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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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the dam will also provide advance evacuations. the most difficult flood situation remains in the orenburg region. the emergency situation in the region has been given federal status. due to the flood, the orsk oil refinery temporarily suspended operations. water has reached the railway tracks in orsk, but there is no threat to train traffic yet. more than 4. were relocated to temporary accommodation centers. the peak of the flood is expected on april 10. the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova held an operational meeting on water treatment issues in the orenburg region. she noted the importance of careful monitoring quality of drinking water, the ministry of emergency situations and local authorities ask residents in disaster areas to use only bottled or boiled water. now there is a short advertisement, and
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then watch the new episode of the besagon program. nikita mikhalkov proposes to talk about the directors and perpetrators of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account for any purchase. get another one as a gift, not just profitable, alpha profitable! hair lacks vitality. gliskur - exceptional moisturizing, fills hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors, try gliskur, an exceptional moisturizer. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. you take out credit cards and transfer debts to the back.
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i will report to you our previous program on channel russia 1, on channel russia 24, on ruble, on telegram channel, on the website, on other platforms, a total of about 12 million people watched, so we are, as it were, how to say, so far, god willing, we are not losing our viewer. of course, our program today will begin with this terrible event that happened on 22 march in the kroku concert hall.
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this is not the final figure, because many are still in hospitals in very serious condition. i will say right away that the scale of this person and more than 550 suffered. i think that the tragedy put it on a par with the tragedy in budenovsk in 1995, with the tragedy in dubrovki in 2002, with beslan in 2004. that is, this is a tragedy in which there is no justification: children died, women died, civilians died , our citizens died, you all saw how many flowers, people brought
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soft toys, photographs to the scene of the tragedy victims, during this entire tragedy , a huge number of people immediately responded, broke into the crocus building, stayed there for 18 minutes, managed to shoot a huge number of people and set the building on fire. then, apparently, having mixed with the panicking people, having managed to throw off their ammunition, they again
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got into this renault, and drove off in the same way. they drove almost 300 km towards the ukrainian border, where they were stopped and caught. of course, the main question, as it was, remains the same, is who the customer is, who needed it. literally in a few hours after what happened, john kirby, coordinator of strategic communications at the us security council, says the following. listen. about the attacks in moscow. i know you're still gathering information, but if you have any... an idea of ​​whether this could even be related to the conflict in ukraine. at this point there is no indication that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in this shooting, but again, this just happened, we are still looking into it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connections with ukraine. that is, instantly, right away.
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the first thing that is being done is to remove suspicion from ukraine, and look at how quickly. remember, just recently we talked about navalny in our program, in a few minutes. after navalny’s death, people all over the world began to express condolences and accuse russia and putin of killing oppositionists. pretty much the same. happened here too, a few hours later the perpetrators were found, moreover, this happened in a country where they still cannot find those who were guilty of the bombing nord stream 2, this is unknown, moreover, it is still in question who killed kennedy, a lot of questions in the country are not resolved, this one was resolved immediately, after john kirby, around... midnight, when the criminals had not yet been caught and the agent
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channel rain shows a screenshot from an account allegedly associated with isis, which is banned in russia, and reports that isis took responsibility for the terrorist attack in moscow. very soon it turns out that this is a fake and the doge tv channel is forced to admit it. then this, sorry, was a mistake, this is a fake. after after doch published this fake message, it was instantly picked up by radio liberty. and instantly, it spreads like a fan across all western media. this is raytons, and franz-24, and wall street giorno, and shegel and others, and kutrov, almost all the media of the western world. accuse isis of committing a crime, let me remind you that apart from the fake
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that was thrown out in the rain, at this moment there is no evidence that isis did this, besides, those people who know a little about how martyrs act, they know that this another system, this and another method, these the footage was filmed by the terrorists themselves in the ring... of the concert hall. after the mass shooting of spectators, a group of four people heads towards the exit towards the parking lot. they want to leave the crime scene as quickly as possible. radicalists from isis would hardly do this; this is completely unusual behavior for them. compare this with footage from kandahar in afghanistan: a suicide bomber from the isis group blows himself up in the passage of a shopping center leading to a crowded square. eight dead and 20 wounded, typical.
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islamists and gilas have a fundamentally different attitude to your own life. popular american blogger jack pasabetz noted: the radicals of the islamic state never leave the scene of the attack. these are suicide bombers who do not think about whether the special services will catch up with them or not, and even more so they do not shake like a leaf after being detained. isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack; they usually want to become martyrs. none of the kropus shooters had a suicide belt. some world media, including the united states, drew attention to this. american channel presenter daniel davis, deep dayf recalled two more important nuances: isis religious fanatics never hide their faces in videos during attacks, and they also do not kill for money. for them, killing people is exclusively religious. no, this is just pure murder of unarmed,
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innocent people, this doesn’t look like egil. thank god, our president had the courage and patience not to speak out immediately after this happened, but to bide his time and wait until these four perpetrators were captured and appeared. actions, then at present we can say the following: all four direct, executive terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, were found and... detained, they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, for
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them with the ukrainian side prepared a window for crossing the state border, a total of 11 people were detained, the federal security service of russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who provided them... transport, planned escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches with weapons and ammunition. and finally, the next morning is public. has the opportunity to find out and see those who committed this crime. these are citizens of tajikistan, muhammadasabir fayzov, shamsuddin fariduni, saidaracha balizada and dalerjon mirzoev. the leader was fariduni shamsuddin. two of
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them, nihadada and fariduni, were recently in turkey and... on march 2, they returned to russia; moreover, on march 7, fariduni even appeared in the rock city hall, he was accidentally photographed by a photographer who he was filming something there, well, probably, as one can assume, he was studying the situation, entrances, exits, movements, safe places, and so on and so forth, as they claim, they received the task in a telegram channel, and they don’t care... they promised 500,000 rubles for carrying out this atrocity. having paid an advance of 250, and note, not 500,000 to everyone, but 500,000 rubles. for everyone. yes, then it became known that large sums in cryptocurrency were transferred to them, moreover, from ukraine, which kerbin so excused. as it later became known
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that all four were under the strong influence drugs. special military drugs that take away fear, that aggravate the reaction, that is, by and large, these were killer robots, this can justify their action, no, let's go further, and a day later, on march 24, videos appear on the internet, as if from the first person , from... from those who killed people, moreover, they appear on isis resources. notice how people who are already wounded, or maybe already killed, covered in blood, lying on the floor, are cut with knives, but why isis? but because this is something so abstract for the world community
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evil, isis. if the united states is the first to support the idea.
