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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

2:30 pm
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pyudrons cope with this perfectly. if in the first year of isvo garage developers were reluctant to talk about their activities, civilians by law cannot make military equipment, then now they are coming out of the shadows. their assistance to the army is also noted by the senior military leadership. small medium-sized businesses are often faster than departmental enterprises with their regulations in coping with the challenges that ordinary fighters on the front line face today, such as setting up a continuous conveyor belt for the production of fpv drones or radio-electronic equipment. struggle, this is actually very good, since many products that are made in garages are quite effective and a lot of products are needed, each has its own market, and like artisanal workshops enthusiasts grow into modern companies that daily increase their capacity to win. the engines are forgetting.
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the man with the call sign hubert has 10 months in the northern military district zone and hundreds of hours of flight time. he was a uav operator, worked in the bakhmut direction, bakhmut. there were a lot of problems with the chinese equipment that was sent to us. her opponent very quickly discovered and extinguished the signal. problems arose with this very often, directly, well, as an operator, there were also problems with the lack of remote antennas for these products, and so endangered the operator himself, it was these problems that forced enthusiasts to develop their own drone, you know, i just sincerely want to help the guys, so that they return home alive... families,
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so that this ends as soon as possible, the algorithm is, in general, initially we have guys, yes, here are ours, our daredevils, they go to the siberian federal district zone, and there with the units, they collect information from them, that is, some wishes, how this is all applied, in general, then they test it all, there same in the zone sfoda, in some. the engineers from this small laboratory have been working on unmanned vehicles for about 3 years, they started for purely civilian purposes, but when the svo began, they threw all their efforts into developing a new model, which took into account all the wishes of the fighters, unlike many products, we achieved this that it can be raised in very windy weather, with gusts of wind. he didn’t
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turn over, he was stable in position, he wasn’t displaced anywhere. light rain, we also carried out tests, flew the device, nothing happened to it, it flew successfully returned to its destination, the quadcopter is equipped with a digital camera and a thermal imager, it can work at night, it is positioned as an attack and reconnaissance device, there is a mount for ammunition, well, the line includes aircraft-type drones and reps, a water drone is being tested, and has also already proven itself successfully. a platform for evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition, its load capacity is 200 kg, operating time without recharging is 4 hours, each wheel has its own motors, which ensures its continued operation if the track breaks, in the middle we have a loading platform,
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you can also attach a trolley to the back, if there is a need for additional loading for transportation, respectively, and... third fighters here we can install an additional weapon of some kind, use it as a traveling weapon, that is, we can go on tour put. among the products and electronic warfare laboratories, this installation is capable of jamming the signal of enemy drones within a radius of one and a half kilometers. in fact, our niche of drones in russia is not so well developed, therefore, it cannot be said that there are ready-made specialists. which you just take them and they do something, there are guys who are not generally interested in this topic, and they have a certain desire and perseverance to overcome some difficulties, that’s why
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the guys in general are engineers, and there are guys from my, yes, this moscow institute of astronomical engineering and festeh and moscow state university, a developer who introduced himself as nikolai, a student from... well, it seems to me that it is my civic duty to help my country, homeland and people who they give their lives for us, we often have to miss classes because we don’t have time to do everything, we often work at night, but like our grandfathers and great-grandfathers once upon a time... thousands of people are not needed like that to increase more than 130 units per day, but at the forefront of production capacity, a garage workshop should become an enterprise, recruit a staff of highly qualified specialists and pay them salaries, we are talking about the phenomenon of military
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startups. fpv drone with the voiced name ghoul destroyed boats with landing forces on... leopards, also swedish, swedish then we can boast of several copies of leopards (strg-122), many different lightly armored vehicles, the development team was assembled by the administrator of the telegram channel...
