive answers to any questions related to the emergency, payments, and restoration of documents.
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the situation at the moment is an emergency, such a difficult situation has developed for the first time in decades, it will not be easy within over the next few days, all residents are advised to use only bottled boiled water. maria, thank you, our correspondent, maria valieva, spoke about the situation in... orsk, which suffered from the flood. the flood wave will reach orenburg. today tomorrow. its peak is expected by april 10. this data is provided by roshydromed. how is the regional capital preparing for flooding? report by oksana boricheva. the flood situation in orenburg continues to be tense.
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the weather also makes its own adjustments. all night in the regional center it was raining. it continues periodically throughout the day. and according to forecasts, it is unclear when the precipitation will end. in orenburg and its suburbs , 1,700 were flooded. 84 plots, 1,347 households, 428 people were evacuated, 27 of them children, the embankment of the urals was flooded, traffic here was completely blocked, there were trees in the water, a children's railway, playgrounds for safety, the embankment was blocked on friday , because people, even at night, continue to drive up to the embankment in order to personally assess the water level in the urals. residents of orenburg districts who got into a flood zone and continue to evacuate, no exception. village of dubovy plyos. the water came here at night, suddenly, abruptly, people are being evacuated, rescuers are helping them, of course, volunteers, the police, and in some places the evacuation is also forced, because it is clear that not all people are ready to leave their homes, they hope to wait out the disaster. at home, but rescuers warn about
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the consequences of such a decision. i will add that in the villages from which people were evacuated, isolated cases of looting have already been recorded; the police literally caught them by the hand. here one such criminal, who is trying to profit from someone else’s misfortune, stole property from other people’s plots. evacuated people go either to friends or relatives who do not have such an opportunity, they are placed in temporary accommodation centers, there are two of them in orenburg, there is everything necessary to wait out the disaster, to calm down, volunteers work in temporary accommodation centers around the clock , they are ready to provide any assistance to the victims; part of the uralsk street is now in the water. she located literally a 10-minute walk from the main central street of the city of orenburg from chkalovo street, a rescuer worked all night on uralskaya, they created an artificial embankment in order to stop the water, the water is approaching high-rise buildings, but
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has not yet reached them, the situation is exactly this area is relatively stable. by the way, there is good news: people began to return to the village of krasnokhol, and the water here gradually began to flow. decline, absolutely all specialists who are now working to eliminate the consequences of this flood, which are now giving us comments, they are unanimous in the opinion that such a flood has not happened in the entire history of observations in the orenburg region, of course, people will not be left alone with this disaster, the head of the region ordered to increase all payments to victims by two times, people will receive 20,000 rubles at a time and in case of damage from 50 to 100,000 rubles. also. a hotline has also been launched, residents of the region can find out any information about the flood around the clock by calling the short number 122, the regional authorities also ask not to believe fake information that is distributed on social networks, and focus on
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reliable sources of information or clarify all questions by calling the short number 122. oksana boricheva, conduct orenburg region. preventative evacuation has begun. in four settlements of the kurgan region, according to the regional government, a total of about 60 settlements were in the zone of possible flooding . the risk of flooding has increased due to the fact that the neighboring kastonai region of kazakhstan has increased water discharges by 20 times. reservoirs. in addition, rivers in the region are still covered with ice. in kurgan , additional work is underway to strengthen the dam. to date, the necessary reserves of soil have been made for backfilling where gaps have formed. according to the director of the regional road management and... construction department, the dam has been fully examined and tested.
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of the necessary measures to protect law and order, as well as the property of citizens in areas that have already entered the flooding zone in which the beginning flooding is expected over the next few days, we are talking about the kurgan and tyumen regions. russian troops took more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction and improved the tactical situation in the south donetsk direction. this was reported in mina. in the vdeevsky direction , units of the center group of troops improved the position along the front line and repelled 11 enemy counterattacks. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the center group of troops defeated the enemy and improved the situation along the front line. reflected 11 counterattacks of assault groups of the twenty-fourth, 47th, 115th mechanized 59th motorized infantry, twenty-fifth airborne brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of settlements of pervomaisk. krasnohorivka, berdychi, thin, vodyanoye, novokalinovo and novobakhmutovka of the donetsk
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people's republic. the enemy lost up to 375 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, three armored combat vehicles, 11 vehicles, a us-made 155mm m-777 howitzer and a 122mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount. ukrainian troops shelled donetsk, gorlovka and makeevka, this is reported. representatives of the dpr in donetsk came under fire in the petrovsky district, a local resident was wounded there, the night before they shelled the budenovsky district, nine people were wounded there, including two children. with details from donetsk. shinkarenko, broken glass, destroyed walls, mangled fence. the residents of this house moved from the frontline region of donetsk to tolova six months ago, but trouble overtook them here too. one of the rooms is destroyed, the wall fell right into the house. it was only by miracle that none of the owners were seriously injured. the shelling began around 8 pm, the whole family was gathered.
