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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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no one understands, you need to love not in word and language, but in deed and truth, if you want to love drug sellers, pedophiles, rapists, all sorts of these, that means, masters of back-pack cases and mass murderers, ala chekotila, that means, or these last four , that means, tajik, i don’t know, call yourself something, but i, i, i don’t understand this humanism, the majority of the inhabitants of our country do not understand it, god’s law is determined.
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unjust tragedy, in conclusion, i think it’s appropriate for us to listen to the song that has already of course, everyone has heard, which is called living. how can you take a life, how can you turn off the light, how can you take a mother away from a child who... five years, no, no, no,
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no, no, no, no man can know. how long will he live, but he is given one choice, how to deal with this time, live, live, live, live. live, live, live,
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live, live, live, live, live, live, how to learn to live in the world. to be able to love, to be able to forgive, and to give oneself to the end, and to give oneself to the end, to live, to live, to live, how to learn to simply live?
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treasure your nobody, how can you forgive enemies, how not to cross the line, how to hold back the tears in your chest, how to see the dawn ahead. hope and believe, the past day cannot be returned, then the future life will be brought in, passed on, preserved, forgiven, our children
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will still live here. live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, i'm with you, how to learn to just live.
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just to live, it happens that the present, if it is real, finds its place many years later, and today this song sounds more timely than ever, and even though it’s lent, i don’t want to. our tradition, i just want i should add that, understanding this glass, i suggest you all remember those who died in this
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tragedy, and still drink to the victory as a result. for our victory, again the midshipman was crookedly late for our drinks, but said: we’re leaving one at a time, if... then we’re right, geologists, god willing, i’m looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting, all the best.
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vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, to monitor compliance with law and order in flood zones. earlier, the president heard a report by telephone from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, which is located in a zone of large-scale flooding in the orenburg region and the head of the region denis pasler. then putin spoke with the governors of the kurgan and tyumen regions, where the flood is moving. the president instructed to explain to people the inevitability of a natural disaster and the need to evacuate in advance. putin placed particular emphasis on the need to anticipate and take action in advance. the emergency situation in the orenburg region has been given federal status. peak high water is expected on april 10th. in orsk the most difficult situation is emerging due to the dam breaking in three areas at once. the local
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oil refinery temporarily suspended operations due to equipment flooding and the novogorodskaya electrical substation was shut down. all schools have switched to distance learning. the person is in temporary accommodation centers, the evacuation of residents whose houses are located next to the railway station has been announced, according to the ministry of health in orsk , six adults and three children were hospitalized due to the flood. the head of rospotrebnadzor called the epidemiological situation controlled in the orenburg region, the ministry of emergency situations still asks residents to use bottled or boiled water. rescue operations in the orenburg region are led by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. today he chaired a meeting of the intergovernmental commission. he noted that the flood situation can change very quickly, so all resources must be in a state of constant readiness. the minister called for special attention to be paid to information. in addition, i ask you to organize work in the following
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areas: first, it is necessary to ensure informing the population about existing support measures, including the possibility of receiving social benefits and introducing mortgage holidays. secondly, it is important that when calling the hotline , citizens can receive answers to any questions related to the emergency situation and payments. restoration of documents, placement in temporary detention centers and more. this weekend is the second anniversary of the death of intelligence officer illegal, hero of the soviet union, mikhail vasenkov. in the west he was known as juan lazar. only revealed today new details of his biography in the new film. he is the only journalist who at one time interviewed him on television, and now he has traveled along
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the routes of mikhail vosenkov in latin america, through which he later infiltrated the united states. documentary film by sergei brilev, watch immediately after the advertisement. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? yes, this is not a business at all. left, because you are doing everything wrong, continue, turn off the overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. to a free business account, alfabank, the best bank for business, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like that at the megamarket a stells bike for only 13,900. you have a uniform,
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so. another anniversary ends in southern america, as it were, but like us, dancing among latins means children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, but also the son- in-law of the hero of the day, señor juan, that’s who else is invited to perform. where exactly was this all filmed?
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“you see there behind the trees, this is the peruvian coast, lake titicaca, we look in that direction, you see, snow-covered peaks, okay, peaks, even where i’m standing, this is bolivia, and how can a russian person get lost here, but on the other hand, where does a russian person come from here, on the peruvian coast there seems to be quite a creole-creole, well, what about in a peruvian restaurant, but in moscow, let’s look through a personal file, signora juana, what a he’s still young here, yes, lieutenant, he doesn’t look like himself, from our interview with him he’s already a colonel, but when he was still
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classified, classified, you could n’t show his face, only his figure, a karateka, and why were you given the title hero advice? i don’t know, moscow is red square, along which in its latin americans are lined up, and i myself have driven them a lot, but what does latin america and the mausoleum have to do with it, and what does the mausoleum and illegal intelligence have to do with it?