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me one fine day, when i came to basic military training, to a course, and my comrades raised the topic fp drones, i volunteered with the words that i can help, i have experience, i understand, take me, i’m ready to work for free, well, as i expected, it would already be a ready-made, well, not exactly a workshop, although office, but as it turned out, in fact, we came... to a small nook where , roughly speaking, they began to build production from the very beginning. a person from the team with the call sign huda is a railway engineer by training , he worked in russian railways, as well as in the production of batteries, there he gained technical experience with electronics, so he quickly mastered the assembly of drones, this is how
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to start a full cycle production from scratch, the team had to learn, invested their own funds, tried to attract business, at some stage the state began to help the developers, but so far they admit this... help is not enough, there were many different proposals for cooperation with large companies, our russian giants, but... they all risk ending in what we are conditionally told to do this and do so much, they will drive us into the framework, now we roughly speaking, we are free to do what we want and what we think is right, we really like it so far, as long as everything suits us, we have a direct connection with the units, that is, the fighters write to us, we write that they are dropping videos anyway, what was it, what could it be problem, after that we brainstorm how... the problem can be solved and we make changes as quickly as possible, that is, we have from planning changes
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to implementation in one day, that is, we thought what could be done better, how to do it better, the next day we already do this in a series, in large holdings, when all sorts of standards and guest standards are already in place, unfortunately, this cannot be done there, it is precisely this flexibility, mobility, the ability to literally respond to a request the next day with advanced. something that gives the people's defense industry an advantage. in a situation where you need to constantly increase your technical superiority over your opponent, there is no time for tenders or licensing. everything that works should go straight into battle. at the same time as drones, electronic warfare systems against enemy drones are being improved. here we present a portable jamming system from fpvidrons - this is a portable version. and an option for transport, for armored vehicles, these devices provide
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protection against fpv drones, the most serious threat today at the front. a seven-kilogram backpack with antennas is a portable triton system that jams the uav signal on approach. unlike, for example, a gun, we work purposefully, seeing a drone or being guided by equipment that detects a drone in a certain azimoth, this is our dome protection, because. and to protect an object, a person, armored vehicles, that is, we form a dome to protect a certain radius there, and thus a drone that gets into this dome, it loses control and falls, radiation of any kind equipment, it emits, that is, it is initially not useful if you are nearby. are located or are using in the near zone, but initially this is a system for carrying
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the installation, that is, it needs to go a certain distance, install, turn on and for it to work to ensure that it can be installed for quick installation on a car, that is, attached, you need to quickly leave, turn on let's go, that is, this is a multifunctional solution for an infantryman car, but still for a car like this or an armored vehicle. option specially made with magnets , the ppsh laboratory is an industry heavyweight that has been developing and producing means of protecting information and countering foreign technical intelligence for more than 30 years, such as pmin generators for protection against leakage through pminin channels, vibroacoustic protection, cellular blockers , in principle from cellular blockers and let's go with the generators that we use to block drones, that is , this is such a new direction. this alarm indicates that the drone is already in
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area 200-300 m from you, and maybe 100 m, i see it, with the beginning of the air strike , not only such massive means of suppressing drones have become relevant, but also pocket radio frequency analyzers, essentially personal protective equipment for a fighter, which warn in advance about the approach drone. today we...
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from my life experience, from the experience of a leader, well, i realized that this is a key story, that no matter how the drone looks, it will be round, square, triangular, it will fly, swim, crawl or something else do, at that stage he will do it in clear frequency range and... identified all the developers, all the groups, well , practically, i think i was able to grab 90 percent, the task was to create a device as cheap and effective as possible, the cost of the detector is only 10 thousand rubles, it is capable of warning about drones in 2 km, this product works in passive mode, it does not unmask positions, does not emit
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anything into the air, press the button, hold it for a few seconds, it turns on and it immediately. also begins to analyze, let's say, the surrounding situation on the air, bluetooth sees, bluetooth sees, wi-fi sees, but we can bypass these signals, well, in general , what is the chronology, but usually the fighters also have there on site, somewhere a wi-fi bridge, somewhere their own sources signals are friendly, in general the device turned on, and it scanned the surrounding... environment, let’s say, identified existing signals in the observed ranges, then the person switches to one mode, remembering that in this range such a situation went into another, in principle , that’s it, then he just needs to select a mode
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alarm, which he needs for the current situation, either it is without sound, or it has vibration... it just starts buzzing like a telephone, or it will be, well, a beeper, before the new year we have already shipped about thousands of products there, now we are completing the shipment of a large one batches, we have established serial production, this is roughly what is happening, a new signal has appeared, that is, let’s say a person has passed through with bluetooth or some equipment has been turned on somewhere, the yurka device was named in honor of yuri gagarin, because drones today are like on...