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the extent of the damage is now being assessed. don't give up and start repairing. the ukrainian missile also damaged neighbors' houses. one of the rockets exploded and in the courtyard of an apartment building, a burnt-out car, the glazing was damaged. the armed formations of ukraine struck on the eve of the orthodox holiday of the annunciation, once again confirming that they have nothing sacred left. it was so loud that we
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jumped up in the kitchen, right here on this side, this is my entrance, this one right like that. this is a nightmare, a nightmare, we have never heard such a sound before, that it exploded so loudly, your windows at home are intact, then yes , intact, intact, this is thanks to this wall, probably this one, and it would have been like that, if with the other side took off, utility services began to eliminate the consequences of the strike, employees of the investigative committee of russia are working at the sites of the shelling, they collected fragments of enemy shells and determined the type. weapons, during the inspection it was established that that private and multi-apartment residential buildings in the residential area of ​​the district were damaged, the enemy fired at the residential area of ​​the area, where civilians live and there is virtually no weapons or military equipment, uh, in addition, during the inspection, fragments were found, presumably rszzo vampire, as a result shelling of the budenovsky district,
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nine people were injured of varying degrees of severity, all of them received medical assistance, a 60-year-old woman, in moderate condition , is currently hospitalized in our department, a man after treatment first aid was evacuated to a specialized medical institution and another man, who received medical assistance, was sent for outpatient treatment. in total, over the past 24 hours , 11 people were injured from shelling in the donetsk people's republic; ukrainian militants also attacked kuibyshev.
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due to the decrease in arms supplies from the west, the armed forces of ukraine are forced to look for ammunition in swamps and minefields, as the ukrainian military publication wall street journal admitted, they are sent on a dangerous journey commanders, more and more often lately. the shortage of ammunition is so severe that unexploded shells have become an important asset for some units. it pains me to say this, but if ukraine does not receive the help that it needs, this will become a real problem for it, because we are seeing a shortage of weapons, ammunition, troops, and these difficulties are very difficult to overcome if you do not have opportunities to replenish supplies, i think this will be a decisive factor this year. zelensky’s option of action is one worse than the other, notes the washington post. according to her , both in kiev and in the west, they are sure that the ukrainian elite is driven into a corner. aid
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from the main sponsor of the united states has been suspended, the f-16 fighters, if delivered, then...
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may have similar characteristics to the ukrainian one, the ability to make these systems work together is a significant advantage for russia, and i am not sure that even nato can achieve this kind of coordination of its systems of weapons and troops, turning them into a single armed system. the west is even more skeptical about its combat readiness columnist for the daily or telegraph, he claims that europe is not able to rearm even itself, not to mention ukraine, according to the analyst. “while russia’s military power is growing, the old world finds only pennies for defense needs, increasing military production for ukraine is pointless, because every day it is becoming more and more
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difficult to find those who can join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the way out must be sought in the diplomatic plane,” the former chancellor is sure germany gerhard schroeder. he believes that not only germany, but also france should advocate peaceful negotiations, especially since moscow, according to the politician, is also interested in this. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. presidential elections in slovakia ended, petr pelligrini became the head of state, the candidate from the ruling glass party won 53% of the votes. his rival, the ex-head of the slovak ministry of foreign affairs, ivan korcik, who was in the lead at the end of the first round, scored less than 47% in the second and already admitted defeat. previously, korczyk called for increased military assistance to ukraine; the elected president , on the contrary, does not support arms supplies. after the votes were counted, pilligrini again stated, do everything possible to... his country remains on the side of peace. in his opinion, it is necessary to stop the loss of life as soon as possible, and then negotiate. he even suggested bratislava as a platform for contacts between experts from the conflicting parties.
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in addition, pilligrini said that he would look for ways to communicate with russia. earlier , the politician stated that he would not allow the slovak military to be sent to ukraine if he won. vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of labor to valentina matvienko. the presidential decree is posted on the portal. legal information, chairman the federation council was awarded a state award for outstanding labor services to the state and people. today, speaker of the federation council valentina ivanovna’s birthday was congratulated by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, noting her integrity, ability to defend a position and do everything to achieve a specific result, and also thanked her for her responsiveness and concern, wishing her happiness, health, prosperity and new successes . you are the best. well, maybe just a little bit, she always has her own
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opinion, and what is very important, she is not shy, not afraid to defend her opinion, i saw my future, go to graduate school and teach, and my mother really wanted this, navanna became the first woman, a member of the board of the ministry of foreign affairs, invites vladimir vladimirovich, i ... the russian orthodox church today celebrates the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary. on this day, believers remember the event described in the gospel of luke, when
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the archangel gabriel appeared to the virgin mary and announced that she would give birth to a son, the savior of the world. in russia, there has long been a custom of releasing birds on this holiday, which symbolizes the holy spirit descending on the virgin mary. today in the capital such a ceremony was held by patriarch kirill of moscow russia. the birds were released at the walls.' in social networks. pictures and videos are posted in popular ones.
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we will now return to the flood situation in the orenburg region. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, to monitor compliance with law and order in flood zones. earlier, the head of state heard a report by telephone from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, which is located in the zone of large-scale flooding in the orenburg region and the head. region of denis pasler. then putin spoke with the leaders of the kurugan and tyumen regions and instructed people to explain the inevitability of a natural disaster and the need to evacuate in advance due to floods. preventive evacuation has already begun in ten settlements of the kurgan region. in total, about 60 settlements were in the zone of possible flooding. in kurgan , additional work is underway to strengthen the dam. emergency situations in the orenburg region were assigned federal the orsky oil refinery temporarily
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suspended its status due to the flood. work, all schools were transferred to distance learning, more than 400 people were relocated to temporary accommodation centers due to a dam breach. from a garage development to a modern company, how the national defense industry is developing, the assistance to the army from the so -called military startups is also noted by the highest military. management, small medium-sized businesses often cope faster than departmental enterprises with the challenges that ordinary soldiers face today advanced. after the commercial, watch daria gonieva's report. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that
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