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islamic state of iraq. its leader was abu-umar al-baghdadi, whom the americans had recently released from an iraqi prison. in 2016. this is exactly what julian assange wrote about, who published a few, not a few 531,525 documents for 1979, which describe how the cia and the foreign affairs agencies of the united states of america
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personally participated in the creation of igim, in early 2012.
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and how is ukraine connected with international terrorism? remember our show look. in syria, to overthrow bashar-assad, the free syrian ss army received billions of dollars in military assistance from the united states, from where the muslim brothers and isis, banned in our country, emerged. and today , on the territory of syria and with the same syrian free army, brigades and detachments are being formed.
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in syria, and now he is calmly fighting in ukraine, and now i want you to look at these people, when, apparently, they recovered from anesthesia, how they behave, what is the difference between those who were there in crocus now in front of the cameras, trembling, shaking, scared, look, they said exactly who to kill, and what kind of people?
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organized, i’m not an investigator, i’m not exactly organizing what was a specialist, but i have doubts, it’s hard for me to imagine how four people, the people we saw, could do it so professionally. absolutely with impunity at that moment, besides how can it be that a huge area of ​​the roof ceiling was engulfed in flames within literally a few minutes, like this perhaps, even if there are flammable materials, i repeat, i am an amateur, but i ask this question, i get the feeling that if there are not some already made bookmarks in... different places, in the right places, which could catch fire at one and the same time at the same time, to engulf this entire building in flames, because
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a huge number of people died from carbon monoxide, burned out, i have the feeling that these four people are the menial labor of this tragedy, but there was a mechanism, very professionally organized. and in general there is a lot of strange things here, look, if they wanted to hide, well, it ’s just logical, they would change five or six cars, leaving theirs here, they wouldn’t go anywhere, they could just stay somewhere and wait a month or two until everything calmed down, no, they were released, i think that they were led in order to understand where the trail would lead, the trail led to ukraine, i... if only there was a window there that could receive them, but why do those who ordered this terrible need them alive? , a terrible
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terrorist attack? this means that we can assume that if they had not been killed here, they would have been killed there, where they were going, it is quite natural that in addition to these questions, there are others, for example, why the fire system did not work, but i repeat, i am not an investigator, i am asking the question as a person, as a citizen, as an ordinary person, why they were closed some exits, why didn’t they appear immediately, or at least after a shorter amount of time, those people who should have appeared, there are very, very many questions, immediately after the terrorist attack a lot of ... warnings arose related to what should not be blame entire nations, although it is understandable absolutely, that this was the task of those who
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committed it. blame the united states for being a terrorist state and the uk for being a terrorist state? and, by the way, if we take the track record of how democracy was implanted by the americans and the western world in general, in the balkans, say, or in asia or in latin america, i think there is no need for more detailed evidence.
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please note that united states president joe biden addresses the nation regarding the death of prisoner navalny, who, by the way, was recognized by us as both a terrorist and an extremist, so for your information, he did not say a word or a word or express his regret or condolences when more than 100 people simply died.
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before this monstrous terrorist act was committed, the creator of isis, the former president of the united states of america, barack obama, absolutely incognito, without advertising, comes to london at 10 downing street to meet with british prime minister rishi sunak, why? again, i have no evidence. but we we know how such visits are covered, it’s not a nephew who came to see his uncle, it’s not two classmates, it’s the current leader of the country and the former leader of the country, the united states and great britain, why, what are they discussing, what could be the reason for committing a terrorist attack, for me it is absolutely clear that this is a resounding
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election victory. vladimir putin, deafening, legendary, the only victory, at least in the history of new russia, of a man from whom the entire civilized world seemed to have turned its back. before march 8, the american embassy and the british embassy announced to their fellow citizens that they should be careful not to attend public events. victoria had said earlier, while in kiev, that unpleasant surprises awaited russia. putin will have surprises on the battlefield, and ukraine will achieve very great success. that is, as you can understand, this terrorist attack, in theory, should have been committed before the election of putin, but there is an assumption that at the lepso concert, which was before the election and at the shaman concert, and the security was much
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more serious than... “forgive me for this expression, which is not entirely rational, but evil forces have no nationality, no political convictions, it’s just that a spiritual front was once formed on the surface of the earth.


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