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and we understand that there, too, there are certain requirements for products that the ministry of defense is ready to accept, well, for purchases, deliveries, in order to jointly solve the tasks assigned to the state , entrepreneurs have established an association of developers of promising systems pep and rep. and the state has now essentially created a big tree, a strong, strong oak, which fulfills its tasks. and we, through our association , want to become that addition that will allow this organism to quickly adapt to the situation, because large enterprises they spend a lot of time on the same approval for changes to something, we are small, then these are the developers, such garage workers, we quickly make decisions, we are ready to take these risks ourselves, we want to help
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the state, in this. russia is one of the recognized world leaders in the production of electronic warfare equipment, but... that is, i am engaged in the construction of wooden houses, in parallel with this , an episode arose when i saw a report by andrei felatov, this is journalist artie, when he was waiting for a quadcopter that was above him stuck, i wrote to him that why not use a net launcher for this purpose, he
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said that, well, there is a question, do these net launchers even exist? i was sure that the device for a quadcopter that shoots a net has been in mass production for a long time, but i was surprised to discover that this was not the case. then, together with his wife and brother, he began to design his product. the difficulty would lie primarily in the weight. now, at the moment, it weighs 430 g when equipped. this is a good indicator. this is a reusable story. asked for a net thrower, andrey admits he was away for a long time, but this winter everything changed. but i can assume that this is the appearance. on the part of our opponents, the hexocopters, which are controlled there via starlink using gps beacons, that is, they are not jammed by the reb, they... in principle , there is no control over the radio channel, that is, it completes its flight mission and returns. andrey has already sent troops several dozen of his sitcoms.
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military guys came to me and i honestly told them that something was not ready yet, something else, well, essentially this is a raw product, i have no practice in applying any solutions for this product, but apparently it was so necessary to provide this that the guys are ready. were to take it in the form as it is now, the guys themselves, some of them send me instructions on how to use it correctly, because most likely even they will teach me something than i will tell them how to do it correctly. the latest developments of garage kulibins are monitored by large companies of the russian military-industrial complex, startups are invited to a meeting and offered support. over the past 2 years, it has become clear that it is much more effective to solve common problems for the country together.
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2:56 pm
ahead that's all. everything will be different, moscow, moscow, where are the flying machines, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a hungry man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it’s like to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why, we will act. here now we will change the present in the name of our common past, which the future is like all your parents and personal path and 13 galaxies of all 100 years ago, delicious, very, because it is made with any, soon, investment rating, economics, through specific history we can reach people,
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and now let's return to the situation with the flood in orenburg region. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, to monitor compliance with law and order in flood zones. earlier, the head of state heard a report by telephone from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governors of the regions who found themselves at the epicenter of the disaster. more than 60 settlements may fall into the flood zone in the kurgan region. preventive evacuations
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have already begun in ten of them. in kurgan itself , additional work is underway to strengthen the dam. the bridge over the tabol river will be closed. residents of gardens near the dam will also be evacuated in advance. the most difficult flood situation remains in the orenburg region. the emergency situation in the region has been given federal status. due to the flood, the orsk oil refinery temporarily suspended operations. water has reached the railway tracks in orsk, but there is no threat to train traffic yet. more than 4,000 people have been relocated to temporary accommodation centers. the peak of the flood is expected on april 10. the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova held an operational meeting on water treatment issues in the orenburg region. she noted the importance of careful monitoring of drinking water quality. the ministry of emergency situations and local authorities ask residents in disaster areas to use only bottled or boiled water.


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