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historian of management s, that is, illegal intelligence. but in the following photographs he is already so blatinized. latin hosts on cuban television who commented on the return of their illegal intelligence agents from the united states after the exchange. let's get to know
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one of them who worked among emigrants and now heads the national one. and i told myself that if i went out sick and destroyed, i lost the battle, i tried to keep myself in shape, i would say that you look better now than when you came out, thank you very much, to this our. we will return to our interlocutor in havana more than once, but for now the main character of this film is from russia. when the front headquarters
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of the svr apartment in yasnev opened a stello with the image of the most outstanding intelligence officers of the last century, then during his lifetime everyone saw him, the one who worked abroad for many decades, brilliantly avoided all counterintelligence, and was captured by the american. already only in retirement and only because of betrayal, it’s no coincidence that this t-shirt hangs here, in fact, robotic trousers, well, this is one of the variants of prison clothes, for me it arrived in russia after the exchange, and the same uniforms in the picture of the court artist from the trial in new york in 1910, however , our hero was depicted somehow not very clearly, that’s what experience means, even there he, a hero of the soviet union, managed to be the least noticeable, unfamiliar. according to the rules for reading spanish surnames, they called him then, correctly, of course, signor juan, but how did signor juan end up in peru, and
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through it to the usa, and what was his real name, vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, forty -second year, russian, moscow, bolshoy sukharovsky lane, building 7, then by registration, but he was born in the then moscow region in kuntsevo, i was simple.
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now we can move on to the stage when the choice of language, for me it was a happy moment, it was lucky that i got latin america, and accordingly, the spanish language, a language without that, completely bottomless, and in latin america, it became doubly, triply, endlessly, multivariate, such in this absolutely marvelous part of the world, a mosaic ethnic composition, on which is layered a very checkered history, both before and after colonization, again the shame of peru and bolivia. “it seems that i myself was born in latin america, i studied here, but when they brought me to the temple in the city of laja in bolivi, i disgraced myself, i asked if it was jesuit or franciscan, i look bewildered,
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of course franciscan, how do you not understand such things , where our hero had to learn this, for starters, what else did he have? foundation, i just scrolled through, out of the corner of my eye i saw knowledge of foreign languages ​​​​german with a dictionary, nothing more, this is at that time, at that time so"? and we are talking about illegal intelligence, that even his superficial knowledge of the german language was used in constructing it legends, well, as the widow told me, he passed himself off as a uruguayan of german origin, well , german came in handy, of course, he helped his adopted son with learning german , sort of, el, in his case, his cover was that he was, in quotes, a uruguayan with german with roots growing up in spain and returning to the region via peru, your service applies.
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amber dro, as for police control, anyone moves in, leaves, without presenting papers , calling themselves whatever name they want, there is no control inside at all, this is a real paradise for businessmen of our type, then look for the woman, she molded you into a latino, yes, she, she sculpted, she made you, this is a person who has a latin american character, latin american habits, a latin american look, you even look... at a woman like a latin american, what kind of person is she? you has been in the detachment for a long time, recently, in the famous soviet film, strong in spirit, about the intelligence officer nikolai kuznetsov, his relative... that’s why
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she was removed very conditionally, because after the war she continued to serve in intelligence. so, she is a spanish woman, africa dela seyraz, call sign patria in the ussr, maria pavlovna. after the war, it was introduced into uruguay, where it set up a whole conveyor belt to supply illegal immigrants with the necessary documents. a good friend of our editors, uruguayan writer raul valarino, wrote a book about her. and when we patria's great-niece was brought to uruguay from spain, raul took her to the cemetery. as you will see, the peculiarity was that patria was looking for the graves of deceased babies, for example, a girl with a full double name and a double surname, and this is exactly what is required when applying for an identity card, here is the grave of a boy, she was looking for those who died 30-40 years earlier in order to provide these real names
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to the scouts. arrived from the ussr. apparently, this is exactly how the russian misha vasenkov turned out to be almost the same age as the uruguayan juan, full name juan jose lazarofuentes, who at the same time could understandably swim in other latin american affairs, because according to legend, as a child, his parents took him from europeanized uruguay to real europe - to barcelona. but he had to remember something about uruguay, africa dela eiros, patria maria pavlovna, coached him. did she love uruguay? yes, she loved uruguay, she knew it, and we began to study all of montevideo. she says: here you are now walking down the street there on the twenty-first, what’s there there is a right, there is a left, here on this outskirts there is, but a lot of time has passed, i have forgotten many things. we are, of course, talking about that street in montevideo, which is called september 21, in general, the middle of the uruguayan microcosm, the intersection
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of september 21 on... to buy average money you have to withdraw money, since time immemorial there was a bank here, you need to know this respectful uruguayan manner, it’s a must stand in line behind each other at a good distance, before the pandemic, after, whenever, but also studying, well, when in this part of the city of montevideo they say let’s go to cinema, then i don’t mention the name of the cinema, blue, but the cinema in the area is called casablanca, that is, from the name of the film, that is, it is clear that this has existed since
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the good forties. that's how we met, now a really decent number of years ago, in my hands, maybe something like a call sign, a magazine, by the way, from montevideo and other things, america, istorianente, america, the history of one continent, well, the assumption is that he he'll just see this magazine in my hands and sit down next to me, now we'll wait for what will happen, my interest. i didn’t find a drop of uruguayan in his accent, but certainly no buzz, but he claimed that he was only born in uruguay, and then lived in countries of other dialects. it’s also interesting, towards the end of his life, when it became known that in fact he was russian, his words let go, russian began to sound in his spanish, no, not even an accent, but...
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he looks quite like a latin, no, no, doesn't look like, oh well, he looks like a latino from the south, a uruguayan, an argentinean, a chelean, and you don't doubted that spanish was his native language, that he was one of you, well, he didn’t sound like a man of skill, well, yes, like a peruvian, he sounded like a foreigner, but like a native spanish-speaking, spanish-speaking, your people from this profession call:


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